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Exclusive - DG ISPR takes Journalists to LoC and briefs



"...even if for argument's sake we consider that India faked it, the purpose has been solved. So doubters have the permission to doubt in peace and perpetuity."

When I used the same good ol' Indian media your reaction to it was..
Pure pseudo rationalization aka BS science .
- start bullet pointing whatever nonsense you can find; more bullets the better
So if Indian media with its different reports contradicting itself when it comes to this specific event and an admission of staging fake battles was "non sense" -- it turns in to a Gospel when you like a certain narrative ?
in this case for example - a picture of old plane fragments - the author's opinion that he thinks it is a fake
Ofcourse it is my opinion that a certain platform has two engines. It is also my opinion that PAF as an organization doesn't even use tail numbers like the ones shown on the "alleged" war trophy ... :rofl:
hold on - the LOC is pretty lengthy. How can the Pak Army spokesperson take the reporters to one spot and claim nothing happened along the length of the LOC?

They were taken to several spots. This particular video only focused on one or two spots.
hold on - the LOC is pretty lengthy. How can the Pak Army spokesperson take the reporters to one spot and claim nothing happened along the length of the LOC?

The locations marked by your people... DG went with the int and locl media ..

you need common sense to understand few things:

  1. How your so called alien fauji cross the border ?
  2. Which so called terrorists camps working just 2 kilometer of the border anywhere in the world?
  3. If they came through helis thn how fauji went back ? by Re-paratrooping from ground to sky (lol) ?
  4. When 4 hours of Op going on (all these mentioned locations are highly populated) leave Pakistan Army aside, not a single human hear the sound of bullet ?
  5. How they crossed heavily mined and fenced border ?
  6. Where are the dead bodies of so called terrorists ?
  7. What are the targets (Core point of SIR G KAL strikes) ?
  8. What is the meaning of "ALONG" the LOC
  9. Where you DG mentioned (Cross Border "Raid") ?
  10. and last not least, What was Pakistan Army who is on Alert since last month reeveryaan laga rahay thay neechay ?
The locations marked by your people... DG went with the int and locl media ..

you need common sense to understand few things:

  1. How your so called alien fauji cross the border ?
  2. Which so called terrorists camps working just 2 kilometer of the border anywhere in the world?
  3. If they came through helis thn how fauji went back ? by Re-paratrooping from ground to sky (lol) ?
  4. When 4 hours of Op going on (all these mentioned locations are highly populated) leave Pakistan Army aside, not a single human hear the sound of bullet ?
  5. How they crossed heavily mined and fenced border ?
  6. Where are the dead bodies of so called terrorists ?
  7. What are the targets (Core point of SIR G KAL strikes) ?
  8. What is the meaning of "ALONG" the LOC
  9. Where you DG mentioned (Cross Border "Raid") ?
  10. and last not least, What was Pakistan Army who is on Alert since last month reeveryaan laga rahay thay neechay ?

how can the location be marked if no one entered that place?
how does the Pak Army know the location when they claim no incursion took place?
How does Pak army know the location when no credible Indian source has given the exact location?

the rest of the questions, I am tired of answering that the only credible Indian source (the army spokesperson) did not give any info other than "the Indian Army crossed the LOC and neutralized terrorists". you are creating the "how did they do it" and debunking it yourself right now.
Also known as backtracking from a false statement.

"Based on receiving specific and credible inputs that some terrorist teams had positioned themselves at launch pads along the Line of Control to carry out infiltration and conduct terrorist strikes inside Jammu and Kashmir and in various metros in other states, the Indian army conducted surgical strikes at several of these launch pads to pre-empt infiltration by terrorists," a statement said.

It said the "surgical strikes" had caused "significant damage to terrorists".

Indian Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore, himself an ex-Indian Army man, told The Hindu during an interview.

Rathore said the Indian Army crossed the Line of Control (LoC) “on the ground” for carrying out what he termed were “pre-emptive strikes”. “That is not like crossing the international border.”

Pre-emptive and what and where?

What he is trying to say is that LOC is not an international border, India did an operation which India sees as it own, so we didn't do anything wrong!

He is not saying that the Indian soldiers never crossed the LOC :undecided:
how can the location be marked if no one entered that place?
how does the Pak Army know the location when they claim no incursion took place?
How does Pak army know the location when no credible Indian source has given the exact location?

the rest of the questions, I am tired of answering that the only credible Indian source (the army spokesperson) did not give any info other than "the Indian Army crossed the LOC and neutralized terrorists". you are creating the "how did they do it" and debunking it yourself right now.

Go and first listen the DGMO press Conference and let me know at which SECOND he used word "CROSS BORDER"

Amazing whata contradiction, according to you no credible indian source has given any information yet but you believe the story HAHAHHAHA

Another Contradiction, one of your soldier cross LOC and immediately captured by Pakistan Army so Surgical Strike was detected amazing logic!
Go and first listen the DGMO press Conference and let me know at which SECOND he used word "CROSS BORDER"

Amazing whata contradiction, according to you no credible indian source has given any information yet but you believe the story HAHAHHAHA

Another Contradiction, one of your soldier cross LOC and immediately captured by Pakistan Army so Surgical Strike was detected amazing logic!
from the text of the speech from the DGMO spokesperson:
"...Indian Army conducted surgical strikes at several of these launch pads to pre-empt infiltration by terrorists.."

pre-empt infiltration - meaning they were neutralized before they could infiltrate - meaning - on the other side of the LOC

- its not my soldiers.
- the only credible source was the army spokesperson from India - rest all were unverified "sources"
The question is why is PA running away from the battle?

Even if we assume the surgical strike was fake, PA could have used the story to their advantage by calling it an attack on their army and launch a counter strike.

The whole act of trying to prove it as fake is actually confirming the weakness of PA which was all along suspected.
Its because , Pakistan represent Kashmiri on both side of border and Pakistan will not take any action in which local suffer. India is killing the local population which is against Indian occupation and Pakistani army avoid all type of collateral damage.
Indians are our brothers. The last thing we want is a blood bath between brothers. In fact, i invite all our Indian friends to come over and conduct a surgical strike on Pakistani food and hospitalit

Do ask your "brothers" to wash their hands and change their clothes before coming for your invitation. They are drenched in Blood. :coffee:
Why should we? What possibly objective can Pakistan achieve by starting a skirmish with India? Peace between the two countries is essential for the betterment of both the people. These skirmishes don't achieve anything besides robbing young men of their lives. They are only meant to polish our ego's, that's all.

Indians are our brothers. The last thing we want is a blood bath between brothers. In fact, i invite all our Indian friends to come over and conduct a surgical strike on Pakistani food and hospitality.

Salutes Sir. I wish if same kind of sanity prevails on the both sides of the borders then South Asia would really become a heaven.
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