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If that article satisfies your curiosity, then good for you...I am not into everything muslim must be great, I guess by now through my posting, you should know that I am anything but that. You should make someone, we all know well, read it and you will do a big service to Arab youth that have misled by their school system. But foremost I am interested like everyone else, to know the real truth. Europeen have to falsified history to their own benefits.
Above I put forward some picture of similarities between our world and the Americas. So instead of doubting Erdogan, without taking any part of his objectives, we need to give his assertion a thought, a deep thought.
You can swim in it...if you like...I gave you some some facts in photos, give me yours..or give us anything so we can pursue the Norwegian way and close this topic for good..if you don't have anything to show at the table...we are not hiring! the world is awash with Muslim of service,
If that article satisfies your curiosity, then good for you...I am not into everything muslim must be great, I guess by now through my posting, you should know that I am anything but that. You should make someone, we all know well, read it and you will do a big service to Arab youth that have misled by their school system. But foremost I am interested like everyone else, to know the real truth. Europeen have to falsified history to their own benefits.
Above I put forward some picture of similarities between our world and the Americas. So instead of doubting Erdogan, without taking any part of his objectives, we need to give his assertion a thought, a deep thought.

You need to be more critical than just posting some random pix to "prove" your point. Science does not work solely on pix.
You need to be more critical than just posting some random pix to "prove" your point. Science does not work solely on pix.
In the contrary forensic science, which is the case here, is based on pix , coring and samples...
You can swim in it...if you like...I gave you some some facts in photos, give me yours..or give us anything so we can pursue the Norwegian way and close this topic for good..if you don't have anything to show at the table...we are not hiring! the world is awash with Muslim of service,

According to the sagas, at precisely A.D. 1000, Leif Eriksson, first son of the notorious Erik the Red, voyaged from Greenland for lands sighted to the west. He then landed on the shores of a beautiful place he named Vinland (Vine land). Later voyagers to Vinland met strange peoples, whom they called skraeling.

Ever since these tales became widely known in the 19th century, scholars have debated their veracity while enthusiasts have proclaimed locations from Labrador to Florida as Leif’s Vinland.

But in 1960, undeniable proof of Vikings in North America came to light at L’Anse aux Meadows in Newfoundland, Canada. Several Norse Viking pieces and clear Icelandic- style house foundations gave proof positive that Vikings had indeed landed, and briefly settled, in North America 500 years before Columbus.

More recent archaeological work has revealed over 300 years of sporadic contact between the Greenlandic Norse and various Indian, Inuit, and other Native American peoples, concentrated primarily in the Canadian Arctic.

Many more evidences of the same argument that Nordic Vikings reached America first, not Muslims:
The Viking Explorer Who Beat Columbus to America — History in the Headlines
Analyzing the Vinland Map : Vikings came before Columbus
How many groups reached the Americas before Christopher Columbus?
American History Myths Debunked: Columbus Discovered America - ICTMN.com
Coming to America: Who Was First? : NPR
Pre-Columbian trans-oceanic contact - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I think a group of Muslims vikings indians europeans and chinese have sailed and discovered it together and celebrated by toasting vines... The truth is there no real way to know who discovered it better keep believing Colombus did because he was the smartest one to get the credit among all..
Turkey's Erdogan: Muslims, not Columbus, discovered Americas

I know an individual that will jump with his two feet especially , if they were arabs. Christopher Columbus was discredited recently by western newspaper on the historic legitimacy of the discovery. Other claim it was the Chinese who first landed in the new world, others even affirms it was Egyptians...Any imputs guys?

Eh.. Leif Eriksson was the first European to discover the America's anyway.. Not Columbus and that was 500 years before somewhere around 1000 AD.. Norse artifacts were unearthed periodically in coastal Canada dating back to that era
The whole discussion is racist and idiotic, as if the native Americans were part of the fauna, and their presence doesn't really count.

As if America was only truly "discovered" when Europeans/Chinese/Arabs or someone else came along.
We were told in school that the Vikings reached America in approximately 10th century.
We were told in school that the Vikings reached America in approximately 10th century.
Yeh, we were told too that our ancestors were the Gauls. School teaching is not always based on factual events.
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