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Egyptian Armed Forces

The EAF is in a big "trouble" or dilemna between an unmature aircraft but with more freedom of using (mounting missiles) or a mature aircraft but with strings on the equipments etc... that we are using. Unless SK gave us the source code but another problem remains the engine which both aircrafts will use an american engine.
The EAF is in a big "trouble" or dilemna between an unmature aircraft but with more freedom of using (mounting missiles) or a mature aircraft but with strings on the equipments etc... that we are using. Unless SK gave us the source code but another problem remains the engine which both aircrafts will use an american engine.
We can use snecma french engine or eurofighter engine

As we said earlier, the agreement regarding the localization of training aircraft with the Korean company KAI is only in the event that the Koreans win, and not a declaration of victory, because the tender has not ended. Rather, each party signs an agreement of cooperation and localization with the company and the Egyptian factory responsible for local production only, and not a declaration of victory. Even the nature of the news was localization without Select any aircraft


LCA-LIFT is still in the Race as Egypt and Korea ink MoU, no deal for T-50 Trainers yet​

Published December 2, 2022 | By admin


Egypt’s Arab Organization for Industrialization inks a cooperation agreement with Korean Aerospace Industries (KAI) that could expand further cooperation between both organizations if it wins the tender for an advanced trainer jet that the Egyptian Air Force is looking to procure.
Many Korean media has reported that KAI had won the tender to supply the T-50 Golden Eagle advanced trainer jet to Egypt but it wasn’t the case since it was MoU between the two companies as Egypt is yet to decide on the winner.
India’s State-owned HAL has offered its LCA-LIFT Advance Jet Trainer which is based on the Tejas Twin seater aircraft along with its full Transfer of technology with a joint production facility that will see local manufacturing of 70 jets initially but the order will expand to 100 units that will replace Chinese K-8 AJTs that are in the Egyptian Air Force.
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As we said earlier, the agreement regarding the localization of training aircraft with the Korean company KAI is only in the event that the Koreans win, and not a declaration of victory, because the tender has not ended. Rather, each party signs an agreement of cooperation and localization with the company and the Egyptian factory responsible for local production only, and not a declaration of victory. Even the nature of the news was localization without Select any aircraft


LCA-LIFT is still in the Race as Egypt and Korea ink MoU, no deal for T-50 Trainers yet​

Published December 2, 2022 | By admin


Egypt’s Arab Organization for Industrialization inks a cooperation agreement with Korean Aerospace Industries (KAI) that could expand further cooperation between both organizations if it wins the tender for an advanced trainer jet that the Egyptian Air Force is looking to procure.
Many Korean media has reported that KAI had won the tender to supply the T-50 Golden Eagle advanced trainer jet to Egypt but it wasn’t the case since it was MoU between the two companies as Egypt is yet to decide on the winner.
India’s State-owned HAL has offered its LCA-LIFT Advance Jet Trainer which is based on the Tejas Twin seater aircraft along with its full Transfer of technology with a joint production facility that will see local manufacturing of 70 jets initially but the order will expand to 100 units that will replace Chinese K-8 AJTs that are in the Egyptian Air Force.
I know but I am talking in general about constraints that we will endure between those aircrafts (the advantage and disadvantage of FA-50 and MK1A)

For you guys, which is more suitable to our EAF?
I know but I am talking in general about constraints that we will endure between those aircrafts (the advantage and disadvantage of FA-50 and MK1A)

For you guys, which is more suitable to our EAF?

The matter is more complicated than some imagine. Let us see things. Egypt is interested in localizing the aircraft industry. India has announced that it is ready for this point. The matter is not only related to the LCA TEJAS plane, but also Egypt is also interested in DARDO SAAW ammunition. And also a series of us weapons to start from Air launched glide pod with multiple kamikaze loitering drones as payload under development for LCA And ending with Shaurya missile techniques India is a competitor to China in medium-range ballistic missile technologies, in particular


India has important matters that Egypt is interested in. Joint technical insurance for SU-30/35 & MIG-29M/K fighters for spare parts and engines. India produces the RD-33MK3 engine and the AL-41 engine will be produced in India for the SU-30MKI Upgrade program.


