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End of Qadaffi ~ Gadaffi sons arrested ~ Tripoli captured

From million dollar mansions and sports car to prison..and possibly death sentence.One should never forget that God runs everything here and we should not get ahead of ourselves and think we're untouchable.
Again these were dictators ruling from many decades , and dictators cant be secular in nature its wrong to mix these two , any how what good will Islamists do ? the same people were helped by american than taliban took over afghanistan afterwards you know what happened , Again NATO helped the rebels , now they will sieze control and if they are Islamists ,, its more than likely they will further do some stupidity hence the war will continue forever

Clever way of avoiding the label of dictatorship and still ruling is to pass the rule to kith & kin in form of declaration, than you are not dictator any more.

Any way it also proved that anti regime forces can never succeed unless armed by NATO and UN.
People need to believe in the Libyan people. I believe in the Libyan people. many thought the other Arab spring countries wont change but they did. Look at Egypt Look at Tunisia and soon Insha'allah Syria and Yemen will follow. People deserve their freedom from either the west appointed dictators put there to make sure Arabs are weak and from Self-Appointed Dictators like Gaddafi who use the west as a trick to pound his people into submission.

Maybe God-Willingly we will see a more unified Arab world and thus a more unified Islamic world. A unified Islamic world is the world's worst fear, and the Arab spring is Insha'allah is the start of it. Have faith in your Libyan rebels for I have faith in them too.

People must remember that in Gaddafi's final days he sent a delegation recognizing the state of Israel to give you an idea of who Gaddafi some of you defend really is.
Because of the boycott Iran is selling much less expensive oil to Russia China and India, countries who didn't care about this boycott. I am not condemning it but i am reminding you this situation because you seem to have a personal problem with white people . you didn't buy more expensive. you buy less expensive. you need a persian link? because the english newspapers don't care about this kind of situation it seems.

Anglo saxons lol you know they were taking place of celtics in Great Britain which was before the Britania land, the land of celtics. Celtics are white people as well.
Jews are everywhere in the world because their history made it like that: an history of persecution especially in Europe where they were often victims aither of genocid or pogrom or hard way to find a job: you know that they were doing finance job because most jobs were forbidden for them. there is an interesting book about it from Jacques Attali.
Europe is made of very different cultures and history.
France? imperialist guilt? lol you are kiding? like in any country there is a bad part and a good part. good is revolution . bad is napoleon .. but even for napoleon : from the beginning of the revolution the royal families in europe attacked france for revenge.
colonial part of France? yes people see it here like a old past that they didn't feel concerned about it.
And they mostly condemn the colonies of Israel, i would easily 90% of them even much more . i mean the illegal colonies.
your country as well having the bad parts: tibet and other parts of the nation invaded .
so everytime i see a chinese reference i should say "the bad yellow guys"?

you should be open minded, have a trip, take a breath and stop your hatred towards people you don't know.

by the way people here suffer a lot from the chinese low cost production:
some rich people and companies go in china doing business , close the companies here and there ae more and more poor people. when a country , a continent is getting so much down and people like you take benefit of this (it gives jobs to you) better you get another consideration than imperialism or slavery
people who are working as slaves , if so, in your country it would mean it is the chinese fault
here in france it is forbidden to work for less than an amount per hour as salary
if it was not that law, that would be a lot of very poor people here

there's also a minimum wage in china so i dont know whats your problem. if it was the salary problem then Iran and China have comparable GDP/capita, why isn't Iran a major manufacturing power?

Africans have 1/10th the Chinese average income so why don't they become manufacturers?

fact is, it is only those who cannot compete that are dying off. this is global capitalism for you. China is an island of socialism in a sea of capitalism yet this socialist economy is outcompeting the old capitalist guard so tell me what does that mean? our exports are the smallest part of our economy out of consumption and investment yet it is still outcompeting others, what does that mean?
there's also a minimum wage in china so i dont know whats your problem. if it was the salary problem then Iran and China have comparable GDP/capita, why isn't Iran a major manufacturing power?

Africans have 1/10th the Chinese average income so why don't they become manufacturers?

fact is, it is only those who cannot compete that are dying off. this is global capitalism for you. China is an island of socialism in a sea of capitalism yet this socialist economy is outcompeting the old capitalist guard so tell me what does that mean? our exports are the smallest part of our economy out of consumption and investment yet it is still outcompeting others, what does that mean?

