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Evict Muslims from Hindu areas: Pravin Togadia

Did not go there,but did go to jabalpur,liked the waterfalls:D
Jabalpur is around 300 kms from Shahdol and neighbouring division of Jabalpur division.Do you know that there wer Naxali's in Jbalpur long time back but warriors and brave M.P. walla's kicked them out but you Harayanavi's cant kick out Khap panchayats.
I am talking about making laws against things such as polygamy.That we can do with 2/3rd majority in parliament.No need of muslims we can cite reasons such as exploding population to implement them.

Do add regarding population explosion that every hindu and Muslim family will only produce 2 kids, include hindus so that Muslims population have confidence in the Law... No?
Do add regarding population explosion that every hindu and Muslim family will only produce 2 kids, include hindus so that Muslims population have confidence in the Law... No?

Yes thats how it should be. however a clause should be added about the the financial status. if a family can afford( provide them proper food shelter and education without blaming anyone else ) more then only it should be allowed to have more kids. otherwise a strict no.

Same thing should go for uniform civil code.

law should be equal for everyone irrespective of their religion.
Do add regarding population explosion that every hindu and Muslim family will only produce 2 kids, include hindus so that Muslims population have confidence in the Law... No?
Hindus are already on the verge of reaching a TFR of 2.1 infact whole of India would have reached a TFR of 2.1 by now but because of Muslims we are short of target.
No problem in that,though tight check be kept on muslims

No those muslims are from your land your people contributing to your economy and in all other fields than why would you alienate them if the law is to restrict muslims population under population explosion than include hindus and christians there too. After all 160m population financial contribution means something to hindustan or not?
Do add regarding population explosion that every hindu and Muslim family will only produce 2 kids, include hindus so that Muslims population have confidence in the Law... No?
i support this sir,and i have said this many times on this forum.
but it is gonna be most opposed by the minorities themselves..
i hope that it gets implemented.we need it
i support this sir,and i have said this many times on this forum.
but it is gonna be most opposed by the minorities themselves..
i hope that it gets implemented.we need it

Keep population streamed-line regardless of whom follows their respective religions, give them benefits like education and better health see the magic of excellent economy. Alienating them would mean bigger problems and who could better learn it from US and UK the integration is well and the benefit is for years.
No those muslims are from your land your people contributing to your economy and in all other fields than why would you alienate them if the law is to restrict muslims population under population explosion than include hindus and christians there too. After all 160m population financial contribution means something to hindustan or not?
I said laws be same for both but tighter check be kept on muslims since they are way more resistive to stuff like birth control than hindus.Hindus have already achieved 2.1 fertility rate.Muslim is way higher than that.

Keep population streamed-line regardless of whom follows their respective religions, give them benefits like education and better health see the magic of excellent economy. Alienating them would mean bigger problems and who could better learn it from US and UK the integration is well and the benefit is for years.
They have all required benefits and even more
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Ohho really.....
After 50-80 years all of this South India will have a HDI of US and all Northern States will be near developed industrial powerhouse and also you can see population contraction of India.Population in Kerala is already contracting and all other South Indians have now stable population .Future you can see this in all NI states .
But if you dont care about country there will be no such a nation after 50 years.
Your dream will not going to happen .Wake up kid .By dreaming you are wasting your energy.pathetic

lol You are dreaming if you think muslims in India will sit back enjoy being second class citizens of shit hole Bharat, where hindus kill them on daily basis. Hindus invent excuses to start riots in which they can rape and kill muslims, last year Muzafargarh riots is proof of that.

Kerala muslim population is already increasing in terms of %, bhiayas muslims from Bihar & UP will mean it will soon become majority muslim state. Muslims think long term, hindus in return have just barely come out of 1000 years of slavery in hands of muslims.

Yes thats how it should be. however a clause should be added about the the financial status. if a family can afford( provide them proper food shelter and education without blaming anyone else ) more then only it should be allowed to have more kids. otherwise a strict no.

Same thing should go for uniform civil code.

law should be equal for everyone irrespective of their religion.

Not possible in India. The only solution is to give muslims states and they will move there, India will be 99% hindu and everyone will be happy.

I said laws be same for both but tighter check be kept on muslims since they are way more resistive to stuff like birth control than hindus.Hindus have already achieved 2.1 fertility rate.Muslim is way higher than that.

