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Exclusive - DG ISPR takes Journalists to LoC and briefs

I think it's time for Indian Military Officials to come out and answer all the legitimate questions instead of letting indian media making stories on their own.


Full Presser

Mister. Asim. Bajwa. You did not just do that!

The funniest thing is they claim to kill 40-50 terrorists. All on launch pads apparently. When terrorists are ready to cross over they are armed to the teeth . Apparently none of the 50 terrorists opened fire at IA and IA like the Hero they always are managed to kill 50 odd terrorists that were fully armed without getting a single bullet? :lol:

That too those terrorists which while only 4 killed 18 of their soldiers.....they must've sent a regiment.

:omghaha: :haha:

That would be stupid. :azn:

Something tells me the next incursion from the Indian side will bring back some Pak mujahideen prisoners.

Right........so what your saying is that you won't tell where you did it so that Pakistanis don't know where it happened, i.e. which of their "terrorist launch pads" were destroyed, and can't prepare for it........wasn't it that Pakistan is not showing where you did it to save face..............how long has this condition persisted?

other jihadis cleaned up after ?

you keep forgetting the official Indian claim, that this was a hit on anti India jihadi camps, not an operation against the Pakistani military, Pakistan officially don't even acknowledge the existence of these so...

So in the span of a day the jihadis were able to clean up all the 5, 6, 7 launching pads where dozens of people were killed by an even bigger intruding force............right...............;)

Were those dead bodies shown to these journalists?

So Pakistan says that the Indians never were allowed to cross the LOC and were killed on their occupied side by return cross fire. The DG ISI states it very explicitly. So how do we show the journalists those pictures? The crossing over part is your story which since never happened we have no pictures.

The dead bodies flew back to India just before the UN came for inspection. :angel:
Where are the Indian dead bodies? :azn:

It is astonishing to see people actually buying this. This is common. And very easy to fake.

Didn't you hear? The Indian DGMO was lying out of his behind. The dead bodies were never in Pakistan since they never crossed the LOC when alive.

India did not give the coordinates of the places she hit (say x). Pakistan shows places she wants. (say y)

x =/= y

This proves nor disproves anything. :angel:

But thanks for 'proving' that we did nothing. We are innocent. :angel: :smitten:

Meh........Pakistan showed places which were mentioned by Indian sources after their ritual soaking of their beds. Give us the exact coordinates and we'll take everyone there as well. But alas that's never going to happen, since you haven't got squat. In fact, the media, local and international, are already free to travel up and down AJK and explore where ever they want, unlike in IOK, because you know, we have nothing to hide.

Listen to this guy.

Just one question why is it done so late?? If done earlier it would have put indian claim in bad position just as you did after 65 war to show paf planes in a parade
It dosen sound very appealing but I would like to hear indian reply on this

Why did it take them so many days to do this? :woot:

You mean a day and a half? Should we have taken them their while your forces were still being served?

LOC isn't exactly a picnic spot where there are a lot of people to "see things".

Actually it is. The Pakistani side of the LOC is heavily populated with towns and villages every few kilometres. So is the Indian held side actually. But I wouldn't expect you to know that.

Releasing the video and proof of the attack is going to be a tactical move, we are gonna let Pakistan do all the denying first, it will be much more fun that way :lol:

Sure you are. Like all the proofs of all the other events so far right? Such a burn.

Well did Indian DGMO give Coordinated to PAK Press ?

Indian DGMO said these places (name) was targeted, Aka, like Indian said they did operation in Karachi and PAK Army taking press to other part of Karachi after 3 days and telling look nothing happened here.

After 3 days and also not that locations......nice try.

ISPR army and their bizarre logic's.

Lol. All the places in AJK and IOK for that matter are a shout across. What are you even talking about. Did you like hit a specific room in a specific building or something? If you actually want to make something out of your argument then let's have the coordinates, we'll take everyone there as well. But we all know why you're not gonna, don't we ;)

India already did something for their own interest .
But PA cant allow your media in there because officially PA wont support terrorist.
So either they will show some other places or a cleaned up places.

Right...........so India says we hit xyz place, Pakistan takes everyone to xyz and you say Pakistan took them to the wrong place. I see logic in that.

ps: You are under the impression that there are some media restrictions in AJK. I don't blame you, since it's only projection but I gotto make it clear that AJK is no IOK.

