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End of Qadaffi ~ Gadaffi sons arrested ~ Tripoli captured

Come on Wahabi aren't you going to reply ?

---------- Post added at 09:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:32 PM ----------

I am going to sleep buddy I have no intention in completing this thread beyond "Good luck for the Libyans in their new government and may Allah help them make the right choice"

thats all you say, you avoid all my questions. have a good night sleep knowing Assad will survive.

---------- Post added at 09:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:33 PM ----------

Would u stop talking about syria?


Sure, Gaddafi kept Libya together now hes gone new feuds and divisions are going Erupt the Anti Gaddafi is the only holding the rebels now the friends of yesterday will be the enemies of tomorrow.
Assad fall doesn't seem sure Russia has a naval base there and reject the west call for assad to leave, Both China and Russia say they will veto any type of Intervention Resolution, Assad has a real support Base unlike Gaddafi, the Syrian military is Strong enough to fend off any type of attack. not to mention the support of Venezuela, Iran, China, Russia, India, and Hezbollah.
what is your opinion about your own country?saudia?what are you doing in bahrain?dont you remember Gods curse when your leaders kills their own uncle King shah faisal and become the king with cia support?our problem is we cant see the problems within ourselves or may be we see the problems but we point out the faults of others in order to coverup our own.Gaddafi is the last person left who stood up to the west in 1970s with king shah fasil and zulfiqar ali bhutto and made OIC to counter by Arabs thinks they are different so they made arab league and made OIC look like useless.dont get happy your turn is coming soon too.
I dont know if people are delusional in here or what and how they have forgotten Iraq already but for some of you sean hannity and other republicunts followers, visit Obama's Libya to see liyan rebels:
Libyan rebels behead Libyan Soldier Libyan Rebels stealing weapons from dead Libyans Soldiers CIA fighting rebels Libyan Rebels Sodimize Libyan Soldier with Weapons Libyan Protestors and Rebels hang and behead soldier Libyan Rebels Force Libyan Soldiers to Cannibalize Libyan Rebels Torture Small Child by Sticking a Pole Through His Body.

Watch Cynthia McKinney interviews from Libya, Luis Farrakhan about Ghadaffi and youtube 108morris for in depth analysis of libyan rebels and interviews with university professors.
Assalam alaikum

Son of alqadhafi, mohammad asked the authorities to protect him in case he surrender

And now the USG would bravely march in, set up bases under BS pretext of reconstruction and "training the new Libyan army", then never leave.
The Dam Russians sold gaddafi ,Never Trust a Russians again there in it for the Money, China should veto any type foreign intervention.
what i think is all the muslim states should go nuclear and u wont see no military action against any single muslim country thats a bet.
It does not matter. NATO would have carried out the mission anyway.

The Dam Russians sold gaddafi ,Never Trust a Russians again there in it for the Money, China should veto any type foreign intervention.
Libya almost over. Yemen on the way. Syria in the process. So now in which new country will anti government demonstrations start?
All that is happening is the UK and US and NATO are planting the next Saddam/Qaddafi or Husanni Mubarak

Since these guys were old aged , there was a slight chance that the next government would be pro people or perhaps some what like Turkey independent or Iran

So they created this mess , similar to how they Support Saudis government or Middle eastern dictators
telling few rebels , if you help us , we will give you weapons , and in return you will give us minerals and oil and other goods
barter trade.

Next step will be placement of a next generation dictator just like the guy who is now sitting in Iraq and Afghnistan

The dominos are Syria, then Iran and then Pakistan in that order
Happy days. Congratulations to my Libyan friends to overthrow a dictator. Looking forward to seeing the terrorist of plane bombings put in a cage. One by one winds of democracy sweeps the barbaric Arab lands and free their people so that they can think for themselves. Hopefully all the oil will fall into responsible hands as is likely with NATO backings.
Yaaaay everyone.
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