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Erdogan demands demilitarisation of East Aegean Islands, threatens operation in Syria

Can you imagine NATO splitting into alliances with some supporting Greece and the others Turkey? 😂
It is possible that UK, Germany, Spain, Albania, Hungary, Montonegro and North Macedonia will side with Turkiye.
It is possible that UK, Germany, Spain, Albania, Hungary, Montonegro and North Macedonia will side with Turkiye.
No way!!! Christians first as usual, they didn't sided with you againt Russia in the plane shoot incident.
It is possible that UK, Germany, Spain, Albania, Hungary, Montonegro and North Macedonia will side with Turkiye.
Normally,Germany would have sided with Turkey,but now I don't know. Hungary has been supporting Greek positions the last 3-4 years with the immigrant crisis and tension in the Aegean and East Mediterranean.

I'd say UK,Albania,maybe Croatia,Spain,Netherlands,Skopje,maybe even Montenegro like you said (you never know).

No way!!! Christians first as usual, they didn't sided with you againt Russia in the plane shoot incident.
Oh don't count on that...they are more atheist and liberal now that Christian. Their leaders are Freemasons probably.
Turkiye had complained about the behavior of Greece against the Paris and Lausanne agreements in a letter it sent to the UN, and preparations have already begun for take the issue to The Hague international court of justice. In the coming period, Turkish side will busy on a serious legal struggle.

But from the Greek side, there seems to be preparation for a war.

Digging of trenches longer than 100 kilometers, 35 meters wide and 7 meters deep, has begun. The Greek defense ministry is making an another contractor rich. But on the other side, Greece openly encourages Turkiye to prepare for war too.
Turkiye had complained about the behavior of Greece against the Paris and Lausanne agreements in a letter it sent to the UN, and preparations have already begun for take the issue to The Hague international court of justice. In the coming period, Turkish side will busy on a serious legal struggle.
Greece has responded to all these funny Turkish accusations, one by one, article by article, fact by fact, counter-argument to argument.


But from the Greek side, there seems to be preparation for a war.

Digging of trenches longer than 100 kilometers, 35 meters wide and 7 meters deep, has begun. The Greek defense ministry is making an another contractor rich. But on the other side, Greece openly encourages Turkiye to prepare for war too.

Yes, we are preparing for war, because Turkey is preparing to invade another country, as it has done 3 times in the last 40 years.
And since when is an anti-tank moat threatening you?
God knows I'm no friend of the US foreign policy as long as the American position towards PKK and Syria doesn't fundamentally change.

People always think of the US-Turkish relations as very strained and sometimes even talk about it as if it's about to collapse. That's not the case. Everything can be overlooked from a Turkish perspective except the support for PKK.

That's the main hurdle. Apart from that, the US and Turkish interests are very much in line with respect to Central Asia, China, South Korea, Eastern Europe and Africa.

The NATO-Turkish relationship has a very unique history:

Still, I'm ready to end this alliance if Washington doesn't cease its support for Communist terrorists. Does this mean that I would chose China over the US? Hell no. But I got to say that I like India's stance in the game of East vs West.

Ofc, that's BS. Even the US would think twice before challenging Turkey on her own turf. I don't think we should take every statement and sentence being made seriously. Some things are just said to be said with no reason.

We should be glad these people are nowhere near being policymakers in western capitals. Its easy to fantasize on a webforum but reality is something completeley different.

Turkey leaving NATO will be the beginning of disintegration of NATO as we know it, but armchair generals of course know better.
Turkiye had complained about the behavior of Greece against the Paris and Lausanne agreements in a letter it sent to the UN, and preparations have already begun for take the issue to The Hague international court of justice. In the coming period, Turkish side will busy on a serious legal struggle.
Turkey "remembered" to complain about it 50 years later?

Come on,your own governments relinquished any demands for demilitarisation of the islands in the '30s. For decades there was no mention and no problem about it. Now all of a sudden,you guys pretend like you care for "sticking to agreements",while at the same time you have Akar complaining about Greek politicians visiting....islands close to Turkey.
It's like me telling you where you can go inside your house and where you can't.

