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Egyptian Armed Forces

It just proves to me that we are their biggest threat even with sticks and stones

Really shows you how skill can be such a deterent

As true as that is, it's still a major insult since that basically means that our impeccable adherence to the peace treaty, as well as signing the CISMOA act in 2018 for non-transfer of technology to 3rd party recipients (which INDIA still hasn't signed either, BTW and they received the meteor as well as recently were given a waiver on CAATSA for the S-400 purchase, probably because they made India promise to buy the F/A-18 Super Hornet for their aircraft carrier) and everything else Egypt has done yet still use both those reasons to not supply these advanced weapons means they don't consider our efforts in those 2 matters -- especially the peace treaty -- to hold any substantial value whatsoever. Frankly, that is infuriating to no end.

Hey what do you know, at least they were kind enough to supply us with AASM HAMMER PGMs woooow! :wacko:


Nice pic of EAF Rafale with AASMs and a good look at the tremendous, hardened, state of the art hangers for these lethal beauties at the hands of pilots and an air force the neighbors are supposedly terrified of! Cowards.
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Welcome to the QME ya habibi. But there is a chance that we changed the seeker of AIM-7 to an active one. So we don't know the real modification to this missile. @Gomig-21 can you send to @Foinikas the strange Sparrow. So we can compare this one and a "normal" one.

For me that's why we must proceed for the Tejas deal so we maybe can have some ToT for the Astra missile.
Having F-16s and Rafale and not being allowed to buy BVR missiles is frustrating.
Having F-16s and Rafale and not being allowed to buy BVR missiles is frustrating.
Both have BVRs like the Sparrow and MICAs. There is a chance where Egypt will produce locally MICA missile like Magic 2 missile for our Mirage 2Ks
Yep, he did. IIRC, he was also commander of his squadron, one of two in the EAF at the time. I have a picture of them lined up on the tarmac I'll tag you once I find it and post it. Have so many pics and even organized to a certain extent but still, very tough to find them sometimes since there's thousands spanning 15 years including many that were scanned from paper to digital.

Yes, pretty much. Although the Indian MiG-29K might also be included in that same category since it's essentially the same thing as these Ms but can also land on carriers. So in some sense, it might be considered more capable because of that naval factor.

But like @Ghostkiller said, these Ms are essentially MiG-35s and that was what the EAF went to order right after the unveiling of the MiG-35 in Russia back in 2015. However, the MiG-35 included the Zhuk-AE AESA radar but it wasn't ready at the time and the EAF wanted to upgrade as soon as possible and actually (according to some publications out there) were promise the upgrade of the current radar which is the Zhuk-ME (PESA) radar to the Zhuk-AE within 2 years of the deliveries. It hasn't happened yet.

The MiG-29M/M2 in the EAF (and Algerian Air Force) also lack the built-in target designator which was also a feature of the MiG-35. Instead, they rely on the T-220 pod to use as a target designator, so they essentially do have that feature, it's just not built-in like in the MiG-35. Those 2 items are what differentiate the MiG-20M (single seat) & MiG-29M2 (two-seat variant) from the MiG-35.

It was also beneficial for the EAF because the cost of these amazing fighters was around $40 million per, which is why the EAF was able to stack up with around 50 of them on the first order and plan to purchase quite a bit more as soon as they put CAATSA to bed.

BTW, @The SC , @Ghostkiller , @Philip the Arab , @Ramses Akhenaten Ahmose , @Hydration , @ARCH٤R , @aymanop1522 and others whom are concerned about the EAF acquiring the Meteor missile, do you fellas remember we were talking about this and even on Wikipedia it said all three Arab countries; Egypt, Saudiya AND QATAR have placed orders for the meteor missiles and are still waiting for delivery?

Take a look at this damned pic and tell me this doesn't boil your blood like it does mine and convince you even more that they will do everything possible to keep that missile away from the EAF. There is absolutely no reason why they're not currently in EAF inventory UNLESS, the rafales have not been upgraded to the F3-R standard yet? Those would be the only 2 reasons and both stink to high heII especially this pic below. Totally unworthy with an airspace the size of our Cairo to fly and defend. Just ridiculous.

View attachment 864988
Yea im tired of waiting patiently. I still believe we will get them tho, saudi could pressure them to forcefully give them to us by exerting their influence. Wouldn't be surprised if it happens
Both have BVRs like the Sparrow and MICAs. There is a chance where Egypt will produce locally MICA missile like Magic 2 missile for our Mirage 2Ks
Yes,but they are not like Meteor and AIM-12D. What about the Russians? Have they given you anything remotely similar? If they even have anything with that range and quality
Yes,but they are not like Meteor and AIM-12D. What about the Russians? Have they given you anything remotely similar? If they even have anything with that range and quality
No one has AIM-120D execpt few countries like USA UK Canada only something like that and the other countries use 120C series. The Russians gave us R-77 (RVV-AE) which its range of 80km but I am sure we have the exetended version (RVV-SD 110km) but it is in secret.
In my humble opinion the MICA doesn’t have the kinematics of the AMRAAM or Meteor to even be able to be compared faithfully.

Hopefully Egypt gets the Meteor, if not I blame the EAF leadership for making a deal that doesn’t allow Egypt to rise up in capabilities.
The Russians gave us R-77 (RVV-AE) which its range of 80km but I am sure we have the exetended version (RVV-SD 110km) but it is in secret.
You could use the Mig-29s then in that role. Good thing you have them.
Hey thanks for the post. I really appreciate the time you took to right all that stuff.

They could have at least given you guys some AIM-120C for the F-16s! It's ridiculous!

No trouble at all, my friend. My pleasure.

