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Energy Marriage - Saudi Arabia and India

that is wrong. The people of Sa odi Ar ad ia do not matter in the eyes of A m eri ca ns. If they have to, they will reduce the population of SA to Sa odi Royals + Cows.
Damn! You r damn right... They've given too much information of themselves to U.S(The proved demon)...
But still Saudi Arabians are trying To regain their sovergnity .... There elites just need to think more about their people instead of just Money... Unless Arabians are alive their is still a hope that they can do if they want to do...

Wat Americans are doing in Asian Pacific will help China to built their ties with middle east. slowly but smartly
That is Ok, we don't have to break our necks trying to break the dollar. It will ease out slowly on its own as it diminishes in significance and utility.

The policy KSA or any other country adopts towards America or any other country is its sovereign decision. No one else has any say in that. I am not a great fan of the USA but I fail to understand how that country has suddenly emerged as the villain of the piece when until a few years ago every one was trying to get kill each other to get into America's good books.

I also find it difficult to understand how accepting assistance from the US is a crime whereas accepting the same from China or Russia is OK. Aren't they all bloody kaffirs?

Pakistan has all the right to recognise Israel if it feels that such action is in its interests. It also may continue along the present path if it feels that its interests are best served by not recognising Israel. That decision is Pakistan's alone and no one else has any say in it.

As far as we are concerned, we will accept the best that anyone has, if it is offered to us. We will not foreclose our options. We can do business with anyone if it benefits us.

that place where the sun don't shine belong to you, but i wont touch it and i wont get near it :D

Your duplicity is disgusting earlier on this thread you stated that we would be condemned for not supporting Palestine by God. Yet your own fat ugly leaders are working against Palestinians. You Arabs deserve all you get. Even with all the oil and money you have been blessed with you are still treated as .... lol well you know.
You clearly cant read properly that's not what he said

My point was it is indeed turned out to be Chai-Biskut organisation. We have Military base in Tajikistan, Iran giving Transit route, Oman sharing Naval base, IRCON getting projects in many countries. Recently when Saudis told us to buy extra Oil from us, it was Iran who told Saudis not to interfere in their business. Pakistani are Paranoid on India but failed to Isolate India in Islamic World as I already told these countries can't ignore India which Pakistanis don't understand.

I was pointing out Pakistan Paranoia against Indian membership in IOC but getting membership in IOC is not a priority for us. We already are member of Prestigious G-20 Major Economies, G8+5. May be G8 be converted into G-10. Sooner or later we will also get membership of UNSC whenever it will be expanded, the current circumstances are favoring this.
What are you on about??? Your whole country is run by the so called "kuffar", your oil refineries, skyscrapers, everything you own is not even built and designed by you Saudis! You needed the so called "kuffar" to protect your rear ends when sadams armies were on your border, if it weren't for "kuffar" you'd still be living in tents herding goats and riding camel caravans.

thats coming from pakistani is funny, all of you ran away from what i said, richard armitage came to mushrraf and told pakistanis (the so called nuclear power) "we will bomb pakistan to the stone age", what did pakistan do? :pakistan: open there AIR, LAND, SEA BASES for the US and NATO, NATO is marching up down all over pakistan, they did not actaully bomb afghans but also bombed pakistan it self, they keep killing your soldiers and citizens almost on daily bases, what did pakistan do? nothing....US bases is all over pakistan, well at least india did not give bases to the US.

yes sure, thats why whole of pakistan wont to come and work for Saudi Arabians
In the same sense why shouldn't Pakistan have relations with Israel? Israel, a country we have no dispute with.

want to have relations with israel go ahead, why complaining to me? lol.....beside how come a muslim have no dispute with israel? let me guess you are not a muslim right? because every muslim know and can't accept Al-aqsa mosque out of the control of muslims, it is in the quran, but i guess that shows what i was speaking about before, most of you are not even pakistanis and not even muslims, old mossad/baathis/CIA tricks pretend to be some one else.

Unfortunately and ultimately it is Pakistan's own fault that it has made itself dependent on others and today we have to hear these phrases from other people.

I'm i will be happy to see the day pakistan offering help to all muslims, our brothers (non muslims or citizens of non muslim countries are not included) in pakistan deserve some thing better than poverty and ignorance.

Did China also get ten land cruisers to fight desert locusts?? Pakistan has a lot of potential other than becoming a wahabi breeding ground of Saudi Arabia which is why Pakistan-Israeli relations can be really beneficial for Pakistan.

thats very lame and funny, you earlier claimed SA is allied with israel HAHAHAHA, now you demand pakistan to have relations with israel...thats typical talk of mossad agents, so stop contradicting yourself.

