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Egyptian Armed Forces

What do you think about what is said about the Air Force in the Defense Forum? Do you find justification for it from the brothers in the Gulf?
A lot of D**ck measurements.. but just from some.. the nice thing about it is that they congratulate each other about military deals everytime ..and then the measurements begins again.. HaHaHa!

MIG-35 are you sure hahahaha?
It is the closest to the Mig-35..in fact, a while back some high ranking guy from the Mig factory said that they have dropped the name Mig-29M/M2.. it is called Mig-35..
It is the closest to the Mig-35..in fact, a while back some high ranking guy from the Mig factory said that they have dropped the name Mig-29M/M2.. it is called Mig-35..
Until we have an AESA radar on it, we have still MIG-29M/M2

What are the missiles used on our Rafales and Mirage 2K?>

Trans :
The Italian company Leonardo will receive the first payment in favor of the Egyptian Typhoon fighter deal, estimated at between 280 and 420 million
Egypt will receive 24 multi-mission fighters of this type
Egypt will pay a $500 million down payment within a year of signing the deal, while the total price of the Typhoon fighter deal is $3 billion.
Several sources stated that after Egypt’s deal with the company, the value of the company will rise this year to reach 15 billion dollars, while the value of the company is currently 14 billion dollars, and the value of the company’s shares will rise to 13.3%
That is, Egypt's deal with the company will greatly raise the company's monitoring among European defense companies

As the source mentioned, negotiations are still underway between Egypt and Italy on the huge deal, whose value ranges between 10 to 12 billion, and includes various aircraft, a SAR surveillance satellite, and various warships.

Currently, no details about the model of the fighter are known, whether it is Tranche 3 or Tranche 4, even if there is information, but let us not anticipate events. Also, the date of delivery of the first batch of fighters to Egypt is unknown.

Guys, do you know how much EFT is being ordered from differents countries (Qatar KSA etc..)
Because if there isn't a lot of order then we can receive quickly like in one year or two
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Until we have an AESA radar on it, we have still MIG-29M/M2

What are the missiles used on our Rafales and Mirage 2K?>

Trans :
The Italian company Leonardo will receive the first payment in favor of the Egyptian Typhoon fighter deal, estimated at between 280 and 420 million
Egypt will receive 24 multi-mission fighters of this type
Egypt will pay a $500 million down payment within a year of signing the deal, while the total price of the Typhoon fighter deal is $3 billion.
Several sources stated that after Egypt’s deal with the company, the value of the company will rise this year to reach 15 billion dollars, while the value of the company is currently 14 billion dollars, and the value of the company’s shares will rise to 13.3%
That is, Egypt's deal with the company will greatly raise the company's monitoring among European defense companies

As the source mentioned, negotiations are still underway between Egypt and Italy on the huge deal, whose value ranges between 10 to 12 billion, and includes various aircraft, a SAR surveillance satellite, and various warships.

Currently, no details about the model of the fighter are known, whether it is Tranche 3 or Tranche 4, even if there is information, but let us not anticipate events. Also, the date of delivery of the first batch of fighters to Egypt is unknown.

Guys, do you know how much EFT is being ordered from differents countries (Qatar KSA etc..)
Because if there isn't a lot of order then we can receive quickly like in one year or two
Currently, no details about the model of the fighter are known, whether it is Tranche 3 or Tranche 4, even if there is information, but let us not anticipate events. Also, the date of delivery of the first batch of fighters to Egypt is unknown.

Let's hope it's a Tranche 4. There's also Bangladesh in the running for an order of EFTs. @Avicenna , what's the latest on that since I haven't followed you fella's thread in a while? is the BAF close to signing a deal for EFTs? And if so, would it be with Italy or Germany or the UK?

