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Establishment of Pakistan that hides behind the Tombs of Martyred

@Signalian , I suggest a deeper focus will create meaningful discussion. I'm responding to a portion from paragraph 4 which is relevant to this thread.

I sense you're responding to your ideas instead of what is being said. We are NOT attacking the institution. Let this become clear first. When you understand this part, you are likely to drop your shields and give more attention.

What exactly being said is following: There are people in Establishment (and defence forces) who because of their personal agendas are harming this country. They're supporting terrorist groups (PTM) and separatist political parties (MQM and JUIF) going against "the doctrines of the institution" propagated over last 20 years. They are themselves corrupt and supporting corrupt political groups, resultantly damaging the country - but when one points a finger at them and reveals how much harm they're causing, they conveniently HIDE behind the institution.

What they exhibit is called "Tribal Thinking" which some politicians also use to divide this Nation into groups and parts. It's a destructive thinking that leads to fragmentation. Every weak political party wants to create its interest group, like PPP has created "Sindhi party", MQM has created "Mahajir Party" and PTM is working to create "Pashtoon Party" and when members of these parties commit crimes, they seek refuge behind their created tribes: "Sindh Card", "Mahajir Card" and "Pashtoon Card" On the same lines, when corrupt military generals feel insecure, they do propaganda that "Institution is being attacked".

You think you love your country and institutions, guess what... we love our country and our institutions as much. There is no you and me, but we - and we want to save this homeland from every corrupt whether they are in civilian or wear some uniform. Let's stop giving all corrupt a shelter in the name of a political party, ethnicity, a tribe, or an institution. They have committed enough crimes and had enough hiding.

Sir, everything come back to" who".

Its not like @Signalian or others dont know about corruption in Armed Forces, the question is who is the end beneficiary of this system? Answer is simple, every Pakistani. The middle class you are talking about, who want to "change", is the same who daily engage in bribery, theft and what not. Dont tell me it was the Army who made pakistani society corrupt. Average pakistani is corrupt bcz he/she wants to be. I know many pakistani, in italy, who are willing to pay upto 5k euros just to get a driving licence, bcz they dont want to study or are just too dumb to get it.
Lets say a general is corrupt and the gov of that time knows, do you think it will prosecute him or it is most likely that they will use him as a tool when they "need" him? What im trying to say is that in pakistan everybody in corrupt not just Army or politician. we as people are the end beneficiary of this system. They do it bcz we allow them.
Untill our leaders dont start taking directly from our pockets there will be no change.

Thats why i think there is no such thing as a "martyr card". They dont have to pull anything, our beloved politician take care of them even before there are is any accusation/prosecution. This mess suits current pakistani society very well.
Shehbaz Sharif today, in the press conference with the UNSG, had to say that I guarantee that the funds given to us will be utilized in a transparent manner bla bla bla

Yeh auqat hai ab keh doosron ko guarantee deni par rahi hai that ham chori nhn karain gay.

Ab jo banda guarantee day raha hai, on his 'honest word', wohi shakhs hai jis nay apnay bhai kay wapis anay ki guarantee di thi.
What Pakistan needs is a Spanish inquisition. or a Pakistani Joe Stalin. Or a french revolt.
There is so much talk around the sacrifices of Armed Forces of Pakistan and how they defended this motherland, and they're right. Armed Forces have saved this country, offering all kinds of sacrifices fighting enemies at the border and within. These guardians have the best of our respects.

However, there are people in the Establishment of Pakistan who want to hide their crimes behind the tombs of martyred. People who sacrifice lives for this motherland, and people who sell this motherland - are not the same even if they're from the same institution.

Bajwa and a few top chair holders in armed forces are not from the same category of people who sacrifice themselves defending their Nation, but they are from the category who will sacrifice this Nation to defend themselves.

Keep this distinction in mind when some of you hide behind sacrifices. Everyone regards martyred whether they are from soldiers or civilians. All sacrifices are acknowledged and respected, but a family of martyred is not allowed to now do treason because they've previously sacrificed someone guarding his homeland. A protective guard who saves the bank from robbery is not allowed to rob it himself.

We, the people of Pakistan are patriotic citizens who own this country as family. We were born in it, eat from it, drink from it and will be buried in it. We will prevent the traitors from harming it - even if they wear uniforms. We the people of Pakistan are guardians of this motherland and we will not overlook your crimes because you've served this motherland in a different context. We do not allow you to do crimes and then hide behind the tombs of martyred.
They have not committed any crimes except not supporting "YOUR" political party any longer. A fairer ask would be that they no longer support ANY political party including yours. So stop trying to get your man in as the next CoAS because it won't work just like it did not work for the Sharifs 3 times over.

The army officers, including the senior cadres, come from you and me. They have not been air-dropped into the GHQ by a khalai makhlooq. Your and my behavior as Pakistanis has shaped their outlook on Pakistan and its security challenges.

As such all this grand talk of "selling the motherland" is a political play to keep the narrative of one party in play.

Lastly, you don't need to remind the military about traitors and selling out on the motherland. They are the ones who have sacrificed, are sacrificing and will continue to sacrifice for Pakistan and its security without being asked.
We have been duped into believing that military's involvement in Pakistani politics is essential for the survival of our state.

Are we (as a nation) prepared to call their bluff... ? Or should we continue to believe that this 'involvement' is a necessary evil ?...That's something the people of Pakistan have to decide.
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Bhutto Zinda hai...

‘Starving’ girl dies at makeshift shelter in Rohri

The Newspaper's Correspondent
September 10, 2022

SUKKUR: A six-year-old girl reportedly died of starvation and illness at a makeshift shelter near a filling station on the National Highway in Patni area on Friday, sparking protest by over 200 rain-hit families against .Rohri mukhtiarkar, who failed to “provide them food and other relief goods in time”

The protesters told media persons that they had been waiting for official aid since they had reached Sukkur from Jacobabad district after the torrential destroyed everything they had.

