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Egyptian Armed Forces

that's not how it worked. The first batch of 34 EAF Rafael's were not compatible for firing the meteor since it was still in the testing phase so the only purchased the MICA NG under the pretenses that when the meteor is ready, they will mount them on the EAF Rafale. That is why Qatar got their because by the time their order was executed, the meteor was ready and so they got their batch same with Saudi and heir typhoons. They will come or there will be hell to pay!
Always good to see Rafales!

Any updates on additional Rafales for Egypt?

Apparently so according to the source ghost posted. but me being the skeptic I always am, we might get the MICA NG but DEFINITELY not the Meteor and if they do, they will give us 100 of them lmao. But according to the scumbagsa they are strogly influenced by the us we're reconsidered the scum of the Arab world despite the ones who were attacked more than twice by those scum sucking ++++!Q. Go figure that out.

where's my good friend @The SC?
Don't think so ya Gomig, we would have not showcase the Meteor missile the Rafales during the Air Force anniversary. It is still something official.

Sory to disagree with you. I've been around for a long time and one things I've learned about Egyptian exhibition flyby's is they how and announce everything including the munitions on them. Besides the debate on providing the missiles is still in progress due to not only the fact the F4 can mount then but all other 24 need soft and hardware upgrades which cost beaucoup money and that is the sticker besides the Jew interference. So not as easy as you think.
What an indescribable punch in the gut!
The israelis like to describe the relationship as cold peace. During an military event showing the Middle East, it was written only Palestine and not Israel or even both of them (Palestine = West Bank/Gaza and Israel the rest like the UN proposal). The tension is more on the political side for example the attacks on the Aqsa Mosque, crisis between Gaza/Israel more of this.
A month back, there was an egyptian police soldier who attacked the borders and killed 3 israelis soldiers and injured like 3 others.

Don't think so ya Gomig, we would have not showcase the Meteor missile the Rafales during the Air Force anniversary. It is still something official. If the Su-35s aren't coming , why would the meteors? Think about it.


Maybe you're right, Ghost,, but I'm very skeptical.
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BTW, @Ghostkiller, not to toot my horn, but I was the first to x the Egyptian Su-35SE on this forum and everyone thought I was nuts and stupid and an old man of 18 years old who didn't know what he was talking about and sure enough I was right and they will be partially going to the VVS first and the rest to Iran. What a crying f******G shame. F+++k the Crapteen we don't want it even the souped up version the silent eagle which they would never give us anyway so the hell with them.

I wonder what exactly are the sanctions that would be imposed on Egypt should they give Iran the middle finger and tell them to kiss our assess and start the delivery of the Su-35S immediately and the minute they land in an undisclosed location near the Hurghada area and hidden in hangars, then load them up with MAXIMUM weapons load especially the KH series and a full fuel load to get there and back bombing he Skinnies dam in Ethiopia into smithereens followed by a finishing off with Rafales and MiG-29M/M2 for A2A refueling just in case ir' needed and the MRTT are not arrived yet. Libya and who else can we show force of the mighty Sukhoi? Oh I know, let's patrol the entire EGYPT/israel border onstop for a month to see what reaction they invoke especially after the UN denied the Jews' request to eliminatHELLA HOPPPPP, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!

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BTW, @Ghostkiller, not to toot my horn, but I was the first to x the Egyptian Su-35SE on this forum and everyone thought I was nuts and stupid and an old man of 18 years old who didn't know what he was talking about and sure enough I was right and they will be partially going to the VVS first and the rest to Iran. What a crying f******G shame. F+++k the Crapteen we don't want it even the souped up version the silent eagle which they would never give us anyway so the hell with them.