The same thing, South Korea offers the KAI LAH plane at a high price, while India offers the LCH / LUH planes at a low cost, with Indian engines and the possibility of upgrade to Z-.10ME level
India has an alternative to the second batch of MIG-29M/35 fighters, which is the HAL Twin Engine Deck Based Fighter (TEDBF), and its level will not be less than RAFALE / EUROFIGHTER, especially with the powerful Hungary candidate with a thrust capacity of 110-116KN, which provides it with the ability to overtake French and European aircraft. At almost half the cost, the entire program has a budget of $1,750 million
India will surpass South Korea in armament technology, and Egypt needs to reduce the cost of weapons, whether manufactured or purchased, and this is one of the lessons learned from the Russian-Ukrainian war.

It is enough to announce India's victory in the LIFT deal for China to offer the FC-31 with a good financial and technical offer to Egypt.
Cooperation with India allows Egypt, for example, to develop fourth-generation fighters with some of the fifth- and sixth-generation fighter technologies by applying them to these fighters, even in the absence of other characteristics related to the power of the engines and structures of the sixth-generation fighters.

India is close to possessing the technology of manufacturing turbocharged engines as complete as China, while South Korea is restricted to American, European and Canadian suppliers. There is not even an insurance from Korea for the supply of spare parts and components to ensure the operation of the aircraft. The original factory is the United States.

South Korea is developing the FA-50 to parallel the LCA-MK1A fighter
India has benefited from the Malaysian tender, which has not yet ended, by announcing that it has multiple upgrades
Regarding the price reduction, an additional $4 million
India announced that it is able to reduce the weight of the LCA-MK1A aircraft
An additional 400 kilograms, which is reflected in the front of more fuel for the aircraft or in improving the flight characteristics of the aircraft more
Also, do not forget what the Indians achieved in terms of improving the performance of the UTTAM radar by providing it with the 912 TR module.
Producing a LIFT version with an aluminum structure similar to the FC-1 airframe, reducing the price to 20 million dollars, and a less advanced flight system than the current system.
The LCA-MK1A plane has less technical risks than the Korean plane, simply because the dreams of the Koreans in developing the FA-50 BLOCK 20 version have come true and are better than the future specifications of this plane, which have better current characteristics in the LCA-MK1A plane. You do not need to wait years for the development of the Korean radar. Or making modifications to more fuel to increase the range of the plane, whose flight cover is less than the Indian plane. The combat capabilities of the Indian plane are even better than the future Korean version, let alone future developments on the Indian plane, which will not stop developing without the need even for the LCA MK2 version.


There are other things that are more important. The Egyptian-Indian trade balance is balanced, of course better than the Chinese and Korean trade balance with Egypt. India is part of the BRICS group, which Egypt wants to join, as it is the future, while America and Western Europe and its allies are the past, even with all America's attempts to disrupt and make these countries in Problems to ensure world domination

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For you guys, which is more suitable to our EAF?
NEITHER! The KA-50 is nothing but a miniature version of the F-16 which will come with all sorts of restrictions and ONLY US-made weapons that the US has full compliment say in the end? So how is this a good decision to add a trainer which is much more of an attack aircraft of not a great caliber to do what, replace the K-8s? We already have plenty of attack trainer/aircraft including all the F-16s why get more? Doesn't make any sense whatsoever!

NO NO NO NO NO. This below is what we were on the right track of acquiring and shame on the EAF for getting scared of the US. Without this, and with that stupid Ka-50 or even the great Tejas, we will still be a mediocre air force that just can't get over the top.


Especially if we've already paid a large sum of money for these superb long range dual role fighter with exceptionally lethal weapons that the Russians don't make heavy restrictions for usage like the control freaks in the US do.

