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Greek FA Dendias to Turkey: We reject the neo-Ottoman bullies

btw Turks took Anatolia from Eastern Roman Empire , nothing to do with Greeks
including Roman emperor Constantinus I
Ah what do you have in your head? Ignorant of history.

The Eastern Roman Empire was a de facto medieval hellenic empire. The majority of the population,culture and language were Greek. It was the amalgamation of Greek culture and language with the Roman civilization and law with Eastern Orthodoxy as its religion.

The majority of the population were Greeks and hellenized non-Greeks. Go read some history and stop being dillusional.

Enough with the idiotic conspiracy theories and fiction of certain Turks here. You've been looking for every cheap excuse to justify your conquest and theft of other nations' lands. And as if that isn't enough,you claim their current territories now in the name of "Turkish interests".
Its not Neo Ottomanism

16 Turkish Empires shows great Turkish history

AL Mamlaka AL Misriyyah AL Usra AL ALawiyyah AL Hidiviyet AL Mahmoudiyyah AL Usmaniyyah !!!!


Byzan cum Thrace - Ankara are not AL Usmaniyyah !!!
Ah what do you have in your head? Ignorant of history.

Remember League of Nations : 1939-1945 War !!!
The Eastern Roman Empire was a de facto medieval hellenic empire. The majority of the population,culture and language were Greek. It was the amalgamation of Greek culture and language with the Roman civilization and law with Eastern Orthodoxy as its religion.

But who bombed Hellenic Empire in League of Nations : 1939-1945 War ???

The majority of the population were Greeks and hellenized non-Greeks. Go read some history and stop being dillusional.

But who bombed Hellenic Empire in League of Nations : 1939-1945 War ???

Enough with the idiotic conspiracy theories and fiction of certain Turks here. You've been looking for every cheap excuse to justify your conquest and theft of other nations' lands. And as if that isn't enough,you claim their current territories now in the name of "Turkish interests".

Military Coups in Ankara are done by whom ???
The Eastern Roman Empire was a de facto medieval hellenic empire. The majority of the population,culture and language were Greek.

The Eastern Roman Empire is nothing to do with Greeks

and Rulers were not Greek ....

According to Prof. Dr. Ilber Ortayli
"There has never been a state called Byzantium in history. The empire called Byzantium is actually the Eastern Roman Empire. The people of that empire never used the name Byzantium.
The name Byzantium is a name invented by the German scholar Hieronymus Wolf in the 16th century. “

Enough with the idiotic conspiracy theories and fiction of certain Turks here. You've been looking for every cheap excuse to justify your conquest and theft of other nations' lands. And as if that isn't enough,you claim their current territories now in the name of "Turkish interests".

Greeks came to Greece and Anatolia from Nothen Africa

and Greeks ( dna haplogroup J ) nothing to do with Anatolians and Europeans

In the light of the rock writings, stamps, inscriptions, monuments and obelisks found all over Anatolia from Hakkari to Istanbul, Turks have been living in Anatolia for at least 10.000 years.

The Proto-Turkic Peoples started to migrate from Central Asia to Anatolia and from there to Europe, due to climatic conditions and drought, starting from 8000 BC.
The Sumerians, Trojans, and Etruscans are Proto-Turkic Peoples

More than 5,000 Pre-Turkic inscriptions have been found all over Europe, including Scandinavia.

According to Prof. Dr. Ilber Ortayli
"There has never been a state called Byzantium in history. The empire called Byzantium is actually the Eastern Roman Empire. The people of that empire never used the name Byzantium.
The name Byzantium is a name invented by the German scholar Hieronymus Wolf in the 16th century. “
That's completely irrelevant. It's like saying the Ottoman Empire didn't exist because it was called Osmanli Imparatoğlu instead of Ottoman Empire.

We've this conversation before and I see that you haven't learned anything. I suggest you read real historians like Steven Runciman and Ostrogorsky who were renowned experts in medieval and Byzantine history. Furthermore,your ignorance is evident when you don't know that Byzantines called themselves Romans,while the rest of the Europeans and to an extent Arabs and Persians called them Greeks. It's obvious you've never read medieval chronicles in your life. First-hand sources. You always quote some Turkish professor.

Greeks came to Greece and Anatolia from Nothen Africa

and Greeks ( dna haplogroup J ) nothing to do with Anatolians and Europeans

In the light of the rock writings, stamps, inscriptions, monuments and obelisks found all over Anatolia from Hakkari to Istanbul, Turks have been living in Anatolia for at least 10.000 years.

