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Erdogan demands demilitarisation of East Aegean Islands, threatens operation in Syria

I listened to Erdogan's statement.He doesn't threaten any state. ........On the contrary, the Erdogan era has been as moderate towards Greece as only few governments in history have shown.

This map is moderate?

I listened to Erdogan's last statement again and with great attention in order to understand what is there to anger all the Greek members of the forum together. I translate word-by-word for you: (I'm skipping other geopolitical topics)

The Russia-Ukraine War has shown how fragile and sensitive peace and stability are in the world. Due to the conflicts and potential threats in the region, the NATO alliance needs unity and solidarity more than ever.

At such a critical time, we regret that strategies that threaten our country's rights and interests based on international agreements have been resorted to in the Aegean, Eastern Mediterranean and Cyprus.

We also sadly follow that some Greek politicians, with an unprecedented recklessness in the world, are trying to stay on the agenda with words and actions that are far from reality, contrary to reason, logic and law.

However, there are countless examples before us that such issues are too sensitive to accept any sassyness just because of domestic politics and can have serious consequences. Those who waste their country's resources, energies and time with dreams that they can never afford will surely give an account of this before history.

On this occasion, we once again invite Greece to stop arming the islands with non-military status and to act in accordance with international agreements. I'm not kidding, I'm serious. Especially this nation is determined and if these people say something, they will follow.

We leave the meaning of demanding a maritime jurisdiction of 40 thousand kilometers for Meis Island in the Eastern Mediterranean, which is less than 2 kilometers from the mainland of Turkiye and more than 600 kilometers from Greece, to the discretion of the international community.

The inclusion of non-military islands in various exercises, and the attempt to use NATO and third-party countries as a tool for this unlawfulness, has no meaning beyond an effort that will end in disaster.

Mitsotakis is probably making touristic landings on the islands! We can't get anywhere with this. Despite being a member of the European Union, Greece still continues to put pressure on the Turkish minority living in Western Thrace, Rhodes and Kos, ignoring the values of the union, universal human rights and international agreements.

Allowing Greece, which was convicted by the European Court of Human Rights in 1999 and 2006 for its unlawful practices, to continue its oppressive attitude is an example of double standards.

We follow that those who are hawkish when it comes to Turkiye but do not speak out against Greece, which ignores the European Court of Human Rights, supports terrorist organizations, and inflicts all kinds of inhumane treatment on refugees.

As the ally that pays the highest price in all respects within NATO, we continue to calmly face the provocations of Greece, which has not even responded to military delegation meeting invitations for the last two years.

However, we see that our patience and composure are misunderstood by our interlocutor. Turkiye does not violate anyone's rights and laws, but it does not let violate own rights and laws too.

In fact, this country has always relied on someone since its foundation and made similar moves as a tool for someone's calculations. We warn Greece again, just like a century ago, to stay away from dreams, rhetoric and actions that will result in regret, and to come to its senses. Snap out of it. Turkiye will not relinquish its rights in the Aegean and will not refrain from using the powers granted to it by international agreements on the armament of the islands when necessary.

On the other hand, in Cyprus, the ambivalent and urging attitude of the Greek Cypriot side does not leave a solution other than the equal, sovereign and independent two-state method on the island. From giving heavy weapons training to priests which were proudly displayed in the media, to opening offices for terrorist organizations, every move made by the Greeks proves the accuracy of this decision.

Hydrocarbon exploration and drilling activities in the Eastern Mediterranean will be continued in accordance with United Nations practices and other international practices. We have not and will not allow any savings or transactions in our jurisdictions against us.

We fulfill the requirements of these responsibilities in a wide area from Azerbaijan to Libya, from the Balkans to Central Asia. With this understanding, we stood by our brothers during the events in Karabakh and the occupied Azerbaijani territories in the last months of 2020. In this war, which was started by the Armenians and ended with the victory of Azerbaijan at the end of a 44-day struggle, the occupation that lasted for nearly 30 years in the region came to an end. Today, the Russian and Turkish Armed Forces are working together in the joint center for the ceasefire to be permanent. In addition, we are in close cooperation with our brothers on the modernization, training, mine search& eleminate of the Azerbaijani army.

We provide all kinds of support for our brothers and sisters in Libya, with whom we have deep-rooted ties for centuries, to live in stability and security, and we are pleased to have helped end the war there. We are carrying out and will continue to carry out works that will contribute to peace and tranquility in Kosovo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Somalia and many other geographies.

(The closing part is the commemoration of the martyrs and thanks to the participants and so on.)

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Naval blockade to Turkiye? Some idiots here living in a fantasy world.

Some so-called analysts, who claim that international maritime traffic and rights of way can be blocked 20-50 miles off the Turkish coast, do nothing but ridicule themselves.

You will be f00ked in the a$$ if you try to be naughty.

Coming from the mouth of brehanlala.
Thread title was misleading - Turkey wants islands demilitarized, not the entire country of greece
Wrong, Turkey wants not only the half Greek Aegean Islands according "Mavi Vatan" doctrine and "Mîsâk-ı Millî" turkish national agreement, but also and the North Syria and North Iraq.
That is why it is launching new military operations in Syria, although the latter directly considers it an attack on its territory.
After all, in the occupied territories of Syria and Iraq, the policy of annexation is universal, with the use of the Turkish pound, Turkish flags and textbooks and the appointment of Turkish officials.


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please demilitarize my westren borders or i will invade my southern neighbours
Wrong, Turkey wants not only the half Greek Aegean Islands according "Mavi Vatan" doctrine and "Mîsâk-ı Millî" turkish national agreement, but also and the North Syria and North Iraq.
That is why it is launching new military operations in Syria, although the latter directly considers it an attack on its territory.
After all, in the occupied territories of Syria and Iraq, the policy of annexation is universal, with the use of the Turkish pound, Turkish flags and textbooks and the appointment of Turkish officials.

