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Enough is Enough Military should takeover this BS govt now!

Its not India its Pakistan whr everything is not fully democrate. Do you guys think zardari came into the power with Real free for all election ???? lol Musharaf BS safe himself and handover this govt to PPP because if this govt handed over to Nawaz, Nawaz will stick actionm against Musharaf so thats why musharaf handover this govt to PPPP simply (there is no BS free for all election in Pakistan) atleast i am not believe!

We have not enough time to listen more BS everyday like last 2 years enough is enough we have other 1000 of issues which almost hidden and ignored by this govt. We should stick to our real issues before IMMEDIATLY REMOVE THIS BS GOVT!

i did not intend to offend you.

this however points towards the weakening of social institutions i was talking about. the military rule over so many years has weakened the self confidence of the pakistani people. they might be proud and confident when talking about external threats and challenges. they however are not confident that they can set up an uncorrupted government by themselves. they have started to look to the army for everything.

they look at the current set of politicians and are unhappy with them. probably they should be. bu they look to the army to replace the current crop. if the army does take over again and again, where will the other leaders to replace zardari and sharif come from?

it might be better to suffer in the short term with zardari than to suffer in the long run with the army.

if zardari/sharif remains and the army does not take over, someone from among the masses is sure to rise and replace them. someone who the people will have confidence in.
if however the army takes over yet again, there wont be any reason for someone new to rise up. the only alternative to the army will remain the ones you want to get rid of.

it might be argued that the army rule is good and why a need for democracy exists at all. the army can theoretically continue forever. this might look valid . however this line of thinking has flaws.
1) the army is supposed to defend the country from external threats. running the country is not the army's job
2) the army also draws its cadre from the public, which as i tried to elucidate degrades under a dictatorship.
3) what happens if the army rulers become corrupt? who challenges them? what alternatives remain to the army?

feel free to disagree and let me know if i am wrong in my assertions
First understand my post!

If CJ pass order of Emergency and call Military takeover do u have idea about the background of this action ?

Man military takeover this govt and handover to other party under CJ collaboration/understanding (handover to any other party).


It does not resolve the problems. These immature thugs will keep on bringing their problems to the Army and once Army gets involved, then blame it for all their ills.

Musharraf fell prey to the exact same tactics. Others like Gens Kakar, Asif Nawaz and even Jehangir Karamat were invited to come and rule.

Bottom line is that whether its the CJ of Pakistan or some other party that brings the Army in, in the long run its detrimental to Pakistan's well being.

These useless, good for nothing politicians need to understand that when they screw up, they need to lie in the bed they make and suffer through all of it instead of getting a bail-out from the Army, which they will blame by saying "look the Army destroyed the institution of democracy etc. etc.".

Politicians are dirty the world over, but ours is a special breed of bastards. They are brought up to think like this. Never take responsibility, pass the buck over to someone else (usually its the Army) and never be held accountable. This is the code these indecent leeches live by. If someone dares to hold them accountable, then the get out of jail pass is "I am being politically targeted".

They are best left to their own devices. Until and unless the Pakistani public starts holding them accountable, no Army or judiciary can fix these people. These are the same people who woke up one day in 1947 and found a fief they could lord over. Ever since then, they have been doing this, never accepting their responsibility in any of the mess they have created.
it just surprises me.

military dictatorship has become so deeply rooted that people are actually asking for it !!!

a democracy might not be as good as a benevolent dictatorship in the short run. however in the longer run, dictatorship weakens several of the social institutions which it might find inconvenient for its rule. then there is always the chance that the dictotorship will make a wrong decision with no one to oppose them.

so i would say a military takeover is a bad idea.

Array Morkh !

I think your analysis is 100% spot on, and defines a lot about why things are like they are.

Every Military take over has had some support if not larger piece of the pie, and every military ruler has been a benevolent ruler thus it is unfair to call them dictators.

Pakistani people like to see justice done, quick smooth and decisive.
When we catch a thief we prefer to beat him up then and there.
we catch a murderer we like to kill him quick etc.

