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Erbil, Iraq: Ballistic Missiles used to strike a house near US Consulate

When did this occur? and where?
Avi-Har Even , City of Acre , Hotel Effendi

if you search , you can find video of how he hotel he and several other Israeli official were in was burned

Iranians and allies (only),

Some fools with no information were questioning the reason behind these retaliatory missile strikes that IRGC has started to carry out regularly now.

The thing is, with growing military capabilities (I posted something on the last page), socio-political and economic influence in the region, we are in process of setting up a standard in front of enemies of Iran whether state or non-state actors that if they dare to hurt Iranian interests or our allies then they will find no place at least in the region to hide. Iran today has carried out its fourth pinpoint missile strike on foreign soil (not counting proxy forces actions) in the last 8 years. That shows what the new "normal" is now in terms of the defense model.

Israelis themselves set up this standard decades ago with their airstrikes and intelligence operations. They were a tiny group surrounded by hordes of enemies who hated them so they had to resort to these efficient retaliatory tactics. We are Iranians, our enemies hate us for multiple reasons of their own, ranging from our colonial era, historical rivalries to simply us being an ancient Shia theocracy. While this has worked in our favor historically speaking, We needed this retaliatory efficiency if we want to grow and I am glad we are quick learners.

Iranians and allies (only),

Some fools with no information were questioning the reason behind these retaliatory missile strikes that IRGC has started to carry out regularly now.

The thing is, with growing military capabilities (I posted something on the last page), socio-political and economic influence in the region, we are in process of setting up a standard in front of enemies of Iran whether state or non-state actors that if they dare to hurt Iranian interests or our allies then they will find no place at least in the region to hide. Iran today has carried out its fourth pinpoint missile strike on foreign soil (not counting proxy forces actions) in the last 8 years. That shows what the new "normal" is now in terms of the defense model.

Israelis themselves set up this standard decades ago with their airstrikes and intelligence operations. They were a tiny group surrounded by hordes of enemies who hated them so they had to resort to these efficient retaliatory tactics. We are Iranians, our enemies hate us for multiple reasons of their own, ranging from our colonial era, historical rivalries to simply us being an ancient Shia theocracy. While this has worked in our favor historically speaking, We needed this retaliatory efficiency if we want to grow and I am glad we are quick learners.

I see where you coming from in your post which is defending Iran which is all good and I appreciate the sentiment of patriotism but unfortunately the BM's aren't deterence against modern armies and heavily armed armies internationally or regionally.

You gotta take it from them on the conventional domain which Iran won't be able to imho and honestly speaking there is no political incentive in the majority of the world capitals to launch an invasion into Iran but if there was boy it would succeed and if I told you otherwise I would be lying.

Yes you would probably both up a great fight inside Iran probably for 2-3 years depending on which level of restriant the invaders are using because if they wanna charge in hardcore and make it unbearable it could last 1-2 years max. They would have the manpower to grind you down and fight inside Iran village for village doing it the real and hard way. That is how reality change on the ground example watch Russia they are doing it the real way which is village for village.

But aside from that there is no real political incentive to invade Iran by anyone at this point of stage in life and not a single politician but all that could change in the future depending on the politicians and their reason for that.

Example in order for Putin to make this invasion it was extremely difficult decision but according to him this was extremely outmost necessary but unless Iran provides ground for outmost necessary invasion on iran or assault it won't be seeing anything
I doubt that Hamas would use such heavy missiles on vital infrastructure for example. If that happens, the entire Gaza strip would see the most horrific bombing ever.
Hamas does not fear Israeli red lines. They fired 130 rockets at Tel Aviv in a barrage. They have fired at the Israeli Knesset before. And at rally's for Israeli PM:

Hamas just simply lack precision weapons to have such an successful strike. The rockets either miss or shot down as they are not sophisticated.
You are very lucky to have a good neighbour like Iran. Turkey would have long ago annexed half of iraq if it was in Irans shoes. they are trying to annex arab lands of syria that they have 0 connections to.

Americans bomb your country into the stone age, refuse to leave , and use your territory to threaten Iran. You are very lucky you have Iran as a neighbour who is putting up with this shit. Iran would be well within its right to annex the territories containing shia shrines such as karbala, giving the people the choice of becomin Iranian citizens
What makes you think you have a right over Shia's? They have their own supreme leaders and religious authority. Karbala is Iraqi territory. Non-Iranian Shia are not required to look up to you or your clergy. That's like suggesting all Sunni's need to obey Saudi clerics. They most certainly do not and will not. That's just attempt by two nations to exercise influence over their whole sect. To get them to capitulate to their national interests.
Another angle of Mossad villa


The building is still standing.
Based on new published details, there has been no rocket, IRGC has used 10 Fateh-110 ballistic missiles in the strike against Mossad centers in Erbil and all missiles have successfully reached their intended target. location isn't that close to US military base.