I will be so disappointed if they don't make these Su-35SE part of the EAF. The US has absolutely NO Right to dictate what Egypt can purchase or what it can't. if the EAF gets strong-armed by the United States, then shame on it. it's time to stand up and be counted. as an independent entity that can buy whatever it wants like Rafales and Eurofighter Typhpoons and except for nukes of course and we don't need those anyway. But to prevent us from acquiring these incredible aircraft is a disgrace on the part of the US and cowardice on the part of the EAF. That's right, I said "COAWARDICE!"

if in fact, there are 17 of these already in hangers in Egypt, put the insignias on and bring them out for test flights and show the world you won't be bullied anymore! Let's see what the US will do, hold back another $300 million of the aid money? Heck, tell them to keep the entire $1.2 billion or whatever it is and let's cut the corruptive relation once and for all.

So what are they doing in those hangars? Hiding them. Is that what the great EAF has come to, hiding aircraft that they legitimately bought and had every single right to buy because why, they wouldn't get any more millions of dollars in aid from the US? So what!? Are we going to rely on the US for the rest of our lives or will that air come to an end at some point? Guess what, that point is here and NOW! So do it and stop hiding the aircraft like cowards.

It won't be easy, and the US will block a lot of F-16 and Abrams parts etc. but we must fight through it in order to send this very important message.

They won't respect our peace treaty? Then screw them we won't adhere to their ridiculous conditions. and if they DARE to impose CAATSA on us, then we automatically give the MFO in Sian 72 hours to pack all their stuff and GTFO of our land and more to the NEGEV!!!!

I would MUCH rather see us PAY for quality and potent jets with BVR and High boresight missiles than get free but washed down pieces of crap! Enough is enough, guys. Even shame of the MOD in Egypt for not informing the public as to what is going on. Why do we constantly have to guess like this and why can't we be like normal countries where these things are disclosed to the people because this Egyptian military which has been given the task of taking care of almost EVERTGHING that is related to Egypt and its economy do these great people of Egypt need to be informed and instead of choosing only what they want to and what they don't want to disclose. That's ridiculous and screw them ten times over. I'm done with that crap.

I know how @Hydration feels about it and even @Ghostfiller that they don't owe us any explanation but I call it bullshite! They do since WE, yes WE have allowed them to take over control of most of the country including enterprises that should be civilian, they should at least tell us WTF the story is with the Su-35.

I know why, because they are EMBARRASSED that they got STRONG-ARMED by the US and got afraid of the consequences which to me, brings them down several notches as far as respect is concerned. Saying something, even if they came out and claimed the US was going to hit us very hard and we don't want to lose all that money from our pockets oooops, I mean hurt the Egyptian people, then I would continue having all the respect in the world for them. But not when they keep their mouths shut like this as if we're just pawns and need to follow them anywhere they go. Screw that and screw them!

But this hush-hush bullshite is nothing but a load of crap on their behalf and screw them 10 times over trying to win us over with some BS LYFT and a possible EFT deal which I guarantee you will NEVER, NEVER EVER happen! As if we're supposed to be proud that they lowered the price of each aircraft from 275 to 200 million Euros are you kidding me! Do we look like a bunch of mental retarreded patients that just got released from the nuthouse? This is all a con job by our military which I used to have lost a TON of respect for because pf how quick they were able to modernize the military in all aspects EXCEPT when it came to the MOST IMPORTANT element in the Su-35SE. 200 million euros is a HUGE number for each on of those aircraft, HUUUUUGE price to pay and I know because it's the first batch which includes a lot more than just the fly-away price, but still, it should be way lower around 150 million euros. But not anymore because of the bullshite of the Su-35SE deal and not telling us, the most important people in Egypt when these weapons and paying for them with our blood and soul and reputations means nothing to them. So I will be losing a lot of respect for our army very soon if we don't hear when they well be inducting the great Su-35SE in the EAF and not Iran or any of that other crap and the us will shut its big fat mouth immediately and stop threatening one of your longest and BEST allies in the Middle East with your crappy and stupid and I CAATSA crap Pompeo camm out with so I can toss a HUUUUUUGGGGEEEE GOMIG ULTRA STICKY AND JAMMY LUNGY PTEEWWW righy on it!

