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Exchange of fire between security forces and terrorists including mortar fire, eight terrorists killed, two soldiers injured: ISPR

It is important to keep exposing these frauds of PTM again and again

Even manzoor gashteen was a drone fan at sometime
PTM is like PDM people with 10 different point of view getting together..

People have legitimate concerns and there aren't exactly the same as PTM.

One of the concern is allowing bombing campaigns to restart and there we go !

Why don't they have local ground forces deployed and arrest a Commander..we have over a million troops rather then randomly doing extra judicial killing

Now there will e tone of fake Intel and thousands of innocent people will die

Also congrats on recruiting 40-50 people into TTP because the boys who died probably had several cousins and relatives

What a misleading title for this thread
Forget about re education, couple of years ago I suggested that any Pakistani tourist going outside should be given an hour long lecture and a brochure/pamphlet on how to behave outside.
Just an hour ? bhai 3 months ki educational classes leni chaiye lol, but the thing is forget about those who are traveling abroad, look at our own people behaving in other parts of Pakistan ? Mashallah when these poor peaceful Tribal's came to Karachi after Operations they didn't just find jobs and make a living, they start extortion gangs, political gangs, shelter homes for every Terrorist coming from Afghanistan, they drill on young boys thighs, they beat people by looking at their names on CNIC, they build no go areas where even Rangers is scared to go, no offense but people should stay in their areas if they want to do this type of Fcukry.
Faqir Ipi quit in the 1950s.

So what was happening from 1950-2005?

Are you going to act like the Pashtunistan movement died with him? Or ignore everything that happened post-9/11?

I don't disagree that Pakistan was wrong for enabling the NATO invasion, but its suppression of Pashtun tribesmen on both sides of the Durrand Line is based on warranted scepticism of their charitability towards others, just read a history book for goodness sake
PTM is like PDM people with 10 different point of view getting together..

People have legitimate concerns and there aren't exactly the same as PTM.

One of the concern is allowing bombing campaigns to restart and there we go !

Why don't they have local ground forces deployed and arrest a Commander..we have over a million troops rather then randomly doing extra judicial killing

Now there will e tone of fake Intel and thousands of innocent people will die

Also congrats on recruiting 40-50 people into TTP because the boys who died probably had several cousins and relatives

What a misleading title for this thread

I don't care if PDM has many point of views. They all work as an organization and PTM as an organization never condemned them for those point of view. So yeah PTM needs to be exposed for the fraud they are. Difference of opinion is not a good excuse for these racist hypocrites

Also nope arresting someone should only be done if it's possible or doesn't involve unnecessary risk to troops. Won't support you on this. It isn't practical most of the time with hardcore terrorists like we find in waziristan
Are you going to act like the Pashtunistan movement died with him? Or ignore everything that happened post-9/11?

I don't disagree that Pakistan was wrong for enabling the NATO invasion, but its suppression of Pashtun tribesmen on both sides of the Durrand Line is based on warranted scepticism of their charitability towards others, just read a history book for goodness sake

Yeah it basically died 😂

After him nothing happened, entire KPK (NWFP at the time) was chilling between 1950s-early 2000s.

Both FATA and Balochistan got ignited in the 2000s and hasn't seen peace since.
I'll give you 3 Case study...
1) American's internment camps for Japanese
2) Chinese Camps for Uhigur
3) Christian educational camps for Natives of America/Africa.

there are large numbers of people who believe native Americans were barbarians, and those camps were necessary for them to be integrated in Modern American society, China is doing the same and yet the whole world has more respect for China and Chinese people than Pakistan ever had since its independence. Unfortunately our People, specially Pashtoon/Baloch/Sindhi/Saraiki's they are living in 10,000 BC and their life style/customs/culture which to this date is practice is from a bygone era, which has no place in a civilized society, we have to exterminate that culture/Riwayaat/custom/life style, bring these people into modern era, and I know they will resist and fight back, because that's all they know all their lives, they are lied about how superior and Godly their culture and those Riwayaat are, so of course you have to use force here to change that, but this will be a necessary evil for the future of Pakistan, a future where no one is blowing themselves in mosques or school, no one is mass murdering people over a stolen goat or land dispute, a future where any terrorist organization will get ZERO recruits from these areas no matter what twisted cultural or religious ideology they bring.

You want to change Pakistan's future ? build those camps and put them in there and within a Generation the extremism/Barbarism will go away, and any traces that will be left will never gain strength to challenge State or LAW/Constitution of Pakistan.

An alternative for camps is schools. If Pakistan was being run by decent people with brains there would have been good schools and jobs for everyone. That’s the way to create uniformity in society.

Unlike the rest of Pakistan Sindh doesn’t even use Urdu in schools. The waderas have created a separatist society that is hard to integrate. In the fringe rural areas of the country there still aren’t enough schools. After school, even in cities, most people don’t have enough qualifications for jobs and there aren’t enough vocational training centers .

Pakistan probably has the biggest number of uneducated people in the world. That’s why Middle Eastern countries prefer workers from other countries. Foreign investors don’t invest because Pakistani workers are untrained. Education and jobs is what is needed to integrate the country.

If they have nothing they become terrorists.
Yeah it basically died 😂

After him nothing happened, entire KPK (NWFP at the time) was chilling between 1950s-early 2000s.