But from the Greek side, there seems to be preparation for a war.
After what happened in 2020,it's justified to fortify Evros more and more. Who knows when Erdogan will try to unleash waves of immigrants again? And with the constant threats by the AKP government,one can only be too careful.

But on the other side, Greece openly encourages Turkiye to prepare for war too.
Turkey doesn't need "encouragement". You rushed in Syria,you rushed in Libya,you rushed in Northern Iraq,you helped your Azeri brothers. We've had constant threats and warmongering speeches by Erdogan and Akar for the last 3 years.

When you constantly talk on TV about "Giving Greeks a lesson" or "We will throw you to the sea like we did to your grandfathers",that shows your intentions aren't peaceful.
And since when is an anti-tank moat threatening you?
Man,they have been producing UCAVs,artillery,ships,submarines,armored vehicles like crazy the last few years,they have ordered Aircraft Carriers,they're making TFX,MIUS,OPVs and missiles...

And they say we are preparing for war,because we're diging a ditch! Because we ordered a new type of jet fighter after 20 years and new frigates after 30 years! Insanity!
Man,they have been producing UCAVs,artillery,ships,submarines,armored vehicles like crazy the last few years,they have ordered Aircraft Carriers,they're making TFX,MIUS,OPVs and missiles...

And they say we are preparing for war,because we're diging a ditch! Because we ordered a new type of jet fighter after 20 years and new frigates after 30 years! Insanity!

Today's Turkey is now a hotbed of problems, the troublemaker of the Eastern Mediterranean. Its political system is kept alive by the reproduction of tensions, claims and discoveries of enemies.
Turkey "remembered" to complain about it 50 years later?
None of our diplomatic efforts have yielded results for 50 years. Our efforts to solve this problem with kindness and a spirit of neighborliness have always been fruitless. From here on, we have no choice but to the International Court of Justice. Because we saw that we could not agree otherwise.

Today's Turkey is now a hotbed of problems, the troublemaker of the Eastern Mediterranean. Its political system is kept alive by the reproduction of tensions, claims and discoveries of enemies.
Today's Greece is now a hotbed of problems, the troublemaker of the Eastern Mediterranean. Its political system is kept alive by the reproduction of tensions, claims and discoveries of enemies.
None of our diplomatic efforts have yielded results for 50 years. Our efforts to solve this problem with kindness and a spirit of neighborliness have always been fruitless. From here on, we have no choice but to the International Court of Justice. Because we saw that we could not agree otherwise.
Abu Halabja...there were no diplomatic efforts until the late '80s.

The only diplomatic efforts on the matter,was Turkey congratulating and approving of Greece's stance concerning the islands.

Do I have to c/p what your government said in your parliament?

Its political system is kept alive by the reproduction of tensions, claims and discoveries of enemies.
Are you mistaking the AKP-MHP government with Greece??? Seriously now...

We get to see how your leaders talk about us daily. There's not a day going by without Erdogan,Akar,Cavusoglu or Bahceli making a statement,comment or a threat about Yunanistan.
Greece are the 1st country in the EU region that spends the most money on armaments compared to GDP, and these figures do not include 15-20 years of military loans.

They are the country that spends the most money on armament per capita in the EU region, and they are even world's one of the top 5-6 countries in this regard. Let skip these debts; this time, the Greek state started to give its lands to the US soldiers probebly in order to keep their maximalist dream.

The sad thing is that Greek mainstream politics still use anti-Turkish populism to avoid explaining the consequences of the destruction of public sources.

The Greek state is technically bankrupt. It is the most indebted country in the world compared to national income, in between countries that does not have its own unique currency or economic policy. Selling their ports, public institutions, and even their island is just a painkiller, the problem is growing like an avalanche, it's technically impossible for them to pay back their $650 billion foreign debt. Even if Greece uses all its options today, it cannot slow down this debt increase until the 2030s.

