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Erdogan demands demilitarisation of East Aegean Islands, threatens operation in Syria

The Turkish side claims that according to the agreements these islands should never be militarized.
And that's why the Greek side replied that all the allegations are false. Check the maps from the beginning.

And read this as well:

Screenshot_2021-10-12 Turkish claims regarding the demilitarization of islands in the Aegean S...png
Turkey seeks to…..expand in old Ottomans borders, according to its neo-ottoman doctrine, which doctrine is proven…
  • institutionally (Mavi Vatan doctrine & Misak-ı Milli turkish national borders),
  • verbally (today Erdogan speech, Cavousglou's statements, threats of war, etc)
  • in the field (invasions, air and sea violations, casus belli)
Βecause one photo is equal with 1000 words, Turkish minister, at the TAF operational center, with a prominent place-without hiding-information maps of targeted facilities in Greek Aegean islands.

Erm the US and U.K. aka NATO would just step in between the two in the event of war.
Won’t take sides.
Back in the 80's and 90's,whenever we had a big crisis,the U.S. President would make a phone call and the situation would be difused. But ever since Erdogan came to power...he won't listen to anyone.

Now,some people might say "Oh good,he's a strong leader",but he acts like a loose cannon.
Of course, the Turkish political and military leadership is bothered and worried by the reinforcement of the Greek armed forces with new weapons systems, some of which will equip the Greek islands such as Spike NLOS or Dome or Iris-T. The discomfort of the Turkish officials for the disturbance of the balance, mainly in the air and the sea, in favor of Greece is obvious.

Turkey is in a difficult position in the field of armaments both due to its stance on international political issues and the political decision of Greece for rearmament after decades of armaments inaction. This means that Greece is moving in the right direction and should continue this armaments effort with greater intensity and smart and targeted markets that enhance the deterrent capability of the Greek Armed Forces.
Rafale, F16V, FDI, MH-60R .....are just the beginning.

With the strengthening of its Armed Forces, Greece will have absolutely nothing to fear from the lionesses of the pseudo-sultan and his company.
greek government is lobbying against Turkiye everywhere they go. Recently their pm urged US not to supply F-16’s to Turkish airforce. They harbor the enemies of Turkiye. Even Pkk leader was captured with Cypriot passport he was protected by Greek intelligence.

anyway it seems the recently held speech of micotakis at US Congress which was pretty Anti Turkiye to say the least made the Turkish side more angry.
Back in the 80's and 90's,whenever we had a big crisis,the U.S. President would make a phone call and the situation would be difused. But ever since Erdogan came to power...he won't listen to anyone.

Now,some people might say "Oh good,he's a strong leader",but he acts like a loose cannon.

Trust me when it hits the fan they will all listen.
Turkey is in a difficult position in the field of armaments both due to its stance on international political issues and the political decision of Greece for rearmament after decades of armaments inaction. This means that Greece is moving in the right direction and should continue this armaments effort with greater intensity and smart and targeted markets that enhance the deterrent capability of the Greek Armed Forces.
Rafale, F16V, FDI, MH-60R .....are just the beginning.
The funny thing is that,although they keep mocking us of being a small and weak country compared Turkey,which is of course true,their reaction right after we bought the Rafale and later when we signed the FDI HN deal,was one of an irritated and insecure country.

On one hand,they brag that their Air Force can easily take care of ours,on the other,they desperately started looking for Su-35s and F-16Vs. Then they even asked to get back to the F-35 program.

In fact,they were so annoyed by the Rafale purchase,that they kept talking about it for weeks and weeks. Akar specifically,kept mentioning it in his speeches.

This demand is an extortion. Especially when it comes from a country that keeps repeating the phrase "We'll kick you in the sea like your ancestors 100 years ago".

If India demanded Pakistan to demilitarize all bases across the Punjab and Azad Kashmir and said "if you don't do that,it means you don't want peace and these areas are up for grabs",how logical would that sound?
Erm the US and U.K. aka NATO would just step in between the two in the event of war.
Won’t take sides.
Well, it should be US and UK and NATO will step in BEFORE both side reaching the point of war. That is why I think war is unlikely.

