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End Iran sanctions, says Dubai ruler

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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By Daniel Shane
  • Monday, 13 January 2014 10:25 AM

Dubai ruler Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum has urged the international community to lift economic sanctions against Iran.

“Iran is our neighbour and we don’t want any problems,” Sheikh Mohammed, who is also vice president and prime minister of the UAE, said in a televised interview with BBC News.

An agreement to relieve sanctions was struck in November between Iran and six world powers, including the US, China, Russia and Britain, and is set to come into effect on January 20. The accord will see the Islamic Republic curb parts of its nuclear programme in exchange for access to $4.2bn in foreign exchange and some relief from sanctions on gold, petrochemicals and vehicles.

The deal is intended to lay the foundation for a broader deal between Iran and world powers over the status of its disputed nuclear programme, which Iran insists is for civilian energy purposes, but is widely believed by the international community to be weaponised.


The UAE and Iran remain major trading partners, despite overall trade between the two, excluding oil, falling from AED12.3bn ($3.35bn) between January and June 2012 to AED10.8bn in the same period last year as sanctions took their toll.

However, the two countries remain locked in a territorial dispute over the ownership of three Gulf islands, which are currently occupied by the Tehran government.

Sheikh Mohammed said though that wider relief from sanctions would mean “everyone will benefit”.

He also urged Israel and Palestinian authorities to push on with peace negotiations, which resumed in July last year following a three-year halt. US secretary of state John Kerry has visited the region ten times in the last year or so in order to establish a framework on guidelines for a future peace accord.

“After the peace process, we’d do everything with Israel, we will trade with them, we will welcome them and everything,” Sheikh Mohammed told BBC News. “But sign the peace process.”
End Iran sanctions, says Dubai ruler - ArabianBusiness.com
Iran = heroes under the savage JEW embargo

The whole world must is cut from 75 millions iranians just because it's good for Israhell

Israhell doesn't hesitate to make false flags attacks in Buenos Aires or anywhere to isolate Iran or Hezbollah
By Daniel Shane
  • Monday, 13 January 2014 10:25 AM

Dubai ruler Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum has urged the international community to lift economic sanctions against Iran.

“Iran is our neighbour and we don’t want any problems,” Sheikh Mohammed, who is also vice president and prime minister of the UAE, said in a televised interview with BBC News.

Sheikh Mohammed said though that wider relief from sanctions would mean “everyone will benefit”.

End Iran sanctions, says Dubai ruler - ArabianBusiness.com

A welcome statement ..... a visionary diplomatic move ..... :tup:
lol @ the saudis. They're now insulting UAE's leader. Iran would become a juggernut in the Middle East economically and removal of sanctions would be a nightmare for the saudis. UAE on the other hand would benefit b/c Iran would create a new market for many of the products and services that they offer. At first, they would lose some investment from the Iranian side as the half million Iranians in UAE would liquidate a lot of their investments and move it back to Iran, but in the long-term it would mean massive bilateral investment. Iran and UAE have always done a lot of business with each other and a much richer Iran would benefit UAE a lot.

However, a Saudi government adviser called Sheik Mohammed's comment's on Iran "mind boggling".
The adviser criticised the Dubai emir for speaking out while the UAE and Iran both claim three disputed islands in the Gulf, that are currently occupied by Iranian forces.

"It's not surprising that the Dubai ruler would say such a misleading statement about Iran. Their main imperative has always been narrow and trade focused,"
the adviser told the BBC.
lol @ the saudis. They're now insulting UAE's leader. Iran would become a juggernut in the Middle East economically and removal of sanctions would be a nightmare for the saudis. UAE on the other hand would benefit b/c Iran would create a new market for many of the products and services that they offer. At first, they would lose some investment from the Iranian side as the half million Iranians in UAE would liquidate a lot of their investments and move it back to Iran, but in the long-term it would mean massive bilateral investment. Iran and UAE have always done a lot of business with each other and a much richer Iran would benefit UAE a lot.
Poor Iranian started fantasizing over having great relation with UAE... already..:haha:
The title is misleading, he didn't say sanction should be left but said "if Iran reached a final agreement with the west, and the sanctions were left, everybody will benefit".

Now go back to your corner.:big_boss:
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Poor Iranian started fantasizing over having great relation with UAE... already..:haha:
The title is misleading, he didn't say sanction should be left but said "if Iran reached a final agreement with the west, and the sanctions were left, everybody will benefit".

You really think that @Abii cares?!
I'll let him explain as to why he doesn't care ;)
Don't care if you care or not. But I do care about keeping Iran isolated and out-casted.

Well, I'm afraid that is out of your hand. Even under sanctions, Iran's GDP per capita is nearly more than 3 times that of Jordan's. Soon oil prices will hit $80 a barrel and some might find it difficult to finance their terrorist networks around the world, but Iran's economy will adept, it always has.
Well, I'm afraid that is out of your hand. Even under sanctions, Iran's GDP per capita is nearly more than 3 times that of Jordan's. Soon oil prices will hit $80 a barrel and some might find it difficult to finance their terrorist networks around the world, but Iran's economy will adept, it always has.
GDP per capita doesn't reflect the actual income of Iranian citizens at all, for example teachers' salaries in Jordan varies from 520$ - 1500$ While I bet it's less than 300$ in Iran.Iranians work hard to afford the necessities. (I chose teachers as they represent middle class)
GDP per capita doesn't reflect the actual income of Iranian citizens at all, for example teachers' salaries in Jordan varies from 520$ - 1500$ While I bet it's less than 300$ in Iran.Iranians work hard to afford the necessities.

Are you talking about school lecturers or university lecturers?
Of course school ones.

Well, in that case you have to take several things into consideration here:

If the teacher is working for government schools in Iran, then the $300 is about right, but their benefits (e.g. Insurance, holiday homes, etc...) are good
But if the teacher is working for private schools then it would be a lot more than that. But you also have to consider that most teachers in Iran, teach their students privately, they can actually cash in more than up to 3 times of their paychecks :D

Actually education is something that an average Iranian family cares a lot about. So, they're willing to pay whatever the price just to have their children get excellent grades or get good ranking on National Entrance Examination (Konkoor)! Do you have this phenomenon in Jordan? :D?

If you want to compare by salary you should have chosen an occupation like Nursing, their situation is not very good in Iran. On the other hand, lecturers are doing very good :D But no one beats the Doctors, especially those with specializations.
Don't care if you care or not. But I do care about keeping Iran isolated and out-casted.

You should not put all your security bets in that basket, and assume Iran will forever be isolated.
If you do that, its going to be hard for you to adapt to inevitable changes.
Its in the Arab worlds interest that you accomodate Iran and co-exist. lol
Ending sactions against Iran would be a welcome move. I do not know how Saudis benefit from sanctions on Iran?

I do wish Iranian Mullahs would keep their extremist ideology to themselves. Their neighbors have paid a high enough a price for this unwarranted Shia activism.
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