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Egyptian Armed Forces


That first vest on the left with the insane amount of magazine and accessories pouches also has what appears to be a "Hydration" haha loool tube. See the tube that goes around the neck and down to the middle of the vest? Probably fits into a built-in canteen or water pouch for "hydration" lol. Kinda like this one.


All of those are really great. Hopefully they can make enough along with the new Maadi Misr to issue one of each to every single soldier.
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Yep, that's right and those scum took advantage of that with their filthy attack under some falsely made up pretext of existential threat haha. What a bunch of liars. They always wanted to expand their measly existence by capturing Sinai and holding onto it for as long as they could until they could annex it, just like when that POS Trump came out and "gave" them Jerusalem.

They tried in '56 with the Brits and French under the pretext that the Suez Canal belonged to them hahahahahaha what a joke that was. And when they got a tongue lashing and a real threat -- not a phony one like the false claim from Egypt in 67 -- from the Supreme Allied Commander of D-Day and at the time, president of the United States Dwight D. Eisenhower, they tucked their tails between their balls along with the Brits and French and crawled back under the rock they came out from.

Then they planned 1967 for the next 10 years just waiting for the opportunity to pounce on us and steal our land again, they just needed to make up a reason.

The great thing is the whole bragging about 6 days when in 1973, the Egyptian Army crossed the canal and obliterated their forces along the entire craplev line in 6 hours lmfao! A feat MUCH more difficult to execute with such perfection and a record minimal losses in lives, unlike the easy march they had right across land with nothing for an obstacle to complicate things. 6 hours not 6 days loool :lol:

And of course, your description of the air battle of Al Mansoura is spot on and essentially the last air to air dogfighting between us and those land-stealing vermin of the time and they saw the tide turning. They saw how suddenly the EAF was becoming an air force to be reconned with and that obviously scared the living daylights out of them, hence all the weapons blocking since then until today. They would never want to see anything like that. If their souped-up F-4 Phantom II and A-4 Skyhawks and their MIrage Vs (they claim Neshers loool that's another funny joke for another time) went down in those numbers against the venerable MiG-21 that had 20 minutes of fuel and MiG-17s with even less lol, and Atoll rockets that failed to fire half the time and guns that jammed constantly or ran out because they barely held enough rounds, yet they inflicted shocking damage on them which has lasted until today, when they lobby constantly for that stupid QME. If they were so great and capable of "obliterating" lmfao then why are they so scared?
Plus those fuckers with their fucking propaganda saying that we started the war. A7a who launched the first attack the Arabs or them? Plus calling this war an existantial threat yahyat mama.

Gen. Matityahu Peled stated: “The thesis, according to which the danger of genocide hung over 11sin Junc, 1967, and according to which Isracl was fighting for her very physical survival, was nothing but a bluff which was born and bred after the war.”

Mr. Mordccai Bentov : “This whole story about the threat of extermination was totally contrived, and then elabo- rated upon, a posteriori, to justify thc annexation of new Arab territories.”

Prime Minister Menachem Begin : "In June 1967, we again had a choice. The Egyptian Army concentrations in the Sinai approaches do not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us. We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him."
Also from him : " In November 1956 we had a choice. The reason for going to war then was the need to destroy the fedayeen, who did not represent a danger to the existence of the state. Campaign for Sinai"