These long bureaucratic processes and bla bla doesn't suite our personality.
first of all what we all should see is that thr had been no democratic govt. in muslim eras right from the begg. i support the army and i want them to take over and mushraf should come bak. every thing was going fine whn Musharraf was on power. ur frnd America have fought well over 100 wars on the name of democracy OK. all of u should put this in ur thick skull no more DEMOCRACY. democracy is a total failure OK. Pakistan Army Zindabad Pakistan zindabad
first of all what we all should see is that thr had been no democratic govt. in muslim eras right from the begg. i support the army and i want them to take over and mushraf should come bak. every thing was going fine whn Musharraf was on power. ur frnd America have fought well over 100 wars on the name of democracy OK. all of u should put this in ur thick skull no more DEMOCRACY. democracy is a total failure OK. Pakistan Army Zindabad Pakistan zindabad

I am not actually agree with u about Musharaf ... Musharaf BS sell Pakistan on just few $$ today our half of problems created by that person!

I am in favour Kiyani because the person show soo much responsibility and doing superb job atleast havnt seen any thing like musharaf or old COAS!
I am not actually agree with u about Musharaf ... Musharaf BS sell Pakistan on just few $$ today our half of problems created by that person!

I am in favour Kiyani because the person show soo much responsibility and doing superb job atleast havnt seen any thing like musharaf or old COAS!

If you respect Kayani, it is because he earned it by abiding by the law of the land and not overstepping his authority.
You must always keep this in mind.

The Army Chief has no business running the government, never ever should he dirty his hands in politics.
The acceptance of such military intervention is a huge disgrace to the memory of our founding father, we should outgrow this tendency to support the "doctrine of necessity" at the cost of constitution and ideology of Pakistan.

In addition to being morally incorrect and constitutionally illegitimate; Army rule led to long term unrest and never solved the major issues, instead it led to huge problems many of which are the critical ones we face today.
If we sustain democracy for 20 years with 4 successive governments without military interference, we would manage to escape this endless cycle of blame games which sadly are much more potent because of past Army interference in politics.

I have too much respect for the Army to see it go down the drain again because of such self centered people who rape the constitution and disgrace the uniform by becoming head of state.
A uniformed head of state enjoys too much power to not be intoxicated by it, this has happened to all military dictators.
Our politicians are corrupt and immature but still in a democracy which has no military interference...the absolute power of a head of state is nowhere near that of an Army dictator.
The risk is too much on top of the fact that the act itself is illegal!

Every time a military dictator comes he ruins not only the country because of resetting the democratic evolution process but also manages to tremendously damage the Army and its entire leadership.
Since an Army dictator needs the support of Corps Commanders to support his unconstitutional reign, many of them are appointed not on merit but on personal likes and dislikes.
This also applies on other general rank promotions which are politically influenced.

General Kayani has worked arduously to bring back the honor and integrity to the uniform, that should no more be abandoned at any cost no matter how severe the crisis.

Patience is a virtue we need to abide by in these testing times; now more than ever we should realize that there are no shortcuts on the path to success and prosperity.
Army rule will always be victim to one person's lust for power (even more so than our current leadership) and will eventually cause more problems, that is a fact which we should all learn by our hearts.
bhai log ..i know ihave no business posting here but could not resist...mess of decades can not be cleared in five years even by the finest officials...india is still trying to come out of the the wrong doings of previous governments...
give democracy a chance..change the govt. but keep it democratic...
No way man, we've let this moron mooch of our country for this long, we cant give it up to marshal law again. We have to let the democracy restablish itself. People need to realise what they're responsible for. As long as army keeps babysitting us we'll never be the nation Quaid wanted us to be. Just wait a little more, we're almost there :). Even the darkest night cant keep the sun from rising
I really don't think Army or New polls can resolve the problem. As only the faces will be change the system will remain same which is, allows corruption, and injustice to prevail. Who so every joins, he will be called worst then the previous one. The only way to make things right, in my opinion is a total revamp of the system.
I think think the biggest issue in Pakistan is one of lack of competence for good governance, regardless of whether it is democratic or otherwise.

