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Energy Marriage - Saudi Arabia and India

I hope this evil regime falls on it's knees.


Couldn't agree more mate these Saudi depots are evil
Segregation can also endanger lives: in 2002 a fire at an elementary school in Mecca resulted in the deaths of 15 girls because religious police would not allow them to leave without their headscarves.

I find this quite disturbing......is this real ?
Segregation can also endanger lives: in 2002 a fire at an elementary school in Mecca resulted in the deaths of 15 girls because religious police would not allow them to leave without their headscarves.

You can discuss that in some other thread on treatment of women in Saudi Arabia.

Here we are discussing about Trade and economics. We need investment in our infrastructure project target of $1 Trillion and they need investment in profitable business. When we can trade with China even with Border dispute, then we should trade with everyone.
You can discuss that in some other thread on treatment of women in Saudi Arabia.

Here we are discussing about Trade and economics. We need investment in our infrastructure project target of $1 Trillion and they need investment in profitable business. When we can trade with China even with Border dispute, then we should trade with everyone.

We need oil they have oil its simple there is no love or hate. When oil runs out we wont need them again thank God.

I know for a fact 26/11 has some Saudi links too in terms of funds and people based there are enemies of India so remember this too.
you are a british citizen remember, you swore to be loyal to the cross ;)


i think you should be worried at children porno and protistitution, children are been sold in the streets of bangkok for australian, US, and many other europeans in general for few Dollars, beside tell me what does this have with the original topic LOL

jealousy and envy as usual, just eating your heart out, we don't give a damn thing about what you think, we Only obey Allah and we will never leave islam :)

China is doing huge business with Israel but look the reaction of Pakistan about their friend China towards it but when it comes to Saudi Arabia trade with India, they are making hues and cries. Perfect Hypocrisy.

We need oil they have oil its simple there is no love or hate. When oil runs out we wont need them again thank God.

I know for a fact 26/11 has some Saudi links too in terms of funds and people based there are enemies of India so remember this too.

No-one can overtake China aiding our enemies. They aided Naga and Manipuri insurgents, they captured Aksai Chin, they arming our enemy with Ballistic Missiles and vetoed number of times the anti-India terrorist organisation. Still we are doing trade with them. Even 26/11 it has Saudi Links it is negligible compared to Chinese one.

And we know that who is our True friends but we should do business with everyone as doing business will only bring prosperity and we have that relation with every country in the except Pakistan who are paranoid about India.
No-one can overtake China aiding our enemies. They aided Naga and Manipuri insurgents, they captured Aksai Chin, they arming our enemy with Ballistic Missiles and vetoed number of times the anti-India terrorist organisation. Still we are doing trade with them. Even 26/11 it has Saudi Links it is negligible compared to Chinese one.

And we know that who is our True friends but we should do business with everyone as doing business will only bring prosperity and we have that relation with every country in the except Pakistan who are paranoid about India.

Im in favour of doing business even with Pakistan because we share borders it makes sense but let us not kid ourselves the reason why we are getting closer in energy terms with the Saudis is the sanctions placed on Iran.

Saudi firms prepare to bolster polypropylene exports to India - Arab News

Indian companies have begun talks with alternative suppliers to slowly replace Iranian oil, fearing their current mechanism for payments to Tehran for some 350,000 barrels a day (bpd) via Turkey could soon succumb to sanctions, industry sources said
Im in favour of doing business even with Pakistan because we share borders it makes sense but let us not kid ourselves the reason why we are getting closer in energy terms with the Saudis is the sanctions placed on Iran.

Saudi firms prepare to bolster polypropylene exports to India - Arab News

Indian companies have begun talks with alternative suppliers to slowly replace Iranian oil, fearing their current mechanism for payments to Tehran for some 350,000 barrels a day (bpd) via Turkey could soon succumb to sanctions, industry sources said

Honestly speaking, I keep more positive views towards Iranians than Saudi Arabia. They have mostly stayed neutral in India's dispute with other countries. They only gave us transit route to Central Asia via Chabahar Port. Iranians are more trusting than Saudis. I heard our government is trying for Oil payment through Moscow.
Honestly speaking, I keep more positive views towards Iranians than Saudi Arabia. They have mostly stayed neutral in India's dispute with other countries. They only gave us transit route to Central Asia via Chabahar Port. Iranians are more trusting than Saudis. I heard our government is trying for Oil payment through Moscow.

Well Saudis are simply not to be trusted period. They are complicit with America and are evil personified. I would not trust them they probably mix water in their oil
Honestly speaking, I keep more positive views towards Iranians than Saudi Arabia. They have mostly stayed neutral in India's dispute with other countries. They only gave us transit route to Central Asia via Chabahar Port. Iranians are more trusting than Saudis. I heard our government is trying for Oil payment through Moscow.

Totally agree the last I heard we wanted to pay them in Rupees but im not sure Iran will accept this method of payment.

India's HPCL to double Saudi crude imports

India's state-run Hindustan Petroleum Corp will double the volume of Saudi crude it imports in an annual deal beginning April, two sources said on Monday, a move that could potentially replace some of its Iranian supplies.

