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Egyptian Military detains a Pakistani citizen.

Egypt military is probably trying to cash on the projected bad reputation of Pakistan.
What is the man doing in Egypt? Also off topic, the man looks like a Muhajir so possibly he's from Karachi. Maybe he thought he was attending an MQM rally?
What is the man doing in Egypt? Also off topic, the man looks like a Muhajir so possibly he's from Karachi. Maybe he thought he was attending an MQM rally?

Do Pakistanis work in Egypt like in some other Arab countries? How does this old man happen to be there?
Do Pakistanis work in Egypt like in some other Arab countries? How does this old man happen to be there?

No one really knows what this guys story is but my guess is he was a poor guy working. Unfortunately be was at the wrong place wrong time.
Social network making request

According to some sources on twitter, this man has been paraded as Pakistani terrorist in ******* state controlled egyptian media!
Kindly share it on social media as much as possible and compel the Pakistani Govt to help out this old man!]
this is the video

For everyone that wants to know this guy came to work to Egypt 4th July this year to look for work. He was just looking for work. Damn I feel so sorry for this guy, I dont know how they will treat him. His arabic is really bad so he can hardly understand or speak it. Like I said before he was at the wrong place and the wrong time. Hopefully hes freed and returns safely back to Pakistan.
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Egytians are really insulting their country with such things

egypt is being ruled and their media are totally pathetic
If it was on me, and since he's a Pakistani, I would have granted him an Egyptian citizenship and treated him the way Egyptians MB are treated :D

I know, you are such sweet people, but sometimes so much love could kill the loved ones who happen to be us. Most of the time, Pakistanis are wrong in their judgments toward Arabs. But you shouldn't blame us, we are going through our worst days. I have never in my life witnessed Arabs in such a sad condition.

Exactly I lived in Saudia for 16 years and want to live here and I didnt saw the arab world in such turmoil. But if you call these days worst then my sixth sense says buckle up worst road is ahead
We simply can't trust the retarded Egyptian authorities on this. Remember the last time we they goofed up after a bomb attack in sharam al shaikh and picked up some Pakistani lads who were vacationing there, to realize latter that it was the Palestinians who were responsible. They are simply stupid.
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