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Egyptian Armed Forces

Vucic prepared a special gift for the Egyptian president, a rifle M70 carbine. Handcrafted by Zastava..

President Vucic stated: “It was specially sculpted for the best hunters and the best people,”



Anti-armor such as Bumbar "The Bee"


Different launchers




Zastava light vehicles, whether for transportation or logistics.. Or even to carry multiple weapons


Individual weapons such as the Zastava M21


And much, much, much more..
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Egypt is negotiating with MBDA to obtain "Sea Wolf" air defense missiles


The missiles that Egypt desires, according to the Tactical Report website, are suited to any naval vessel that is provided with a defensive point capable of providing short-range air defense against each of the missiles capable of flying close to the surface of the sea. “These missiles fly at very low altitudes, up to a few meters above sea level.” The surface of the water, with the aim of not being detected by the ship’s target’s radar, and that the defensive missiles on board the target ship cannot descend to such a low altitude.” Therefore, Sea Wolf missiles are an important solution for this type of missile.

Sea Wolf missiles can also counter attacking missiles and aircraft that carry out their attacks and swoop with high angles of attack.

There are two versions of the Sea Wolf missiles, the first is the GWS-25, which is fired in a conventional way, while the second, more advanced version, called the GWS-26, is vertically launched, and the vertical launch provides a basic and important feature which is the ability to place the missiles vertically inside The naval piece, which enables it to carry larger numbers of missiles, thus being able to fight for longer periods, and protect itself and other friendly pieces against larger and fiercer attacks.

The missile is characterized by its powerful engine that works on solid fuel, and provides it with a speed of up to three times the speed of sound (3 Mach), and speed for defensive missiles is one of the most important factors that enable it to confront the attacking missiles,.Defensive missiles should be about twice as fast as offensive missiles.

Sea Wolf missiles can also intercept their targets, engage them, and destroy them, at engagement ranges between 1,000 and 6,000 meters (1,100 - 6,600 yards), and at altitudes ranging from 10 meters (33 feet) to 3,000 meters (9,800 feet). .

The warhead of the missile weighs 14 kg (30.9 lb) and is of the high-explosive type, and operates with a proximity fuze.. witch is 5 to 10 times more lethal than other fuses.

If the deal is completed, Egypt will possess a gigantic mixture of the latest European missiles in those countries, or as it is called, the first-class missiles that did not meet in the European countries themselves, namely:

• Aster-30 missiles with a range of 120 km
• Aster-15 missiles with a range of 15 to 35 km
. CAMM-ER missiles, with a range of 45 km
• Mica Ng missiles with a range of 40 km
And the Sea Wolf missiles
Vucic prepared a special gift for the Egyptian president, a rifle M70 carbine. Handcrafted by Zastava..

President Vucic stated: “It was specially sculpted for the best hunters and the best people,”



This is just so great. Look at the respect the great Serbian leadership has given President Sisi. From the MiG-29 escorting of the Egyptian Presidential Plane into Belgrade, and the incredible military exhibit and tour they gave him upon his arrival as well as the wreath display at the tomb of the unknown soldier that they allowed president Sisi to perform. He's been so well greeted in many countries he's been to, but this has to be the BEST greeting ceremony from start to finish that I've personally seen him attend.

Giving someone a gift like that is so symbolic of the kind of friendship and exchange of goodwill that kings and queens would do back in the middle ages. It was revered as one of the most respectful and highest honors bestowed upon any other king or queen of nations and the tradition has somewhat lost its appeal and ways through the years, unfortunately. But the heart of the slavic and central European countries have actually retained that tradition as evidenced here in this terrific ceremony and display of the utmost respect. Even the way they shook hands was with such genuine appreciation for one another that it's truly pleasing to see.

Then I cannot help but turn around and compare this to the despicable treatment of President Sisi from that scum-sucking hog Trump calling him "his favorite dictator" I mean who the frig says that kind of thing except for the ultimate lowlife? Then you have the egomaniacal scuzz bucket from Turkey who had the nerve to speak ill and pretend he had some phantom authority to declare President Sisi illegitimate because of his twisted love for the terrorist agency known as the Muslim Brotherhood. Even to the point where at the United Nations, he wouldn't even enter the same meeting room as President Sisi was in. What a consummate dirtbag. I bet he loses his mind when he sees the incredible friendship President Sisi has with Cyprus' and Greece's president in that terrific trio of friends lol. Love it!

Then you have the biggest clown of them all in the pos Joe Biden who not only said the awful things about MBS and Saudiya. but also chastised President Sisi saying some BS about "no more favors for trump's favorite dictator" WTF?! Take your favors and stick them where the sun don't shine you incompetent clowny fool.

Then there is the most diplomatic and professional leader of one of the greatest countries in the history of mankind taking the higher road and holding his head high and not once did he utter a single derogatory word towards any of these dirtbags that insulted him for absolutely no reason whatsoever. All three of those scum leaders can go to the sixteenth hell as far as I'm concerned. They could certainly learn how to behave respectfully from President Sisi.

Even the Israeli leadership exhibits much better dignity and treats president Sisi the way he ought to be treated just like any other leader with the utmost respect as he returns the same sentiment as well.

