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Egyptian Armed Forces

Do you guys think we will get F-15's?

If there was any truth to the Tactical Report that came out a few months ago, then I highly doubt it like Ghostkiller said unless the US makes MAJOR changes, and I mean MAJOR changes! The TR said that the US offered something like 24 F-15 (they never mentioned which type as in the F-15 EX like the new ones they are currently making) or most likely older versions of the F-15 Strike Eagle since that was what Egypt had requested several times through the past decades until it finally got tired of being denied. Then the US never mentioned what munitions would come with it meaning they wouldn't supply the AMRAAM or the AIM-9x or even JDAM kits for all the MARK-82/84 bombs we have that we use extensively with our F-16 which are a thing of the past. Now everything is precision guided and must be that way not free fall except for certain exceptions. They also claimed they would not install the latest radar or even the one before that but the one before that one! The friggin nervel

But to me, the worst part of the deal the US offered was that they dictated which airports the F-15s would be stationed at. Why on earth would they care about that if they're selling us the crap end of the F-15? Doesn't make any sense especially when the EAF commander in chief told them our 46 MiG-29M/M2 are twice if not 3 times better and more lethal than the garbage F-15s they're offering and basically told them to go to hell in a polite way and what the US is probably thinking is that Egypt will come around since they're afraid of us imposing CAATSA on them,

This is why in my last two posts I was not happy with the EAF because they haven't done anything to take care of this problem especially when the Su-35SEs were signed into contract in late 2019 and were all built in record time and ready to deliver a whole year ago yet the only really reliable information is that there are 17 of them just hanging around in a couple of hangars in an Egyptian airport. But they need to do A LOT more than that and bring them out, put Egyptian roundels and flags on them and fly them all over Egypt, the Mediterranean, the Red Sea, Sudan, Libya, Syria and even go all the way down to Eretria to send a keen message and at the same time, tell the US to kick rocks with its watered down F-15 that they've offered 2-1/2 decades too late.

We have more than enough of those watered-down American jets like the one below we don't need any more.


I'll take even just 12 (one squadron) of the custom Egyptian-built Su-35SE than double the watered-down has-been that will only hang on the wall as a picture than be a true and lethal fighter. At this point, Putin will give Egypt almost anything it wants with all the influx the US has supported the Ukraine in not just major league weapons, but with unprecedented Intelligence. So what a perfect opportunity to finish the delivery of the rest of the Su-35s and even add more deadly weapons to stick it to the US on top of it all? What do you fellas think of all that? @The SC ?

I think it's pretty clear every one of us prefers the 29 of these and all the sick weapons that come with it...


And absolutely NOTHING to do with this even if they included AMRAAMs, 9xs and JDAMs with their latest radars. We'll never be able to use them as we need to so see ya don't forget to shut the door behind you.


And big


I am blown away at how the EN has been able to put the first MEKO A200 into operation immediately upon arrival (and big credit to Thyssenkrupp-Marine Systems Group that was able to assemble this first frigate in what seems like record time and not only that, but to successfully perform all necessary seal trials in about 9 months whereas typically it takes about a year + to perform all those necessary sea trials not to mention should there be any issues, the time that would be needed to make the necessary repairs to those issues would be added to that but seems like there has been none and everything went smoothly for the ENS Al-Aziz (FFG-904) and 5 more to go with the 2nd already built and getting ready for sea trials the ENS Al-Qahhar (FFG-905). The Germans are not messing around and no wonder they're able to build this ship in record time since they've built 4 Type 209/1400 modclass submarines.

They've also built the 12 or so MEKO (previous models to the A200 Egypt has ordered as well as the 2 MEKO A-200 They've already built for Algeria. So they have a lot of experience in that particular ship hence why they build and assemble them in record time and the Egyptian once (6 on order are loaded with this:

  • 1 × Oto Melara 127/64 LW 127 mm main gun (possibly with VULCANO ammunition)
  • 2 × Mauser BK-27 27mm guns (possibly SEAHAWK A2 model)
  • 16× MM-40 Exocet block 3 anti-ship missiles
  • 32 × VLS for MBDA MICA-NG VL surface to air missiles
  • 2 × MU90 torpedo launchers
  • 4 × Rheinmetall MASS decoy launchers
  • 2 × WASS/Finmeccanica MORPHEUS acoustic countermeasures launching systems (on each side of the VLS cells. Navy Recognition originally though these were SAGEM NGDS decoy launchers, but a TKMS representative confirmed this actually is a WASS system

That ship and the rest of them have some serious systems and has been considered one of the stealthiest frigates out of all the ones out there with the exception of course ships like the Zumwalt which is/are more considered as a destroyer than as frigates as well as they're rather complicated yet very efficient propulsion system. MashAllah they put that thing right out there like it was no one's business!


