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Enough is Enough

@PTI fascists, can you match PM?

at the time of pakistan creation liaquat ali khan and our leader choose usa as our ally

All India Muslim League was a "US ally" even before the creation of Pakistan . This Capitalism vs Socialism game is quite old and it played a very important role in partition of India (often overlooked).........The slogan was, "Create Pakistan and save the western world!"

On 1 May 1947 two Americans, Ronald A. Hare, Head of the Division of South Asian Affairs, and Thomas E. Weil, Second Secretary of U.S. Embassy in India, visited Jinnah. A detailed account of this visit was sent by the American Charge
D' Affairs to Marshall, the Secretary of State. According to this account Jinnah stated that under no condition was he prepared
to accept the scheme for a united and federated India. The Muslim League had decided to insist upon the creation of Pakistan:

"He [Jinnah] sought to impress on his visitors that the emergence of an independent, sovereign Pakistan would be in consonance with American interests. Pakistan would be a Muslim country. Muslim countries stand together against Russian aggression. In that endeavour they would look to the United States for assistance, he added." [Venkataraman, American Role in Pakistan,p.1]

This is a variation on the old British game of hanging around the Soviet neck, the "albatross" of Islam ...
British officials could "arrange" a Jehad for political purposes even in the early twentieth century .....
Iskander Mirza reflected on various aspects of this . He wrote:

"This could only take the form of raids on the border villages, in the settled area…yet I decided to fall in with Quad-i-Azam's Plan. I had no desire to be branded as a man who was found wanting when the time for action came. With the liberal expenditure of money I would be able to cause some trouble in Waziristan, Tirah and Momand country. I gave my estimate for the sum of money as one crore"

The Secretary of the State of India wrote to the viceroy while replying to his letter dated 4 December 1939, that while the Hindus were only confined to India, Muslims were spread from the China border, all the way to Turkey. A dangerous situation will arise if the Islamic Nations, once again, turned towards Jamal-ud-Din Afghani's Pan Islamism. What if they joined hands with the Russians and presented a united opposition to the British Empire? All British-India policies, so far, had been directed against the Muslims. India had been seized from them. The Ottoman Empire had been fragmented. Therefore, the Secretary of State's fear of retaliation by the Muslims was justifiable. Central intelligence was asked to prepare a comprehensive report on the above subject. This report was then submitted to the Secretary of State for India:

"Having held detailed discussions with different Muslim groups such as the League, Wahabis, Khaksars, and
other groups with special interest in Afghanistan and tribal areas, I have concluded that the differences between Hindus and Muslims have reached a point at which there is only one solution: partition. Thus, shortly, a nation of Muslim India must be established

On the question of the Muslims creating a defensive position with the help of Russia; the report says:

Such aid is out of question. If once Bolshevik aid is accepted, Islamic principles will be submerged. And if an opportunity is given to Russian influence to be felt South of the axis, all Muslim nations will degenerate to the level of the Soviet Central Asiatic [Muslim] State.

This point is further clarified, "Muslims will not ask favour from the anti-God Bolshevik Russia.” On the subject of Pan Islamism, the Viceroy stated: "In the Turkish Treaties are seen the barring of Bolshevism from the Islamic world, and a
rapid development of the line up of Muslim nations against Soviet expansionist policy." While listing the advantages of his
scheme the Viceroy frankly stated that the success of this scheme may result in Muslim forces uniting to form a solid
front against the Russians. Pan Islamism may become a steel grip around the Bolsheviks. The British were smart enough to
befriend those Muslims who were likely to help them in implementing all these policies. These "devout Muslims" were
prepared to utilize Islam in drumming up support for the British against the Congress. For the British it was smooth sailing,
once they had established control over the League, the rest could be done by manipulation. The outstanding question was
that of Russia. The intelligence report made it clear that the English proposed to use Islam against Russia. In India the
Muslims were ruled by a Kafir race, the Christians. So to make a distinction between Kafir and Munafiq, they started calling
the Russians anti-God. This was a clever use of semantics to create a Muslim aversion for Russia
If enough is enough then do something about it. For a people that claim they are heavily armed they sure are easy to control and subjugate.
Yup the Turtle was a great pet ! :)

I never really liked dogs - Too loud !

But I've always wanted to have a Malamute - They look majestic ! :tup:

Malamutes are just big cats, and such assholes. I've owned a husky, such fun assholes.
Malamutes are just big cats, and such assholes. I've owned a husky, such fun assholes.

I respect your fetish ! :unsure:
I dont know about army act however, when it comes to Air Force Act, it has provisions similar to that. Under section 71 and 72 these things have been discussed. They also have power to take over any case filed in civil and conduct a court martial vis-a-vis they can retrieve a case against a civilian if any Air Force person is involved in it. There must be clear guidelines in Army Act also. Reject of Gen PM's application in court is purely biased and prejudiced. As far as Nov 2007 is concerned. Constitution was never abrogated, only emergency was imposed. Only President is authorised to impose emergency, under advice of Prime Minister. Therefore, it does not fall under Article 6.
The person politically responsible for fall of Dhaka , did a lot for Pakistan ? Why am I left astonished everytime ?
What wisdom lay in not handing power over to Mujib after all he was democratically elected ?
What wisdom lay in saying that " I will break the legs of those planning to visit East Pakistan " ?
What wisdom lay in saying " You are there and we are here " ?
What wisdom lay in rejecting Polish resolution if I may ask when all was lost to save the country from humiliation ?
An intelligent and patriotic man doesn't do that , my friend . Nowhere , I can see the vision here . The person responsible for breaking Pakistan doesn't deserve any respect . Unless of course , some people didn't want to keep Bengalis any longer and hence gave up without much effort .
Yes initiating nuclear program for Pakistan is a lot. Just imagine a country of the size of Pakistan, under financial crisis, all types of problem, yet only muslim country with declared nuclear deterrent. He was genius enough to gather head of all the muslim countries in one conference and was planning for a strong muslim block for which he was punished. He was the one who supplied man power to build UAE and his successors lost their footing, giving way to you know whom. Had he been there there would not have been Dubai but Karachi. All these achievements does not absolve him for what happened in 1971 and also does not qualify him for the title of Shaheed.

Intelligence and wisdom cannot be synonymous. These are two different things. He was unwise when it came to unity and federation of Pakistan when it came to handing over the power to winning political party. Instead of using his wisdom in as a patriot he utilised his intelligence to achieve personal objectives. Likewise, patriotism and intelligence are two different things. No individual is perfect, terming a person good or bad on one act alone is not fair. We must analyse each act and aspect. This is what exactly happening with Gen PM. He must have done rights and wrongs, to use only that part which suits the people in power corridor to take a revenge is not correct.

Unfortunately, we as a nation form opinions based on points highlighted by media and forget how people have been behaving under different situation. Mr NS is taking credit of nuclear explosion. He should feel ashamed, what we have today is combined efforts of people from ZAB to him. He only ensured that despite being nuclear power Pakistan stays Winchester when it comes to availability of devices at the time of need. It was Gen PM who rebuild the depleted arsenal and ensured that we have at least 200 pieces available in the shelf and gave it portable capability.
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