Did Turkey get 10 land cruisers for having recognized Israel?

what they get? just few months ago, 16 turks were SALUGHTERED like sheep by israelis.....:D

And who are you to even be telling us about our deeds? Your country is protected by the so called "kuffar".

read what is in read, but don't be hard on your self.

yeah sure, thats why every single non muslim in SA, signs a paper before he comes to Saudi Arabia to respect islamic-law which all muslims wont ever dare to use it including pakistan, thats why there is not a even a single church or non muslim temple in Saudi Arabia, i told you we make hater squirm in their seats and i'm sure you will be squirming again reading this, just take it easy on your self.
Saudi arabia lives in the dark ages where women cant drive cars and people are beheaded or whipped it is like living in the 1600's God know what will happen when oil runs out.

In India we have muslim women train drivers and in the land of the holy places they treat women like their own slaves.
Saudi Arabia is not only not going to stop accepting dollars, it actually demands payment in dollars ONLY. Not Euros, not Yen, not RMB, just USD.

Even if every Eurasian country signs contract with each other like Euro to Yuan, Yen to yuan, Ruble to Euro, etc. we still cannot buy Saudi oil without USD. The USD is like a ball and chains shackled to every oil importing industrial country in the world.

this is funny, because if you are chinese the first thing you would know, when the US was going to bankrupt the first one rushed to bailout the US was?? guess who??.....China ;)
you are supporting the Dollar and you are buying bonds, China can't live with out the US, uncle the sam is the boss in the far east with out a doubt.

so don't make claims about Saudi Arabia while your country, is the largest holders of USD bonds in the world!
Your duplicity is disgusting earlier on this thread you stated that we would be condemned for not supporting Palestine by God. Yet your own fat ugly leaders are working against Palestinians. You Arabs deserve all you get. Even with all the oil and money you have been blessed with you are still treated as .... lol well you know.

It was Arabs who fought three wars with Israel over Palestine, not like Pakistanis fanboys who only put youtube videos "the day Pakistanis will defeat Israel" but will never come to help them openly, and these Arabs have supported you in your worst economic days but you guys are not showing any thankful gesture to them. It was 2008 only, Saudi Arabia gave you extra Oil worth $1.5 Billion apart from the free oil you guys were getting. And Arabs have to expand their business and to hell with your personal enmity with India.

You Pakistan are ready to put blind eyes the suffering of Uighur Muslims of China who are facing ethnic cleansing in their ancestral homeland why you blame Saudi Arabia for Hypocrisy.
Saudi arabia lives in the dark ages where women cant drive cars and people are beheaded or whipped it is like living in the 1600's God know what will happen when oil runs out.

That is a misrepresentation.

Saudi Arabia is certainly not living in the 1600's. Don't base your perception on a few cases, it is a very modern country now.
Your duplicity is disgusting earlier on this thread you stated that we would be condemned for not supporting Palestine by God. Yet your own fat ugly leaders are working against Palestinians. You Arabs deserve all you get. Even with all the oil and money you have been blessed with you are still treated as .... lol well you know.

don't lie, shame on you, you now making up words in my mouth?
look i'm really expereinced with these hate thing, i know how to hit a nerve in jealous envious hater.

also reply to me about the cross you sore to be loyal too and the queen of england (the sponsorer of the protestant church) which you are a loyal subject to her.
Saudi Arabia continues to treat women as legal minors, allowing male guardians to determine whether a woman may work, study, marry, travel, or undergo certain medical procedures. The government has not fulfilled its 2009 pledge to the United Nations Human Rights Council to dismantle the male guardianship system.

The Ministry of Interior since October 2009 has refused to issue a 43-year-old divorced woman cardiologist a new passport without male guardian approval. In 2010 the uncles and male guardians of a US-based adult woman with dual Saudi and US nationality did not allow her to obtain a Saudi passport. In May Nazia Quazi-the Indian father of 23-year-old dual Canadian and Indian national-finally permitted his daughter to leave Saudi Arabia after luring her to the kingdom in 2007 and keeping her there, as her guardian, against her will because he disapproved of her fiance.

A medical doctor in her forties lost a court appeal to remove her father as her guardian after he refused to give her hand in marriage and confiscated her income. She lives in a women's shelter. The brothers of two unrelated women-one in Buraida, the other in Riyadh-acting as their guardians, forced their sisters to marry five men each, for money and against their wills. In January 2010 a court in Qasim province sentenced Sawsan Salim to 300 lashes and one-and-a-half years in prison for "appearing [in court] without a male guardian."

World Report 2011: Saudi Arabia | Human Rights Watch

Modern country yes and if you are a man sure but if u are a woman no u are like a slave
Saudi Arabia continues to treat women as legal minors, allowing male guardians to determine whether a woman may work, study, marry, travel, or undergo certain medical procedures. The government has not fulfilled its 2009 pledge to the United Nations Human Rights Council to dismantle the male guardianship system.

Nothing medieval about that. These values were practiced in the west as recently as the 1950s. Are still in practice in India and Pakistan
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