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Establishment of Pakistan that hides behind the Tombs of Martyred

You are living in delusion. Just to give to a reference for how wrong you are, has Mir Jaffar and Mir Sadiq never fought wars? They did, because they were in the Army.
Please read it again what he has written and get you coordinates fixed.
"Bajwa and a few top chair holders in armed forces are not from the same category of people who sacrifice themselves defending their Nation, but they are from the category who will sacrifice this Nation to defend themselves. "

When a soldier presents himself for offering supreme sacrifice by participating in a war, how can an idiot claim that he is "not from the same category of people who sacrifice themselves defending their Nation"?
Please read it again what he has written and get you coordinates fixed.
"Bajwa and a few top chair holders in armed forces are not from the same category of people who sacrifice themselves defending their Nation, but they are from the category who will sacrifice this Nation to defend themselves. "

When a soldier presents himself for offering supreme sacrifice by participating in a war, how can an idiot claim that he is "not from the same category of people who sacrifice themselves defending their Nation"?
The difference between loyal soldiers and traitors is that loyal soldiers are ready to sacrifice their lives wwhereastraitors those look for opportunities to save themselves and will shake hands with the enemies or betray their fellow soldiers and country if the enemy gives them a good offer. Mir Jaffar and Mir Saddiq were both leading their respective armies against the British but when the British gave them big offers like making Mir Jaffar King of Bengal instead of Siraj ud Dula, he betrayed him and joined the British and thus Siraj ud Dula lost even though he had bigger army and equipment.
Talking abt hiding behind martyrs, a new askari extension was being built near our area. They grabbed land and forcefully took electricity and gas connection. During the court battles, they would send a dumb major who would say "ye ham shaheedo ki families k liye bana rehe hein". As usual they won court battles n built luxury houses. Now all i see is retired officers and bachiya roaming in their luxury cars.
Similarly, DHA CITY Lahore was introduced in 2010 to accommodate shauda families, on the pretext of funding the project 13000 plots were sold to bloody civilians and billions were collected. It is almost 2023 and that project is nowhere to be seen. Justice Saqib Nisar took a stance for the affectes, DHA was bound to complete the project in 3 years and those 3 years have also passed with zero progress, and court is just giving the next date after every 6 months (success of our judicial system as per one learned member from Australia)

Lastly, this project despite being DHA was owned by Kamran Kayani who later fled the country with Billions, now let's guess who Kamran Kayani might be, and who could have possibly influenced DHA to provide a multi-billion contract to a nobody? Kamran Kayani despite being nominated in different multi-billion scams is enjoying a luxury life in London, despite numerous orders by the court to issue Red-Warrant, none are being issued.

I wonder who might be supporting him since he and his brother has nothing to do with the mighty, the most patriotic, honest, and loyal high command.
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As per PDF members -Judiciary failure, police failure, government failure, military failure - but Pakistan still stands :pakistan:

And so are Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Sudan and Iraq. They stand as well but there is no pride in standing like that. Pak who used to be ahead of India and Bangladesh are far behind now in every major economic indicators. India and Bagladesh do not beg to IMF and world all the time.

When judiciary couldn't do anything to Ayub, Yahya, Zia and Musharaf who openly violated the constitution and kept selling this nation to their forever mater i.e. US then current judiciary also can't do anything to civilian martial imposed by this 3rd rate Gen Bajwa and his 3rd rate stooges.

Pak army leadership hiding its treason and corruption behind the sacrifices of foot soldiers is same as Zardari, Bilawal and PPP hide their loot and corruption behind the murders of ZAB and Benazir.
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Bajwa and a few top chair holders in armed forces are not from the same category of people who sacrifice themselves defending their Nation, but they are from the category who will sacrifice this Nation to defend themselves.
Very true. They are so lanati they are using our fallen heroes who genuinely sacrificed their lives for defending this country to benefit themselves. These generals need to be court marshalled and send to the firing squad for doing the untold damage to our country economically, politically, socially and breaking all the constitution clauses. They are bigger threat then the India and must be caged to stop the drama of every 5 years being king makers and making our country to be the IMF biggest client.
As per PDF members -Judiciary failure, police failure, government failure, military failure - but Pakistan still stands :pakistan:

Sir, there is a lot of anger in certain political party's supporter, which i fully understand and to some degree share. But when they start abusing everyone and everything people start to disconect with them, be it PPP PMLN or PTI. Nobody in Pakistan, as of right now, can challenge the Army and win.
Most of us have some close relatives in the Armed Forces and when somebody talk shit about them we feel attacked. At least thats my experience.
As per PDF members -Judiciary failure, police failure, government failure, military failure - but Pakistan still stands :pakistan:

Somalia still stands, and it's not about whether you were standing or not but in what form. As for Pakistan, it's in a vegetative state.
Ok name and proofs to put them behind bars.

