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Egyptian Armed Forces


The Serbian winged tactical missile Kosova-1 is launched from land containers, guided by navigation systems and an optical seeker, which is controlled by a rear operator and directs the missile to its target. Flying at a low altitude, the missile has a range of up to 50 km, weighs 309 kg, and flies at a speed of 250 meters per second (0.73 Mach).

Wouldn't that bump on the nose of the Egyptian Sparrow missiles be a satellite guidance component added to it..

Much more likely for that to be the case than some type of new seeker. A properly produced seeker would wind up inside existing proportions of the missile itself and not change the profile like that did, just like every single other missile with a seeker. Changing the shape of the tip would alter the missile's aerodynamic capability considerably. Changing the seeker wouldn't cause it to end up with some kind of bulbous protrusion at the tip the way that thing was, which even appeared to have an optical sensor on the bottom of it. Not sure if you remember noticing that?

And since it already has a seeker anyway, it's just not radar guided and needs to home in on a constantly painted target. Adding an active seeker with a longer range would highly unlikely change the profile on the tip. The fact that has a completely different tip means it probably more likely is either a satellite guided sensor like you said, possibly an optical sensor added to it with a camera or simply a different warhead. That's why I never trust the "incognito" info that gets posted.


And speaking of the R-77 in the EAF, the one in the desert camo pic I posted before while testing in Russia almost looked like it had a tapered end like the R-77-1(RVV-SD) but here right on an EAF MiG-29M/M2 does not have the tapered end and really makes me wonder why they ordered these R-77 (RVV-AE) and not the R-77-1 (RVV-SD) when it was available at the time? Strange unless they do have both types for whatever reason. But so far, we haven't seen the RVV-SD in the EAF.

@Gomig-21 @The SC I am getting tagged in multiples threads that I don't want to be tagged in those threads. How can I solve it?

Just ignore the tag. If someone tags you on a thread that you don't care about, just don't click on it and move on.

The only other way to remove their ability to tag you is to put whomever username on your "ignore list". The problem with that is that not only will you not get any of their tags, but you won't see any of their posts which automatically become invisible to only you because you put them on your ignore list, kinda like blocking someone on some social media aps.

Best bet is to ignore the tag when it shows up on your alerts.
Just ignore the tag. If someone tags you on a thread that you don't care about, just don't click on it and move on.

The only other way to remove their ability to tag you is to put whomever username on your "ignore list". The problem with that is that not only will you not get any of their tags, but you won't see any of their posts which automatically become invisible to only you because you put them on your ignore list, kinda like blocking someone on some social media aps.

Best bet is to ignore the tag when it shows up on your alerts.
Shokran. I think they are bots and the mods are banning them because like today I received more than 30 tags by same people then when I go to alerts page (bell) I don't see them. Almost all of them are new and joined like 3 mins ago on their profiles.
Some pics, starting out with a great shot of an EN ASW Kaman SH-2G Super Seasprite getting chained down on board an unidentified ship. EN has 13 of these terrific submarine hunting helicopters.


@Buschlaid , a rare but solid look at a French Centauro IFV in Egypt during a Franco-Egyptian training exercise. I thought Egypt had bought these at one point in time, but I think it was only interested but a deal never materialized.

I also had a GREAT pic of an Egyptian M-270 firing a rocket with all the smoke and dust and only the front of the chassis and the rocket above are visible! Awesome pic but I can't seem to find it. When I do I'll tag you again.

French Centauro in Egypt painted in Egyptian Army desert sand color.


Egyptian lady on the sublime Alexandria beach waving at EAF Apache and its pilots during the 2013 revolution. Those guys were really going nuts and performing all kinds of low-level flights and maneuvers and messing with people on beaches during that time.


A very rare couple of looks at one of the first F-4E Phantom IIs coming to the EAF in 1982 or thereabouts with the original Vietnam jungle camo of the USAF. @ARCH٤R



One of the greatest Cretin Crunches and Vermin Exterminations you'll ever see from a superbly trained EAF F-16C making a low altitude, Cretin Elimination free-fall bomb run that scores a perfectly placed direct hit on the infected Vermin bacterial hideout. Love this capture from a Wing Loong flying above!

Check out how effective that standard, US smoky grey camo color is. And in this case, the orange wing swaths don't even show.

Crossing over target after having released the Mark 2 dumb bomb

Clearing the vermin hideout target to pass the detonation impact.

Capturing the perfectly placed free-fall dropped bomb and the annihilation & extermination of the cretinous vermin.

Moment of release off pylon.


Proof positive that these F-16s are obviously very valuable to the EAF and this is just one of its many capabilities with the EAF. This type of ordinance dropping is something EAF pilots have been doing since the days of the original MiG-15! Then when the MiG-17 showed up, this type of bombing was extensively used by the EAF against the enemy in the Sinai during the war or attrition and into the October War of 1973. The MiG-17 with its famous Delta Nile camo scheme was brilliant at the hands of EAF pilots in chasing enemy armored columns and dropping bombs on their heads and blowing up entire formations into oblivion. The practice is mastered and trained and used today as well.