The officials came only to collect data but neither of them sent them any relief items such as food, tents, mosquito nets and other necessary goods so that they could feed their starving children and protect their families against diseases, they said.

They said that no medical team had visited them to check their children and women, who were suffering from various diseases after the rains. “When our children started starving, we went to the mukhtiarkar’s office in Rohri for aid but we received neither food, nor tents. In the meanwhile, the six-year-old Razia daughter of Khalid Khoso died of starvation and disease,” said the girl’s father.

When the news about the girl’s death spread, local people and former member of Khoso Ittehad Farman Khoso helped the family in the burial and provided ration bags to all the rain-stricken families, said the protesters.
They have not committed any crimes except not supporting "YOUR" political party any longer. A fairer ask would be that they no longer support ANY political party including yours. So stop trying to get your man in as the next CoAS because it won't work just like it did not work for the Sharifs 3 times over.

The army officers, including the senior cadres, come from you and me. They have not been air-dropped into the GHQ by a khalai makhlooq. Your and my behavior as Pakistanis has shaped their outlook on Pakistan and its security challenges.

As such all this grand talk of "selling the motherland" is a political play to keep the narrative of one party in play.

Lastly, you don't need to remind the military about traitors and selling out on the motherland. They are the ones who have sacrificed, are sacrificing and will continue to sacrifice for Pakistan and its security without being asked.

@blain2 , do you realise you're admitting institutional crime? What your'e admitting in writing is that Pak Army has an "independent direction" outside the Government of Pakistan and supported parties outside the Government. Do you not know what such an act is called?

You are re-enforcing my message and putting your weight behind what I have said in the original post. You want to mix traitors with Shuhada and demand "blanket acceptance for the Institution" in the name of Institution. You want to hide traitors behind the graves of martyred and protect criminals from prosecution. People can see difference between the ones "who sell their mother" and the one "who sacrifice lives in safeguarding her".

I have grown out of political parties and see my Nation as one. Infect I find people who divide this Nation in military and civilians do the same crime as the ones who divide it between Muhajir and rest of Pakistan, Pashtoon and rest of Pakistan and Punjabis and rest of Pakistan. I suggest you outgrow from such Tribal Thinking as well and embrace National Thinking where all are one, and anyone who violates law is prosecuted even if they wear uniforms. This is the Sunnah of Prophet SAWW if you believe in Islam.

I do not feed hatred. I see my Nation has given enough souls in safeguarding this motherland - and we respect everyone who contributed.
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We have been duped into believing that military's involvement in Pakistani politics is essential for the survival of our state.

Are we (as a nation) prepared to call their bluff... ? Or should we continue to believe that this 'involvement' is a necessary evil ?...That's something the people of Pakistan have to decide.

The Job of our military is to protect the nation from all types of threats which includes both external and internal security.

Pakistan's military has ensured that Zionist Jew, Evangelical Christian and Fascist Hindu plans have been neutralized time and again.
They have not committed any crimes except not supporting "YOUR" political party any longer. A fairer ask would be that they no longer support ANY political party including yours. So stop trying to get your man in as the next CoAS because it won't work just like it did not work for the Sharifs 3 times over.

The army officers, including the senior cadres, come from you and me. They have not been air-dropped into the GHQ by a khalai makhlooq. Your and my behavior as Pakistanis has shaped their outlook on Pakistan and its security challenges.

As such all this grand talk of "selling the motherland" is a political play to keep the narrative of one party in play.

Lastly, you don't need to remind the military about traitors and selling out on the motherland. They are the ones who have sacrificed, are sacrificing and will continue to sacrifice for Pakistan and its security without being asked.

They commit all sorts of crimes and their crimes are public knowledge. Many of them are not even for defending the country e.g. making money from defence contracts, taking commissions/bribes etc. Too many generals settle abroad with stolen money.

All their actions in politics are un-constitutional and amount to treasonous behaviour. You are so used to this illegal behaviour that you fail to see through the un-constitutional stuff you just said.

Their greed for money is all too visible just like their un-patriotic behaviour. People have lost the will to continue supporting this behaviour of the military for the sake of patriotism but military people are not understanding this shift in peoples thinking.

This behaviour of military has eroded the moral authority of the state. Pakistan is practically a crooked state, a banana republic all thanks to the military and its political elite allies.

There are no legal, ideological and moral basis left for Pakistan. Then the low IQed generals try to fix it by using Islam and further trivialize the roots of the country. This has led to the state losing respect amongst its own people. Few people are willing to stand up for the cause of Pakistan because they know everything that has Pakistani flag on it is fake and all institutions deceptive. This is how ruling elite has turned the idea of Pakistan into fraud. No one respects fraud even if it is in ones own home.

This is the whole reason why other countries keep military away from affairs of state.
They have not committed any crimes except not supporting "YOUR" political party any longer. A fairer ask would be that they no longer support ANY political party including yours.

That is not correct. Please avoid using blatant lies.

ISI was instrumental in breaking PTI MPAs in the Punjab assembly initially. Even right now, ISI sector commanders Mr. X and Mr.Y are hand in gloves with Zardari trying to take down PTIs Punjab govt.

All this is not just information coming from PTI sources but Najam Sethi the premier establishment spokesman these days has been pretty open about it.

The regime change operation was executed with the full backing of Army leadership and this will come out in the coming years.

Your and my behavior as Pakistanis has shaped their outlook on Pakistan and its security challenges.

Did the behavior of Suhuda families influence Kamran Kayani's outlook?

Enough with sanctimonious attitude. The same manjan is sold in Egypt, Myanmar and other 3rd World military dictatorships.
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