The Proto-Turkic Peoples started to migrate from Central Asia to Anatolia and from there to Europe, due to climatic conditions and drought, starting from 8000 BC.
The Sumerians, Trojans, and Etruscans are Proto-Turkic Peoples

More than 5,000 Pre-Turkic inscriptions have been found all over Europe, including Scandinavia.

Who are the authors of this fairy-tale?
The Eastern Roman Empire is nothing to do with Greeks

Ar Rum are Arab Clans !!!

and Rulers were not Greek ....

Seljuks are what ???

According to Prof. Dr. Ilber Ortayli
"There has never been a state called Byzantium in history. The empire called Byzantium is actually the Eastern Roman Empire. The people of that empire never used the name Byzantium.
The name Byzantium is a name invented by the German scholar Hieronymus Wolf in the 16th century. “

Ar Rum are Arabs and Proto Hitties !!! Continent Asiyyah - Minor term explain everything !!!

Venetinians worshippers of Latinium - Zeus Herculas Christo are dwelling in Ankara !!!

Greeks came to Greece and Anatolia from Nothen Africa

Proto Hitties are from ALH Ad Va ALH Ind - Tribes !!!

and Greeks ( dna haplogroup J ) nothing to do with Anatolians and Europeans

Latinium Athenos are different from Slavonic, Thrace; Anglo, Celtics, Saxons and Byzan; None have to do anything with ALH Ad Va ALH Ind - Tribes !!!

In the light of the rock writings, stamps, inscriptions, monuments and obelisks found all over Anatolia from Hakkari to Istanbul, Turks have been living in Anatolia for at least 10.000 years.

Att Urk are Arab Clanships !!!
That's completely irrelevant. It's like saying the Ottoman Empire didn't exist because it was called Osmanli Imparatoğlu instead of Ottoman Empire.

That was same ( Ottoman Empire in English )

but There has never been a state called Byzantium in history. .......
Byzantium is a name invented by the German scholar Hieronymus Wolf in the 16th century.

We've this conversation before and I see that you haven't learned anything. I suggest you read real historians like Steven Runciman and Ostrogorsky who were renowned experts in medieval and Byzantine history. Furthermore,your ignorance is evident when you don't know that Byzantines called themselves Romans,while the rest of the Europeans and to an extent Arabs and Persians called them Greeks. It's obvious you've never read medieval chronicles in your life. First-hand sources. You always quote some Turkish professor.

Fake history as always

NO Byzantium

but Eastern Roman Empire
and Eastern Roman Empire , nothing to do with Greeks
including Roman emperor Constantinus I and other Rulers
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That's completely irrelevant. It's like saying the Ottoman Empire didn't exist because it was called Osmanli Imparatoğlu instead of Ottoman Empire.

Are Seljuks different from AL Mamlaka AL Misriyyah AL Usra AL ALawiyyah AL Hidiviyet AL Mahmoudiyyah AL Usmaniyyah !!!

Att Urk are olders than Byzan Cum Thrace !!!

We've this conversation before and I see that you haven't learned anything. I suggest you read real historians like Steven Runciman and Ostrogorsky who were renowned experts in medieval and Byzantine history.

Byzan are not Arab or Indian Tribes !!!

In India, some Byzan came along with the Seljuk Princess, who are always seperate from Arab and Chulakya indians !!!

Furthermore,your ignorance is evident when you don't know that Byzantines called themselves Romans,while the rest of the Europeans and to an extent Arabs and Persians called them Greeks.

Byzans claim of being Ar Rum - Clanships are similar of Yew Pagans !!!

Att Urk are Hitties !!!

It's obvious you've never read medieval chronicles in your life. First-hand sources. You always quote some Turkish professor.

Background of that Professor for sure will be Byzan cum Thrace or even Venetinians !!!

Who are the authors of this fairy-tale?

Fairy Tales are having too much Evidence in Att Eh Az Ibun !!!
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That was same ( Ottoman Empire in English )
AL Mamlaka AL Misriyyah AL Usra AL ALawiyyah AL Hidiviyet AL Mahmoudiyyah AL Usmaniyyah !!! Nothing to do with Byzan cum Thrace - Ankara !!!

but There has never been a state called Byzantium in history. .......
Byzantium is a name invented by the German scholar Hieronymus Wolf in the 16th century.

Byzan Yazd - Don't know who are those ???