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There is no such map my brother, such a statement has never been said or implied by any official authority. There are people living in dreams in our country as well as in your country. You must know well that I can share dozens of strange 'megali-idea' maps too.

Regarding the problems between us, we are in favor of negotiating all our problems in a dialogue with a joint working committee. If this is not enough, we are also open to the support of international mechanisms. But unfortunately, the current government in Greece causes even military delegation meeting invitations to be turned down for some reason.

On the other hand, your foreign minister does not hesitate to express his statements that openly question the sovereignty of Istanbul and are filled with the Byzantine dreams.

Given these attitudes, what problem can we solve?

edit: 'Misaki-milli' is the definition of the Turkish state that was unanimously accepted by the parliamentary deputies while the Ottoman state was collapsing, and later, when Greece started to invade Asia Minor, it was accepted exactly at the Sivas congress. This concept essentially contains a definition mostly in line with Wilson's principles, not a map. Since there is a Turkish thesis in the Lausanne talks and the borders are mostly determined in parallel with this, it is a concept that the other party countries actually accept.
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Mitsotakis is probably making touristic landings on the islands! We can't get anywhere with this.
Our government and politicians cannot go to islands of their own country? It's like me telling you,you can't go to your kitchen. Only in the living-room and other rooms.

We warn Greece again, just like a century ago, to stay away from dreams, rhetoric and actions that will result in regret, and to come to its senses. Snap out of it. Turkiye will not relinquish its rights in the Aegean and will not refrain from using the powers granted to it by international agreements on the armament of the islands when necessary.
Still wondering why the anger?

However, we see that our patience and composure are misunderstood by our interlocutor. Turkiye does not violate anyone's rights and laws, but it does not let violate own rights and laws too.
Usual Erdogan playing the victim,when he is the aggressor.

There is no such map my brother, such a statement has never been said or implied by any official authority.
Then how is it that your officials constantly babble about "Mavi Vatan"?? Can you explain that? They constantly talk about "protecting our Blue Homeland".

On the other hand, your foreign minister does not hesitate to express his statements that openly question the sovereignty of Istanbul and are filled with the Byzantine dreams.
Quote him,I'm curious to see what you're talking about.
Misaki-Milli articles:

1. The National Pact is a whole that cannot be separated by any means or by any means. The future of the regions under foreign occupation at the time the Armistice of Mudros was signed will be determined by the free will and votes of the people.

2. Political, financial, judicial and full independence of the country is essential; No restrictions or registrations can be accepted in these matters.

3. Western Thrace will determine its legal status with the votes of the people's free will. (The Turkish state supported the joining of the Turks of Western Thrace to Greece in line with the assurances given later.)

4. In the provinces of Batum, Ardahan and Kars, which voluntarily joined the homeland, public voting will be held if necessary by international mechanisms.

5. The security of Istanbul and the Marmara Sea will be arranged in such a way as to keep them away from dangers. Keeping the straits open to trade will also be ensured by the negotiations and agreements of the relevant states.

This is the official content of the Misaki-Milli that is tried to be presented as aggression!

From giving heavy weapons training to priests which were proudly displayed in the media, to opening offices for terrorist organizations, every move made by the Greeks proves the accuracy of this decision.
Because in islam,muezins and imams don't fight? 🙄

What kind of "terrorist organizations" is he talking about? Because Erdogan considers everyone who opposes him,a terrorist.

Misaki-Milli articles:

1. The National Pact is a whole that cannot be separated by any means or by any means. The future of the regions under foreign occupation at the time the Armistice of Mudros was signed will be determined by the free will and votes of the people.

2. Political, financial, judicial and full independence of the country is essential; No restrictions or registrations can be accepted in these matters.

3. Western Thrace will determine its legal status with the votes of the people's free will. (The Turkish state supported the joining of the Turks of Western Thrace to Greece in line with the assurances given later.)

4. In the provinces of Batum, Ardahan and Kars, which voluntarily joined the homeland, public voting will be held if necessary by international mechanisms.

5. The security of Istanbul and the Marmara Sea will be arranged in such a way as to keep them away from dangers. Keeping the straits open to trade will also be ensured by the negotiations and agreements of the relevant states.

This is the official content of the Misaki-Milli that is tried to be presented as aggression!

Ama bu?

I don't know. NATO is already frustrated with Turkey's behavior and demands.

Realistically,if Turkey attacked our Navy or invaded some islands,they could suffer heavy sanctions and have American and French fleets in the Aegean and East Mediterranean in heavy alert and patrol or even embargo. Depends if the Turks allied themselves with Russia or were found to provide more help to them. Then they would probably be blockaded by NATO or the Americans could kick them back out of northern Syria,protecting the Kurds. Maybe.

well , you did act like a whore for USA when you seized our ships , we seized your ships in retaliation and USA couldn't do anything ( you worthy enough for them to increase the level of tension with Iran for you ) .
for USA , Turkeiye more important and for that reason , they will close their eyes against Turkey because Turkiye is is in strategic place to keep both Iran and Russia in check for USA/NATO ... they would do nothing for you except some verbal condemnation and meaningless sanction

this is hard truth you have accept
There is no such map my brother, such a statement has never been said or implied by any official authority. There are people living in dreams in our country as well as in your country. You must know well that I can share dozens of strange 'megali-idea' maps too.
Obviously you live in another country, it is not explained ......
So what is this map behind Erdogan? The Dalmatian coast and the Hawaiian Islands?


And who brought the national borders of "Mîsâk-ı Millî" to the surface again?


Greece should act smart and try to reduce the tension as much as possible.

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