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Erbil, Iraq: Ballistic Missiles used to strike a house near US Consulate

Twelve ballistic missiles targeting Erbil, the capital of Iraq's Kurdish Regional Government (KRG), were launched from outside of Iraq, the state news agency quoted the Directorate General of Counter Terrorism as saying.

Governor Omed Khoshnaw told Erbil-based broadcaster Rudaw that there was a terror attack against the US consulate in Erbil.

Khoshnaw said security forces in the city have been on alert since right after the attack.

The missile attacks were aimed at "secret Israeli bases", an Iranian state-TV correspondent based in Iraq said early on Sunday.

Earlier, a US official who spoke to Reuters said that the missiles were launched from Iran.

The KRG's Prime Minister Masrour Barzani said: "Erbil will not bow down to cowards. I strongly condemn the terrorist attack on several places in Erbil."

He urged the people of Erbil to obey the instructions of security forces.

Moreover, Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al Kadhimi said on his social media account that the attack targeted the safety of the people, adding that they would start investigations on the attack.

You Iranians are a bunch of cowards. So Israel kills your republican guards, blows your scientists into pieces and you fire some missiles into Iraq. If you had some balls you should have fired it into Israel. Trump barbecued your solemani and you shot down a passenger airline.

You are only good at killing innocent people using proxies and terrorist.
Says who? An American piece of crap?

Count your deads and then announce them as casualties in Afghanistan war. Oh, you have already lost that excuse. Wonder how would you try to save face in this case? . We kill yours, you don't even dare to mention it and Label them this and that.

You call us cowards but after blowing your heads, you just tried to save face and ran away from full blown war. Last time you biggest base of Middle East in Iraq was pounded by warheads killing tens of your army personnel and all you could do was saving face.

Our proxies still busy with blowing your heads, just follow the news and count the rockets landing in your bases here and there. You have no idea, how many of your active personnel are massacred by your so called Iranian proxies all over the region.
So it appears that Iran's official line is targeting covert Israeli bases. Very interesting.

While some would argue against it, I think there must be some truth to this theory as 12 ballistic missiles is a hell of a response that is not taken lightly by anyone.

I would not be surprised at all to find some kind of covert Israeli base on the grounds of the new US consulate. While the exact truth may never be known, it is probably safe to say Israelis underestimated Iranian intelligence in the area and definitely did not expect a response to come in the form of 12 ballistic missiles to take their base out. Between this and Iran's more aggressive advanced AD deployment of batteries in Syria, I wonder if this is the beginning of changes implemented by the new leadership in Tehran finally bearing some fruit in taking the fight back to Mossad and inflicting some well deserved losses.
You are trying to explain things against someone who is in Erbil who has seen the last night. You just wanted dead bodies that fortunately didn't happen.

You were high on mullah juice before I told you that how Pakistan gets involved in all this.


Iraq? What on earth lead you to visit that place?
You are as delusional as the few Iranians I see here begging about not going back to your shit country. You b.strds are a bunch of cowards, your general was barbequed into pieces in broad daylight. however your D head leadership did nothing. Everyday your people are cut into pieces by Israel and your cowardly army does nothing. Give me an example where you attacked the US directly.
You are a bunch of delusional people who romanticize Persian rule. Every country into your neighbourhood can send you into stone ages.
Ask your mullah to stay inside, otherwise they might be barbecued.
When you kill 1000ds of US personnel, you are a worse dickhead than indians. Keep living in your fantasy world, coward.
Coward Americans didn't dare to kill Gen Suleimani in battlefield, instead these terrorists decided to behave like the ISIS terrorists which they created themselves and targeted him while he was unarmed and in a diplomatic mission.

In retaliation, While US army was in full readiness, we targeted their military base. pathetic US president ordered it's troops to hide the casualties and while was frightened to death and breathing heavily he made a speech and announced that he wont respond to Iran's attack.

