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Exclusive - DG ISPR takes Journalists to LoC and briefs

Quoting Moeed Pirzada

Great Idea! from an Indian: We should request US, Russia & China to check their Satellite Data if Bollywood had done "Surgical Strikes"
They were taken to that area

I heard that Indian army is told to bring Indian media to the location where they conducted the so called surgical strikes instead of fooling the masoom awaam.

Seems like ISPR is hell bent on humiliatinving Indian army infront of Indian Awaam
We Launched Multiple Strike in 3 different Location you Showed them what you want after 2 days How they Know this exactly that Place

If BBC Were convinced Why they Used these Lines

"The area seemed intact, but if there were more dead bodies we would have no way of knowing. We only saw what we were shown."
At Tatta Pani, a beautiful and scenic area where a river bed separates residents from Indian military positions in the hills, I met Barakat Ali Khan, a shop owner who has lived in the village all his life.

He saw the military personnel around us and put on a brave face.

Still, he couldn't deny the effect these flare-ups have had on him and his family.

Mr Khan lives right across the Line of Control. He can't see the Indian army positions but he knows they are there."

Do you think World By your stories After OBL Accident Its Just your perception Molding others views

Indian Military have nothing To Prove they have Professional credibility Unlike PA Who Lost it Twice both in Kargil And OBL raid

I didn't Want Debate Either Because Free Speech are Suppressed in PDF these days
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:omghaha: :haha:

That would be stupid. :azn:

Something tells me the next incursion from the Indian side will bring back some Pak mujahideen prisoners.

Its stupid as it never happened

When a place is attacked , there is damage , there is smoke , there are spent rounds ... people in the vicinity know and hear of it.

This super duper indian strike was such that there is no trace of it

Why don't you call out the Pakistan Army and say ' hey we attacked your post 312 in Bhimber , the company headquarter is in ruins' , then the onus will be on Pak Army to provide visual evidence that post 312 in Bhimber and the company head quarter next to it is intact or otherwise.

Why not do this ? else we'll call you to be the cowardly liars and story teller that we know you to be
Then why threaten us with nukes, man?
Ghar mein biwi bacche hain... :cry: - Okay, not yet... but someday...

The nuclear threshold is not that low but there are plans in place should it come to that. Nothing hidden there.

Now address the earlier question about naming the place

The funniest thing is they claim to kill 40-50 terrorists. All on launch pads apparently. When terrorists are ready to cross over they are armed to the teeth . Apparently none of the 50 terrorists opened fire at IA and IA like the Hero they always are managed to kill 50 odd terrorists that were fully armed without getting a single bullet? :lol:
The question is why is PA running away from the battle?

Even if we assume the surgical strike was fake, PA could have used the story to their advantage by calling it an attack on their army and launch a counter strike.

The whole act of trying to prove it as fake is actually confirming the weakness of PA which was all along suspected.
Responding to a situation like this , will actually strengthen india's point...it will indicate that surgical strikes did happen and Pak now want's revenge...BUT PAK's response has been very sensible...they responded according to the situation...a cross border fire returned in the same way...and videos of indian soldiers death were also released...and now showing the international media ..the positions where indians have claimed of carrying out surgical strike. and you can also see every thing is fine here.

I have 1 question for you...if for 1 minute we accept indian claim...and their stance..that video of opertaion can not be released for some security reasons...atleast the video of dead terrorist could be released....what is compromising by showing a few dead men, which india claims it's enemy....after all Pak released the footage of india soldiers dead body...atleast this would have bring some credibility to indian story....and please don't say that dead bodies should not be shown on TV etc. etc....indian media showed the dead bodies of Uri attackers, so there is no harm.

translation for everyone
Indian government is like a boy ina class who farts and then blames others

talk of a scumbags and a Masalis the current Indian Government
they threatens war on us
then they threatens to isolate us in the world
then they threatens to block water
then they dont want to play sports with us
and then they goes down to banning our actors

what an inspiration lol neech zaad ka masali
Even though Pak authorities have a history of lying and getting caught with their pants down (eg: Musharaf cell phone conversation about 'we have it claimed for mujahideen'; eg: Sartaj Aziz and his famous I dossier, abbottabad..I could go on), even they wouldn't be dumb enough to take the press to the spot where it happened would they?
Visiting such threads .. I've seen the countless use of the argument of "where there is smoke there is fire" by the Indian side while talking about ISPR's activity. Why does ISPR do it ? To prove the fact that India's "surgical strikes" never took place. Why ? Because in the midst of this propaganda war, Pakistani population NEEDS to SEE the facts ... unlike a certain other population that is doing jumping jacks without any evidence whatsoever ...But coming to the main point ..

How about we subject the same "where there is smoke there is fire" argument to India's side of the story. India first claimed that it carried out surgical strikes in Pakistan. The media went ape sh!t, and in the midst somehow claims started to contradict each other and that too on more or less everything. How many targets aka Launchpads were engaged ... 5,6 or 7? How did India infiltrate across LOC .. there were claims of para dropping, using choppers and then finally trekking through some points under cover fire ... How long did the operation last .. 2 hours, 4 hours or 8 hours? Then what about all the evidence ? 38 bodies just vaporized into thin air ... BTW here is just a fun 20 sec compilation covering how all over the place India went with this ....

Keeping all the discrepancies aside .. It wouldn't be the first time India stages up some fake encounters ... After all, that has already been proved. Lets not forget this piece of gem ..

In evidence given to a military Court of Inquiry, Surinder Singh admitted that he ordered troops under his command to pose as dead Pakistani soldiers for the benefit of the unit's video cameras, and fired missiles at non-existent enemy positions.

Or how the war trophies that IAF displays ... of jets such as the F-6 ( a dual engine fighter) somehow has a single exhaust and a tail number a little too similar to IAF assets ...


Or whether it is going back to times like, 1965 where IAF made GNAT in to a legend and termed it a sabre slayer but when you actually probe in to the claims that are backed up by neutral statistics a total of 9 kills of IAF gnats on PAF sabres during 1965 is observed. Ironically enough, atleast 6 kills of Gnat's by PAF sabers has also been reported. A mere discripancy of 3 kills between a so called "slayer" and its "prey" .. (from acig.org) Ofcourse if we account for other sources the picture becomes alot more grimmer for the sabre slayer

Roy Meloni, Correspondent of ABC,
September 15, 1965.

"If the Indian Air Force is so victorious, why has it not tried to halt this flow?
The answer is that it has been knocked from the skies by Pakistani planes. These Muslims of Pakistan are natural fighters and they ask for no quarter and they give none.In any war, such as the one going on between India and Pakistan right now, the propaganda claims on either side are likely to be startling, but if i have to take bet today, my money would be on Pakistan side.
Pakistan claims to have destroyed something like one third of the Indian Air Force, and foreign observers, who are in a position to know say that the actual kills may be even higher, but the PAF authorities are being scrupulously honest in evaluating these claims. They are crediting PAF only those killing that can be checked and verified from other sources.

Conclusion - When you apply the "where there is smoke there is fire" argument to the Indian rehtoric, where continuous modifications were made to the original story to sell the idea that .. "It actually happened.." ... One needs not look at the smoke because the flames of propaganda and chest thumping are visible from miles away ..
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