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Energy Marriage - Saudi Arabia and India

look i know you have problems with india, but still don't forget you are an American citizen (you vote, pay taxes to israel/kuffar etc), so moraly you are not eligible to talk like that about Saudi Arabia and our brothers in pakistan.
What are you on about??? Your whole country is run by the so called "kuffar", your oil refineries, skyscrapers, everything you own is not even built and designed by you Saudis! You needed the so called "kuffar" to protect your rear ends when sadams armies were on your border, if it weren't for "kuffar" you'd still be living in tents herding goats and riding camel caravans.

beside why you think doing business with india is bad for pakistan?
In the same sense why shouldn't Pakistan have relations with Israel? Israel, a country we have no dispute with.

we already give billions of USD's to pakistan as grants not even loans to help pakistan, with out getting any thing in return,
Unfortunately and ultimately it is Pakistan's own fault that it has made itself dependent on others and today we have to hear these phrases from other people.

if you want to go work with israel go ahead.
but let tell you some thing, there is a country called mauritania on the western cost of africa, in the 90's they rushed to israel opening an embassy and recognizing israel....
do you know what they got in return? 10 land cruisers that equipped to fight desert locusts lol.
Did China also get ten land cruisers to fight desert locusts?? Pakistan has a lot of potential other than becoming a wahabi breeding ground of Saudi Arabia which is why Pakistan-Israeli relations can be really beneficial for Pakistan.

so if pakistan want to have relations with israel, let pakistania go ahead (though i don't recommend it for them) they will not get any thing from them, probably they will get another 10 land cruisers paid for by US tax-payers money
Did Turkey get 10 land cruisers for having recognized Israel?

.......but what is the price? you lose your deeds in front of Allah and you will lose in this life as well, i'm not speaking for pakistanis brothers here, but i'm sure they think the same about israel.
And who are you to even be telling us about our deeds? Your country is protected by the so called "kuffar".
Why the debate on secularism - Of course we can pull up things like how you have varying laws like Hindu Succession act, Parsi Succession act, Hindu Marriage act - there isn't really a secular outlook - moreover banning of Cow slaughter, jailing people for it, then there's discrimination that Muslims face - these are the things I would bring up in a secularism debate. But right now there's an issue of - whether or not despite whatever you claim your politico-religious leanings - you're an anti-Islam state.

How is it not secular? Why the secularism that western countries profess is the perfect version of secularism? Do you know that there is Muslim marriage/successor act as well and also a special marriage act for those who don't want to be identified as Muslim/Hindu/Christian etc?

Do you know I will be jailed if I sell or possess books which offend sentiments of Muslim?

Our way of secularism is to take care of all religious sensitivities, as majority of subcontinental people are not matured enough to see their faith getting attacked and live with it without going out to rampage nearest mosque or mandir.

It's one thing to run a online forum and it's another thing maintaining law and order of a country.

You're forgetting that you're one of the best friends of Israel on the map, you've also become cozy with the US and we may see a shift from the Arab states under Abdullah in that regard. All in all, India, comes off as an enemy of the Muslims. Much of it is exhibited in your demeanor.

By that same yardstick, Turks, Chinese are biggest enemies of Muslims. And ROFL at cosy with US, you really want to get into that?

Arab states are looking for their own profit, India needs their oil they need to sell it.

Indeed, neither we are Arabs, nor we have some special feeling for Arabs. It's strictly business.
How many Indian Muslims go Haj each year and those who can't afford to pay have subsidies from the Indian goverment do Hindus or Sikhs get this treatment when going Kailash or Amritsar?
Well, it would be the end of dollar and US power. But it will never happen. Saudis are under complete control of United States. They have no policy of their own at all. Saudi Arabia is the extension of American policy in the region. And as soon as Saudi Arabia is criticized, then they equate themselves with Islam and get away with it because Muslims get emotional. But actually Saudis are the biggest servants of US, in the whole Islamic history. They have propped up US economy, fed its war machines, house American military bases and its policy is tuned to benefit US at maximum levels while damaging Muslim interests. Until Saudi Arabia is not free and independent, US can print on more and more dollars.

Saudi Arabia is not only not going to stop accepting dollars, it actually demands payment in dollars ONLY. Not Euros, not Yen, not RMB, just USD.

Even if every Eurasian country signs contract with each other like Euro to Yuan, Yen to yuan, Ruble to Euro, etc. we still cannot buy Saudi oil without USD. The USD is like a ball and chains shackled to every oil importing industrial country in the world.
Saudi Arabia is not only not going to stop accepting dollars, it actually demands payment in dollars ONLY. Not Euros, not Yen, not RMB, just USD.

Even if every Eurasian country signs contract with each other like Euro to Yuan, Yen to yuan, Ruble to Euro, etc. we still cannot buy Saudi oil without USD. The USD is like a ball and chains shackled to every oil importing industrial country in the world.

More evidence of the conspiracy between America and Saudi to force the world to accept worthless American dollars

---------- Post added at 08:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:46 PM ----------

Thank you for conceding the Chai-Biskut organisation. :D

You clearly cant read properly that's not what he said
Saudi Arabia is not only not going to stop accepting dollars, it actually demands payment in dollars ONLY. Not Euros, not Yen, not RMB, just USD.

Even if every Eurasian country signs contract with each other like Euro to Yuan, Yen to yuan, Ruble to Euro, etc. we still cannot buy Saudi oil without USD. The USD is like a ball and chains shackled to every oil importing industrial country in the world.

Completely agree..