Both FATA and Balochistan got ignited in the 2000s and hasn't seen peace since.

There were contiunous incursions from Afghanistan long after, and it's not as if the locals were especially detached from them, least of all post-9/11 lol

Balochistan had militancy long before then as well, don't be ridiculous
There were contiunous incursions from Afghanistan long after, and it's not as if the locals were especially detached from them, least of all post-9/11 lol

Balochistan had militancy long before then as well, don't be ridiculous

Bajaur Tribals fought against that so that point is moot.

You are talking about post-9/11. You said ever since Faqir Ipi it has been tense. I am saying after Faqir Ipi peacefully gave up, nothing happened in KPK or NWFP between 1950-2000s.

Balochistan has a history of insurgency, yes, but the current phase got activated in the 2000s.
What thread? I opened a thread on drones and it was locked

Here why does title say exchange of fire rather then drone attacks??

Anyway congratulations for people of urban Pakistan especially Punjab and Islamabad now CSF will resume..that's mashallah a good amount of money for few people as collateral damage in far flung areas

Exactly but we need to make sure collateral damage only happen in FATA not in my house or Lahore

Please we haven't got time for your victim card

Any populace that harbours terrorists can't complain if operations have to be carried out

If anyone in Punjab, Sindh did the same then fcuk them too,

The difference is locals in those areas are more hostile to groups who blow up mosques or attack police or army, so it's difficult for terrorists to hide

Guess why it's so easy for the harami Afghani terrorists to hide in these areas in Waziristan?

Either we hit them hard or they will keep attacking schools and mosques
Army creating a diversion from lahore ....

Forget about re education, couple of years ago I suggested that any Pakistani tourist going outside should be given an hour long lecture and a brochure/pamphlet on how to behave outside.
Try telling nawaz shreef and his family
An alternative for camps is schools. If Pakistan was being run by decent people with brains there would have been good schools and jobs for everyone. That’s the way to create uniformity in society.
I don't think schools or Colleges will work, as I used Karachi example before, ask anyone who ever went to a college or University in Karachi will tell you about the Badmashi of Baloch and Pashtoon students. I saw these crazy lunatic bringing Ak's into my university and even beating the crap out of administrations to not giving admission to Afghan students. Trust me these people are beyond schools, they need camps.
As for jobs, Tribal people have job opportunities when they came to Karachi or go any city, they run Chai hotel's but they also run extortion rackets and give shelter to Terrorists from Afghanistan in them, they keep illegal arms and even threaten locals and police to leave them alone, anyone who dare speak against them gets killed or beaten up, police or rangers can't do Jack to them, because they don't consider bloodshed as bad, its normal for them to kill or slaughter masses for a land or shop dispute, that culture must be removed from the society.

Unlike the rest of Pakistan Sindh doesn’t even use Urdu in schools. The waderas have created a separatist society that is hard to integrate. In the fringe rural areas of the country there still aren’t enough schools. After school, even in cities, most people don’t have enough qualifications for jobs and there aren’t enough vocational training centers .
Sindhi's tops the Jahalat in Pakistan, I am a eye witness of Sindhi Jahalat in Interior Sindh, Sindhi (poor) are only full of Jahalat but they are not barbaric as Pashtoons or Baloch, these two races are mixed of both Jahalat and Barbaric which is a dangerous combo, Sindhi's due to PPPP hate Urdu language and Urdu speaking people, that is why its hard for anyone from Karachi to buy and held land in Interior Sindh, my uncle lost a huge land close to Jamshoro to these Sindhi's who just build their homes in his property and later brought in thugs with Ak's to threat him, they even threat to kill his entire family over that, but of course I bet there must be a harami feudal lord behind all that and he was using his goons but what about their own common sense ? you have to be a scum to follow orders from your owner to kill a innocent family over a piece of land.

You can be Jahil and yet can't be barbaric, I live close to a huge Bangali para, thousands of poor Bangali's and Bihari lives there, although the areas is not the most hygienic but still better than Pashtoon/Sindhi/Baloch dominate areas, they work small jobs like electricians/plumbers/labors etc and their women work as maids but they are not recruits for TTP or AQ or ISIS, why ? how come these organizations always find recruits from Baloch/Sindhi/Punjabi's/Pashtoons ? its truth... something is fundamentally wrong with these people.

Pakistan probably has the biggest number of uneducated people in the world. That’s why Middle Eastern countries prefer workers from other countries. Foreign investors don’t invest because Pakistani workers are untrained. Education and jobs is what is needed to integrate the country.
Even Dubai/Abu Dhabi didn't change these people, Go to Al-Ain and see where most Pashtoon labors live, they turn those areas into pile of shit, same Gunda Gardi and Badmashi they do even there, we saw Afghan's in Pakistan's cricket matches, and who are those Afghans? which Ethnic group they belong to ? well we all know...

If they have nothing they become terrorists.
If they have everything, they'd still become Terrorists because violence for them is no big deal, killing " others " is nothing less than sports to them, and all that comes from their culture, which I am against...I don't want to put these people into camps because I hate them as people, I want to put them in camps because I hate their culture which destroyed Pakistan and still destroying it, and I know these people will not give up their barbaric culture easily so you eventually have to use force. And as much as its hurting, that's only solution for people of Pakistan because, Lathoon ke bhoot baaton se nai maantay.
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