This Serbian leadership exemplifies the true meaning of diplomatic respect and friendship and exposes the disgusting behavior of the other ones I mentioned, and I cannot wait to see the Egyptian leadership reciprocate the same treatment to the excellent Serbian leaders someday soon.
Or even worse, that stupid blocky orange colorscheme. Those sukhois NEED an aesa radar ASAP. Along with the upgrades to the migs for the 35 varient. R77 missles are a good baseline a2a missle. We need the better version to kit our migs and su's in the not so distant future. This is why I'm so keen on just phasing out and selling away the f16 fleet. We won't be getting the amraam at all so whats the point of having a basket full of flying coffins? Sell them off to other allies that are close to America so that the approval is given, and slowly take in more migs, India bypassed caatsa, egypts importance wont be underestimated and so that could be leveraged as well, the khaleeg knows this too well.
well we tried selling them america said no
Even then we have a modded sparrow now how cool is that
And i think they probably have an aesa radar by now or there will be no use of them disaering then appearing again after the rumours of the Rafale fight
Also i wanted to Talk about how the MoMP has a % in every privte sector company is actually a good thing
You are preventing them from escaping like what IMUT did to south africa
They wont pressure you or sell without your approval like what was happening with denel righnmetal selling whole factories to countries the german law disagrees with like UAE KSA because of the war in yemen

Maybe new deal? I hope they will talk about Meteor situation. We need fucking more infos about our new Sparrow.

Many are thinking the visit will be about the Barracuda submarines, and that Sisi is notifying Macron that Germany had offered a deal on equivalent subs and wants to see if France would make a bid offer.

Hopefully he'll also check on the status of the 2 Airbus A330 MRTT air refuelers & satellite. Let's hope he also finds out about the Meteors that should be supplied to the first batch of Rafales now that apparently they've been upgraded to F3-Rs and capable of deploying the missile.

A lot of stuff to speculate on, but IMHO, I think it's much more along the lines of strategic regional issues such as Libya and other matters more so that the weapons deals, which if they are included, would be secondary to the main reason for the visit.
Many are thinking the visit will be about the Barracuda submarines, and that Sisi is notifying Macron that Germany had offered a deal on equivalent subs and wants to see if France would make a bid offer.

Hopefully he'll also check on the status of the 2 Airbus A330 MRTT air refuelers & satellite. Let's hope he also finds out about the Meteors that should be supplied to the first batch of Rafales now that apparently they've been upgraded to F3-Rs and capable of deploying the missile.

A lot of stuff to speculate on, but IMHO, I think it's much more along the lines of strategic regional issues such as Libya and other matters more so that the weapons deals, which if they are included, would be secondary to the main reason for the visit.
I think its libya
The libyan parliment was burnt down by organized protests recently
Many are thinking the visit will be about the Barracuda submarines, and that Sisi is notifying Macron that Germany had offered a deal on equivalent subs and wants to see if France would make a bid offer.

Hopefully he'll also check on the status of the 2 Airbus A330 MRTT air refuelers & satellite. Let's hope he also finds out about the Meteors that should be supplied to the first batch of Rafales now that apparently they've been upgraded to F3-Rs and capable of deploying the missile.

A lot of stuff to speculate on, but IMHO, I think it's much more along the lines of strategic regional issues such as Libya and other matters more so that the weapons deals, which if they are included, would be secondary to the main reason for the visit.
The thing is that there is something happening. El Sisi went to Jeddah then few days later to Germany then to Serbia then to France. This is sus for me
There is also a very huge trafficking of Mercanaries from syria
Its about to blow up

The thing is that there is something happening. El Sisi went to Jeddah then few days later to Germany then to Serbia then to France. This is sus for me
Weapon deals and economic deals as well
There is also a very huge trafficking of Mercanaries from syria
Its about to blow up
This isn't national threat to our security. If you want to solve the syrian issues then you must negotiate with Iran Russia and Syria and ofc the coalition forces in Syria.
Very good video but the problem he didn't deeply research about our Rafales. Or maybe he didn't follow latests news about them

Such as what? Just curious what you're referring to and not trying to give you a hard time. The SCALPs? He didn't mention that they were in fact taken care of and 100 units delivered to the EAF. We even have pictures of the cruise missiles in Egypt, so we know it's correct.

But it is really sad to hear the way he described the US' distrust in Egypt. Yet the US has supplied over 1000 Abram tanks, Apache helicopters and 220 F-16s, so it's not like they treat Egypt as a "pariah" in the silly words of Joe Biden. But still, to keep the advanced tech away is disturbing enough, for sure, and is the whole reason for the hatred towards the US and the sentiment that all F-16s should be eliminated from the EAF which I think is absolutely ridiculous lol.

Just because they're not equipped with AIM-120s doesn't mean they're useless! They're still very powerful and if you study aerial fighting concepts and strategies, you'll realize that BVR is not a done deal as far as who would win an aerial battle. Granted the Sparrows are semi-active, but that doesn't mean they're completely useless since there are several techniques to lose an incoming AIM-120 while another aircraft fires a Sparrow at the same enemy. Or engage AWACs and heavy EW to close the distance and bring the fight close etc.

So just not having the AIM-120 certainly doesn't mean the F-16s should be canned lol. No way, if anything, they should find other ways to improve on them but definitely keep them as they're an intricate part of the EAF. Their attack role is superb and cannot be discounted based simply on emotions and hatred of the US. Just my opinion.
BTW, that fellow in @Ghostkiller 's video was definitely right about the whole premise of the video. The Rafale is selling like hotcakes because the US has kicked itself in the face by making all those restrictions and refusing to sell the F-35 to countries it doesn't trust. Now France and Dassault have swooped right in to pick up the pieces and get all the contracts from all the disgruntled nations that are pissed at the US and at the same time, offer an incredible package in the Rafale.

Even Iraq now is requesting 14 Rafales LOL! And you know the UAE going out and blasting an 80 fighter contract with Dassault was a major result of the US not agreeing on supplying it with the F-35. Even so, Lockheed Martin is still making a killing even with all the banned countries, but Dassault is also cashing in on the results of that.
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