They have all required benefits and even more

Birth control is haram :astagh: and lol at muslims having benefits. These people are worse off then even dalits in Bharat.
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lol You are dreaming if you think muslims in India will sit back enjoy being second class citizens of shit hole Bharat, where hindus kill them on daily basis. Hindus invent excuses to start riots in which they can rape and kill muslims, last year Muzafargarh riots is proof of that.

Kerala muslim population is already increasing in terms of %, bhiayas muslims from Bihar & UP will mean it will soon become majority muslim state. Muslims think long term, hindus in return have just barely come out of 1000 years of slavery in hands of muslims.

Not possible in India. The only solution is to give muslims states and they will move there, India will be 99% hindu and everyone will be happy.

Birth control is haram :astagh: and lol at muslims having benefits. These people are worse off then even dalits in Bharat.

Sorry idiot .
Indian Muslims have something that you guys dont have ,that is Wisdom.They know how to handle our third rate politicians and cheap sympathizers like you .Their bond with other religions in our country make them warriors for protect our national security.
Did you actually think we Indians treat our minorities like your majority did against your minorities?
Do you want proof of systematic cleansing of minorities in Pakistan .?
You think we treat our minorities badly .You can think only like that because you dont know anything about India and how a civilized world work.
India saw a lot of riots after 1947 .A vast diverse country will be like that .But in earlier decades it cause thousands of death until 2002.
But after that riots casuality could confined within small numbers.
Muzzafranagar happens because all parties involved in it.but Indian muslims knows the trick of politicians.
And in Kerala traditionally if any Muslims try to question our national integrity that member and its family will expelled by other Muslim community
Sorry I forgot .You cant think like this because madrassa education now make you a clown.
Now you are in good imagination and in a perfect dream:sleep::sleep: :haha::haha: ,Brain fully loaded with delusions and smoke:drag::drag::drag:
If you again insult our NI muslim brothers I will report it to mods.
Sorry idiot .
Indian Muslims have something that you guys dont have ,that is Wisdom.They know how to handle our third rate politicians and cheap sympathizers like you .Their bond with other religions in our country make them warriors for protect our national security.
Did you actually think we Indians treat our minorities like your majority did against your minorities?
Do you want proof of systematic cleansing of minorities in Pakistan .?
You think we treat our minorities badly .You can think only like that because you dont know anything about India and how a civilized world work.
India saw a lot of riots after 1947 .A vast diverse country will be like that .But in earlier decades it cause thousands of death until 2002.
But after that riots casuality could confined within small numbers.
Muzzafranagar happens because all parties involved in it.but Indian muslims knows the trick of politicians.
And in Kerala traditionally if any Muslims try to question our national integrity that member and its family will expelled by other Muslim community
Sorry I forgot .You cant think like this because madrassa education now make you a clown.
Now you are in good imagination and in a perfect dream:sleep::sleep: :haha::haha: ,Brain fully loaded with delusions and smoke:drag::drag::drag:
If you again insult our NI muslim brothers I will report it to mods.

You are not getting, muslims are not like hindus. There is concept of muslim brotherhood against foreign oppressors, Kerala muslims will be closer to bhiaya muslim from Bihar then Kerala hindu. If times comes to chose between bhiaya muslim or Kerala hindu then Kerala muslim will always chose muslim first. You guys are divided in castes, can't understand this concept of brotherhood.

Tell me what Pakistanis have in common with Indonesians? Just Islam! Jinnah said to muslims in British Army to go and help Indonesians in war against Dutch empire.

"During the Indonesian National Revolution, Muhammad Ali Jinnah encouraged Muslim soldiers serving in British Indian army to join hands with Indonesians against their fight against the Dutch Empire colonisation of Indonesia. As a result 600-Muslim soldiers of the British Indian Army deserted the colonial forces putting their lot at stake, allied with Indonesians.[4] Out of these 600 soldiers, 500 of them died in war; while the remaining returned to Pakistan or continued to live in Indonesia. As a recognition of Muslim soldiers from Pakistan, during Indonesia Golden Jubilee celebration on August 17, 1995, Indonesia grants Independence War Awards to the living ex Pakistan soldiers and awarded the highest honor Adipura to the Founding Father of Pakistan Mohammad All Jinnah and the Government of Pakistan.[5]"
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