This is not new information:

Information is corroborated nevertheless.
a question ? did Israel attacked our officer in Iran or in a country neighboring Israel ?
There are no Israeli military bases in Iraq. Nor any such thing called 'Mossad compounds'. This is convenient way to claim you settled a score. Israeli Mossad recruit individual locals for missions, and many are based in Iran itself. Which is how they killed your nuclear scientist. You guys are making out Israel to be some untouchable force, and you call yourselves as the heads of the Resistance axis. That's embarrassing. Hamas has more courage than the whole 'Resistance axis' combined. For people who pride themselves on being spiritually and morally unique, they would have some more confidence in themselves in being able to to take charge in a conflict. A little group in Gaza has more confidence than all of them combined.

That villa is the home of CEO of a Kurdish oil company, nothing about Israel:

There are no Israeli military bases in Iraq. Nor any such thing called 'Mossad compounds'. This is convenient way to claim you settled a score. Israeli Mossad recruit individual locals for missions, and many are based in Iran itself. Which is how they killed your nuclear scientist. You guys are making out Israel to be some untouchable force, and you call yourselves as the heads of the Resistance axis. That's embarrassing. Hamas has more courage than the whole 'Resistance axis' combined. For people who pride themselves on being spiritually and morally unique, they would have some more confidence in themselves in being able to to take charge in a conflict. A little group in Gaza has more confidence than all of them combined.

That villa is the home of CEO of a Kurdish oil company, nothing about Israel:

If the House is confirmed to be some random Kurdish CEO this becomes bad PR for Iran.

My suggestion is they should fire back minutes or hours after each attack into Israel itself to make them quite ala Hamas otherwise they won't be deterred from targetting iranian assets
I see where you coming from in your post which is defending Iran which is all good and I appreciate the sentiment of patriotism but unfortunately the BM's aren't deterence against modern armies and heavily armed armies internationally or regionally.

You gotta take it from them on the conventional domain which Iran won't be able to imho and honestly speaking there is no political incentive in the majority of the world capitals to launch an invasion into Iran but if there was boy it would succeed and if I told you otherwise I would be lying.

Yes you would probably both up a great fight inside Iran probably for 2-3 years depending on which level of restriant the invaders are using because if they wanna charge in hardcore and make it unbearable it could last 1-2 years max. They would have the manpower to grind you down and fight inside Iran village for village doing it the real and hard way. That is how reality change on the ground example watch Russia they are doing it the real way which is village for village.

But aside from that there is no real political incentive to invade Iran by anyone at this point of stage in life and not a single politician but all that could change in the future depending on the politicians and their reason for that.

Example in order for Putin to make this invasion it was extremely difficult decision but according to him this was extremely outmost necessary but unless Iran provides ground for outmost necessary invasion on iran or assault it won't be seeing anything

You obviously have very limited knowledge about Iran or the West Asian military dynamic in general. We are topographically unenterable from the heavily mountainous north and northwest. This advantage is the reason that out of ~2800 years old history as a nation starting from the Medes empire, Iran as an entity has been a free nation for around 85 % of its history with the least amount of time under foreign/unrelated blood rule (I can do the math for you if want), compare that to other steppe or plains dwelling groups around us who could not defend easily against invaders on plainer fields. This topographical advantage works for us even today to the point that our North and Northwest is as secure as it gets, no one is going to roll us over with their armored columns on that topography. Then comes the western border. Iraqi and Syrian land is our buffer zone guarded by our staunch allied Governments and their militaries supported by our proxy forces so the western border is as secure as it gets. US is no longer operating from its Af-Pak bases like it used to do for years so east and southeast is secure too. So who will "invade us" and more importantly from where?

That leaves the Israeli-Saudi-UAE nexus. If they risk escalation with Iran, bad bad things will happen to their militaries and economies. That becomes a military discussion (that I can have in a separate thread another time) like who has larger missiles and more oil earned billions to throw in war. There is a reason that our staunch enemies who want to see us down do nothing against us other than lip service and media antics. Their governments, military strategists know these things better than military geniuses on the internet forums trust me.
If the House is confirmed to be some random Kurdish CEO this becomes bad PR for Iran.

My suggestion is they should fire back minutes or hours after each attack into Israel itself to make them quite ala Hamas otherwise they won't be deterred from targetting iranian assets

They have nothing to lose from it too. Besides humiliation. And being embarrassed by the domestic public of the region. Israel cannot cause extensive damage to Iran conventionally. It can do strikes inside Iran from Iraqi airspace and strikes on Iranian naval asset. Besides strike on Syria/Iraq too. Materially it will not cost Iran much. It's the humiliation for Iranian regime. They been preaching to the ME public about resistance and so forth for long time. If Israel does insignificant strikes inside Iran, it is still embarrassing for them as it will be inside Iran. And they have to back up their talk at that point. Which they don't want to do.
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