Only top echleons of GoI and guys took part in mission knows that .
And Pak Govt will not allow your press in there .Then your own citizens would began to criticise your Army and other institutions.

And the thousands of Kashmiris inhabiting those areas are just as ludicrously blind to sight and sound as are Indians to logic and reasoning, right? Refer to the above for the rest.

how can the location be marked if no one entered that place?
how does the Pak Army know the location when they claim no incursion took place?
How does Pak army know the location when no credible Indian source has given the exact location?

Because your sources gave these locations..............? If you didn't like them then give more and we'll take you there as well. All of AJK is beautiful at this time of year.

the rest of the questions, I am tired of answering that the only credible Indian source (the army spokesperson) did not give any info other than "the Indian Army crossed the LOC and neutralized terrorists". you are creating the "how did they do it" and debunking it yourself right now.

Ask your self that question until you realise the stupidity in the Indian claim is revealed.

Pure pseudo rationalization aka BS science . I will explain the pattern:

* start with a agonizing account of how much you have tried to hold your bias in check and striven for objectivity
* 2nd - state a noble cause for the effort; doesn't matter how corny poppycock it is ('people need to know'!)
* 3rd - start bullet pointing whatever nonsense you can find; more bullets the better
* 4th - voila! state the conclusion

The reader is supposed assume 1 2 3 4 are connected.

Yup. Bullet points. Seen it a hundred times.

in this case for example - a picture of old plane fragments - the author's opinion that he thinks it is a fake - and then that opinion is used as corroboration for his current argument.

no dice.

Is all of that supposed to make any sense? Pardon us, but on this side of the border we don't partake in giving credence to any form of verbal diarrhea.
Mister. Asim. Bajwa. You did not just do that!

That too those terrorists which while only 4 killed 18 of their soldiers.....they must've sent a regiment.

Right........so what your saying is that you won't tell where you did it so that Pakistanis don't know where it happened, i.e. which of their "terrorist launch pads" were destroyed, and can't prepare for it........wasn't it that Pakistan is not showing where you did it to save face..............how long has this condition persisted?

So in the span of a day the jihadis were able to clean up all the 5, 6, 7 launching pads where dozens of people were killed by an even bigger intruding force............right...............;)

So Pakistan says that the Indians never were allowed to cross the LOC and were killed on their occupied side by return cross fire. The DG ISI states it very explicitly. So how do we show the journalists those pictures? The crossing over part is your story which since never happened we have no pictures.

Didn't you hear? The Indian DGMO was lying out of his behind. The dead bodies were never in Pakistan since they never crossed the LOC when alive.

Meh........Pakistan showed places which were mentioned by Indian sources after their ritual soaking of their beds. Give us the exact coordinates and we'll take everyone there as well. But alas that's never going to happen, since you haven't got squat. In fact, the media, local and international, are already free to travel up and down AJK and explore where ever they want, unlike in IOK, because you know, we have nothing to hide.

Listen to this guy.

You mean a day and a half? Should we have taken them their while your forces were still being served?

Actually it is. The Pakistani side of the LOC is heavily populated with towns and villages every few kilometres. So is the Indian held side actually. But I wouldn't expect you to know that.

Sure you are. Like all the proofs of all the other events so far right? Such a burn.

Lol. All the places in AJK and IOK for that matter are a shout across. What are you even talking about. Did you like hit a specific room in a specific building or something? If you actually want to make something out of your argument then let's have the coordinates, we'll take everyone there as well. But we all know why you're not gonna, don't we ;)

Right...........so India says we hit xyz place, Pakistan takes everyone to xyz and you say Pakistan took them to the wrong place. I see logic in that.

ps: You are under the impression that there are some media restrictions in AJK. I don't blame you, since it's only projection but I gotto make it clear that AJK is no IOK.

And the thousands of Kashmiris inhabiting those areas are just as ludicrously blind to sight and sound as are Indians to logic and reasoning, right? Refer to the above for the rest.

Because your sources gave these locations..............? If you didn't like them then give more and we'll take you there as well. All of AJK is beautiful at this time of year.

Ask your self that question until you realise the stupidity in the Indian claim is revealed.