So how to pay off debt that is not paid with money or production? If you don't have money, with your property, if you don't have property, with slavery...

Let's skip on the economic problems too; their main and biggest problem is not the economy, they have collapsing demographically. The young population is disappearing and now the Greek health and pension system will be put to a serious test. The population of the country is both aging and decreasing. And unfortunately, there is no assets that can sustain this decrease. Greece is not Switzerland even while having ambitions that no Swiss ever had.

It is a great tragedy that will enter the history books whhile Greek society is facing real and such great threats, that Greek politicians see the way out as risking war with Turkey. Don't blame the Turkish people for the consequences of their own actions.

When the Aegean Sea comes under UN peacekeeping force guaranty, you will have a lot of time to think about where you went wrong.
The sad thing is that Greek mainstream politics still use anti-Turkish populism to avoid explaining the consequences of the destruction of public sources.
We can say the exact same thing about you,actually.

The Greek state is technically bankrupt. It is the most indebted country in the world compared to national income, in between countries that does not have its own unique currency or economic policy. Selling their ports, public institutions, and even their island is just a painkiller, the problem is growing like an avalanche, it's technically impossible for them to pay back their $650 billion foreign debt. Even if Greece uses all its options today, it cannot slow down this debt increase until the 2030s.
Watch it,because you might soon be bankrupt too,if the inflation keeps going up and you guys insist on MMM-E's 700+ military projects and Erdogan's economic policies.

It is a great tragedy that will enter the history books whhile Greek society is facing real and such great threats, that Greek politicians see the way out as risking war with Turkey. Don't blame the Turkish people for the consequences of their own actions.
Man,are you out of your mind? YOU are the ones who started this fuss about the islands,out of nowhere! YOU are the ones who keep pushing it for no reason at all!

Your government started making threats and talking in a tone of "Hey Greece! Remove the army from the islands or else..."
Three years ago,when the Cypriots wanted to drill on their side of the sea,on their EEZ...Akar used to appear on TV and say:
"If you drill,we will give you a lesson..."

Every time we try to do something,Turkey says "IF YOU DO THAT,WE GO TO WAR".

Then you go to the foreign media and say "We want dialogue,but Greece doesn't help".

It's like listening to Goebbels before the war,saying stuff like: "We are peaceful,but our patience will run out! Be careful!"

When the Aegean Sea comes under UN peacekeeping force guaranty, you will have a lot of time to think about where you went wrong.
What if the scenario doesn't turn out well for you instead? Let's say Americans are pissed off at you,Europeans are pissed off at you,Russians are frustrated with you helping Ukraine and you end up having Americans and Europeans ganging up on you or Russians bombing the heck out of you with ballistic missiles,while NATO tolerates that and even gives them the green light?

Let's just say,it turns out,your superweapons don't actually work,you lose a few ships and a lot of aircraft against Greece and half of NATO gangs up on you.

What will say then? Are you willing to accept a potential defeat with hundreds of thousands of dead,the Turkish economy in ruins and the Kurds in revolt in and outside of Turkey?

Is the price worth Erdogan's rhetorics about "demilitarisation of islands"? Remember,we're not threatening you. And you Turks even brag about Greece not being a threat to you and that you are not afraid of Greece.

Then what exactly is this obsession with the islands?
Expansionist Greece violates international agreements

Greece violated 1923 Treaty of Lausanne
and in 1936 Greece illegally increased territorial water to 6nm from 3 nm

-- since 1990s Greece is trying to increase territorial water to 12 nm from 6 nm

-- Greece hiding behind USA-The EU and dreaming about Seville map which is not valid

-- stationing troops on islands violates 1923 Treaty of Lausanne, 1947 Treaty of Paris

So violation by Greece of the rules on the disarmament of the eastern Aegean islands may give Turkiye the right to terminate the articles of the Lausanne Peace Treaty 1923 regulating sovereignty over the islands.

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