Who is always the aggresor a7a begad. They want always make them look like an angel who can only defend herself from extermination.
Here's the other disgusting thing about the hypocrisy of anti-Egyptian and Arabs in general is look at this current invasion of eastern Ukraine by Russia and how unbelievably supportive not only the US with its ridiculous amounts of billions of $$ it's pouring into Ukraine to help it fight against a "Russian invasion," but all the other countries helping and pitching in as well AND, the same thing they did in 1991 when Sadam Hussein and Iraq invaded Kuwait and the US even went to war with its own soldiers to protect little Kuwait from an invasion. Where was all that help for Egypt in 1967 when those filthy, land-stealing creepy vermin led by that one-eyed phony bandit invaded and killed thousands of Egyptians and stole our historically religious land? Where was unconditional support the Ukraine is getting now? The hypocrisy is beyond filthy and very disturbing.
In 1967 the hypocrisy came from the US..when the then US president said that the first one to attack would face the consequences,, and Naser continued to treathen to throw the Jews in the sea.. then the US gave the green light because the threat was "real" ..not for deterrence.. as Egypt at that time had a huge air-force and could have done it _ if attacked_ .. So the whole western back up of Usrael planned the operation and executed it.. hiding behind Usrael..
The Typhoon and Irmaki deal is less than 6 billion euros
With armament and the contents of the deal, confirmation will appear soon👍
In 1967 the hypocrisy came from the US..when the then US president said that the first one to attack would face the consequences,, and Naser continued to treathen to throw the Jews in the sea.. then the US gave the green light because the threat was "real" ..not for deterrence.. as Egypt at that time had a huge air-force and could have done it _ if attacked_ .. So the whole western back up of Usrael planned the operation and executed it.. hiding behind Usrael..
Nasser is like Iran rn just barking dog who will do nothing. Iran is threating the extermination of Israel since Khomeini and nothing happened. I think Israel helped Iran with smuggling weapons during Iran–Iraq War.
SHLOMO GAZIT : "Thanks to the recordings, along with other sources, “we knew just how unprepared they were for war,” Gazit continued. “We reached the conclusion that the Egyptian Armored Corps was in pitiful shape and not prepared for battle.”
In 1967 the hypocrisy came from the US..when the then US president said that the first one to attack would face the consequences,, and Naser continued to treathen to throw the Jews in the sea.. then the US gave the green light because the threat was "real" ..not for deterrence.. as Egypt at that time had a huge air-force and could have done it _ if attacked_ .. So the whole western back up of Usrael planned the operation and executed it.. hiding behind Usrael..
The only president who was against this colonization was Charles De Gaulles so France. So the french embargoed Israel then they reverse engineered Mirage 5 and created IAI Nesher.

The Typhoon and Irmaki deal is less than 6 billion euros
With armament and the contents of the deal, confirmation will appear soon👍
The Typhoon and Irmaki deal is less than 6 billion euros
With armament and the contents of the deal, confirmation will appear soon👍
I wont even try to question your sources. I have given up and how do you get info so fast

Ah yes that britian based agency with muslim brotherhood writers. At this point iam starting to think theyre coping lol
That first vest on the left with the insane amount of magazine and accessories pouches also has what appears to be a "Hydration" haha loool tube. See the tube that goes around the neck and down to the middle of the vest? Probably fits into a built-in canteen or water pouch for "hydration" lol. Kinda like this one.

View attachment 852301

All of those are really great. Hopefully they can make enough along with the new Maadi Misr to issue one of each to every single soldier.
Although i remember that some egyptian scintist won 2 international competitions in a rowwith a waterbottle that can aitomatically refill itself oit of the humidity around. and quite fast. And he saidthat the first ones to use this will be our soliders. I think that will be better than the hydration tube lol.
Although i remember that some egyptian scintist won 2 international competitions in a rowwith a waterbottle that can aitomatically refill itself oit of the humidity around. and quite fast. And he saidthat the first ones to use this will be our soliders. I think that will be better than the hydration tube lol.
You have a source? I would like to read about it
Butchered Arabic google translation for Aeramacchi. Esm el tayara el Italiany.
Exactly, I was wtf is this hahaha
Ah yes that britian based agency with muslim brotherhood writers. At this point iam starting to think theyre coping lol
And you just watched the last video of Summary (youtube).
You have a source? I would like to read about it

Exactly, I was wtf is this hahaha

And you just watched the last video of Summary (youtube).
I heard in DMC they made a meeting with him and i sent that news in here a month ago i believe. And ive seen videos and articles of middle east eye with zero credibility
Although i remember that some egyptian scintist won 2 international competitions in a rowwith a waterbottle that can aitomatically refill itself oit of the humidity around. and quite fast. And he saidthat the first ones to use this will be our soliders. I think that will be better than the hydration tube lol.
Rabena yehmi yarab. It would mass produce for our military and for our population. We need it but in large scale (ya3ni i hope) to work with the beautiful Nile and desalination plants.

@Gomig-21 helwa el pfp? This man is Black Cobra SOF. He is fucking sexy as hell hahahaha
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