Tighter US sanctions require buyers of Iranian oil to reduce imports from the Islamic Republic or face the threat of financial penalties in the United States.

The new deal will be for 60,000 barrels per day (bpd), said the sources, versus around 30,000 bpd this year.

HPCL's annual term deals with Saudi Arabia and Iran run from April to March.

HPCL is keen to continue its term deal of 70,000 bpd with Iran if the Islamic Republic continues to offer 90 days credit and global sanctions do not hit supplies and an existing payment mechanism, said one of the sources.

HPCL operates a 130,000 bpd refinery at Mumbai on the west coast and a 166,000 bpd plant in southern India.-Reuters
@Aryan_B Thank you for liking my post. :lol: I only told you reality that we Indians keep more positive views towards Iranians and even Saudis know that.

All they want to do business with India and we wanting same with them and there is 100% agreement over that. So no dispute here.

But the fact is when these Saudis always supported you against India and supporting you in worst economic Chaos. Still you guys are showing un-thankful gesture to them and ranting them when they wanted to make profit by doing business with India. They want to make their own benefits (our benefit also) and they won't look at you for that. :lol:

---------- Post added at 09:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:00 PM ----------

Well Saudis are simply not to be trusted period. They are complicit with America and are evil personified. I would not trust them they probably mix water in their oil

Hmm. Here I know the reality the reality of the free oil you guys are getting from Saudi Arabia.
thats coming from pakistani is funny, all of you ran away from what i said, richard armitage came to mushrraf and told pakistanis (the so called nuclear power) "we will bomb pakistan to the stone age", what did pakistan do? open there AIR, LAND, SEA BASES for the US and NATO, NATO is marching up down all over pakistan, they did not actaully bomb afghans but also bombed pakistan it self, they keep killing your soldiers and citizens almost on daily bases, what did pakistan do? nothing....US bases is all over pakistan, well at least india did not give bases to the US.
Obviously that's because most Pakistani politicians are sellouts. But back to what you said, tell me how come you need "kuffar" to protect your country??? How come you soodis need "Kuffar" to build your whole infrastructure, from skyscrapers to oil refineries, everything is designed, built and run by the so called "kuffar".

want to have relations with israel go ahead, why complaining to me?

Who's complaining, someone has to show you your ugly arrogant hypocritical double standard face.

let me guess you are not a muslim right? because every muslim know and can't accept Al-aqsa mosque out of the control of muslims, it is in the quran, but i guess that shows what i was speaking about before, most of you are not even pakistanis and not even muslims,
You have no right to decide whether or not I or anyone else on this forum is a Muslim or not, and regarding Al-Aqsa mosque, that is a ARAB problem, not a PAKISTANI problem, you ARABS don't consider Kashmir your problem so why should we PAKISTANIS consider palestine/Al-Aqsa our problem?

old mossad/baathis/CIA tricks pretend to be some one else.
Is that what you do?

I'm i will be happy to see the day pakistan offering help to all muslims, our brothers
Pakistan has been doing its part to help people around the world, from Bosnia to Somalia and Conga to name a few (Arabs abandoned the Bosnians to get slaughtered by the Serbs BTW, very "helpful" indeed). Pakistan has contributed the largest number of troops to the UN peace keeping force.

(non muslims or citizens of non muslim countries are not included)
And what's wrong in helping non-Muslims?? Very pathetic on your part.

in pakistan deserve some thing better than poverty and ignorance.
Wow, so on one hand your people fund and spread salafiism in Pakistan and on the other hand you lecture us about ignorance and poverty, not hypocritical at all.

thats very lame and funny, you earlier claimed SA is allied with israel HAHAHAHA, now you demand pakistan to have relations with israel...
Where did i say that? Please quote me otherwise your talking out of your rear end. And yes, of course, i support Pakistan's relations with Israel, a country that is more important and beneficial than your salafi spreading country. Israel can help Pakistan in many sectors unlike you Salafis who know nothing better than to buy anything you set your eyes on.

thats typical talk of mossad agents,

Lolz, look who's talking!!

so stop contradicting yourself.
Your the one contradicting yourself and has been pointed out by Aryan_B

what they get? just few months ago, 16 turks were SALUGHTERED like sheep by israelis.....

That's because they tried to interfere in a ARAB problem, not a TURKISH problem. As long as you don't aggravate the Israelis, they won't threaten you.

i told you we make hater squirm in their seats and i'm sure you will be squirming again reading this, just take it easy on your self.

Wow, maybe you squirm very often since you know so much about squirming.
Well Saudis are simply not to be trusted period. They are complicit with America and are evil personified. I would not trust them they probably mix water in their oil
Lol. Too much hatred is not good for you. You seem to create thread after thread against saudis and israelis, but still it is not good enough for you.

India does not have to trust or love anybody. It is a business deal.SA a sovereign country, which honours billions of dollars worth business deals.
All countries work in their self interest, so do Saudis.
Why expect too much and get disappointed?
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