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Erdogan 'wins Turkey's presidential election'

No pls keep your ''other forms'' for yourself, we are happy with our democracy...

So you put Kemal and Erdogan on the opposite, while the latter want to be his hero.

What's your position and what is your "Ours", and you represent the mojority voters? time will tell.
You sure about that bro?
Yes im sure and none in Turkey wants anything else than democracy or do you prefer something else?

So you put Kemal and Erdogan on the opposite, while the latter want to be his hero.
I didnt understood what you mean...

What's your position and what is your "Ours", and you represent the mojority voters? time will tell.
Our country our democracy, i dont represent anyone.
The other candidate from secular CHP and nationalist MHP was the head of OIC, is educated in Islamic theology and history, but what do people like you know about politics in Turkey anyway. :coffee:

If its about being muslim then CHP/MHP candidate knows more about Islam than Erdogan but people in Turkey are not voting for ''islamic identity'' as this election proved.

Well, it is not really what we can call voting for "secular identity" either. It's more like rejecting secular candidates.
congrats to turkey for getting a great leader….

@Sinan your thoughts on the win??
most turks on this forum were saying that people are against erdogan??

No, most Turkish users in PDF were against Erdogan.... but Turkish people elected him again.... IMO this shows how illiterate the Turkish people are, a sad day for our nation.
Well, it is not really what we can call voting for "secular identity" either. It's more like rejecting secular candidates.
Well theres some news for you, the ministry of religious affairs made a poll recently, 90% dont want sharia, 70% sees laicism as a guarantee of religious freedom, over 90% thinks democracy is the best system.

As you can see Turks are pretty happy with democracy and secularism, as i said you have no clue about my country, and stop writing your posts with wide font it doesnt make your arguments more valid.
No, most Turkish users in PDF were against Erdogan.... but Turkish people elected him again.... IMO this shows how illiterate the Turkish people are, a sad day for our nation.

Why don't you like him?
No, most Turkish users in PDF were against Erdogan.... but Turkish people elected him again.... IMO this shows how illiterate the Turkish people are, a sad day for our nation.

It's an indirect admission that secular politicians have been beaten by their rivals in a democratic election. I've this hunch that you're a staunch supporter of secularism in Turkey.
Why don't you like him?
I will speak on my behalf, i used to support him till his third term i even voted for AKP at the airport in 2011, i dont support him anymore because hes policys became more and more polarizing, there are also other reasons such as corruption but i wont go deeper.

It isnt entirely secular vs. religious fight AKP has also many not so religious voters among them, Turks generally dont want relgion in policy.
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Well theres some news for you, the ministry of religious affairs made a poll recently, 90% dont want sharia, 70% sees laicism as a guarantee of religious freedom, over 90% thinks democracy is the best system.

As you can see Turks are pretty happy with democracy and secularism, as i said you have no clue about my country, and stop writing your posts with wide font it doesnt make your arguments more valid.

Look, surveys can be made to paint a distorted picture of a society. All you have to do is be selective about the people and the place you're going to ask your questions. Now, it's not too difficult for a surveyor who is biased, is it? If the majority of the Turks were so much in love with secularism they wouldn't have elected Erdogun as the President of Turkey, they would have elected somebody like you.
Look, surveys can be made to paint a distorted picture of a society. All you have to do is be selective about the people and the place you're going to ask your questions. Now, it's not too difficult for a surveyor who is biased, is it? If the majority of the Turks were so much in love with secularism they wouldn't have elected Erdogun as the President of Turkey, they would have elected somebody like you.
It was the Ministry of Religious Affair who made the survey and they made it in all provinces, you can deny as much as you want it wont change the reality.
China doesnt have much to say in CA, its Russia that would prevent such a union.
What SCO for? we currently just respect Russia's face by not saying too much.
But we are rigorously promoting silk road in that region, and we will have more
and more to say. Eventually it will be russia needing our help in those matters.
It was the Ministry of Religious Affair who made the survey and they made it in all provinces, you can deny as much as you want it wont change the reality.
Ministry of Religious Affair is comprised of people, not angels for heavens sake and you can be selective in every province if you want to. Don't be naive, these bureaucrats working for the ministries know very well the political affiliations within the provinces. If this kind of survey is done in Egypt today, sisi the thug will be found as the most popular animal in Egypt.
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It's an indirect admission that secular politicians have been beaten by their rivals in a democratic election. I've this hunch that you're a staunch supporter of secularism in Turkey.

All of you guys have a confusion in this secularism thing...

None should expect, a Sharia, Islamic state because of elections.... don't interpet the result of the elections to your taste.... There will be never a Sharia state in Turkey, people selected president that's it.

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