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End of Qadaffi ~ Gadaffi sons arrested ~ Tripoli captured

nope it will get shipped straight to europe/US at discounted prices for the convenience of the white man. not to India.
Chinese buy Iranian oil much cheaper than what you call "white" people buy in ME or somewhere else

I never understand the stupidity of calling people by their colour of skin
by the way i am white skin from Iran. i am a bad white too? lol
This is all about freedom and a dawn of a new era for Libya
I am not so sure buddy, Libiya under Qadaffi was more secure to the world, now that armed rebels have overtaken I doub't a good government taking place his administration as it might be corrupted by the western influence. We can see another Afgan in the comming days.
Assalam alaikum

hey just for the sake of others, libyan's fate was just to be ruled by qadhafi and sons. even if these ppl will fight they will learn form their mistakes why qadhafi has to rule them and if there is a fighting it was bcoz of qadhafi he could have held fair and free elections. and if loose transfer the power to others but refused and nato came at last when he was about to enter benghazi

I M NOT DEFENDING NATO, but since i could not help those ppl neither u i keep my self quite and pray for their betterment

Another muslim country taken over by NATO and Muslims cheer. Muslim countries are falling like dominoes and soon there will only be 1 Muslim country left to cheer on the West and their military campaigns, and then there will be none.

Sad day indeed.

I 100% agree with u sir, Muslims are under the siege and still these so called Muslims are playing in the hands of NATO. Im totally depressed right now. This is Muslims dark age and light of hope is no where to be seen.

Again these were dictators ruling from many decades , and dictators cant be secular in nature its wrong to mix these two , any how what good will Islamists do ? the same people were helped by american than taliban took over afghanistan afterwards you know what happened , Again NATO helped the rebels , now they will sieze control and if they are Islamists ,, its more than likely they will further do some stupidity hence the war will continue forever
Again these were dictators ruling from many decades , and dictators cant be secular in nature its wrong to mix these two

Marshall Tito ?
Nasser ?
Bhutto when he was Chief Marshall Law administrator?
First of all i don't know where everybody is getting this idea all the rebels r islamists. the transitional council how many islamists there, i listen to the rebels and most of them r not islamists. lastly islamists r also libyans they have all the right to oppose qadhafi and rule as i stated many times above like it or not out of six million libyan 1 million r hafiz quran ( o my ALLAH taliban in making lol )

Chinese buy Iranian oil much cheaper than what you call "white" people buy in ME or somewhere else

I never understand the stupidity of calling people by their colour of skin
by the way i am white skin from Iran. i am a bad white too? lol

any proof of China getting discounts? We pay full price and sometimes more.

Anglo Saxons and Jews is a more appropriate term but since white people have collective imperialist guilt such as France, its easier to say white.

---------- Post added at 12:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:14 AM ----------

Sure. Now people will pay double taxes, electricity will not be free, education too, healthcare too, gasoline will not be cheap too, because it'll go to America... I love that change, hope the Rebels like it too.

Damn straight. For ordinary people, 99% of them do not care about politics. Otherwise, Singapore's authoritarian hereditary system based on the Lee family would not be a far far far more attractive migration target than democratic Nigeria or Philippines.
any proof of China getting discounts? We pay full price and sometimes more.

Anglo Saxons and Jews is a more appropriate term but since white people have collective imperialist guilt such as France, its easier to say white.
Because of the boycott Iran is selling much less expensive oil to Russia China and India, countries who didn't care about this boycott. I am not condemning it but i am reminding you this situation because you seem to have a personal problem with white people . you didn't buy more expensive. you buy less expensive. you need a persian link? because the english newspapers don't care about this kind of situation it seems.

Anglo saxons lol you know they were taking place of celtics in Great Britain which was before the Britania land, the land of celtics. Celtics are white people as well.
Jews are everywhere in the world because their history made it like that: an history of persecution especially in Europe where they were often victims aither of genocid or pogrom or hard way to find a job: you know that they were doing finance job because most jobs were forbidden for them. there is an interesting book about it from Jacques Attali.
Europe is made of very different cultures and history.
France? imperialist guilt? lol you are kiding? like in any country there is a bad part and a good part. good is revolution . bad is napoleon .. but even for napoleon : from the beginning of the revolution the royal families in europe attacked france for revenge.
colonial part of France? yes people see it here like a old past that they didn't feel concerned about it.
And they mostly condemn the colonies of Israel, i would easily 90% of them even much more . i mean the illegal colonies.
your country as well having the bad parts: tibet and other parts of the nation invaded .
so everytime i see a chinese reference i should say "the bad yellow guys"?

you should be open minded, have a trip, take a breath and stop your hatred towards people you don't know.

by the way people here suffer a lot from the chinese low cost production:
some rich people and companies go in china doing business , close the companies here and there ae more and more poor people. when a country , a continent is getting so much down and people like you take benefit of this (it gives jobs to you) better you get another consideration than imperialism or slavery
people who are working as slaves , if so, in your country it would mean it is the chinese fault
here in france it is forbidden to work for less than an amount per hour as salary
if it was not that law, that would be a lot of very poor people here
Iran is selling much less expensive oil to Russia China and India, countries who didn't care about this boycott
It's not a matter of boycott... its matter of profiting from the situation themselves or assisting partners.

Most of the sanction goods are delivers to iran at much inflated costs and a long chain of beneficiaries incl. the Iran regime it self.

No one in Iran can start a company of import, export, contracting, hotel and even retail, without buying licences from the regime.

Foreigner laborers work in iran, while local Iranians have no job matching to their qualification..
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