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How is it?

The native Americans were the first humans to enter that continent. There were (most likely) several waves of human migration into that continent.

To say that those people don't really count and that the continent was only truly "discovered" once Vikings, Columbus, Chinese or Muslims showed up is an insult to the native Americans.
The native Americans were the first humans to enter that continent. There were (most likely) several waves of human migration into that continent.

To say that those people don't really count and that the continent was only truly "discovered" once Vikings, Columbus, Chinese or Muslims showed up is an insult to the native Americans.
You are missing completely the point. You are talking about the discovery of the new world. I don't see how it is in insult to American indians, nobody is debating their birth place. We are debating who was the first to discover that there is other lands beside Africa, Europe and Asia...
Wonder how many threads have been opened on Erdogan's brainfart. :pop: Poor Native Americans, completely ignored on their credit for discovering the Americas. :(
The real danger here is not what Erdogan said. The real danger lies in his potential to become Turkey's Zia-ul-Haq, leaving behind a disastrous legacy of religion run amok.
There were some sporadic visits of America by Vikings and probably some other before Columbus, which did not left any impact in America.

Only after Columbus visits and the colonization of America became continuous and regular and this changed the history of America (and rest of the world) for good.

Similarly Galileo was not the first guy who looked at sky with scope but he founded the instrumental astronomy.
@xenon54 @Solomon2

It's as bad as we suspected, and it's not a parody.

Erdoğan vows to teach Turkish children Muslim discovery of Americas - POLITICS

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has instructed Turkey’s educational institutions to adopt a policy of highlighting the contribution of Islam to global science and arts, including the discovery of the American continent by Muslim sailors some 300 years before Columbus.

And so the long slide into the abyss begins for another Muslim country. Pity.
@xenon54 @Solomon2

It's as bad as we suspected, and it's not a parody.

Erdoğan vows to teach Turkish children Muslim discovery of Americas - POLITICS

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has instructed Turkey’s educational institutions to adopt a policy of highlighting the contribution of Islam to global science and arts, including the discovery of the American continent by Muslim sailors some 300 years before Columbus.

They tinkered with his speech....

That's not what he said..... also they tinkered, and/or miss translated rest of his speech.
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