Is all of that supposed to make any sense? Pardon us, but on this side of the border we don't partake in giving credence to any form of verbal diarrhea.

Noone lives nearer to the hot side of LoC
Noone lives nearer to the hot side of LoC

Again speaking of things of which you have absolutely no knowledge of. Not a scarce trait on that side sadly.

There are countless villages located in between the posts almost all along the LOC. When ever there is cross fire the shells and bullets fly over their heads.

ps: The "hot side" of the LOC is only subject to the time your looking at. At one time or another, skirmishes have flared up the complete length of it.
‘Surgical strikes’: Journalists flown to LoC to debunk Indian myth


India has yet to come up with evidence to substantiate its claim that its special forces carried out ‘surgical strikes’ against so-called ‘launch pads’ of terrorists in the Pakistani side of Kashmir earlier this week. Indian officials are still tweaking the script of the loosely choreographed drama in a desperate bid to fix plot holes in the storyline. In the meantime, however, Pakistani military took local and foreign journalists on a rare visit to forward locations along the Line of Control to debunk the myth of Indian surgical strikes.

On Sept 29, Lt Gen Ranbir Singh, the director general military operations of India, claimed at a news conference that India’s special forces had conducted ‘surgical strikes’ across the Line of Control (LoC) to thwart attacks on some of India’s biggest cities — a claim immediately ripped to shreds by Pakistan’s military. New Delhi couldn’t sell its story internationally while at home, too, it was received by many with a dose of skepticism.

While India is reluctant to share details or evidence of its trumpeted strikes, Pakistan Army took the journalists to some of the sectors where the Indian military claimed special forces had decimated perceived ‘launch pads of terrorists’. “No such incident took place nor will we allow any such incident to happen in future,” Lt Gen Asim Saleem Bajwa, the director general of the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), told the visiting journalists. “If the adversary attempted so, it will be responded with an ever stronger force,” he added.

The journalists were taken to mainly two spots of Boxor Formation and Hotspring Formation out of the 190-kilometre stretch of the LoC, where India claimed it forces had carried out the so-called surgical strikes. At both locations, which are about 50 kilometres apart, no signs of destruction or casualties were found except the two soldiers, who had been killed – one each at the two formations – due to unprovoked firing by Indian forces. Besides, nine soldiers who have since recovered from injuries and returned to their respective duties.

At the foothills of Boxor Formation, one can find two villages of about 130,000 inhabitants. None of them seem to have the slightest clue about any intrusion by Indian troops. But they do recall that crossfire had taken place on the particular night and nothing else.

The purpose of the embedded tour was to allow journalists to independently investigate the Indian claim. If the Indian military has really carried out a cross-border strike, then it should also open up their side of the LoC to the media. The journalists represented international media outlets, including CNN, BBC, VOA, Reuters, AP, AFP, News Week and BBC Urdu Service.

The chief military spokesperson said the Indian claims of carrying out surgical strikes across the LoC were absurd, baseless, and unfounded, which were meant to not only misguide the Indian people but also the international community. “No physical violation of the LoC has taken place, nor it will be allowed to happen by our resilient forces,” he said in reply to a question. “Pakistan Army is fully prepared to take on any misadventure and any such attempt will be responded in a more effective and forceful manner.”

GOC Bhimber Sector Major General Chiragh Haider apprised the journalists that no physical violation of the LoC happened on the night between September 28 and September 29 as claimed by India’s DGMO.

The journalists were earlier given a full picture of the geographical and physical location at the Boxor Formation by Brigade Commander Brigadier Furqan Moazzam. The entire scenario was drawn to make them understand how Indian forces had carried out unprovoked firing due to which a Pakistani soldier embraced martyrdom.

Meanwhile, Pakistanis and Indian forces exchanged fresh fire across the LoC, with Indian officials stating there was no damage. “Pakistani troops befittingly responded to Indian unprovoked firing” which started at 4:00 am and continued for four hours in the Bhimber sector on the Pakistani side of the LoC, a military statement said. It did not mention casualties.

“There was small arms fire and mortar shells fire from across the LoC in Akhnoor sector which lasted for around two hours,” Pawan Kotwal, a top civilian official in Indian occupied Kashmir told AFP. “No damage was caused. We are ready for any eventuality but it is peaceful in Jammu region.”