The other thing about the possible Egyptian Typhoons is that they were talking about the number of each aircraft being around €125 million Euros after excellent and intense Egyptian negotiations, dropping it down from €200 million to €125 million per aircraft. This is out of a total of €3.0 billion more or less. But it might not even be that high for each aircraft since if you do the math, it doesn't leave any room for armament (which would probably be close to the vicinity of €500 million or even more if the meteors and Storm Shadows are in there.

They also didn't consider other services that always come with an initial mega package like this which are at least a couple of simulators, probably around €600 million and support & spare parts etc.

I would say at least a billion euros out of that €3 billion would be taken out for all those things and the cost of the 24 aircraft would be at €2 billion which makes each one worth €83 million a piece which is MUCH more reasonable and right at the same €85 million we're paying for our Rafales. MUCH more like it and I think we just corrected a major mistake and misunderstanding they made on the total cost of this possible contract.

@Constantin84 , what do you think of all these procurements by the EAF? I remember us talking about this and we never thought Egypt would purchase any more Rafales beyond that original 24 Rafales they bought an additional 30 plus they're going after these EFTs and Su-35s etc. Insane purchasing spree they're on, pretty amazing, ey?

Speaking of those numbnuts on the Arabic Defense Forum, ma3lesh khodo el 5azou2 da f'teezkom ya w'lad el a7ba lol.

EAF MiG-29M2 (2-seater NOT painted in the desert camo) with the backseat empty at Faisal 12.

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Let's hope it's a Tranche 4. There's also Bangladesh in the running for an order of EFTs. @Avicenna , what's the latest on that since I haven't followed you fella's thread in a while? is the BAF close to signing a deal for EFTs? And if so, would it be with Italy or Germany or the UK?

The other thing about the possible Egyptian Typhoons is that they were talking about the number of each aircraft being around €125 million Euros after excellent and intense Egyptian negotiations, dropping it down from €200 million to €125 million per aircraft. This is out of a total of €3.0 billion more or less. But it might not even be that high for each aircraft since if you do the math, it doesn't leave any room for armament (which would probably be close to the vicinity of €500 million or even more if the meteors and Storm Shadows are in there.

They also didn't consider other services that always come with an initial mega package like this which are at least a couple of simulators, probably around €600 million and support & spare parts etc.

I would say at least a billion euros out of that €3 billion would be taken out for all those things and the cost of the 24 aircraft would be at €2 billion which makes each one worth €83 million a piece which is MUCH more reasonable and right at the same €85 million we're paying for our Rafales. MUCH more like it and I think we just corrected a major mistake and misunderstanding they made on the total cost of this possible contract.

@Constantin84 , what do you think of all these procurements by the EAF? I remember us talking about this and we never thought Egypt would purchase any more than the original 24 Rafales they bought yet look at this purchasing spree they're on, pretty amazing, ey?

Speaking of those numbnuts on the Arabic Defense Forum, ma3lesh khodo el 5azou2 da f'teezkom ya w'lad el a7ba lol.

EAF MiG-29M2 (2-seater NOT painted in the desert camo) with the backseat empty at Faisal 12.

View attachment 852267
Ya3ni how much did we pay for each EFT? 85millions or 125millions? Why we have problems with armements? Ya3ni the last Rafale's deal we didn't buy a lot of weapons and this deal we don't know.

My dear Egyptian brothers, just out of interest. It's impressive the hardware that Egyptian airforce has and on order. How would the Egyptian airforce do against a hypothetical complete all out war against Israel?

Would the Egyptain airforce be able to mount any type of challenge? Would Israel's 50+ F35 stealth Jet fighters obliterate the entire Egyptian airforce as they did in 1967?
Ya3ni how much did we pay for each EFT? 85millions or 125millions? Why we have problems with armements? Ya3ni the last Rafale's deal we didn't buy a lot of weapons and this deal we don't know.