Examining another form of the F-16's capability in using GBU Paveway PGMs on blk 52s with Sniper-XR targeting pod.


Heading out for training missions with those paveways installed on triple racks. These are the block 52s but the block 40s most certainly have this ability as well, and then some, since we've seen them also carrying paveways.






A great look at the color and possible eventual insignia placement of EAF Su-35SE Bort # 9213 and the actual aircraft itself!



#9210 The black center dot on the roundel seems a bit too large and exaggerated, not sure why.




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EAF Chief in a Hellenic Air Force F-4E Phantom II simulator for his pre-flight instructions and familiarization before taking a ride with a Greek pilot in a HAF F-4E Phantom, which he used to fly during his piloting years in the EAF.




There's also a beautiful pic of this ride and this aircraft over the Aegean Sea with the mountain islands and turquoise waters in the background.

EAF MiG-29M/M2 and a very visible look at their golden iodized anti-radiation canopies.




Al Galala in Italy.


Oliver Hazzard Perry Class frigates mixing it up with stealthy Gowinds and Ambassador MKs in the EN.



EN has invested in a lot of these patrol boats that seem to have great appeal and use for them.


EAF Chief in a Hellenic Air Force F-4E Phantom II simulator for his pre-flight instructions and familiarization before taking a ride with a Greek pilot in a HAF F-4E Phantom, which he used to fly during his piloting years in the EAF.

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There's also a beautiful pic of this ride and this aircraft over the Aegean Sea with the mountain islands and turquoise waters in the background.

EAF MiG-29M/M2 and a very visible look at their golden iodized anti-radiation canopies.

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Al Galala in Italy.

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Oliver Hazzard Perry Class frigates mixing it up with stealthy Gowinds and Ambassador MKs in the EN.

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EN has invested in a lot of these patrol boats that seem to have great appeal and use for them.

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The Chief used to fly a Phantom? :o

Ya akhy,el Mig-29M wa Mig-29M2 are the best upgraded versions of the Mig-29,right?
The Chief used to fly a Phantom? :o

Ya akhy,el Mig-29M wa Mig-29M2 are the best upgraded versions of the Mig-29,right?
I think our MIG-29 are the best upgraded aircrafts because it is a MIG-35 without AESA radar. There is some rumors saying that those MIGs have a foreign radar (italian AESA radar) but it is unclear.
The Chief used to fly a Phantom? :o

Yep, he did. IIRC, he was also commander of his squadron, one of two in the EAF at the time. I have a picture of them lined up on the tarmac I'll tag you once I find it and post it. Have so many pics and even organized to a certain extent but still, very tough to find them sometimes since there's thousands spanning 15 years including many that were scanned from paper to digital.

Ya akhy,el Mig-29M wa Mig-29M2 are the best upgraded versions of the Mig-29,right?

Yes, pretty much. Although the Indian MiG-29K might also be included in that same category since it's essentially the same thing as these Ms but can also land on carriers. So in some sense, it might be considered more capable because of that naval factor.

But like @Ghostkiller said, these Ms are essentially MiG-35s and that was what the EAF went to order right after the unveiling of the MiG-35 in Russia back in 2015. However, the MiG-35 included the Zhuk-AE AESA radar but it wasn't ready at the time and the EAF wanted to upgrade as soon as possible and actually (according to some publications out there) were promise the upgrade of the current radar which is the Zhuk-ME (PESA) radar to the Zhuk-AE within 2 years of the deliveries. It hasn't happened yet.

The MiG-29M/M2 in the EAF (and Algerian Air Force) also lack the built-in target designator which was also a feature of the MiG-35. Instead, they rely on the T-220 pod to use as a target designator, so they essentially do have that feature, it's just not built-in like in the MiG-35. Those 2 items are what differentiate the MiG-29M (single seat) & MiG-29M2 (two-seat variant) from the MiG-35.

It was also beneficial for the EAF because the cost of these amazing fighters was around $40 million per, which is why the EAF was able to stack up with around 50 of them on the first order and plan to purchase quite a bit more as soon as they put CAATSA to bed.

BTW, @The SC , @Ghostkiller , @Philip the Arab , @Ramses Akhenaten Ahmose , @Hydration , @ARCH٤R , @aymanop1522 and others whom are concerned about the EAF acquiring the Meteor missile, do you fellas remember we were talking about this and even on Wikipedia it said all three Arab countries; Egypt, Saudiya AND QATAR have placed orders for the meteor missiles and are still waiting for delivery?

