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Erbil, Iraq: Ballistic Missiles used to strike a house near US Consulate

So, Iran says it's a response to drone attacks on Iranian military base that originated from this area of Iraq. According to Al-Mayadeen. Mossad do not have compounds like that and will use locals to gather intelligence and carry out missions. Many are in Iran itself. Iran did this for propaganda value. And to remind Iraq it's dominant there. It's more embarrassing for Iraq than anything else.

Iran could hit Israel any time without consequence. Israel would just hit targets in Syria, Iraq and maybe Persian Gulf. That's not a big price to pay. They just don't want to be pressured to respond to those and enter in escalatory cycle. Iran should not waste these missiles next time and smuggle them to Hamas in Gaza which is in active state of war with Israel and doesn't hesitate to hit back. Give them BM missiles and we will see Israeli Knesset leveled. Don't use them in Iraq for no reason.
You are very lucky to have a good neighbour like Iran. Turkey would have long ago annexed half of iraq if it was in Irans shoes. they are trying to annex arab lands of syria that they have 0 connections to.

Americans bomb your country into the stone age, refuse to leave , and use your territory to threaten Iran. You are very lucky you have Iran as a neighbour who is putting up with this shit. Iran would be well within its right to annex the territories containing shia shrines such as karbala, giving the people the choice of becomin Iranian citizens, or go become second class citizens under the wahabi boot. Miitarize the shit out of the border, and shoot and slaughter anything that moves close.... zionist style.

Last time Iran was at its weakest point, Iraq tried to annex an Iranian province. When Iraq was at its weakest point, Iranian offiers were in the trenches leading the men against your daesh friends.

Iran will not ask anybody when it comes to its national security. If some rat on your territory is threatning Iran. And you are powerless to do anything about it. Iran will take action.

I have become 100% convince that arabs only respect power. When treated respectfully by Iran, They get all puffy chest for some reason. Americans and wahabis treat them like sub-human animals, and they fawn all over them.. Arabs respect power and its the only language they seem to understand....
Fascinating, I did speak of those who build elaborated scenarios upon an idealistic world, which was just me being polite, delusional is the correct term and the one i,m afraid most appropriate for your kind contribution.

Turkey will annex what it can when it can, as will Iran, as will russia and even introverted China, if they do not then it just means, quiet simply, that they cannot afford to.

Ofcourse Arabs respect power, matter itself yields to power, it is only natural that all that is of matter would yield as well, be it Arabs, mullahs or anything in between.
Iranians and Respected Allies (only), are you guys noticing since our first missile strikes against ISIS, we have developed a very robust strike package through UCAVs/Loiterers and dead accurate Solid Fueled MaRV-MRBM/Long-range CM. Still a long way to go though.












So, Iran says it's a response to drone attacks on Iranian military base that originated from this area of Iraq. According to Al-Mayadeen. Mossad do not have compounds like that and will use locals to gather intelligence and carry out missions. Many are in Iran itself. Iran did this for propaganda value. And to remind Iraq it's dominant there. It's more embarrassing for Iraq than anything else.

Iran could hit Israel any time without consequence. Israel would just hit targets in Syria, Iraq and maybe Persian Gulf. That's not a big price to pay. They just don't want to be pressured to respond to those and enter in escalatory cycle. Iran should not waste these missiles next time and smuggle them to Hamas in Gaza which is in active state of war with Israel and doesn't hesitate to hit back. Give them BM missiles and we will see Israeli Knesset leveled. Don't use them in Iraq for no reason.
I doubt that Hamas would use such heavy missiles on vital infrastructure for example. If that happens, the entire Gaza strip would see the most horrific bombing ever.
This is some light-hearted humor and quite hilarious meme I came across..

But aside from that i congratulate Ayatollah on this strikes.. I got his back on this one

May the grand mufti of Tehren strike more US targets and Israeli targets within Israeli.. A preemptive strike on Israel would be welcoming
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This is some light-hearted humor and quite hilarious meme I came across..

But aside from that i congratulate Ayatollah on this strikes.. I got his back on this one

May the grand mufti of Tehren strike more US targets and Israeli targets within Israeli.. A preemptive strike on Israel would be welcoming

That dance actually belongs to the Supreme leader.

Because the real world operates differently from the idealistic world in which many tend to build their theories and rhetorics upon, it enforces countless restrictions.

In the absence of sufficient capacity to push all foreign interference, the country needs to use its regional players against each other so that the sum of their influence becomes zero.

Currently, The IRGC is the prime foreign influence and most threatening, Israel's influence and threat is much further behind and so is the GCC, so they are to be utilized against the former.

I pray and wish the best for Iraq. Your country, especially the Sunni Arab areas and Iraq in general, has been subjected to so much horror. You gallantly resisted the occupation and their supporters. You lost over a million people; several other millions were wounded, orphaned, and their sanctity violated. I hope and pray your people will find peace, and Allah (swt) will inflict severe punishment to those who have inflicted so much pain and suffering on the Iraqi people. (Amen)
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