Fake history as always

NO Byzantium

Byzan Yazd are not Arabs or Indians !!!

but Eastern Roman Empire
and Eastern Roman Empire , nothing to do with Greeks
including Roman emperor Constantinus I and other Rulers

Ar Rum are Arabs ; Stop calling Latinium or Byzan Yazd or Thrace as Roman !!!

Ar Rum are clanship of Isa Ibne Maryam Alai Salaam !!!

Was Athenos Latinium Emperor or Byzan Latinium Emperor who was persecutor of ALE Umrattun AL Im e Roh Un - Ar Rum Clanships ???

ALE Umrattun AL Im e Roh Un - Ar Rum Clanships call Emperor Constantinus I Corrupter of ALB AB EL AL InJ e EL !!!
Anatolia is not belong to Greeks ...

even Greeks came to Greece from Nort Africa .... Greek DNA is haplogroup J as like Nort African People

You obviously read this from some Neo-Ottoman site, which had a study as its source the known afrocentrist science.
Anyway, they are overwhelmingly Middle Eastern in origin and carry Y-DNA E-V13 which is a subclade of the North African (Libyan, Egyptian) Haplogroup E-M78 taken into Europe by the Middle Eastern Farmers, starting 8000 years ago.
The Genographic Project, a genetic anthropological study by National Geographic Society, is clear : there is zero sub-Saharan or North African admixture in the Greek population.


On the other hand, the Western Turks of Anatolia have a lot of Greek DNA in theirs bloods.....
Thats why the Turkish DNA Project called upon “all Turks to boycott this company: Ancestry.”

That was same ( Ottoman Empire in English )

but There has never been a state called Byzantium in history. .......
Byzantium is a name invented by the German scholar Hieronymus Wolf in the 16th century.

Fake history as always

NO Byzantium

but Eastern Roman Empire
and Eastern Roman Empire , nothing to do with Greeks
including Roman emperor Constantinus I and other Rulers
Oh man,you're so retarded...

On the other hand, the Western Turks of Anatolia have a lot of Greek DNA in theirs bloods.....

What about Greek DNA ?

Germans , British , French , İtalians , Russians have Turk DNA in theirs bloods

Haplogroup P-M45 ( proto Turkic peoples )
Time of origin : 45.000 years ago
Place of origin : Central asia and Southeast Asia
Descendants Haplogroup Q and R

Haplogroup R ( Russians,,French,,Germans,,British )
Time of origin : 26,800 years ago
Place of origin : Central Asia

You obviously read this from some Neo-Ottoman site, which had a study as its source the known afrocentrist science.

Archaeological Evidences are not enough for Propagandists !!!

Anyway, they are overwhelmingly Middle Eastern in origin and carry Y-DNA E-V13 which is a subclade of the North African (Libyan, Egyptian) Haplogroup E-M78 taken into Europe by the Middle Eastern Farmers, starting 8000 years ago.

Nasabun Hereditary Tree - Education still lacks in Byzan cum Thrace Individuals !!!

Son of Dracula is dwelling in Ankara !!!

The Genographic Project, a genetic anthropological study by National Geographic Society, is clear : there is zero sub-Saharan or North African admixture in the Greek population.

Invaders have always lost everything in the Past; The same is in Present and Future !!!

Indians and Arabs - Yuck; We are going to Moon and Mars !!!

Why Indians and Arabs will let any of You ??? Who cant even kill a Zombie on Earth !!!

Still trying to understand what is Stigmata !!! Always having the habit to beg a Demon but talk wrong in front of Civilisation !!!

View attachment 877459

On the other hand, the Western Turks of Anatolia have a lot of Greek DNA in theirs bloods.....
Thats why the Turkish DNA Project called upon “all Turks to boycott this company: Ancestry.”

Come on, the Betrayal of League of Nations : Year 1939 - 1945 War are still haunting Byzan cum Thrace Ankara - Yazd !!!

Dua Please for Byzan Yazd !!!
@waz What's this Hindustani78 spammer account? He's not making any sense and keeps posting.
@waz What's this Hindustani78 spammer account? He's not making any sense and keeps posting.

Spamming where ???

What History is presented by Evidence by Arabs and Indians !!!

Claims and Counter Claims are work of Academics !!! What is your education Level ???

@waz What's this Hindustani78 spammer account? He's not making any sense and keeps posting.

Spamming where ???

What History is presented by Evidence by Arabs and Indians !!!

Claims and Counter Claims are work of Academics !!! What is your education Level ???

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