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Egyptian Armed Forces

Inshallah we will have the best option.
The optimum solution for the EAF is to have the SU-35 SE with the Mig-29 M-M2 and the F-15 EX with upgraded F-16s.. The cousins have the F-35 anyways.. that according to US reports have defeated the F-15s 20 to 1 in US exercises.. So what the heck..
The optimum solution for the EAF is to have the SU-35 SE with the Mig-29 M-M2 and the F-15 EX with upgraded F-16s.. The cousins have the F-35 anyways.. that according to US reports have defeated the F-15s 20 to 1 in US exercises.. So what the heck..
Now I can say that we will have logistic nightmare hahahaha. You can't have Rafales F-16 F-15 SU-35 MIG-29 in a single Air Force, it is a fucking nightmare for maintening etc... For me, it would be smart to stick to SU-35 or to continue the deal of F-15. You can't have two air superiority aircraft one eastern and the other western. If it was two westerns air superiority aircraft like F-15 and Eurofighter then yes
Now I can say that we will have logistic nightmare hahahaha. You can't have Rafales F-16 F-15 SU-35 MIG-29 in a single Air Force, it is a fucking nightmare for maintening etc... For me, it would be smart to stick to SU-35 or to continue the deal of F-15. You can't have two air superiority aircraft one eastern and the other western. If it was two westerns air superiority aircraft like F-15 and Eurofighter then yes
Now a days maintenance is based on informatics in all modern fighters.. it is much easier with a few Engineers on task.. each fighter aircraft stores all the information about its systems in its own central computer.. I'm surprised you do not know this.. so forget about maintenance being a big burden for the EAf.. I said it is the optimum in the absence of a potent 5th generation fighter..
Now a days maintenance is based on informatics,, it is much easier with a few Engineers on task.. each fighter aircraft stores all its information about its systems in its central computer.. I'm surprised you do not know this.. so forget about maintenance being a big burden for the EAf.. I said it is the optimum in the absence of a potent 5th generation fighter..
I am not that smart in informatics etc... Mesh asdi but I am using only logic buying 2 air superioty aircraft one eastern and the other western it would be hard for the mechanicians the engineer etc.. plus the cost of maintenance from weapons to real maintenance like parts etc..
I am not that smart in informatics etc... Mesh asdi but I am using only logic buying 2 air superioty aircraft one eastern and the other western it would be hard for the mechanicians the engineer etc.. plus the cost of maintenance from weapons to real maintenance like parts etc..
The Rafale is an Omni-role fighter .. meaning it is an air superiority too..
So according to that logic.. no need for the SU-35SE nor the F-15!?
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Honestly I don't believe that Egypt tried the Rafale's radar on SU-35. Last time, I heard it about this it was between an Egyptian Rafale and an Indian SU-30 (not sure)


There was more than just the Facebook page that stated the Rafale testing the IRBIS-E. And also when he says it was referred to as a Rafale F3R and that the EAF doesn't have the F3R, it was probably because of all the brutal exaggeration you read when it comes to Egyptian fellas lol. They heard that the Rafales were to be upgraded to the F3R standard and so probably just figured that they were. BTW, that also puts a serious twist on the validity of the next batch of EAF's 30 Rafales as F4s. It looks like you and SC will owe me a pizza this time.

As far as the IRBIS-E, even if that testing isn't true and it's like that guy said in the video that it was the French Rafales jamming Indian Su-30MKIs, it's still a major concern since the IRBIS-E is an extension of the Su-30's BARS. There are MAJOR shortcomings with the IRBIS-E and it's still very susceptible to jamming. So in theory, the Rafale/SPECTRA story is very plausible. I've done a lot of reading and watched videos and it's not too difficult to realize that it's not what it's been cracked up to be. Way overhyped and I'm glad the EAF is taking steps to correct and improve that.

I hate to do this because it makes me look like I'm really dissing the aircraft when that couldn't be further from the truth, but read through this article and check out the points it makes about its inability to track according to what they claim (and there's video evidence of that) and other damning things about that radar.

Very damning article.

Let's just hope & pray that the Meteor comes with the next Rafales since that really will be the only missile in the EAF to be able to defeat almost any enemy and certainly not the Russian ones, unfortunately. Heck I still can't get over the fact that they didn't even purchase the R-77-1 (RVV-SD) or R-27AE with the MiG-29M/M2s for crying out loud! Instead, they bought the 80km R-77 RVV-AE! That just irks me to no end I tell ya. The only explanation is that they didn't want to invest in the longer medium range missiles until the radars were upgraded, which seems like Russia fell through with that also.

@The SC @Gomig-21 any answer about his question?

But the Rafale is more of a multirole aircraft than air superioty. So it isn't specialized as it
It's not multirole.. it is Omni-Role.. it is different..

There was more than just the Facebook page that stated the Rafale testing the IRBIS-E. And also when he says it was referred to as a Rafale F3R and that the EAF doesn't have the F3R, it was probably because of all the brutal exaggeration you read when it comes to Egyptian fellas lol. They heard that the Rafales were to be upgraded to the F3R standard and so probably just figured that they were. BTW, that also puts a serious twist on the validity of the next batch of EAF's 30 Rafales as F4s. It looks like you and SC will owe me a pizza this time.

As far as the IRBIS-E, even if that testing isn't true and it's like that guy said in the video that it was the French Rafales jamming Indian Su-30MKIs, it's still a major concern since the IRBIS-E is an extension of the Su-30's BARS. There are MAJOR shortcomings with the IRBIS-E and it's still very susceptible to jamming. So in theory, the Rafale/SPECTRA story is very plausible. I've done a lot of reading and watched videos and it's not too difficult to realize that it's not what it's been cracked up to be. Way overhyped and I'm glad the EAF is taking steps to correct and improve that.

