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Nov 28, 2012
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Speech by the Chief of the Main Operations Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces - Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Lieutenant-General Sergey Rūda

Materials for the performance (.PPT)Materials for action (SlideShare)

Without a reliable blocking the channels of financing for LIH count on real success in the fight against the terrorist organization is not necessary.

As already noted the Deputy Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation Anatoly Ivanovich Antonov, the main source of funding for terrorists is the illegal sale of petroleum products.

In order to eliminate this channel of air and space forces of Russia strikes at the facilities of production, storage, processing and transportation of petroleum products on the territory of Syria, controlled LIH.

For two months in the Russian air strikes defeated thirty-two oil producing complexes, eleven refineries, twenty-three oil pumping stations.

Destroyed thousand and eighty of tankers carrying petroleum products.

This has reduced the turnover produced illegally on the territory of the Syrian oil by almost 50%.

By the most conservative estimates revenues this terrorist organization from the criminal business accounted for no less than three million dollars a day. Multiply that by four years.After our earnings terrorist attacks decreased to half a million dollars a day.

However, the gangs continue to receive significant funding, as well as weapons, ammunition and other material nourishment for their activities. A number of states and especially Turkey, are directly involved in large-scale igilovsky business project, providing aiding terrorists.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation has irrefutable evidence, based on data from space and aerial reconnaissance, the involvement of Turkey in this business.

Today we present only part of the data available to us.

It identified three main routes of transportation of oil to Turkey from areas controlled by armed gangs LIH Syria and Iraq.

The western route, goes to Turkish ports on the Mediterranean coast, the north - to the refinery Batman in Turkey and the east - to the largest transshipment base in the village of Cizre.

You will be disclosed to the entire chain of supply of petroleum products in Turkey from production to recycling points.

On the western route hydrocarbons produced in the oil fields near the city of Raqqa, vehicles, mostly at night, transported to northwest Syria. Further, through the border towns of Azaz (Syria) and Reyhanli (Turkey) to the Turkish port of Iskenderun and Dörtyol.
follow up
In the photo taken on November 13 this year, near the town of Azaz, on the road connecting Turkey and Syria, we can clearly observe the accumulation of automotive vehicles carrying petroleum products.

In the square "A" can be seen on the Turkish side to find two hundred forty tank trucks and heavy vehicles. The box "B" on Syrian territory - forty-six fuel tankers and trucks waiting to cross the border.

We know that part of the fuel trucks masquerading trucks.

A similar pattern is observed near the village of Reyhanli.

Despite the fighting, leading to the province of Aleppo, on the border there is a continuous flow of traffic in both directions, as in Turkey to find a large number of automotive technology.

In the video clearly shows the smooth border crossing camper. At this point, the border with Syria is under the control of armed gangs of the terrorist group "Al-Nusra Dzhibgat" which freely passes into Turkey tanker and heavy trucks loaded with oil tanks. Inspection of the vehicle and is not carried out on the Turkish side of the border. And there we see hundreds of cars.

The smooth passage of the Syrian-Turkish border heavy vehicle in the district of Reyhanli

In the photo taken November 16 near REYNHANLY you see cluster of three hundred and sixty-tank trucks and heavy vehicles in close proximity to the Syrian border.

In the square "B" is one hundred sixty-fuel trucks that had just crossed the border. In the direction of the checkpoint in the box "A" there is a move to the Syrian border, convoys of hundred cars.

By means of space exploration reliably revealed that after crossing the border tanker and heavy trucks with oil sent to the ports of Iskenderun Dörtyol and where there are specialized berths for tankers. Some of the oil is reloaded onto ships and sent for processing outside Turkey, and is sold in the domestic market. These ports daily average load one oil tanker.

Satellite imagery of these ports, dated 25th November, well different cluster of fuel tankers awaiting shipment.

In the port of Dörtyol fixed three hundred ninety-five nalivnikov and in Iskenderun - sixty.

The following route leading to Turkey from areas of oil fields, located on the right bank of the Euphrates. One of the major centers of oil production and refining of petroleum products under the control of LIH is near the village of Deir ez-Zor.
follow up
There is a large number of refineries.

This area is constantly marked accumulation of oil tankers waiting to load. You are presented snapshots automotive pillars located at a small distance from each other.

In photography, held in the vicinity of Deir ez-Zor, October 18 this year means of space exploration was found a total of one thousand seven hundred twenty-two tanker located primarily off-road parking on unequipped.

It should be noted that since the beginning of the strike aircraft videoconferencing facilities for Russian oil infrastructure in the hands of LIH, the number of oil tankers parked in the columns in this area and in other parts of Syria is much diminished.