The minute thar happened. come out and tell us EXACTLY what is going on and why they are so afraid of the US, then maybe I will start showing them just a little bit more respect. But for now, the way Russia has built them at record speed tp hurry and deliver them, they are a terrible military when it comes to its own people and dealing with a disrespectful entity such as the US and NOT KNOWING how to handle them like the Indians did with CAATSA: Terrible. Not only fid India laugh at the US trying to pull CAATSA on them for the S=-400, but the Maharajah of Jairpur ate a HUGE dish of Curry and I mean HUUUUUUUGE and waited 73 hours until he was ready and took a HUUUUUUUGE DUMP on the letter that the US department of defense sent to him threatening the same crap about CAATSA except this time, he replied with EXACTLY what was written in that pile of stank and dropped a couple of kilograms of steaming curry dung patty and either sent it back or threw it in the Ganges River. THAT, my brothers and sisters is the cajones we need to deal with the USA and the way they think they can hold us by the balls. Turn it around and hold them by their balls and see what happens. They will NEVER start a war with Egypt over this and instead they will back off if Sisi pulls his diplomatic proficiently/

Those Su-35s should ALL be here in Egypt flying all over the place before a single new Rafale shows up and certainly before a single Eurofighter Typhoon arrives. If that doesn't happen, then Goodbye until we get an explanation that does NOT insult our intelligence like all those YouTube star wannabes are trying to do. Tell is like it is and don't sugar cake it.
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Like I said the EAF will have choose wisely.
NEITHER! The KA-50 is nothing but a miniature version of the F-16 which will come with all sorts of restrictions and ONLY US-made weapons that the US has full compliment say in the end?. So how is this a good decision to add a trainer which is much more of an attack aircraft of not a great caliber to do what, replace the K-8s? We already have plenty of attach aircraft including all the F-16s why get more? Doesn't make any sense whatsoever!

NO NO NO NO NO. This below is what we were on the right track of acquiring and shame on the EAF for getting scared of the US. Without this, and with that stupid Ka-50 or even the great Tejas, we will still be a mediocre air force that just can't get over the top.
EAF wants to have a modern aviation industry. So logically, EAF will invest on JF-17 Thunder, FA-50, MK1A etc... For me, we must replace the old aircrafts. Ya3ni for example, 1 Fa-50/MK1A will equal to 3 MIG-21 in terms of avionics weaponry etc... The problem is one matured and the other no, one will have more string on the EAF and the other less. So if the EAF contracts the FA-50, then we must full FREEDOM of doing anything that we want.
A big surprise, Egypt officially announces new missiles for the first time on the MiG-29 and Rafale

@Gomig-21 @The SC
"EAF Tactical Weapons School" can someone explain those terms ? What they do during those courses.

Fighter Weapons School​


Historical Background​

Fighter Weapons School (FWS) was established in 1976 as a requirement for the creation of a Training Center, providing Advanced Operational flying training in the Air Combat. In 1976, the first course was established with F-4E, F-5E and F-1CG aircrafts, focused on Tactical Interception. The Pilots training from Fighter Bomber Squadrons with aircrafts A-7H and F-104G began in 1977, giving emphasis on missions of their role. Since its inception, the FWS belonged to the 117CW and was therefore based at Andravida Airport, which it maintains to date. In October 1983, the FWS joined the newly established AIRTAC.


The Fighters Weapons School mission is:
  • The Advance Operational Flight – Practical Training of HAF Staff in Air Operation Tactics and the Use of Weapon Systems and EW means against Threat.
  • Providing Academic training to the HAF Staff in the weapon systems, the Electronic Warfare and the Air-to-Air and Air-to-Surface Tactics.
  • The Operational structure and evaluation of the Tactical and exploitative methods of the HAF Weapons Systems and EW means.
  • Control of Flight Tests of aircraft, Weapon Systems and EW means.
  • Participation in the promotion and dissemination of creative Tactical Thinking to HAF Staff by issuing or revising relevant manuals and training notes.
  • Assistance and support for Flight Test programs during the implementation phase.
  • The responsibility to prepare and implement any of the AIRTAC Flight program.

