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Eritrea soon on board for the alliance against houthi's

Where did you get that numbers.? According to Wikipedia Christianity is around 50%, Islam 48% and according to PEW survey 57% Christians, 36% Muslims..
Wiki is not reliable. The truth is the majority are Muslims. Only one tribe are Christians aka Tigrinia.

Source - Me and Beles are Eritrean so it's better keep your mouth shut before spreading garbish.
Belew Kelew, I think that name sounds familiar to me, I guess it's related to Tigre? :)

I'm not sure about other cities but did you know my village, Sana'fe was named by a Yemeni after he married a local? Sana'a = Yemen capital. Fe(n) = Where. Abdullah San'aa. :P

Well, I hope Saudi Arabia remove the Iranian bases and their backed terrorist from the Islands and restore peace in Yemen.

Yeah brother i am Habab From massawa. Belew kelew is an ancient name ancestor to many eritrean tribes including some of the saho one's like asa-Wurta, minferie silato etc.

Senafe i heard was because a yemeni wishing to return to yemen was trying to speak to the locals in arabic and was saying "san'a feen" or where is san'aa. I think it was a smaller town back then surrounded by the magical ruins of Qohito and Matara. But you know the mysteries of our town names.lol

I hope the peace is restored in yemen soon too brother.
And holy shit, I never knew an Indian support Al Qaeda, look at his avator. :rofl:
Isn't Eritrea still arming Al Shabaab?

Nah we never armed or supported al-shabab. Although we did support the UIC (the union of islamic courts) and when they became too succesful and restored peace and justice america sent ethiopia to crash the party and we were warned not to help somali find their feet again.
And holy shit, I never knew an Indian support Al Qaeda, look at his avator. :rofl::rofl:

Obvious troll/double user. Look at the username, avatar and join date and posts so far.

It's amazing how much trolling this section has.


You should seriously reconsider the non-military ban on the Arab section of the forum. I promise you that there would be close to no trolling on the Arab section if social affairs in the Arab world could be discussed there (like on other sections) and if a moderator would be appointed. This section of the forum should just be used for the main conflicts in the region such as the Syrian war etc.

I already proposed the user @Al Bhatti as a moderator as you know already.

Think about it for a while. You too @Horus .

Another thread destroyed thanks to initial Farsi trolling.:tdown:
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Just wait and see, we will crush you again like we did in the 6th century AD when last you were in yemen.
No Persian zorgos Bunnies allowed In the Erythrean Sea. This is No Arab Gulf Mr Khomenin Jr, we will Rwanda you and your houthi slaves for fun soon. stay tuned.

Nah we have no problem. Ethiopia and djbouti is already on board, infact the whole africa is on board according to the OAU with KSA. we will always leave our difference with djbouti and ethiopia aside when unwanted guests come and make noises in our n'hood and our Sea. All we need is AK74 and a machete. we will make the few survivors scare their kids before bed to what we did to their comrades.

By the way the video you posted is or graduation of sawa the toughest 17 year olds in africa. 17 years old houthi would be learning the art of chewing khat while a 17 yrs old eritrean would know anything from firing artilley shell and mortar to storming a defensive lines.
Khosrau I - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They will shit on you like in the 6th century you mean maybe

The habashi abd is barking maybe his arab master didn't beat him very well

Khosrou I made your grandfather ibraha ran away like a dog

Khosrou I was a good king even was glorified by prophet muhammad(PBUH)
and caliph omar

The prophet said I was born in the era of the fair king(khosrou)

Omar said I learned how to be fair ruler from king khosrou

Omar said muawiyah is khosrou of the arabs

Ethiopian–Persian wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When did you defeat them??
I think you Abd is desperate who try to invent his own fanatacy:lol:
thx i know the history but thx to explain :)

i don't need anything to condemn the houthis attitudes . i don't support them.
but i support the rights of the people for autonomy and condemn the stupid policies since decades .
people should have right to self determination especially when they are not respected at all .

fact is KSA is a fanatic country having a terrorism policy and supporting anti shia policies
if they have so low respect , people should have the right for self determination and create their own country
when you see politics who act as slaves of KSA and not thinking like a leader of their country meaning for the interests of ALL people of the country , they don't deserve respect

as you can see the sponsored saudi IS is even bombing shia mosques in KSA

Yes people should have the right for self deterimation, you need to go back and follow the yemeni problem. saleh was ousted with a massive protest. more than 80% of yemeni didn't want him. fair enough he promise to leave the political arena for immunity, everyone was kind enough to give him that last chance. he still had alot of the state power in his pocket, with $60 billion he stole what more you want? Noo first he allied himself with the old houthi enemy and invited Iran for the field trip, he let the houthi take Sa'da then Imran provinces. everyone eyebrow went up. then he allowed the houthi's to take San'aa, so the Houthi entered San'aa.

So Mr Saleh and Mr Houthi lets talk about this what do you guys want? No we are done with talking we want Mr hadi to keep signing off comproises while we take the rest of the country. But Mr houthi you are long away from home this is a sunni doinated countries and provinces who voted for Mr hadi, No said the houthi's Mr hadi will do what we say and we are going to Ma'rab region now, No Mr Houthi ma'rab is a red line (Ma'rab is also where the fiercest anti-Houthi population lives plus where all the yemeni oil is), Houthi crossed the line into ma'rab, Mr hadi have had enough and fled to aden, Mr houthi went after him and threatened to attack aden, aden for god sake where no Houthi or even Zaidi reside what the hell they doing shelling people there trying to kill/capture a voted president. Mr hadi had enough and requested help and the rest is history.

