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Evict Muslims from Hindu areas: Pravin Togadia


is following meaning is right ?

Main Entry: queerbait
Part of Speech: n
Definition: a person who attracts the interest of gay people; a person who has gay mannerisms but claims to be straight; also spelled queer bait

I object on the gay mannerism part...but the rest is alright.You wanna hear a funny story... when i had this username, i didn't knew its meaning...i was 14 or something when i made my first email i.d, it was yahoo,when i wanted a gmail i.d ,i goggled for cool usernames and got this and what the hell i thought it cute thinking queer means weird...how naive i was.Come engineering 2nd year, i was interning in this company and my boss was a Canadian women, she wanted to share some files with me and asked me for my email i.d....so i gave it to her,there was look of i don't know shock and surprise on her face.She asked me in a small voice...Umm you know what queer means right?I said "sure,it means weird and bait means trap".She gave a laugh filled with disbelief and went ahead and explained me how queer is a slang term for gay people .....and how my username means that i am practically hunting for gay people.Imagine my embarrassment, there was my boss,2 more girls of my age and an old lady there.They all started laughing as if they are high on laughing gas and i was fckin red.It was the most embarrassing day of my life.Days after i had to hear jokes about this and put up with relentless teasing.Needless to say , i no longer use that email i.d.
you still haven't responded to my point. If you can generalize entire hindus of India as muslim haters,whats wrong in generalizing entire muslims as terrorists?:azn:
And thanks for the concern,we,Indian muslims are very well capable of taking care of ourselves. Please do take care of your fellow muslims from sectarian killings and terror attacks in your country.

Listen carefully brother,

Indian muslims need to move to south indian states, make majority there. 3-4 states is all you guys need. The work is already started on this plan. Otherwise hindus will continue to kill and rape for smallest of reasons. Look how they invent excuses for Gujrat, Muzafarnaghar etc

Muzafarnaghar excuse was just ridiculous but then hindus turned on their muslim neighborus for no reason at all. Raped them killed them. Hindu has been slaves since its existence, he doesn't know freedom. But muslims value their freedom, south indian states are best place to start new life.

Remember you are not alone, i don't need to tell you how muslim brotherhood work.
Listen carefully brother,

Indian muslims need to move to south indian states, make majority there. 3-4 states is all you guys need. The work is already started on this plan. Otherwise hindus will continue to kill and rape for smallest of reasons. Look how they invent excuses for Gujrat, Muzafarnaghar etc

Muzafarnaghar excuse was just ridiculous but then hindus turned on their muslim neighborus for no reason at all. Raped them killed them. Hindu has been slaves since its existence, he doesn't know freedom. But muslims value their freedom, south indian states are best place to start new life.

Remember you are not alone, i don't need to tell you how muslim brotherhood work.

LOL.Thats all you deserve.
Listen carefully brother,

Indian muslims need to move to south indian states, make majority there. 3-4 states is all you guys need.

Why South though?

I thought there were more Indian Muslims in Northern India.
Why South though?

I thought there were more Indian Muslims in Northern India.

Acess to sea is important. More muslims in Bihar and UP but these states are over populated poorest, yet muslims barely make 15-20% there. Most of riots and killing of muslims happen in those states. Remember last year Muzafarnaghar riots? The reason by hindus? Some muslim guy stared hindu girl. Later on reasons keep changing as more muslims are raped and killed.

Another ideal state will be Gujrat where muslims can become majority.
Listen carefully brother,

Indian muslims need to move to south indian states, make majority there. 3-4 states is all you guys need. The work is already started on this plan. Otherwise hindus will continue to kill and rape for smallest of reasons. Look how they invent excuses for Gujrat, Muzafarnaghar etc

Muzafarnaghar excuse was just ridiculous but then hindus turned on their muslim neighborus for no reason at all. Raped them killed them. Hindu has been slaves since its existence, he doesn't know freedom. But muslims value their freedom, south indian states are best place to start new life.

Remember you are not alone, i don't need to tell you how muslim brotherhood work.
Muslims try something funny like that and they will find themselves only in one place-hell.:p:Tell me the reason why there are so many riots against innocent hindus in bangladesh?Or pakistan?And look at excuses?Drank water from tap?What the hell?:mad:
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VHP is not a real problem. I have seen their activists especially among some of our gurkha bros here. Very small in number but mostly do public services. Mr. Togadia here though seems to be talking through the wrong end of his body.

There was a lot of news since a couple of years about how Modi washed Togadia away and cornered him out of Gujarat.

This seems like a way to come up and talk to reduce his popularity. Failed again.
I object on the gay mannerism part...but the rest is alright.You wanna hear a funny story... when i had this username, i didn't knew its meaning...i was 14 or something when i made my first email i.d, it was yahoo,when i wanted a gmail i.d ,i goggled for cool usernames and got this and what the hell i thought it cute thinking queer means weird...how naive i was.Come engineering 2nd year, i was interning in this company and my boss was a Canadian women, she wanted to share some files with me and asked me for my email i.d....so i gave it to her,there was look of i don't know shock and surprise on her face.She asked me in a small voice...Umm you know what queer means right?I said "sure,it means weird and bait means trap".She gave a laugh filled with disbelief and went ahead and explained me how queer is a slang term for gay people .....and how my username means that i am practically hunting for gay people.Imagine my embarrassment, there was my boss,2 more girls of my age and an old lady there.They all started laughing as if they are high on laughing gas and i was fckin red.It was the most embarrassing day of my life.Days after i had to hear jokes about this and put up with relentless teasing.Needless to say , i no longer use that email i.d.

Ha ha ha ... :D

You got pawned!
What Togadiya saying is right I am supporting his stance. If you tolerate atrocities of muslims against hindus in India then you considered as secularist; Kashmiri pandits issue best among them (it happened in Hindu India). I don't like such secularism instead I am happy to be a communal. Our religion(dharmic) is only uniting factor in our country. Save hinduism save India.
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