I just did the math ya Basha. They said the total value of the deal was €3 billion, right? And that each Typhoon was €125 million each. That means they took the entire €3 billion and divided it by 24 aircraft to get the €125 per aircraft. The problem with that is there must be an allowance in that €3 billion for training, simulators, spare parts and support which I'm guessing would probably add to a total of €1 billion. Deduct that €1 billion from the €3 billion and you have €2 billion. Then you divide that €2 billion by 24 fighters and you get €83 million per aircraft which makes a lot more sense. Right, or wrong?

My dear Egyptian brothers, just out of interest. It's impressive the hardware that Egyptian airforce has and on order. How would the Egyptian airforce do against a hypothetical complete all out war against Israel?

Would the Egyptain airforce be able to mount any type of challenge? Would Israel's 50+ F35 stealth Jet fighters obliterate the entire Egyptian airforce as they did in 1967?
Asalamualaikum first. Look my brother, our army knows very well that our Air Force will never be as superior as the IAF (because USA no restrictions, they can put their indigenous products like cruise missile A2A/G missiles). That's why our army is trying to close the air superiority gap by buying airplanes and weapons that USA restricted from us like with France (Rafale) Italy (EFT) Russia (MIG-29 and maybe SU-35) and probably China (for the future like J-20/31) and also by fortifying our air defense forces. Our Air Defense forces is the most complex air defenses system in the world because we are diversifying our deals so no one can embargo us. We bought from China (radars) Russia (BUK Tor and S-300 long range SA and radars which range 1100km) Germany (IRIST from small to long range SA) and finally modernised soviet SA like S-75 (with China and built locally) 2K12 Kub etc... The IAF suffered a lot of casulties (141 aircrafts shot down during only 19 days of fighting) that's because of our air defense. For Air Force, Egypt challenged a lot of times the IAF during the War of Attrition (1967 to 1970) and October war (1973). During 73 war, the famous air battle was Al Mansoura air battle which lasted 53min (the longest air battle after the WW2. This battle was between 62 Egyptian MIG-21 (obsolete hahaha) vs 160 Israeli F-4 Phantom II/A-4 and the result was 6 aircraft casulties for Egypt (3 shot down and 3 run out of fuel) vs 17 shot down for Israel. The most important thing about this battle that the IAF stopped going to the canal because afraid of another air battle. So they stopped bombing. I am sure @Gomig-21 can give you more infos. And inshallah, they would not be another disastrous like 1967.

I forgot to tell you. This disastrous happened because there wasn't money to build protective hangars for our MIGs so they were a sitting duck for the IAF a small targets. All this because of some stupid persons and the high cost of our involvments in North Yemen Civil War which bankrupted our nation.

When was this photo taken? I can see Unit 999 uniform paratroopers? what is the uniform in the middle right?
I hope all of our army will equipped like this inshallah.
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I forgot to tell you. This disastrous happened because there wasn't money to build protective hangars for our MIGs so they were a sitting duck for the IAF a small targets. All this because of some stupid persons and the high cost of our involvments in North Yemen Civil War which bankrupted our nation.

Yep, that's right and those scum took advantage of that with their filthy attack under some falsely made up pretext of existential threat haha. What a bunch of liars. They always wanted to expand their measly existence by capturing Sinai and holding onto it for as long as they could until they could annex it, just like when that POS Trump came out and "gave" them Jerusalem.

They tried in '56 with the Brits and French under the pretext that the Suez Canal belonged to them hahahahahaha what a joke that was. And when they got a tongue lashing and a real threat -- not a phony one like the false claim from Egypt in 67 -- from the Supreme Allied Commander of D-Day and at the time, president of the United States Dwight D. Eisenhower, they tucked their tails between their balls along with the Brits and French and crawled back under the rock they came out from.

Then they planned 1967 for the next 10 years just waiting for the opportunity to pounce on us and steal our land again, they just needed to make up a reason.

