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Exclusive - DG ISPR takes Journalists to LoC and briefs

ISPR Director Gen. Bajwa did an excellent job by taking local & international media to the Loc for exposing Indian lies.
That is what I am saying.. everyone knows the capability of Indian Army and surgical strikes consequecines so the story of India is already busted badly BUT... Pakistan has advatange at this time... whether India did or not ... Pakistan SHOULD (MUST) attack India... not for the public demand but it will help Pakistan alot... first.. the Nuclear bluff according to India will be busted bcuz at the end Pakistan will use nuke (1st) by any mean second.. it wil damage entire 20 years effort of huge economy of India... and third which I LOVE is... the esclation of conventional to unconventional and finish 70% population along with entire infrastructure of both sides...
First half you were right. Pakistan will fire his nukes - no doubt about it.

What would follow is this - India will obliterate Pakistan, especially thanks to second strike capability. China will not escalate because they are a true superpower contender. Pakistan will cease to exist, possibly with most if not all of his population burnt to cinders. A huge population of India will also suffer and India will take another 50 years to recover. But the hanging dagger or nuclear blackmail will be gone. It is highly likely that India and China will exchange claims of Aksai with other disputes and the status quo hence will be amenable to all.
First half you were right. Pakistan will fire his nukes - no doubt about it.

What would follow is this - India will obliterate Pakistan, especially thanks to second strike capability. China will not escalate because they are a true superpower contender. Pakistan will cease to exist, possibly with most if not all of his population burnt to cinders. A huge population of India will also suffer and India will take another 50 years to recover. But the hanging dagger or nuclear blackmail will be gone. It is highly likely that India and China will exchange claims of Aksai with other disputes and the status quo hence will be amenable to all.

Technically China need Pakistan at any cost. China is the next super power candidate and currently his economy highly dependent on Asia Africa and EU. Africa and Asia is top of the line for that China need easy access and currently China only option is Pakistan.
Incorrect. There no is enmity between people of India and Pakistan.

It is just that the Punjabi dominated PA's survival is tied to the politics of having animosity with India.

Punjabi PA force is happy running commercial entities dealing with stud farms, meat, leather, sugar mills, restaurants, real estate & housing, Insurance, cereals, cement, banks, seeds, fertilizers, Oil & gas, knitwear, Apparel, advertising, schools, hospitals, Malls etc.. while delegating the actual fighting to tribal Pashtun militias (1947) or Northern Light Infantry made up of Shia/minorities (Kargil)

Wrong again. By and large, most Pakistanis and indians are civil & professional to eachother and that's where it ends. I know from speaking to other Pakistanis and from personal experience that most of us find it hard to relate to or bond with indians then we do with other Muslims. Our peoples have hardly anything in common with one another. Other than that we were both ruled by the British. indians have there own nation, race, culture, heritage and traditions and us Pakistanis have our own. Both are completely different to one another.
We have nothing. We exist only due to the generosity of the Islami Jamhuriyat e Pakistan. :tup:
And false feel good millitary operations from Burma to LOC :lol:

But you should also remember Myanmar SOP. Myanmar still deny any such operation.

other jihadis cleaned up after ?

you keep forgetting the official Indian claim, that this was a hit on anti India jihadi camps, not an operation against the Pakistani military, Pakistan officially don't even acknowledge the existence of these so...
:lol: I taught there must sane indian at least few who can use their brain, but Helas thanks to bollywood everyone is fuckedup
So the Indian MoD does not represent the IA?

No Indian MoD does not represent the Army here- And No statement has been issued by MoD- The only official words have come from Ministry of Foregin Affairs and Indian Army's DGMO- That press briefing which you must have seen- or should see-

@Side-Winder @Tipu7 @Stealth @Irfan Baloch @Arsalan @Areesh
The question is why is PA running away from the battle?

Even if we assume the surgical strike was fake, PA could have used the story to their advantage by calling it an attack on their army and launch a counter strike.

The whole act of trying to prove it as fake is actually confirming the weakness of PA which was all along suspected.


Ok brave man, now take a look at this... Thats why DG ISPR took journalists to LoC because we know our eastern neighbors and thier childish behavior...
Save some dignity you false flagers and stop wasting time on stupid Propagandas ✋✋✋✋✋✋✋ laanat
I think this was a very positive step. They always said we don't bring media there. Well now we brought them to the edge of the LOC and showed them the location where the strikes supposedly happened. We showed them the villages nearby and the people living nearby and gave them free hand to go towards any place that they claim a strike happened and interview and ask any villager.

Those that do not wish to believe will not believe no matter what is brought in front of them. I said this to @That Guy a few days ago. The thing is that if Indians wish to believe what their media is portraying or has told them about the strike then so be it. Its their call to water the flames of war they were fanning.

There are some posts here that will tell you the reality and the reconstruction but obviously apart from a handful, the rest just don't care and want to believe invasions of platoons and companies.

I think at this point it has become a battle between the egos of posters of both sides.

Perhaps an interesting inquiry all must make within themselves. If situation was reversed. If it was India here and pakistan there, how would Indians be reacting especially after this video. Forget the video. After simple denial by the army.

Quite frankly. I am done with this topic.

I will make a request.

@hellfire @Joe Shearer @notorious_eagle @Oscar @Taha Samad and those involved. If any new development is made and information is revealed then please do tag me as I do like to be informed of current events. Thank you .

I hope this stops here and peace is made.
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Technically China need Pakistan at any cost. China is the next super power candidate and currently his economy highly dependent on Asia Africa and EU.
Exactly for the second reason China will want India more. Indo China issues are not ideological. They are strategic or even perhaps only tactical. We should be friends with China - it is possible, with some give and take. We have a much bigger market as well, and growing much much faster. As a democratic nation we are not able to make the concessions and do some border give and take - otherwise Indo China relations can be resolved faster than Indo Pakistan (that is never).
First half you were right. Pakistan will fire his nukes - no doubt about it.

What would follow is this - India will obliterate Pakistan, especially thanks to second strike capability. China will not escalate because they are a true superpower contender. Pakistan will cease to exist, possibly with most if not all of his population burnt to cinders. A huge population of India will also suffer and India will take another 50 years to recover. But the hanging dagger or nuclear blackmail will be gone. It is highly likely that India and China will exchange claims of Aksai with other disputes and the status quo hence will be amenable to all.

Wrong again. Pakistan already has the capability to produce fusion, thermonuclear and H-bombs since at least the start of 2011:


You are spewing more indian bollywood propaganda fantasy. Pakistan has for a number of years had the capacity to completely wipe india of the face of the planet and turn the whole of it into glass. That's why india did not attack Pakistan after mumbai 2008 despite being more than 7x bigger than Pakistan and having the full backing of the entire West and Russia. The indian military high command know Pakistan's capabilities only too well.

Pakistan doesn't have a 2nd or 3rd strike capability????????.......indians also vehemently claimed pre-May 1998 that Pakistan could never ever become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance. We all know what happened to that indian fantasy and dribble. Just as then so is now.
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