I wonder what exactly are the sanctions that would be imposed on Egypt should they give Iran the middle finger and tell them to kiss our assess and start the delivery of the Su-35S immediately and the minute they land in an undisclosed location near the Hurghada area and hidden in hangars, then load them up with MAXIMUM weapons load especially the KH series and a full fuel load to get there and back bombing he Skinnies dam in Ethiopia into smithereens followed by a finishing off with Rafales and MiG-29M/M2 for A2A refueling just in case ir' needed and the MRTT are not arrived yet. Libya and who else can we show force of the mighty Sukhoi? Oh I know, let's patrol the entire EGYPT/israel border onstop for a month to see what reaction they invoke especially after the UN denied the Jews' request to eliminatHELLA HOPPPPP, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!

Thats what I've been saying this whole time, why would we use a legacy fighter that the neighbors have been using for 5 decades at this point? They have the know how to counter even their own aircraft should they get captured, so they must develop tactics to counter even their own fighter jets out of necessity
And the ridiculous stipulation they put on their use is insulting beyond belief. I think Air Marshal Abdel-Gawad walked out of the meeting with his entire contingent after saying our MiG-29M/M2s are twice as better than these F-15s. It's a rumor but I sure hope its true cuz that is some girthy cajones!!! lol

Imagine having the nerve to stipulate such conditions after WE were the ones who were attacked not once but twice the first time by the French and Britts!!!!

Back to the Typhoons and many more Rafales with lots of MICA NGs and LOTS & LOTS of Meteors Galore!!!! I must retract my original dislike of the EFT but beats the hell out of the garbage watered down cussomen om el F-5amastashar & must admit and NEVER EVER EVER any more American POSs not even the crap-ridden F-35.

Sorry for the long and filthy post ya ARR jut had a cup of sugar with some coffee in it lmao. The lovely misses will kick my *** if I put a little hash in the tobacco and shisha looool.
China makes an offer to Egypt that destroys the tender for manufacturing the national fighter

The Egyptian army and a strong deal tipping the scales with France and Israeli concern

A surprise in the Iranian Sukhoi 35 deal and pictures of the Egyptian planes

Always enjoyed this fella's videos. Only problem if you and other fellas here remember him saying in one of his previous videos that he saw 17 Su-35SEs inside Egyptian hangers with his own two eyes? Remember that? That killed a little bit of his credibility as far as I'm concerned but even so, the percentage of truth in that matter could still even be at 1% but we'll never know until they roll them out.

However, this is even disturbing news on a similar scale. EAF Su-35S not in Iran but with the VVS. Notice the serial numbers are fogged out? Perhaps they are on their way to Iran? So sad and mostly frustrating but definitely time to move on to either more Rafales or Typhoons because Russia ain't winning the war in Ukraine any time soon, but quite the opposite so it will take even longer for anything to develop on that front, if at all. Then there's the elephant in the room called the USA. 7aga khara awi!

No doubt an EAF destined Su-35S here as well with the distinct bluish camo but with Russian stars and unfogged serial numbers..


The Egyptian army and a strong deal tipping the scales with France and Israeli concern

He's 100% right about the capability of an armed forces' naval srength, and if the Jews are freaking out at France when they never cared about the 2 mistrals, that means talks for the Charles De Gaul are gaining huge momentum and of course as he mentioned, those would be instrumental at blocking Bab El Mandab more so than the gulf of Suez as far as Israel is concerned. But they need to put a lid on it because doesn't the peace treaty mean anything to these people? It's ridiculous. They probably think because we have a peace treaty that we should just be happy with the MiG-17s and 21s we've had for 87 years and be done with it while they are the only ones allowed to improve their military. Unreal.

Oh and BTW, they are also super pissed off at the Germans for selling the 8 batteries of the super advanced IRIS-T-SL SAM system to the Egyptian AD. Perhaps they think their vaunted iron dome doesn't work on those especially since they're G2A and not G2G so they need to be flared or decoyed or even jammed and apparently if they are not happy with the sale, neither of those factors work on that system lol.
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Looks like Iran refused to receive the SU-35 initially produced for EAF. Some speculate that it was because Russians refused to provide Iran with ToT in specific fields. Quoting Iranian defense minister.
"Iran can build war planes inside the country"

"At some point, we tried to buy, but we came to the conclusion that we can produce the fighters inside the country"

"Iran's Defense Minister added that the authorities are "examining the situation" and if they deem it necessary, the purchase process can be re-examined."