Yes, AIM-20C or C-7s perfectly fine. The lack of respect for being treated as an untrustworthy partner, because that really is what we are to the US. And a slap in our faces for adhering to the peace treaty despite all the negative circumstance it created for Egypt since 1978 and how we were essentially excluded and dismissed, so to speak, from all associations with most Arab countries for supposedly stabbing the Palestinian cause in the back when in reality, we had assurances and promises from both, the Jews and Americans that they were prepared to offer the Palestinians almost exactly pre-1967 borders if they joined Egypt in the peace process. Of course the Palestinians declined to take our effort and end up with their own state that was practically exactly pre-1967 borders.

So now we're branded like traitors to the cause despite not one single other Arab country fought Israel to the extent Egypt did and through all the wars, sacrificed so much from human lives to economic hardship to falling behind technologically and so many other sacrifices that again, not one single other Arab country least of all that little patch of gas and desert called Qatar lmaooo than Egypt. So we got the big heave hi ho from all the Arabs despite all the sacrifices we made and the result of that in this historic peace that has lasted solidly thanks to Egypt until now (almost 45 years!!!) that we adhered to and still, we're treated with such disrespect enough to make one really angry about it all.

Yea im tired of waiting patiently. I still believe we will get them tho, saudi could pressure them to forcefully give them to us by exerting their influence. Wouldn't be surprised if it happens

You still believe the EAF will get them? Glad you have a lot more confidence in the matter than I do, I can tell you that. On the previous subject of the Typhoons, I suppose we should find out soon enough if that deal materializes in the very near future if they do include the meteors.

I'll tell you what, should the EAF accept them without the meteors, this will seriously make one wonder where our testicles have disappeared to! Even the nice Italians will have to deal with A LOT of external pressure from the cowards to our north, to the Brits, the French, even the Germans and certainly the US. That is A LOT of pressure for the Italians to withstand simply for the sake of providing the best A2A missile in the world to the EAF. It won't be worth it for them to defy that much pressure and in that case, if the EAF accepts them without the missiles, it will certainly lose a lot of respect from at least yours truly. Pick up those disappearing testicles and pump them up so they double in size and grow some oompf to tell the French and Italians to cut the crap and start treating Egypt like it deserves to be treated.


5 air forces the EAF opened the door for Dassault and the Rafale. Let's see a bit more respect, shall we?

In my humble opinion the MICA doesn’t have the kinematics of the AMRAAM or Meteor to even be able to be compared faithfully.

Hopefully Egypt gets the Meteor, if not I blame the EAF leadership for making a deal that doesn’t allow Egypt to rise up in capabilities.

Agreed on the MICAs. They're certainly excellent missiles with tremendous technology with a roughly 60 - 80 km range and a 40km NEZ. Kinematics of the missiles (both the infrared and active radar homing) are actually pretty dam good, from what all the French pilots have said about them. But they don't have the reach of the AIM-120, which in return doesn't have the meteor's effectiveness.

MICA also has Lock On After Launch (LOAL) feature and can also operate as short range missiles, making them very effective with that medium and short range. So they're fine as essential missiles for the Rafale like the AIM-9X would be for all US aircraft, but of course they lack the upper end of the medium range distance.

I think I am in agreement with you also on the leadership aspect ONLY for the additional order of 30 Rafales and DEFINITELY the Typhoons. Even the current Rafales supposedly have been upgraded to F3-R which makes them capable of firing the meteor, so why haven't they insisted on getting them just like the sand and gas state?



They were able to get those included, let's get going with the big missile then!
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Meteor was signed in the two deals of Rafale.. be patient guys.. we heard so much criticism and negative talk all over the place about the Scalp.. and it ended up in the Egyptian inventory..
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Much more likely for that to be the case than some type of new seeker. A properly produced seeker would wind up inside existing proportions of the missile itself and not change the profile like that did, just like every single other missile with a seeker. Changing the shape of the tip would alter the missile's aerodynamic capability considerably. Changing the seeker wouldn't cause it to end up with some kind of bulbous protrusion at the tip the way that thing was, which even appeared to have an optical sensor on the bottom of it. Not sure if you remember noticing that?

And since it already has a seeker anyway, it's just not radar guided and needs to home in on a constantly painted target. Adding an active seeker with a longer range would highly unlikely change the profile on the tip. The fact that has a completely different tip means it probably more likely is either a satellite guided sensor like you said, possibly an optical sensor added to it with a camera or simply a different warhead. That's why I never trust the "incognito" info that gets posted.

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And speaking of the R-77 in the EAF, the one in the desert camo pic I posted before while testing in Russia almost looked like it had a tapered end like the R-77-1(RVV-SD) but here right on an EAF MiG-29M/M2 does not have the tapered end and really makes me wonder why they ordered these R-77 (RVV-AE) and not the R-77-1 (RVV-SD) when it was available at the time? Strange unless they do have both types for whatever reason. But so far, we haven't seen the RVV-SD in the EAF.

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It might have became a GPS or Glonass, Beidou guided missile..Since it was already a semi-active air to air missile, the pilot can launch it and the tracking will be transferred to a GPS or other system position updating device of the target.. on the missile link..
The sisi administration at least did its homework to not disatisfy the people in misr. So you already know they're gonna up the notch and not back down so easily. Mubarak and Morsi were just...*shivers*. Really it should've been shazly to be president. Allah yerhamu, anyways, @Gomig-21, when your in egypt take a pic for us so we can bask on the beaches of eskandaria 😁
The sisi administration at least did its homework to not disatisfy the people in misr. So you already know they're gonna up the notch and not back down so easily. Mubarak and Morsi were just...*shivers*. Really it should've been shazly to be president. Allah yerhamu, anyways, @Gomig-21, when your in egypt take a pic for us so we can bask on the beaches of eskandaria 😁

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