Provided Academic Education​

FWS provides Academic training to train Staff on Operational and Specialized subjects and at the same time to continually seek and further improve. It takes the form of educational Courses and Seminars at the headquarters of the school, or Lessons Learned, which are issued after the completion of each Training Course. Thus, a series of Seminars-Courses is held annually. More specifically in the areas of the FWS and with the supervision of the Education Directorate, the following training fields are covered:
  • The two-week Composite Air Operations (COMAO) Course, the first of which focuses on lectures on the scope of missions compiling COMAO and the second on practice through scenarios and objectives given to the participants. The Seminar takes place twice a year and is addressed to Pilots and INTEL officers of the HAF.
  • The Weaponeering Course, which teaches the methodology to study the objectives and the probability of their destruction. The Series monitors Flying and Intelligence officers mainly manned by the Weapons-Tactics Unit of the PA of War.
  • The Intelligent Course, which aims to provide the necessary knowledge and training to the participating Officers and INTEL Non-commissioned Officers. The aim is the effective participation of executives in the preparation of missions at the Squadrons.
  • The Flight Leadership Course which provides Academic training for candidate Flight leaders, in order to fully respond to their new tasks with safety and effectiveness in every Mission.
  • The Test Pilots Course which provides Academic training in the philosophy of flight tests concerning the execution of trials for the certification of aircraft, weapons, or aircraft systems.

Provided Flight Training​

Provides advanced flight training for Fighter Pilots in Air Operations, simulating the real environment through use of various Defense systems. Orientates Pilots to the Tactical sound use of Airpower in the most efficient way, considering the existent abilities and means in order to maximize the outcome. Executes missions in a complex and realistic threat environment with exposure to a wide range of Air-to-Air and Surface-to-Air threat systems. Effectively trains the GBAD personnel in a multiple threat environment with a wide range of A/G weapons.
The total duration of the main FWS Course is three (3) months. Initially, the necessary Academic training is provided to enable students to be able to attend the highly demanding and difficult practical training, including design and execution of Composite Air Operations (COMAO) formations.
Also the FWS provides, Helicopters vs Fighters Flight Academic training in Air Tactics, Air Defense systems capabilities, weapon systems and also advanced flight training of the Helicopters crews in Air Operations, simulating the real threat environment, through use of fighter A/C and GBAD systems. The duration of the course is 3 weeks. The first week provides Academic education and the other two weeks is the Flying Training to planning and Mission execution.
At the same time, the FWS is also responsible for conducting Operational trials and evaluations in collaboration with the AIRTAC Testing Department. In this respect, the FWS operates as a special Squadron that performs trials in the context of armaments under implementation.
In addition to this, the FWS actively participates through its instructors in organizing, Planning and executing the exercise “INIOCHOS”.


So it does appear to be something created by the Hellenic Air Force which is probably why it's very important to us as their such good allies of ours and to teach what they've developed since 1976 is exceptionally important to us. Most likely why they probably took it out of Medusa and kept it secret and sperate now as Mina exercise to be conducted in Egypt with as much JTAS performances and quiet radio talk away from any NATO prying ears and intelligence. Smart move.

This is serious business, you know. Erdgan probably went crying to Biden telling him "They're all ganging up on me and I can't believe how the Egyptians allow the HAF to board and takeoff their Mistrals like thy own them and not a beep and the Greeks are getting better and better at it with their timing improving with ever takeoff this is scaring, me please look into it. So the US decided to join Medusa lol and the HAF and the EAF said ok, the part you certainly don't need to know about is how we have our own JTAC command and control and need to practice that all the time so we're taking that part out and keeping it between us and Egypt and the rest have at it. They're just common LHD landing zone exercises. lol

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