If there is an actual war, and Turkey really did attack Greece, and Greece trigger Article 5, then it will force NATO to engage on behalf of Greece. NATO cannot be seen as weak and not comply with Article 5, not when Russia still attacking Ukraine....This would give Putin a lot of different scenario to go for in his mind.

Not sure if this make sense
well , you did act like a whore for USA when you seized our ships , we seized your ships in retaliation and USA couldn't do anything ( you worthy enough for them to increase the level of tension with Iran for you ) .
for USA , Turkeiye more important and for that reason , they will close their eyes against Turkey because Turkiye is is in strategic place to keep both Iran and Russia in check for USA/NATO ... they would do nothing for you except some verbal condemnation and meaningless sanction

this is hard truth you have accept

Greece is EU. With that untouchable.
Well, it should be US and UK and NATO will step in BEFORE both side reaching the point of war. That is why I think war is unlikely.

If there is an actual war, and Turkey really did attack Greece, and Greece trigger Article 5, then it will force NATO to engage on behalf of Greece. NATO cannot be seen as weak and not comply with Article 5, not when Russia still attacking Ukraine....This would give Putin a lot of different scenario to go for in his mind.

Not sure if this make sense

They will step in before for sure. As if Greece is attacked the alliance will stop Turkey but NOT by any force of arms. Mass sanctions, removal from all bodies, blockade etc. They won't attack a member who has been at their side for decades.
They will step in before for sure. As if Greece is attacked the alliance will stop Turkey but NOT by any force of arms. Mass sanctions, removal from all bodies, blockade etc. They won't attack a member who has been at their side for decades.
That's more realistic.

Greece is EU. With that untouchable.
This is a fantasy.
IF Turkey attack, NATO could kick Turkey out of the alliance, which would not be good because that is the same bargaining chip Turks are holding over Sweden and Finland Membership.

Article 5 kicks in(If Greece want to invoke it) everyone goes to war with Turkey.

As for Russia-Ukraine, not much, Turkey supplies Ukraine with TB-2 Drone, and that's the only contribution Turkey did, it worth notice that Turkey is not a party that sanction Russia. I would assume either Turkey continue to deliver those drone (I heard there were around 20 still overdue) or have to refund the Ukrainian their money. Most likely NATO would replace that with MQ-9 or equivalent
MQ-9 Reaper too big, too expensive. MQ-1 Predator is more suitable if not retired.

Note: I edited the first post with the maps in english. Please check them out.

@RescueRanger @Beast @siegecrossbow @jamahir @PakFactor @Sainthood 101 @Brainsucker @Huffal @reflecthofgeismar @jhungary

Why? You think you can't be blockaded? The Straits. That's the point. That's the whole point. They all want the Straits.
I knew both Russia and other Christian countries want Constantinople back.
I knew both Russia and other Christian countries want Constantinople back.
Not just Russia,the British and French wanted it as well,back in the 18th and 19th centuries. But since they couldn't get it,they prevented Russia from getting it.

When Napoleon and Tsar Alexander I were drawing their zones of influence on the map,Napoleon said should remain neutral because "it's the center of the world".

One of the reasons for British and French support against Russia in the Crimean War,was to keep the Ottomans alive as a constant threat to the Russians and to keep the Straits out of Russian control.

Then in near the end of the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878:

"Under pressure from the British, Russia accepted the truce offered by the Ottoman Empire on 31 January 1878, but continued to move towards Constantinople.

The British sent a fleet of battleships to intimidate Russia from entering the city, and Russian forces stopped at San Stefano. Eventually Russia entered into a settlement under the Treaty of San Stefano on 3 March, by which the Ottoman Empire would recognize the independence of Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro, and the autonomy of Bulgaria.

Alarmed by the extension of Russian power into the Balkans, the Great Powers later forced modifications of the treaty in the Congress of Berlin. The main change here was that Bulgaria would be split, according to earlier agreements among the Great Powers that precluded the creation of a large new Slavic state: the northern and eastern parts to become principalities as before (Bulgaria and Eastern Rumelia), though with different governors; and the Macedonian region, originally part of Bulgaria under San Stefano, would return to direct Ottoman administration."

Also,during the First Balkan War,Bulgaria was probably going for Constantinople as well,but they were stuck fighting outside Catalca(Chataldza),some tens of km west of the City.

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