I hate to do this because it makes me look like I'm really dissing the aircraft when that couldn't be further from the truth, but read through this article and check out the points it makes about its inability to track according to what they claim (and there's video evidence of that) and other damning things about that radar.

Very damning article.

Let's just hope & pray that the Meteor comes with the next Rafales since that really will be the only missile in the EAF to be able to defeat almost any enemy and certainly not the Russian ones, unfortunately. Heck I still can't get over the fact that they didn't even purchase the R-77-1 (RVV-SD) or R-27AE with the MiG-29M/M2s for crying out loud! Instead, they bought the 80km R-77 RVV-AE! That just irks me to no end I tell ya. The only explanation is that they didn't want to invest in the longer medium range missiles until the radars were upgraded, which seems like Russia fell through with that also.
I beg to differ on much of this..
It was reported earlier that the Egyptian Air Force had contracted with Leonardo on ESA radars, and it was mentioned in Arab forums that the number is not as large as you can imagine. It is considered half the deal, because of the Crimean attack these days, preventing the supply of the rest of the deal, and the Russian radar is not ready for it, so Egypt agreed
I have to integrate the MiG radar until the Russian radar matures and upgrades the rest of the fighters
Su-35 No one knows what modifications are made, but I leave this defensive matter to you, read it carefully and tell me what you think
The MiG that accompanies the western fighters and that defends the E2 is the same one whose response has been changed

Every time I am argued, and in the end, what I say is confirmed. I do not want anyone to trust the selection of the Egyptian army and the Air Force in particular, but the days leading up to us show us a lot. I know much more about Russian deals than any article written.
The development of the Rafale to the F3R does not require major changes, and very soon the opening of a maintenance center and the life of the Rafale, as I mentioned in the exhibition deals in the past, and the manufacture of some spare parts and the life of the engine as well
Many amendments have been made to the Egyptian-Russian deals, whether the MiG or the Egyptian Kamov, a copy of the Nile crocodile, as the Russians themselves call it.
Not sure?

Most definitely not normal. That looks like the outer metal surface is buckling for some reason. Either from the fasteners coming apart and a combination of expansion from the brutal heat of Egypt or just a bad defective canopy.

That's one of the things I found a bit lazy on the MiG-29M/M2 & MiG-35 design of the canopy. They're all large, 2-seater canopies whether the aircraft is a single seat or a two seater. This makes production much easier and quicker but notice not a single other manufacturer does that? From Rafales (and its canopy is highly complex and very durable while hinged to the side, but two different sizes. Same as the F-16, F-15, Eurofighter Typhoon and so on.

I beg to differ on much of this..

Oh come owwnnn, maaan! :D Did you read the article, bro?
Look, I know there's all sorts of anti-Russian stuff out there, but I honestly don't fall for it and am about as objective as anyone can be. I tell it like I see it. Feel free to counter any of the things I brought up and put me in my place! :D
Too bad our friend @Abu Sulayman didn't answer my tag to give us more info on these things. The man is from Canada and works with newly built helicopters and one of his jobs is to go out on their first maiden flights after coming off the assembly line and taking notes on all the items that need to either be adjusted, fixed or replaced as well as check all systems to see if their working properly etc. Definitely a cool job!
Hello, Gomig-21, my friend. I'm sorry I missed your tag, I haven't been here as much as I would like.
I believe the AW-149 decision over the NH-90 was a politically motivated decision rather than one of capability. They are both very capable aircraft with the latest technologies and very sophisticated, with the NH90 being slightly bigger and more expensive.
Leonardo is a full owner of the AW-149, and they are partners with Airbus in the NH90.
I used to work for Airbus in their repair and rebuild subsidiary, but have moved on from there. The company I'm currently working for is possibly looking at picking up some AW-169 helicopters, which is a slightly smaller version of the AW139/149.
Hello, Gomig-21, my friend. I'm sorry I missed your tag, I haven't been here as much as I would like.
I believe the AW-149 decision over the NH-90 was a politically motivated decision rather than one of capability. They are both very capable aircraft with the latest technologies and very sophisticated, with the NH90 being slightly bigger and more expensive.
Leonardo is a full owner of the AW-149, and they are partners with Airbus in the NH90.
I used to work for Airbus in their repair and rebuild subsidiary, but have moved on from there. The company I'm currently working for is possibly looking at picking up some AW-169 helicopters, which is a slightly smaller version of the AW139/149.

Hey hey hey, good to see you, my friend! I didn't expect you to reply TBH, I thought for sure you said the heck with this place lol!

Can you expound on the thought that the purchase or the 23 AW helicopters the EAF & EN bought -- which are a mix of AW-149s & AW-189s -- was politically motivated? Are you saying it was a snub on the French & Airbus combined, or was it to appease Leonardo for making several favorable deals for Egypt?

My guess is it's probably the latter since they did test the two and are purchasing a pair of A330 MRTT tankers/transport aircraft from Airbus and had fixed the relationship with France after Macron's comments on Sisi's and the humanitarian rights issues as well as the Gowind ToT fiasco. Things have quieted down in that respect and we're friends again, it seems. It is interesting, though, because there are so many things that can get in the way of a good deal and I honestly would've liked to see the NH90s in the navy more so than the AW-149s & 198s.
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