Someday I will explain the soot mark on the center side of the starboard hull. It has to do with the single diesel engine which is centered to the two gas propellered engines.


What great camouflage the desert makes, except for cretin vermin scum in white Toyotas.


Excuse me, I'd like 3,500 gallons please.


Coming right up.


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If there was any truth to the Tactical Report that came out a few months ago, then I highly doubt is unless the US makes MAJOR changes, and I mean MAJOR changes! The TR said that the US offered something like 24 F-15 (they never mentioned which type as in the F-15 EX (tke new ones they are currently making) or most likely older versions of the F-15 Strike Eagle since that was what Egypt had requested several times through the past decades until it finally got tired of being denied. Then the US never mentioned what munitions would come with it meaning they wouldn't supply the AMRAAM or the AIM-9x or even JDAM kits for all the MARK-82/84 bombs we have that we use extensively with our F-16 which are a thing of the past. Now everything is precision guided and must be that way not free fall except for certain exceptions. They also claimed they would not install the latest radar or even the one before that but the one before that one! The friggin nervel

But to me, the worst part of the deal the US offered was that they dictated which airports the F-15s would be stationed at. Why on earth would would they care about that if they're selling us the crap end of the F-15? Doesn't make any sense especially when the EAF commander in chief told them our 46 MiG-29M/M2 are twice if not 3 times better and more lethal than the garbage F-15s youre offering and basically told them to go to hell in a polite way and what the US is probably thinking is that Egypt will come around since they're afraid of us imposing CAATSA on them,

This is why in my last two posts I was not happy with the EAF because they haven't done anything to take care of this problem especially when the Su-35SEs were signed into contract in late 2019 and were all built in record time and ready to deliver a whole year ago yet the only really reliable information is that there are 17 of them just hanging around in a couple of hangars in an Egyptian airport. But they need to do A LOT more than that and bring them out, put Egyptian roundels and flags on them and fly them all over Egypt, the Mediterranean, the Red Sea, Sudan, Libya, Syria and even go all the way down to Eritria to send a keen message and at the same time, tell the US to kick rocks with its watered dowm F-15 that they've offered 2-1/2 decades too late.

We have more than enough of those watered-down American jets like the one below we don't need any more.

View attachment 903200

I'll take even just 12 (one squadron) of the custom Egyptian-built Su-35SE than double the watered-down has-been that will only hand on the wall as a picture than be a true and lethal fighter. At this point, Putin will give Egypt almost anything it wants with all the influx the UA has supported the Ukraine in not just major league weapons, but with unprecedented Intelligence. So what a perfect opportunity to finish the delivery of the rest of the Su-35s and even add more deadly weapons to stick it to the US on top of it all? What do you fellas think of all that? @The SC ?

I think it's pretty clear every one of us prefers the 29 of these and all the sick weapons that come with it...

View attachment 903224

And absolutely NOTHING to do with this even if then included AMRAAMs, 9xs and JDAMs with their latest radars. We'll never be able to use them as we need to so see ya don't forget to shut the door behind you.

View attachment 903214

Some neat new photos;

I am blown away at how the EN has been able to put the MEKO A200 into operation immediately upon arrival. That ship has some serious systems and has been considered one of the most stealthy frigates out of all the ones out there as well as its rather complicated propulsion system. MashAllah they put that thing right out there like it was no one's business!

View attachment 903226View attachment 903227

Someday I will explain the soot mark on the center side of the starboard hull. It has to do with the single diesel engine which is centered to the two gas propellered engines.

View attachment 903228

What great camouflage the desert makes, except for cretin vermin scum in white Toyotas.

View attachment 903230

Excuse me, I'd like 3,500 gallons please.

View attachment 903231

Coming right up.

View attachment 903232

View attachment 903233
France's order was 15 planes. Only 13 planes will be received. The 2 planes could be for the Egyptian Air Force. The Minister of Armies in 2021. I mentioned the number clearly.

France received so far 6
France's order was 15 planes. Only 13 planes will be received. The 2 planes could be for the Egyptian Air Force. The Minister of Armies in 2021. I mentioned the number clearly.

France received so far 6
Can you explain more which aircrafts are you talking about ?
Can you explain more which aircrafts are you talking about ?

Yeah I'm confused too about what he's talking about. I think he's referring to the order France has made for L'Armee De L'air and not the Egyptian or Qatari order or anything that I was talking about. I think that is where the confusion is.
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