Only issue is that they have probably the biggest reserve of oil...And no country in the region can afford to not do business with them..
Bit off topic but,
On the contrary, aren't you saying the same to Babri Mosque....Gujarat genocide... Kashmir cause....etc. etc.
Original Post By Windjammer

Can you compare Al-Aqsa with Babri mosque?? Al-Aqsa our first Qiblah and third holiest site in Islam??. Even though after seeing here how Indians revel on the killing of Muslims and how they are more Zionist than Israelis themselves I have to say I do not like anything coming out of that country anymore.

If Pakistanis wish to recognize Israel as a legitimate country even though we don't then by all means no one is stopping you. However last time I check both Pakistan and India acknowledge the existence of each other and without a doubt I stand behind Pakistan in the Kashmir Issue even our media calls it "Occupied Kashmir". This latest stunt by India to "Entice Tourists into Kashmir" will ring for a while in all three countries.

Well so when is Pakistan going to be ostrasized for being responsible for the deaths of upto 20,000 Palestininans in the Black September attacks. And the genocide of 300,000 Bangladeshi Muslims and rape of 1000s of muslim women?

If you start a tabular column of the number of mosques and madrassas bombed or blasted in Pakistan vs India, Pakistan would probably be more. And the same goes for the deaths of muslims in Pakistan both in numbers and as a percentage of the population.

This hypocrtical attitude of India being worse for Muslims when Pakistan has been worse has to stop.

You seem to be pandering to Pakistanis in an attempt to "impress" them but you should realise that facts are no replacements for rhetoric. Just calling Kashmir "occupied kashmir" will not give your friends in Pakistan. Even the UN does not recognise it as such unlike the West Bank and Gaza which ARE recognised as occupied territories.

On top of that Indian Kashmirs have the right to vote since the beginning and had their first elections in 1951. Kashmiris on the Pakistani side could not vote till the 1970s and in other parts like Gilgit Baltistan till 2008. Sure we have internal problems in managing a diverse country like India and its not just related to Kashmir but in many other parts of India. But by and large they have been moving towards resolution and in none of the cases did we have situations like the Chinese cultural revolution, the USSR purges or the ruthlessness of Saddam, Russia or even East Pakistan in supressing the population to resolve our issues.

We have $60Billion trade relation with China - the so called all weather freind of Pakistan which is double the size of the Indo-Saudi trade. So why the need to be defensive?

Infact, why don't you visit Kashmir as a tourist and see for yourself the situation there and then see if you can visit Pakistani Kashmir/ Gilgit Baltistan area the next year.
Completely agree..

Only issue is that they have probably the biggest reserve of oil...And no country in the region can afford to not do business with them..

the sad part is they don't need another customer.

If India, China, Japan, Europe, etc. refuse to deal with them, that will just help the US even more. We lose either way. We either lose control of our monetary policy, or we lose our oil and the US takes that oil to fill up its ships and bombers to threaten us. Wow what a shitty world.
the sad part is they don't need another customer.

If India, China, Japan, Europe, etc. refuse to deal with them, that will just help the US even more. We lose either way. We either lose control of our monetary policy, or we lose our oil and the US takes that oil to fill up its ships and bombers to threaten us. Wow what a shitty world.

Saudi Arabia is moving away from the USA. Prince Al-Faisal even said that they would break relations with America if they veto the Palestinian state in the UN.

Prince Al-Faisal to America: Veto a state, lose an Ally - NY Times

And this is what America said:

BBC News - Barack Obama 'will veto' Palestinian UN bid

China is already the biggest oil customer of both Saudi Arabia and Iran. I am optimistic that they will be more favourable to us as time goes on.
Well so when is Pakistan going to be ostrasized for being responsible for the deaths of upto 20,000 Palestininans in the Black September attacks. And the genocide of 300,000 Bangladeshi Muslims and rape of 1000s of muslim women?

This hypocrtical attitude of India being worse for Muslims when Pakistan has been worse has to stop.

Its funny how Pakistanis completely avoid the "Black september" topic. They act like it never happened. The fact is that they have killed more people than the Israelis. And now their over the top love for Palestine is just to hide the blood on their hands.
Saudi Arabia is moving away from the USA. Prince Al-Faisal even said that they would break relations with America if they veto the Palestinian state in the UN.

Prince Al-Faisal to America: Veto a state, lose an Ally - NY Times

And this is what America said:

BBC News - Barack Obama 'will veto' Palestinian UN bid

China is already the biggest oil customer of both Saudi Arabia and Iran. I am optimistic that they will be more favourable to us as time goes on.

they do not have the ability to move away from the US. that is all.

i can't say too much. you know why.
they do not have the ability to move away from the US. that is all.

i can't say too much. you know why.

Even so, China and Saudi Arabia are getting closer all the time.

One day, American hegemony over the world will break. And when that day comes, we should be ready to pick up the pieces.

Saudi Arabia will be crucial for us, after all they are the largest oil producing state in the world.
they do not have the ability to move away from the US. that is all.

i can't say too much. you know why.

Even if they want to move away from US camp ( which itself is unthinkable ), USA will not allow it..America has invested a lot of its time and resources in the region...
Even if they want to move away from US camp ( which itself is unthinkable ), USA will not allow it..America has invested a lot of its time and resources in the region...
How much America invested in Arabian region... The real owner will always remain Arabia.. Arab spring in Arabian country is performing great role ... now the world have to play their cards to stop American influience and Raids on that region ... thats only the right time...
How much America invested in Arabian region... The real owner will always remain Arabia.. Arab spring in Arabian country is performing great role ... now the world have to play their cards to stop American influience and Raids on that region ... thats only the right time...

that is wrong. The people of Sa odi Ar ad ia do not matter in the eyes of A m eri ca ns. If they have to, they will reduce the population of SA to Sa odi Royals + Cows.
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