There was a proposal in 1998 to set up Jinnah Democracy Institute, named after Pakistan's founding father Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, who spoke eloquently about democracy when he told military officers, “Never forget that you are the servants of the state. You do not make policy. It is we, the people’s representatives, who decide how the country is to be run. Your job is to only obey the decisions of your civilian masters.”The idea for democracy institute was inspired by the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University in the United States, and its main purpose was to offer at least one semester of required training to Pakistan's elected representatives. Unfortunately, the proposal has not gone anywhere.

If the current crop of elected politicians are really serious about strengthening democracy, it is important for them to revive the idea of the school of government to increase the chances for democracy to survive and thrive in Pakistan. Unless the politicians find a way to improve governance to solve people's problems, the nation will be condemned to repeat the past history of democracy's failure in Pakistan.

As a Pakistani-American wishing to see a healthy and friendly US-Pakistan relationship of one democracy with another, I believe this is an opportunity for the United States to use its aid and influence with leadership in Islamabad to build competence and institutional capacity for good democratic governance in Pakistan. Helping Pakistan set up Jinnah Institute of Democracy, along the lines of Kennedy School of Government, could become a significant step forward in promoting good governance and sustaining democracy in Pakistan. This may or may not work, but it is certainly worth a try.

Haq's Musings: Why Is Democracy Failing in Pakistan?

Haq's Musings: Incompetence Worse Than Graft in Pakistan
Everyone seems to be bragging about this so called democracy which is nothing but a hoax for foolish and naive. There is no democracy anywhere, not something which resembles that of Pakistan - democracy fish market - 200 parties in a bloody tiny country, each one representing their own village!

So, we dont need no democracy, we dont need no dictatorship, we only need any freaking governmnet, which can run this country, be it dictatorship or democracy, i SUPPORT either of them as long as they do something positive. We need some government of honorable people having some dignity who can talk to the world looking into their eyes regarding Pakistan, who can talk to india with the same eye on issues such as kashmir and water and the freaking terrorists those racists hinduvata are sending in pakistan since years now.

I don't want to be another brainwashed mouthpiece of GEO and western controlled media who only wants you to think about some freaking democracy and make people wait for next 200 years till democracy can finally mature up and produce some bloody results.

HOW ABOUT SOME FREAKING Chinese DEMOCRACY!! World power in 60 years? Majority [80%] of our illiterate population is too handicapped to think anything other then their bellies, they don't give any rats shyte about democracy or dictatorship as long as someone fills their belly and provides them security and future for their kids in this same land, this 80% population is willing to dedicatedly work for Pakistan honestly, they dont wana export themselves to other countries, they wana live and die for this land. And i must say again, they don't give a rats shyte about when Imran Khan brags about "oh no you cant have anything unless there is just Justice"

When Nawaz brags about 'sorry, no water or electricity unless Democracy prevails' and when Zardari or any other fool brags about reconciliation! You dont need democracy to feed someone's empty belly, you only need some god damn tiny common sense! Our politicians are running dry of it from their brains, and rest of the tiny group of people who support these politicians are nothing but their followers and worshipers who eat haram and its in their interest to always have a corrupt government.

On and let me remind to all the supporters of these zalim, ruthless and corrupt politicans, who do zulm over innocent, over poors, over orphans and handicapped - by eating their rightful share, by depriving them of what is rightfully theirs. Supporter of zalim is considerd as a zalim himself, all those supporting these corrupt politicans even after being aware about their truth, are ZALIMS and will be raised from their graves ALONG with these zalim politicans and haram eating animals, on judgement! Have fun with your company!
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What do you think guys ? enoug is enough BS govt put all money in thr pockets no electricity, no clean water even water for our agriculture, totally failed in forigen policy and now playing game with judicry Zardari even not take any proper and serious desicion in the fav of this country even totally failed in every policy and still continue dectator policy. This govt stop all funds of our main stuctures especially nuclear on the name of economy crisis and put all money in his pocket (zardari).

Before threating Army on the name of policities (so called 3rd power) and now offering 2 year of extension to Kiyani Damn it Zardari and his Govt. Its enough now i think Military should take over this govt CJ must pass order of Emergency immediatly!
What do you think guys ?

I agree!!!

It should be done!!!

Infact a military rule is far better then any democractic system...

Atleast, the military rule will give you basic necessities!!! but do not forget about the future ;) That will really make Pakistan grow!!!


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