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A lot of good stuff muslims did in the past is hidden from the world in the books of the past. One of these things is the 1001 nights. Also Muslims devised a system of listening posts where a person could drop his horses and messages and race with another horse leaving the one in the pen.
No one of Turkish Section is posting something about Erdogan but you guys love him or what has happened ?
No one of Turkish Section is posting something about Erdogan but you guys love him or what has happened ?
It doesn't seem that way according to sinan..I am baffled too!
Yeh, we were told too that our ancestors were the Gauls. School teaching is not always based on factual events.
Nevertheless, I believe the Vikings more probable discoverers of America. We know exactly what they colonized Iceland and Greenland, that is - had a great swimming skills on the open seas in the northern latitudes. I am sure they have had enough audacity and ability to sail to America from Greenland.
Nevertheless, I believe the Vikings more probable discoverers of America. We know exactly what they colonized Iceland and Greenland, that is - had a great swimming skills on the open seas in the northern latitudes. I am sure they have had enough audacity and ability to sail to America from Greenland.
Nobody is disputing, the Vikings has set shore in the Northern America...Now it is toss up, between the Egyptians, the Chinese, and the Vikings. It seems Ergodan was light headed when he voiced his claim.
We learned to ignore his periodical brainfarts thats all.
It's going to go into the school curriculum and every bureaucrat is going to be expected to repeat the same mantra, is that not so?
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