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Erbil, Iraq: Ballistic Missiles used to strike a house near US Consulate

Have the damage been assessed and any casualties reported from the occupants in those facilities?

That being said, the take-away from this attack is, since Israel indirectly attacks Iran in a third country (Syria) or through Mossad agents inside Iran, the Iranians have decided to respond in a similar fashion in a third country (in this case Iraq) as well.

But then the question is has the relationship between Iraq or Kurdistan regional govt (KRG) deteriorated to the point where Iran had to launch an attack from its territories on facilities inside Iraqi or KRG's territories?

Apart from few other reasons ...... the following may be the primary reason for mullahs to act crazy.

"The incident took place as talks between political parties on the Iraqi government formation are ongoing. Notably, the Iraqi Parliament on 5 March voted to reopen the candidacy for the Iraqi Presidency. This vote enabled the KDP to submit a new candidate for the presidency. As long as the Tripart Alliance (the KDP, Sadrist movement, and major Sunni parties) holds, it is assured that a KDP candidate will be confirmed as the next president. This will then allow the Tripart Alliance to both propose and confirm the next prime minister without any support from Shia parties (other than the Sadrists). As negotiations continue, there remains an increased risk of Shia militant activity, reflecting an effort by Shia militant factions to use force to influence the negotiations."

Apart from few other reasons ...... the following may be the primary reason for mullahs to act crazy.

"The incident took place as talks between political parties on the Iraqi government formation are ongoing. Notably, the Iraqi Parliament on 5 March voted to reopen the candidacy for the Iraqi Presidency. This vote enabled the KDP to submit a new candidate for the presidency. As long as the Tripart Alliance (the KDP, Sadrist movement, and major Sunni parties) holds, it is assured that a KDP candidate will be confirmed as the next president. This will then allow the Tripart Alliance to both propose and confirm the next prime minister without any support from Shia parties (other than the Sadrists). As negotiations continue, there remains an increased risk of Shia militant activity, reflecting an effort by Shia militant factions to use force to influence the negotiations."

I take this alliance (the KDP, Sadrist movement, and major Sunni parties) is free from an Iranian influence? Is that assessment correct?
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Mossad kebab is new iranian food lol


Good job Iranians
All the Muslims (Shia and Sunni) are behind you in your fight against Zionists and their slaves!

Destroy the Zionists and their supporters!

US Airforce is on high alert and most probably they will bombard Iran. Question is Will Pakistan scramble its JF17 and F16 to bring down USAF ?
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I got it. But why allow another power, Israel, that constantly attacks Iran, to build "training centers" in your midst if this alliance wants to break free from IRGC influence? Certainly, it would make sense to break free from all foreign influences.
Because the real world operates differently from the idealistic world in which many tend to build their theories and rhetorics upon, it enforces countless restrictions.

In the absence of sufficient capacity to push all foreign interference, the country needs to use its regional players against each other so that the sum of their influence becomes zero.

Currently, The IRGC is the prime foreign influence and most threatening, Israel's influence and threat is much further behind and so is the GCC, so they are to be utilized against the former.
Because the real world operates differently from the idealistic world in which many tend to build their theories and rhetorics upon, it enforces countless restrictions.

In the absence of sufficient capacity to push all foreign interference, the country needs to use its regional players against each other so that the sum of their influence becomes zero.

Currently, The IRGC is the prime foreign influence and most threatening, Israel's influence and threat is much further behind and so is the GCC, so they are to be utilized against the former.

You are very lucky to have a good neighbour like Iran. Turkey would have long ago annexed half of iraq if it was in Irans shoes. they are trying to annex arab lands of syria that they have 0 connections to.

Americans bomb your country into the stone age, refuse to leave , and use your territory to threaten Iran. You are very lucky you have Iran as a neighbour who is putting up with this shit. Iran would be well within its right to annex the territories containing shia shrines such as karbala, giving the people the choice of becomin Iranian citizens, or go become second class citizens under the wahabi boot. Miitarize the shit out of the border, and shoot and slaughter anything that moves close.... zionist style.

Last time Iran was at its weakest point, Iraq tried to annex an Iranian province. When Iraq was at its weakest point, Iranian offiers were in the trenches leading the men against your daesh friends.

Iran will not ask anybody when it comes to its national security. If some rat on your territory is threatning Iran. And you are powerless to do anything about it. Iran will take action.

I have become 100% convince that arabs only respect power. When treated respectfully by Iran, They get all puffy chest for some reason. Americans and wahabis treat them like sub-human animals, and they fawn all over them.. Arabs respect power and its the only language they seem to understand....
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