Facing real men, all US military can do is to shit their pants and cry:


As they did.
It's a signal to US, sign what we call a good deal or expect insecurity in middle east (including increasing oil and gas prices).
The timing of this attack is well thought about: US is busy with Russia, increasing energy prices, need for a good JCPOA deal and taking off IRGC from terror list, anwer to zionist attacks in Syria.

depending on how this geopoltical re-alignment pans out, Iran might not even really need to come back to the deal.

if china/russia can succesfully build a financial alternative. Then is the JCPOA really even worth it? what is Iran getting at that point?
It might be in our interest to openly build nukes and tell the americans/west to go pound sand.

Especially given the fact that the US is a rogue nation, where some TV clown can come along and tear apart a major/historical diplomatic agreement that took a decade of diplomacy to sign.
Ofcourse Iran reserves the right of response against the attack that killed its operatives in Syria but is it the right time and right way to response considering the nuclear deal opportunities which is not over yet. That is debatable. For example was this an autonomous decision by Irgc which is a rapid response force that by its nature avoids bureucracy as much as possible. At least in cross border assault situations apart from immediate chase down counter attack scenarios the response can be informed and regulated with state apparatus in this case Raisis approval as well. All parties should be informed in state and high approval should be taken before conducting risky operations. israel will provoke further attacks and any kind of deal worked by the politicians will come to vain if these types of cross border risky operations continue.

By the way instead of fateh110 which reveals who did it you can come up with a miniaturized variant of your long range land launched cruise missiles having about max 250-300km range which obviously has less rcs and has terrain hugging feature avoiding radars thus no tracing back to Iran for covert operations. It would be a deterrant measure against mossad offices in north Iraq. They would possibly carry their offices to occupied east Syria region but their operations would be much harder to conduct. It would be better than fateh110 for example by Hezbollah attacking high value targets in golan heights after israeli air raids it wont leave a trace where the missile came from as a small terrain hugging missile launched from a truck.
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IRGC official statement:

in the name of God

Following the recent crimes of the Zionist fake regime and the previous announcement that the crimes and evils of this infamous regime will not go unanswered; Last night, the 'strategic center of the Zionists' conspiracy and evil' was targeted by powerful and acurate missiles of the 'Islamic Revolution Guardian Corps'.

Once again, we warn the criminal Zionist regime that the repetition of any evil will face harsh, decisive and destructive responses.

We also assure the great nation of Iran that the security and peace of the Islamic homeland is the red line of the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran and they will not allow anyone to threaten or attack it.

هشدار سپاه پاسداران انقلاب اسلامی به رژیم صهیونیستی: تکرار هرگونه شرارت با پاسخ های سخت ، قاطع و ویرانگر مواجه خواهد شد

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How we watch the weak and cowardly Iranian terror regime lash out at empty fields, whilst the Israelis pin point attacks and liquidate IRGC terror merchants with aplomb.
The raging impotent IRGC under the orders of a syphilitic old man, beats its chest like a baby gorilla trying to imitate dad. A pathetic sight to behold. This is the great Iran. The butcher of empty fields, the killer of moles and worms.

Big loud bangs, but zero results. The downfall of this rotten entity will be one of the sweetest moments in human history. Insha'allah it will be very soon.
Have the damage been assessed and any casualties reported from the occupants in those facilities?

That being said, the take-away from this attack is, since Israel indirectly attacks Iran in a third country (Syria) or through Mossad agents inside Iran, the Iranians have decided to respond in a similar fashion in a third country (in this case Iraq) as well.

But then the question is has the relationship between Iraq or Kurdistan regional govt (KRG) and Iran deteriorated to the point where Iran had to launch an attack from its territories on facilities inside Iraqi or KRG's territories?
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Didn't the Iraqi parliament voted to expel these Yankie colonialists. These people really are shameless, while torturing people in Guantanamo Bay and occupying foreign lands they cry crocodile tears for Ukraine. In light of this one can understand why they projected Ukrainians as "one of us / just as civilized as us etc" implying brown people are fair game, that way they wouldn't have to defend their own savagery. Disgusting lowlifes.
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