Given the experience with buying Mig-29, Iran doesn't want to waste its limited resources on something that will need Russians for maintenance, upgradation and usage permission. This is an official "Sod off" to Russians from Iranian side. Iran won't review the purchase process without ToT for special parts.

I guess that's a great chance for Arabs, to procure these jets with their political and military attachments. We don't buy weapons the way Arabs do.
Always enjoyed this fella's videos. Only problem if you and other fellas here remember him saying in one of his previous videos that he saw 17 Su-35SEs inside Egyptian hangers with his own two eyes? Remember that? That killed a little bit of his credibility as far as I'm concerned but even so, the percentage of truth in that matter could still even be at 1% but we'll never know until they roll them out.

However, this is even disturbing news on a similar scale. EAF Su-35S not in Iran but with the VVS. Notice the serial numbers are fogged out? Perhaps they are on their way to Iran? So sad and mostly frustrating but definitely time to move on to either more Rafales or Typhoons because Russia ain't winning the war in Ukraine any time soon, but quite the opposite so it will take even longer for anything to develop on that front, if at all. Then there's the elephant in the room called the USA. 7aga khara awi!

No doubt an EAF destined Su-35S here as well with the distinct bluish camo but with Russian stars and unfogged serial numbers..

View attachment 940545

He's 100% right about the capability of an armed forces' naval srength, and if the Jews are freaking out at France when they never cared about the 2 mistrals, that means talks for the Charles De Gaul are gaining huge momentum and of course as he mentioned, those would be instrumental at blocking Bab El Mandab more so than the gulf of Suez as far as Israel is concerned. But they need to put a lid on it because doesn't the peace treaty mean anything to these people? It's ridiculous. They probably think because we have a peace treaty that we should just be happy with the MiG-17s and 21s we've had for 87 years and be done with it while they are the only ones allowed to improve their military. Unreal.

Oh and BTW, they are also super pissed off at the Germans for selling the 8 batteries of the super advanced IRIS-T-SL SAM system to the Egyptian AD. Perhaps they think their vaunted iron dome doesn't work on those especially since they're G2A and not G2G so they need to be flared or decoyed or even jammed and apparently if they are not happy with the sale, neither of those factors work on that system lol.
The SU-35 SE Saga is being reported in many other sites and videos..So let's wait and see..Hope they will be delivered to EAF at the end..

I guess Usrael might be more pissed off by the transfer of the Scorpene subs technologies and some high tech patrol boats than by the Charles De Gaul AC,,
The SU-35 SE Saga is being reported in many other sites and videos..So let's wait and see..Hope they will be delivered to EAF at the end..

I guess Usrael might be more pissed off by the transfer of the Scorpene subs technologies and some high tech patrol boats than by the Charles De Gaul AC,,

No question about that, bro. An attack submarine that can launch at least 10 balistic missiles (even non-nuclear ones) is arguably the most lethal military weapon, not to mention its ability to fire torpedoes and destroy (no pun intended) destroyers and frigates and other types of ships. Heck the tech has advanced exponentially that now some of these subs can fire at aircraft! Talk about lethality and we know how the Jews are well aware of which platforms are a detriment to them and which they think they can easily deal with.

BTW, I'm still not sure what the incentive or need is for the EN to acquire an old and super expensive aircraft carrier with at least 4 SAR helicopters and at least 20 Rafale Ms which I believe are more expensive than the EMs and DMs and the F4s that are supposedly being ordered too. All this makes the Su-35S failed deal MUCH harder to stomach!

"At some point, we tried to buy, but we came to the conclusion that we can produce the fighters inside the country"

No offense, but I don't think Iran can produce fighters equal to anything as close to the Su-35S.
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