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Egyptian Armed Forces

Very interesting!
True, if France accepts it then maybe we can put new weapons on it. Ya3ni I hope.

The Turkish finance minister is planning a visit to Egypt next month. Within months, i think we can see Erdogan in Cairo. UAE and Saudi Arabia have normalized their relation with Turkey again. And MBS will probably visit Turkey after visiting Egypt Cyprus and Greece. There is rumors that KSA will buy huge number of Akinci drones.

@Gomig-21 @The SC
Your thoughts?
@Gomig-21 @The SC
Your thoughts?

He's basically coming to Sharm El Sheikh to take part in the annual meeting for the board of governors led by the Saudi-based Islamic Development Bank. I guess they're going to meet privately with an Egyptian delegation, but I don't expect anything substantial to come out of it.

Honestly, until that donkey Erdogan apologizes to Sisi for not only the terribly negative public remarks he made about him and for harboring and supporting the exiled MB contingency while allowing them to broadcast anti Egyptian Gov. speeches and programs etc., then there shouldn't be anything happening with that disgusting regime IMO.

Did you know that at one of the UN international leaders' conventions that the donkey refused to enter a meeting room that held several presidents from around the world because Sisi was in there?!?! Can you believe the arrogance on that clown!? On top of the main negative comments, he made at the start of the new Sisi administration, he's made all sorts of negative actions against Egypt while calling Sisi all kinds of terrible things and basically starting this entire battle. He needs to make a statement backtracking those idiotic words and apologize for saying them or he can take a long hike to nowhere as far as I'm concerned.

The amazing thing about this is that Sisi is such a diplomat and a genuinely friendly individual who abides by the good behavior instilled in Muslims from the Prophet's (SAWS) teachings that he will probably forgive and forget and move on and not insist on anything I mentioned.

I would much rather deal with the next individual in line after this one gets pushed out, but it probably won't happen since he's the biggest hypocrite dictator who will manipulate the system to stay in power, just like he already did. Yet he criticizes others who do the same thing lol. Nah, hope nothing ever comes out of this until he's gone.
True, if France accepts it then maybe we can put new weapons on it. Ya3ni I hope.

The Turkish finance minister is planning a visit to Egypt next month. Within months, i think we can see Erdogan in Cairo. UAE and Saudi Arabia have normalized their relation with Turkey again. And MBS will probably visit Turkey after visiting Egypt Cyprus and Greece. There is rumors that KSA will buy huge number of Akinci drones.

@Gomig-21 @The SC
Your thoughts?
They are still negotiating for the Akinci..and maybe TB2 too..all with ToT..
The Turkish finance minister is planning a visit to Egypt next month. Within months, i think we can see Erdogan in Cairo. UAE and Saudi Arabia have normalized their relation with Turkey again. And MBS will probably visit Turkey after visiting Egypt Cyprus and Greece. There is rumors that KSA will buy huge number of Akinci drones.

@Gomig-21 @The SC
Your thoughts?

Akıncı system signed the 3rd export contract recently, but the country was not disclosed. I didn't know KSA was one of the potential customers, but it wouldn't be a surprise if there is a target to return to pre-2015 levels in KSA-TR relations. The first external customer of the MILGEM system was KSA for example, which also included an extensive capability transfer, but the deal was canceled due to the deterioration of relations. The most pressing issue for KSA at the moment may be related to the production of strategic level unmanned systems and weaponary.

Regarding Egypt-Turkey relations, from my perspective, it is not pragmatic to have a pointless resentment to Egypt, while developing diplomatic relations with, for example UAE, Iran or even trying to reopen the channel of dialogue with Israel etc... On the other hand, while I am one of those who want this to happen the most, such a thing(I mean leaders meeting like you said) does not seem possible in the short term. However, in any case, the emerging new regional factors will have an effect that will bring the public opinion of both countries closer. Important paradigm shifts await us in the region.
Akıncı system signed the 3rd export contract recently, but the country was not disclosed. I didn't know KSA was one of the potential customers, but it wouldn't be a surprise if there is a target to return to pre-2015 levels in KSA-TR relations. The first external customer of the MILGEM system was KSA for example, which also included an extensive capability transfer, but the deal was canceled due to the deterioration of relations. The most pressing issue for KSA at the moment may be related to the production of strategic level unmanned systems and weaponary.

Regarding Egypt-Turkey relations, from my perspective, it is not pragmatic to have a pointless resentment to Egypt, while developing diplomatic relations with, for example UAE, Iran or even trying to reopen the channel of dialogue with Israel etc... On the other hand, while I am one of those who want this to happen the most, such a thing(I mean leaders meeting like you said) does not seem possible in the short term. However, in any case, the emerging new regional factors will have an effect that will bring the public opinion of both countries closer. Important paradigm shifts await us in the region.
There is a new alliance between the Arab countries Israel and big chances Turkey to fight against Iran. Maybe that's why we (Arabs and Turkey) are allying so Sunni vs Shiaa. First we must know if Erdogan will win 2023 election yes or no hahahaha.
There is a new alliance between the Arab countries Israel and big chances Turkey to fight against Iran. Maybe that's why we (Arabs and Turkey) are allying so Sunni vs Shiaa. First we must know if Erdogan will win 2023 election yes or no hahahaha.
Turkey cannot take part in any sectarian polarization due to its current conditions. Important part of the Turkish minorities in the region outside the Turkish borders are Shiites, and due to the religious composition of Turkey's eternal friend and brother Azerbaijan, this type of situation could creates fault lines that can be used against Turkey by some external factors.