Socialism? In name only. China ditched her culture at the first half of the 20th century (one of the things that made the communist more successful than the other revolutions of the time, most did not have the will or brutality to crush the old ways). Then the followed the white path. However, they chose to follow communist socialism, but didn't realise this was a phenomena of industrial Europe, and didn't apply to China. Now they are full blown capitalist, and have adapted well (and don't give me any bull about social programs, far more have been left behind in China than any western nation). China did well getting rid of the "three olds."
People need to believe in the Libyan people. I believe in the Libyan people. many thought the other Arab spring countries wont change but they did. Look at Egypt Look at Tunisia and soon Insha'allah Syria and Yemen will follow.

I hop you are right in your optimism.
But charity begins at home. Why don't you see how repressive your own country is? I can't think of any other place in the world as repressive as Saudi Arabia when it comes to social and political freedoms. And your country is also solidly allied with 'the West', if that was a count against Qaddafi. You actually followed the West's agenda to crush a budding people's revolt in Bahrain. And now you are following the West's agenda to cut-off Syria from Iran..

I have no love for either Qaddafi or Al-Assad. I would be actually glad if their own people throw them off the power. Their own people--not some western backed 'rebels'.

Any way, looks like fait accompli in this case for Qaddafi. I hope you are proved right and that the 'Libyan People' actually make decisions in Libya. And I hope they out-perform Qaddafi because, it looks, despite being life-long dictator Qaddafi did manage a few things and would be most probably in power had it not been the Western support to the rebels.
Looks like the West got what it wanted: Libya has the most (proven) oil reserves in the entire Africa, whereas the third highest gas reserves in all of Africa (I believe). It also has huge gold reserves worth billions of $. Most of the gas reserves are untapped, & this will get the foreign contractors & businesses into the country. Most of the Libyan oil exports are sold to Europe as it is.

From the looks of things, the rebels in Libya are so factionalized by differences in tribal culture, ideology; that they are incapable of forming a working government. This is the perfect breeding ground for the rise of Al-Qaeda again, inspired by the AQIM, as well as the Al-Qaeda in Iraq & other countries.
Socialism? In name only. China ditched her culture at the first half of the 20th century (one of the things that made the communist more successful than the other revolutions of the time, most did not have the will or brutality to crush the old ways). Then the followed the white path. However, they chose to follow communist socialism, but didn't realise this was a phenomena of industrial Europe, and didn't apply to China. Now they are full blown capitalist, and have adapted well (and don't give me any bull about social programs, far more have been left behind in China than any western nation). China did well getting rid of the "three olds."

What capitalism, the top 60 state owned companies in China have a revenue equal to half of GDP. They are the ones that contribute to the actual wealth creation in China. The profit margins for the private industries are very very low but they employ people and give them things to do. So much for capitalism :lol:

The Chinese culture of the early 20th and late 19th century is not traditional Chinese culture. It is traditional Chinese culture hijacked by Manchus, Japanese and Europeans. This is the real deal right here right now. Everything is similar to Ming Dynasty, before the barbarians took over due to traitors.
It seems NATO can do nothing right in some people's eyes. Damned if they do. Damned if they don't.
It seems NATO can do nothing right in some people's eyes. Damned if they do. Damned if they don't.

Why didn't NATO do anything for the people of Bahrain? Oh right, because the Kingdom of Bahrain is 'protected' by Saudi Arabia. Also, it does not have the largest oil reserves, or the third largest gas reserves in the Middle East like Libya does in Africa. And then, it doesn't have the gold reserves that Libya has either. If the poor people of Bahrain were Libyan, things might have been 'better' for them, as they'd at least be able to grab onto some natural resources.
Why didn't NATO do anything for the people of Bahrain? Oh right, because the Kingdom of Bahrain is 'protected' by Saudi Arabia. Also, it does not have the largest oil reserves, or the third largest gas reserves in the Middle East like Libya does in Africa. And then, it doesn't have the gold reserves that Libya has either. If the poor people of Bahrain were Libyan, things might have been 'better' for them, as they'd at least be able to grab onto some natural resources.

Face it. Whenever Nato tries to help. People on here moan about how the country has been enslaved by western infidels etc etc.
I don't see people complaining when Nato countries are the first to react in a natural disaster.
Face it. Whenever Nato tries to help. People on here moan about how the country has been enslaved by western infidels etc etc.
I don't see people complaining when Nato countries are the first to react in a natural disaster.

NATO deals very little natural disasters, & much more with international military operations.

You still haven't answered my question. If the NATO really doesn't have any other motives & objectives for its military operations but to fight for the justice of people, why didn't the NATO help the Arab Spring in Yemen that was trying to overthrow the government there? Why didn't NATO help the people of Bahrain being ruthlessly killed by the Kingdom of Bahrain?
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