Tensions between the two arch rivals have been boiling since the Indian government accused Pakistan-based militants of launching an assault on an army base in Uri, IOK, earlier this month that killed 18 soldiers.

“This is a dangerous moment for the region,” Pakistan’s Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi told AFP after meeting with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon at UN headquarters in New York.

Ban Friday offered to act as a mediator between New Delhi and Islamabad to defuse the tensions.

In a statement to AFP, India’s mission to the United Nations said “India has no desire to aggravate the situation,” and that “our response was a measured counter-terrorist strike”.

On Friday authorities in parts of northern India said they had started evacuating villages within 10 kilometres of the border following the raids earlier this week. India and Pakistan have fought three wars since they gained independence from Britain seven decades ago, two of them over the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir.

Published in The Express Tribune, October 2nd, 2016.
Again speaking of things of which you have absolutely no knowledge of. Not a scarce trait on that side sadly.

There are countless villages located in between the posts almost all along the LOC. When ever there is cross fire the shells and bullets fly over their heads.

ps: The "hot side" of the LOC is only subject to the time your looking at. At one time or another, skirmishes have flared up the complete length of it.

Hot side is the point where Army is the only occupier
Hot side is the point where Army is the only occupier

And where are these points? Pray do enlighten us because lately we haven't been able to spot anything in our AJK. I'm sure that the "top echleons of GoI and guys took part in mission" must've told you where they are. Anybody's hardly telling us anything.
The 14 dead or 8 dead Indian soldiers was never confirmed by ISPR either, that was sprung up by the media created hoopla.
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translation for everyone
Indian government is like a boy ina class who farts and then blames others

talk of a scumbags and a Masalis the current Indian Government
they threatens war on us
then they threatens to isolate us in the world
then they threatens to block water
then they dont want to play sports with us
and then they goes down to banning our actors

what an inspiration lol neech zaad ka masali
a Nationalised American (who is not an Indian) took my above post personally and acted as if I had questioned the morality of his female members of the family.

I just have been vindicated about the way Indian government is running its anti Pakistan campaign.. from inspiring to Conquer Pakistan and blocking water to banning players and actors.. these low lifers have gone down to abducting our innocent fishermen ...

wow America.. look at this.. this is a country you are prepping and counting on to take on China

@Windjammer @Arsalan @PaklovesTurkiye @Abu Zolfiqar @The Eagle
What we could there was the amazing stupid logic of your authorities?
Initially they said noone did surgical strikes then said 14 Indian soldiers died during the strike.
Now again rakes u turn.
That is th real embarrassment .Not for us but for Pakistan.

Where is the U turn in our statement? Media quoted figure of 14 Army said India suffered fatalities because of the counter Pakistani attack on Indian check posts at LOC. Where does it imply that we accepted Indian surgical strike claim? We have been saying from day 1 that this all but lies. Check DGISPR briefing.
What about your U turns first there were helicopters, than helicopters vanished and tracking came in. Than India denied Pakistan captured any Indian soldier than later called him a deserter. Finally when that didnt settle in it was labelled as mistake. I mean there is so much spin U turns by Indians that its becoming difficult to keep track of Indian nonsense.
As for embarrassing, even US embarrassed India over this drama, so did UN and others. Have some shame and stop defending this surgical parody that was claimed on that day.
ISPR is making an effort to bust our fraud that's why we must have infiltrated !

What the kufc is this logic ?

You know you're lieing blatantly and still insisting on it.

I think this surgical farce has proven one thing for sure that even if Pakistan 'actually' starts exporting terror in India as a matter of state policy,India has no testicular fortitude to hurt Pakistan in the real sense.At best,we'll have more such invisible attacks and diplomatic outcry of little benifit.

If fear of retaliation was stopping Pakistan from fueling terrorism in India,then this whole episode should give us all the more confidence to give it a go with all the might at our disposal..

This drama is going to make you cringe in the longer run.Be sure.

Go with all the might at ur disposal with one more free tour for journalist ? :D looks like you guys are trying something different this time compared to what you guys have been doing in the past 60 yrs :enjoy:
Go with all the might at ur disposal with one more free tour for journalist ? :D looks like you guys are trying something different this time compared to what you guys have been doing in the past 60 yrs :enjoy:
Prove us or shut up
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