The great thing is the whole bragging about 6 days when in 1973, the Egyptian Army crossed the canal and obliterated their forces along the entire craplev line in 6 hours lmfao! A feat MUCH more difficult to execute with such perfection and a record minimal losses in lives, unlike the easy march they had right across land with nothing for an obstacle to complicate things. 6 hours not 6 days loool :lol:

And of course, your description of the air battle of Al Mansoura is spot on and essentially the last air to air dogfighting between us and those land-stealing vermin of the time and they saw the tide turning. They saw how suddenly the EAF was becoming an air force to be reconned with and that obviously scared the living daylights out of them, hence all the weapons blocking since then until today. They would never want to see anything like that. If their souped-up F-4 Phantom II and A-4 Skyhawks and their MIrage Vs (they claim Neshers loool that's another funny joke for another time) went down in those numbers against the venerable MiG-21 that had 20 minutes of fuel and MiG-17s with even less lol, and Atoll rockets that failed to fire half the time and guns that jammed constantly or ran out because they barely held enough rounds, yet they inflicted shocking damage on them which has lasted until today, when they lobby constantly for that stupid QME. If they were so great and capable of "obliterating" lmfao then why are they so scared?
Here's the other disgusting thing about the hypocrisy of anti-Egyptian and Arabs in general is look at this current invasion of eastern Ukraine by Russia and how unbelievably supportive not only the US with its ridiculous amounts of billions of $$ it's pouring into Ukraine to help it fight against a "Russian invasion," but all the other countries helping and pitching in as well AND, the same thing they did in 1991 when Sadam Hussein and Iraq invaded Kuwait and the US even went to war with its own soldiers to protect little Kuwait from an invasion. Where was all that help for Egypt in 1967 when those filthy, land-stealing creepy vermin led by that one-eyed phony bandit invaded and killed thousands of Egyptians and stole our historically religious land? Where was unconditional support the Ukraine is getting now? The hypocrisy is beyond filthy and very disturbing.
Until we have an AESA radar on it, we have still MIG-29M/M2

What are the missiles used on our Rafales and Mirage 2K?>

Trans :
The Italian company Leonardo will receive the first payment in favor of the Egyptian Typhoon fighter deal, estimated at between 280 and 420 million
Egypt will receive 24 multi-mission fighters of this type
Egypt will pay a $500 million down payment within a year of signing the deal, while the total price of the Typhoon fighter deal is $3 billion.
Several sources stated that after Egypt’s deal with the company, the value of the company will rise this year to reach 15 billion dollars, while the value of the company is currently 14 billion dollars, and the value of the company’s shares will rise to 13.3%
That is, Egypt's deal with the company will greatly raise the company's monitoring among European defense companies

As the source mentioned, negotiations are still underway between Egypt and Italy on the huge deal, whose value ranges between 10 to 12 billion, and includes various aircraft, a SAR surveillance satellite, and various warships.

Currently, no details about the model of the fighter are known, whether it is Tranche 3 or Tranche 4, even if there is information, but let us not anticipate events. Also, the date of delivery of the first batch of fighters to Egypt is unknown.

Guys, do you know how much EFT is being ordered from differents countries (Qatar KSA etc..)
Because if there isn't a lot of order then we can receive quickly like in one year or two
Typhoon deals in Italy
24 Qatar + 29 Kuwait

My dear Egyptian brothers, just out of interest. It's impressive the hardware that Egyptian airforce has and on order. How would the Egyptian airforce do against a hypothetical complete all out war against Israel?

Would the Egyptain airforce be able to mount any type of challenge? Would Israel's 50+ F35 stealth Jet fighters obliterate the entire Egyptian airforce as they did in 1967?
Friend.. Egypt has the means to obliterate all their air bases either before or after those F-35s take off.. in the latter case they won't have where to go back..and will be trapped in a close combat fight where even the old Egyptian F-16 blk 40 will be able to shoot them down.. let alone the Rafales, EFTs, Mig-35s and SU-35s.. it is a matter of context..and they have a very tiny depth..
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