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Me too bro i dont want a proxy who romances with khalistan rules a state which share the border with Pakistan. Thankfully better sense prevailed among the people of Punjab and its high time he is shown door for his abusive and dictatorial attitude :cheers::cheers:
Yeah bro...I'm happy that people like you and me see what exists beyond the horizon!! We can't let this proxy communist party win!!
If Modi can be the PM who oversees the building of the Ram Temple, he will become a living deity and the goose of Muslims in India will start to cook. This is not a Modi wave as much as it is a Hindutva wave. Modi's second term will be curtains for Muslims.

It will be for his own peril if he'll disturb the communal harmony of India. He's extremely smart to do it.
Before and After scenes
Don't worry your vegetarian head about me; plan your life under the green flag fluttering from the Red Fort. Not too far, you know. Plan what role you would want in a Dar ul Islam? Sweeper? mochi / cobbler? barber? Or do you want to convert? Time to think, man. Think hard.

@WebMaster ,@Horus ,@Manticore ,@Oscar ,@Irfan Baloch ,@waz ,@Jungibaaz ,@Aether

This is a classic flame bait and not related to the discussion. Please delete this post and consider banning this user from this thread atleast. He/She is derailing this topic.
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