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Enough is Enough Military should takeover this BS govt now!


Apr 30, 2009
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United Kingdom
What do you think guys ? enoug is enough BS govt put all money in thr pockets no electricity, no clean water even water for our agriculture, totally failed in forigen policy and now playing game with judicry Zardari even not take any proper and serious desicion in the fav of this country even totally failed in every policy and still continue dectator policy. This govt stop all funds of our main stuctures especially nuclear on the name of economy crisis and put all money in his pocket (zardari).

Before threating Army on the name of policities (so called 3rd power) and now offering 2 year of extension to Kiyani Damn it Zardari and his Govt. Its enough now i think Military should take over this govt CJ must pass order of Emergency immediatly!

What do you think guys ?
either ways, its the loss of the common man. Why not a new govt? Why not pull this govt down? Why not get the youth to join the opposition? A year for campaigning would be enough to get familiar in the minds of the people and if people are fed up of this govt, they will definitely vote for the opposition.
This is the easiest time to win election in Pak. Nobody wants to vote for the ruling party. So definitely oppositions gonna win.
I will not support a military takeover but a national government may be a good option.
it just surprises me.

military dictatorship has become so deeply rooted that people are actually asking for it !!!

a democracy might not be as good as a benevolent dictatorship in the short run. however in the longer run, dictatorship weakens several of the social institutions which it might find inconvenient for its rule. then there is always the chance that the dictotorship will make a wrong decision with no one to oppose them.

so i would say a military takeover is a bad idea.
People realize, this is the foreign interest that is always putting one demon after the other. Remember why Musharaf stood in his seat and why BB got killed?
NO Way. If a system is not working, solution is not to Delete that and impose the other system that has proven a failure over and over again. A Doctor cannot be good banker a policeman replace a teacher. If you are so willing to replace this government and I also think it is the time for that, bring in somebody patriotic. Just that. You can count on Zaid Hamid for that.. or Imran Khan can do some good to Pakistan. Zardari, Nawaz, MQM, JUI and ANP are all bunch of bloody Moron Losers.

In any case, Army is not needed to hold chairs of Leaders. They are fighters and they must stick with their job. Period.
First understand my post!

If CJ pass order of Emergency and call Military takeover do u have idea about the background of this action ?

Man military takeover this govt and handover to other party under CJ collaboration/understanding (handover to any other party).
it just surprises me.

military dictatorship has become so deeply rooted that people are actually asking for it !!!

a democracy might not be as good as a benevolent dictatorship in the short run. however in the longer run, dictatorship weakens several of the social institutions which it might find inconvenient for its rule. then there is always the chance that the dictotorship will make a wrong decision with no one to oppose them.

so i would say a military takeover is a bad idea.

Its not India its Pakistan whr everything is not fully democrate. Do you guys think zardari came into the power with Real free for all election ???? lol Musharaf BS safe himself and handover this govt to PPP because if this govt handed over to Nawaz, Nawaz will stick actionm against Musharaf so thats why musharaf handover this govt to PPPP simply (there is no BS free for all election in Pakistan) atleast i am not believe!

We have not enough time to listen more BS everyday like last 2 years enough is enough we have other 1000 of issues which almost hidden and ignored by this govt. We should stick to our real issues before IMMEDIATLY REMOVE THIS BS GOVT!
we can yearn for improvement from others .. when our own people are not ready to look in the mirror before casting that vote .. that vote is useless .. I do not want the military to come .. but the chances of a just military leader who will educate the masses in his 10 years are better than these vaderas in 100 years ..
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This bastard Zardari will not improve. Nawaz is no better than this idiot. Imran Khan won't come in power for another 10 years. Err....who is left? Bilawal? :lol:

To hell with this so called "democracy", atleast when military will rule this kind of BS will stop. Kick this beghairat government out before they sell our nation to the Yanks.

My vote goes to Military. They should take over right now! :flag:
So when is President Zardari running off on an "international tour" without a return ticket?
As soon as Nawaz Sharif innaugarates another bakery in Jeddah.
kill all of them ............zardari............... then replace with sum one good
PM Gillani should stop being the IMPOTENT one and remove this A-HOLE Zardari before he does irrevocable damage to the country and the party. One thing is for sure......PPP HUN FER NAA AAI HAKUMAT VICH!!

And as for the Army.....NA BABA NA! Ena ullu day pathay politicians nu aapas vich laran diyo, eh khud bakhud hi ek dujay nu nangaa karr dain gay!!

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