Justice delayed is justice Denied.
If you can get me the footage and recording of their drawing rooms activities, and their mobiles, computers data cat will be out of the bag and you will get your proof. You take one step and rest of the nation will take 2 steps to satisfy your undying and Un denying love for the sold out tola brigade.
Can someone ask the Army brats here about the putative independence of the judiciary in Pakistan, whereby they opened the courts at midnight and had pre-prepared petition, which was dated long before the NCM was tabled, ready to be ruled on for the potential firing of Mir Bajwa...

Are you talking about the same judiciary which disqualified NS and MN?
IK isnt special, at least to me. our judiciary doesnt discriminate when it comes to injustices, ruthlessly corrupt, thats what it is. No need for Army to manipolate them.


Pakistan is dead since 1971.

So now bhutto is halal? I thought he was behind the destruction of Pakistan.
Sir, there is a lot of anger in certain political party's supporter, which i fully understand and to some degree share. But when they start abusing everyone and everything people start to disconect with them, be it PPP PMLN or PTI. Nobody in Pakistan, as of right now, can challenge the Army and win.
Most of us have some close relatives in the Armed Forces and when somebody talk shit about them we feel attacked. At least thats my experience.
Rationality is the key.

Since 47, circumstances have changed. Even if dictatorships were born, the circumstances are not the same. The threats are not the same. Foreign relations, economics, calamities etc also factor in. Then the political ambitions.
I dont get what OP is trying to say. There is no "martyr card", a term i hate. What do you expect from a general to do? Go on to lead IBOs from house to house? I think the officer to enlisted death ratio of PA is the highest in world. Those same junior officers who went into the battlefields then become generals. Sure the corruption is present in the Armed Forces as in every institution not just in Pakistan but in the whole world, but that doesnt mean everybody is a sellout and outright traitor( as our hon. political leaders want us to believe). These same politicians, who change their stance like a teenage girl swings her mood, talk about our martyrs;

Bhutto used to be Army's bitch. ( destroyed our industries)
Nawaz is licking Army's ball since 70s ( destroyed the economy)
IK used to say bs like "umpire ki ungli uth gay hay'. ( fucked up every institution)
So yeah if we have such leaders im happy with Army running the affairs.
Are you talking about the same judiciary which disqualified NS and MN?
IK isnt special, at least to me. our judiciary doesnt discriminate when it comes to injustices, ruthlessly corrupt, thats what it is. No need for Army to manipolate them.
Read Post#63

P.S: Next time please make a sound argument coupled with facts, here it's not like blind following the blind for that you can open a new "army fan club" thread
Rationality is the key.

Since 47, circumstances have changed. Even if dictatorships were born, the circumstances are not the same. The threats are not the same. Foreign relations, economics, calamities etc also factor in. Then the political ambitions.

Couldnt agree more.

Sadly our poeple get very emotional most of the time and loose the ability to rationalize and think properly. Couple that with 5th gen warfare and you have a society which is so divided that our enemies, who regularly used to bark, have stopped realizing they dont even need to fight us anymore, we will kill each other ourselves.

Read Post#63

P.S: Next time please make a sound argument coupled with facts, here it's not like blind following the blind for that you can open a new "army fan club" thread

My statement is valid. Do you have any counter aguement other then PTI media cell script? How much do you guys get paid?
My statement is valid. Do you have any counter aguement other then PTI media cell script? How much do you guys get paid?
Since you brought up the payment it seems like you are on the ISPR payroll. Only if they taught you to have a decent conversation or even read before replying. Alas, it is too much of an ask.

Since most ISPR trolls are unicellular organisms, so let me put it clearly for you

Your argument: "our judiciary doesnt discriminate when it comes to injustices, ruthlessly corrupt, thats what it is. No need for Army to manipolate them."

My answer: Army does manipulate judicary, and judiciary does discriminate and does injustices especially for the corrupt.

I also provided a fact: Kamran kiayani brother of Ashfaq pervaiz kayani despite being involved in multiple scams of multi billion rupees with 1000s of affected people still roam free, none of his properties are confiscated, despite repeated requests Red-warrants are also not being issued.

Now come with a valid statement logical argument or as I said earlier post in the "army fan boy" thread.
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