I'm not talking about the environmental consequences of the barbaric oil.

Terrorists have staged the whole oil lakes in the sand. Photo of one of the areas located near Raqqa.

After loading the oil convoys from the eastern regions of Syria to follow the Turkish border to border communities Qamishli there waiting for their turn.

On the photographs submitted by you, made in August of this year, in the area observed hundreds of fuel tankers and trucks, moving both to the Turkish border, and in the opposite direction.


Ultimately, much of the throws from the eastern regions of Syria comes to a major oil refinery Batman, located on the territory of Turkey, 100 kilometers from the Syrian border.

The third route of transportation of oil to Turkey leads from the oil fields located in the northeast of Syria, and in the north-western parts of Iraq, through the border towns KARA-sneeze, Cham-mechanics in the Syrian territory and Tava and Zakho - in Iraq.

The photographs displayed accumulation of fuel trucks and heavy vehicles in the areas of human settlements.

November 28 this year near Kara-sneeze on the territory of pumping station discovered 50 oil tankers.

Pictures taken in August by the Syrian-Iraqi border near the village of Cham-mechanics you see three hundred and eighty units of motor vehicles. At this time, nothing has changed.Intelligence is still a large number of fixed movement of tankers through the border between Syria and Iraq.

Yet an increasing number of oil tankers is recorded in the border areas of Iraq and Turkey.

And their number over the past three months is not reduced.

So shoot, held on November 14 in the areas of Iraqi towns of Zakho and Tawau, allowed to find one thousand one hundred and four tanker and heavy trucks.

It's hard not to notice them.

However, attacks on fuel tankers columns from a coalition is not observed. While we celebrate only tripling the number of strategic UAVs.

Given that the impacts of the coalition led by the United States, we do not see, pass places where nalivnikov working on LIH linked to specific localities.

From the border areas of Iraq tankers smoothly and ceaselessly crossed the Iraqi-Turkish border in the region of Zakho, where the oil is sent to refineries, the nearest of which is located in the village of Batman, who was mentioned above, or to the largest logistics center of this route, located near the village SILOPI points.

On satellite images, made on November 14 this year, you can see the accumulation of three thousand two hundred and twenty fuel tankers and trucks.

As they say, the comments here are unnecessary. The scale of illegal business is impressive.

As a result, today in the criminal business connected with trade in petroleum products, the terrorists are constantly in circulation is not less than eight and a half thousand cars nalivnikov that carry daily to 200 thousand barrels of oil.

Russian Air Force will continue to strike at targets LIH oil infrastructure, to which we also call on our colleagues from the coalition.

Google translation
Выступление начальника Главного оперативного управления Генерального штаба Вооруженных Сил Российской Федерации — заместителя начальника Генерального штаба Вооруженных Сил Российской Федерации генерал-лейтенанта Сергея Рудского : Министерство обороны Российской Федерации
Putin and Iran have done a great disservice to humanity by supporting asad, had they not done that Daesh would not exist. Iran's thinking has become sectarian. It's really an achievement for assrahell.
Putin and Iran have done a great disservice to humanity by supporting asad, had they not done that Daesh would not exist. Iran's thinking has become sectarian. It's really an achievement for assrahell.

ISIS was created in Iraq back in 2006 ... a mixture of Iraqi AQ and Saddam Army's commanders... what does it have with Iran? go ask those who are responsible for creating and supporting Mujahedin and Taliban in Afghanistan and also Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussain for decades ...
Iran position on Syria has been clear from the first day : let Syrian people choose their future ... but instead of that Arab monarchies with the help of westerns started pumping weapons into the Syria ,,,

In recent Syria peace talks in Vienna a conversation took placed btw Iranian FM Zarif and Saudis FM Al-Jubeir :

Al-Jubeir : Assad must be removed immediately ...
Zarif: Are you Syrian people that let yourself to decide about the future of Syrian leadership ?
Al-Jubeir : The Syrian people did not vote for Assad therefore he has to go ...

Russian FM Lavrov : Then who voted for the king Salman?
Iran position on Syria has been clear from the first day : let Syrian people choose their future

Has asad allowed all Syrians to choose their leader? As far as I know he and his ally Iran played right into the hands of the zionazis.
Kurdish regional government declared that it is their trucks and refinery, not Daesh refinery.

Yes russia has satelite and made good photo of kurdish refinery.

Turkey has full USA and international support in this issue.

Kurds, USA support Erdogan.

Haters gona hate.

Jamahir whore ceylal. Piss off and suck russian cawk.
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