Take a look at this damned pic and tell me this doesn't boil your blood like it does mine and convince you even more that they will do everything possible to keep that missile away from the EAF. There is absolutely no reason why they're not currently in EAF inventory UNLESS, the rafales have not been upgraded to the F3-R standard yet? Those would be the only 2 reasons and both stink to high heII especially this pic below. Totally unworthy with an airspace the size of our Cairo to fly and defend. Just ridiculous.

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BTW, @The SC , @Ghostkiller , @Ramses Akhenaten Ahmose , @Hydration , @ARCH٤R , @aymanop1522 and others whom are concerned about the EAF acquiring the Meteor missile, do you fellas remember we were talking about this and even on Wikipedia it said all three Arab countries; Egypt, Saudiya AND QATAR have placed orders for the meteor missiles and are still waiting for delivery?

Take a look at this damned pic and tell me this doesn't boil your blood like it does mine and convince you even more that they will do everything possible to keep that missile away from the EAF. There is absolutely no reason why they're not currently in EAF inventory UNLESS, the rafales have not been upgraded to the F3-R standard yet? Those would be the only 2 reasons and both stink to high heII especially this pic below. Totally unworthy with an airspace the size of our Cairo to fly and defend. Just ridiculous.

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It just proves to me that we are their biggest threat even with sticks and stones

Really shows you how skill can be such a deterent
Take a look at this damned pic and tell me this doesn't boil your blood like it does mine and convince you even more that they will do everything possible to keep that missile away from the EAF. There is absolutely no reason why they're not currently in EAF inventory UNLESS, the rafales have not been upgraded to the F3-R standard yet? Those would be the only 2 reasons and both stink to high heII especially this pic below. Totally unworthy with an airspace the size of our Cairo to fly and defend. Just ridiculous.
Which air force is this? Looks like an arab air force (Qatar etc..)
Yep, he did. IIRC, he was also commander of his squadron, one of two in the EAF at the time. I have a picture of them lined up on the tarmac I'll tag you once I find it and post it. Have so many pics and even organized to a certain extent but still, very tough to find them sometimes since there's thousands spanning 15 years including many that were scanned from paper to digital.

Yes, pretty much. Although the Indian MiG-29K might also be included in that same category since it's essentially the same thing as these Ms but can also land on carriers. So in some sense, it might be considered more capable because of that naval factor.

But like @Ghostkiller said, these Ms are essentially MiG-35s and that was what the EAF went to order right after the unveiling of the MiG-35 in Russia back in 2015. However, the MiG-35 included the Zhuk-AE AESA radar but it wasn't ready at the time and the EAF wanted to upgrade as soon as possible and actually (according to some publications out there) were promise the upgrade of the current radar which is the Zhuk-ME (PESA) radar to the Zhuk-AE within 2 years of the deliveries. It hasn't happened yet.

The MiG-29M/M2 in the EAF (and Algerian Air Force) also lack the built-in target designator which was also a feature of the MiG-35. Instead, they rely on the T-220 pod to use as a target designator, so they essentially do have that feature, it's just not built-in like in the MiG-35. Those 2 items are what differentiate the MiG-20M (single seat) & MiG-29M2 (two-seat variant) from the MiG-35.

It was also beneficial for the EAF because the cost of these amazing fighters was around $40 million per, which is why the EAF was able to stack up with around 50 of them on the first order and plan to purchase quite a bit more as soon as they put CAATSA to bed.

BTW, @The SC , @Ghostkiller , @Philip the Arab , @Ramses Akhenaten Ahmose , @Hydration , @ARCH٤R , @aymanop1522 and others whom are concerned about the EAF acquiring the Meteor missile, do you fellas remember we were talking about this and even on Wikipedia it said all three Arab countries; Egypt, Saudiya AND QATAR have placed orders for the meteor missiles and are still waiting for delivery?

Take a look at this damned pic and tell me this doesn't boil your blood like it does mine and convince you even more that they will do everything possible to keep that missile away from the EAF. There is absolutely no reason why they're not currently in EAF inventory UNLESS, the rafales have not been upgraded to the F3-R standard yet? Those would be the only 2 reasons and both stink to high heII especially this pic below. Totally unworthy with an airspace the size of our Cairo to fly and defend. Just ridiculous.

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Hey thanks for the post. I really appreciate the time you took to right all that stuff.

They could have at least given you guys some AIM-120C for the F-16s! It's ridiculous!
Hey thanks for the post. I really appreciate the time you took to right all that stuff.

They could have at least given you guys some AIM-120C for the F-16s! It's ridiculous!
Welcome to the QME ya habibi. But there is a chance that we changed the seeker of AIM-7 to an active one. So we don't know the real modification to this missile. @Gomig-21 can you send to @Foinikas the strange Sparrow. So we can compare this one and a "normal" one.

For me that's why we must proceed for the Tejas deal so we maybe can have some ToT for the Astra missile.
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