Khosrau I - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They will shit on you like in the 6th century you mean maybe

The habashi abd is barking maybe his arab master didn't beat him very well

Khosrou I made your grandfather ibraha ran away like a dog

Khosrou I was a good king even was glorified by prophet muhammad(PBUH)
and caliph omar

The prophet said I was born in the era of the fair king(khosrou)

Omar said I learned how to be fair ruler from king khosrou

Omar said muawiyah is khosrou of the arabs

Ethiopian–Persian wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When did you defeat them??
I think you Abd is desperate who try to invent his own fanatacy:lol:

Is that Khosru as in Khasra where Omar destroyed his kingdom and the prophet proised to never again? Hahahaha

Where did you get that numbers.? According to Wikipedia Christianity is around 50%, Islam 48% and according to PEW survey 57% Christians, 36% Muslims..

Yeah dude do not rely on wikipedia, even have a look at earlier census it was 50/50 apparently, how could the muslims shrink when our birthrate is more than double to the christians in Eritrea.
Salman, lies, he wasn't respect rather he was despited. I could go on but I'm not going to waste my breath on you. Why would I? Your flag says it all.

after all, it wasn't some Jahils or others who conquered Persia and destroyed the Empire but the Muslims who did it themselves (Arabs of course) and it became history that russtled Iranians jimmies so bad. at least the Muslims entirely were relieved seeing your Empire were brought down by some camels and few numbers from Arabia.:)

BTW, you did not answer my question about your username. Why did you name it Salman Al Farsi? Don't you hate Sahabas? :lol:
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Khosrau I - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They will shit on you like in the 6th century you mean maybe

The habashi abd is barking maybe his arab master didn't beat him very well

Khosrou I made your grandfather ibraha ran away like a dog

Khosrou I was a good king even was glorified by prophet muhammad(PBUH)
and caliph omar

The prophet said I was born in the era of the fair king(khosrou)

Omar said I learned how to be fair ruler from king khosrou

Omar said muawiyah is khosrou of the arabs

Ethiopian–Persian wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When did you defeat them??
I think you Abd is desperate who try to invent his own fanatacy:lol:

Wasn't he the king where the prophet promised his jewels would be rewarded to the sahaba? and his succesor arrogantly tear the prophet letter? then the prophet made a prayer to snatch him off his throne. what a way to go. in the meantime our king protected the prophet companion an daughter, he entered islam when the prophet sent his first letter to accepted islam, told the meccans pagans not even for a mountain of gold we would give you the companions back and most importantly the prophet performed an absent prayer when he died. Yeah compare the two one is going to join the prophet allah's willing and the other is going to hell.
Wiki is not reliable. The truth is the majority are Muslims. Only one tribe are Christians aka Tigrinia.

Source - Me and Beles are Eritrean so it's better keep your mouth shut before spreading garbish.
Hoi hoi cool down.. I just based my arguments based on Wikipedia . I agree though wiki not 100% reliable..
Wasn't he the king where the prophet promised his jewels would be rewarded to the sahaba? and his succesor arrogantly tear the prophet letter? then the prophet made a prayer to snatch him off his throne. what a way to go. in the meantime our king protected the prophet companion an daughter, he entered islam when the prophet sent his first letter to accepted islam, told the meccans pagans not even for a mountain of gold we would give you the companions back and most importantly the prophet performed an absent prayer when he died. Yeah compare the two one is going to join the prophet allah's willing and the other is going to hell.
You don't know anything you slave
Khosrou I died before the prophet send him a letter

The one who teared the prophet letter was khosrou II who was not the successor

Beside your king who was before al najashi tryed to destroy al Kaaba

Bathan the persian ruler of Yemen believed in islam and he refused to obey khosrou II

The people in Yemen many of them became muslims becuase of bathan
You don't know anything you slave
Khosrou I died before the prophet send him a letter

The one who teared the prophet letter was khosrou II who was not the successor

Beside your king who was before al najashi tryed to destroy al Kaaba

Bathan the persian ruler of Yemen believed in islam and he refused to obey khosrou II

The people in Yemen many of them became muslims becuase of bathan

You don't know anything you slave Khosrou I died before the prophet send him a letter

"the prophet promised his jewels would be rewarded to the sahaba? and his succesor arrogantly tear the prophet letter?" Khosrou died as a non believer together with hitler they will have a party for infinity.

Beside your king who was before al najashi tryed to destroy al Kaaba

Abraha wasn't a king you muppet he was a general, maybe you should spent few minutes reading before you get all "Ya ali madad" On me.

Bathan the persian ruler of Yemen believed in islam and he refused to obey khosrou II

Good on him but he was no king of sassinid was he.

and people wonder why Iraqi are easy slaves for persians, dumb muppet would be a compliment to describe you.
You don't know anything you slave Khosrou I died before the prophet send him a letter

"the prophet promised his jewels would be rewarded to the sahaba? and his succesor arrogantly tear the prophet letter?" Khosrou died as a non believer together with hitler they will have a party for infinity.

Beside your king who was before al najashi tryed to destroy al Kaaba

Abraha wasn't a king you muppet he was a general, maybe you should spent few minutes reading before you get all "Ya ali madad" On me.

Bathan the persian ruler of Yemen believed in islam and he refused to obey khosrou II

Good on him but he was no king of sassinid was he.

and people wonder why Iraqi are easy slaves for persians, dumb muppet would be a compliment to describe you.
What about go read some history you moron

The prophet didnt promise the jewels of anybody majority of these stories were written after centuries

That was khosrou II and yazdagerd II you moron and they had nothing to do with khosrou I
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