This is not the issue that will bring Turkey and Egypt closer. It should address the issue on the basis of geopolitics and the common interests of countries rather than sectarian grounds.

I'm not sure if the elections will have a dramatic effect. Already significant progress has been made in the exploratory talks that have been going on for about a year. And more importantly, with the overcoming of the Qatar crisis, the resolution of the problems with other gulf countries, which could play a motor role in the dialogue process between Egypt and Turkey, and thus the melting of the ice with Turkey, are positive factors.

The world is entering a truly chaotic and risky period. There are many issues that these states can help each other in order to emerge stronger and more sovereign from this process. As the traditional structure that exploits each of us and aims to destroy our own national interests for its purposes is eroding and crumbling, we cannot allow it to be replaced by a new one. There are more important things than RTE or Es Sisi's personal stubbornness. And the establisment of both states should be quite aware of these issues.
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I really wasn’t expecting an F-4 to be in a good condition, but yeah here it is:


In front of it is the first F-16 to enter service with the EAF, originally a Block 15, to the right is the “end of the branch”, the Block 52 and to the left is the Block 40, the one forming up most of the EAF fleet.
The best thing in the 40th EAF F-16 anniversary is the F-4, at least we know it’s also the 42nd anniversary for it!
I really wasn’t expecting an F-4 to be in a good condition, but yeah here it is: View attachment 847759
View attachment 847763
In front of it is the first F-16 to enter service with the EAF, originally a Block 15, to the right is the “end of the branch”, the Block 52 and to the left is the Block 40, the one forming up most of the EAF fleet.
The best thing in the 40th EAF F-16 anniversary is the F-4, at least we know it’s also the 42nd anniversary for it!
Looking sexy hahahaha. I am sure @Gomig-21 will love this pic

Isn't sus that US Air Force came to Egypt for the F-16 annicersary, and we are talking a lot about our Air Force situation with USA. There is something between Egyptian Air Force and USA.
Looking sexy hahahaha. I am sure @Gomig-21 will love this pic

Interestingly enough, it seems that the majority of the Phantoms in the EAF are still fully operational in both squadrons which is a miracle, but very odd how we NEVER see them flying in any of the exhibitions or exercises since basically as early as 2014 or so. How they're still operational is beyond me.

So Lockheed Martin top executives are in that lineup for the F-16 40th anniversary and looking at all the aircraft present, it makes you think yes the US has delivered a lot of F-16s but we know the main story with them, even though they're still very potent and useful, especially when flying in tandem with Rafales and sharing data, and the C-130s are great but also getting old and the two or so that crashed were HORRIBLE crashes unfortunately, the Apachs and the 4 Blackhawks and that pretty much makes up the American-made fleet in the EAF. The Sea King Commando I thought was British? I might be wrong but there really isn't a huge American aircraft component in the EAF when you really look at it that way, until maybe if and when the F-15 Eagle arrives.

They should ask the people from LM why the F-35 was denied to Egypt? I bet they would say "we don't really know, ask congress lol" but we all know the main reason, and it really isn't so much the Israelis (while they certainly have something to do with it) as it is the distrust the US has with us because of our neutral policy and friendship with Russia. They think it would be shown to the Russians to help them understand more about it and create counter-weapons to defeat it. Sad...

I believe there are just over 5000 F-16 built since the first one and the 4000th one was built and delivered to the EAF.


BTW, the current commander of the Egyptian Air Force Air Marshall Mohammad Abbas Helmy was an F-4 Phantom pilot.


Poor fella was tasked to pilot that flying turd lol. What he's done to the EAF since he was appointed in 2018 has been amazing, especially with the amount of training and flying hours the current pilots have been getting. This is how it's done, appoint by merit and qualification and not like the old, corrupt ways of predecessors.
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Nice diagram of the major systems on the EAF's Ka-52 Nile Crocodile.


MAWS - Missile Approach Warning System
RWR - Radar Warning Receiver
LWR - Laser Warning Receiver
DIRCM - (same thing as the President S. system) Directional Infra Red Counter Measures
And the unique and advanced French-built OES-52 we already talked about.
BTW, the current commander of the Egyptian Air Force Air Marshall Mohammad Abbas Helmy was an F-4 Phantom pilot.
I know, learned that from one of the patches he wore during a flight in the back seat of an F-16D.
What he's done to the EAF since he was appointed in 2018 has been amazing
I’m getting the same vibe.
The Egyptian army deals with the new Brazilian cruise missile and the naval arsenal with the Korean Samsung
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