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Egyptian Armed Forces

Imagine combining Ukrainian Stugna P with remote control screen with a tripod that can carry 2-4 missiles and has 10km range guided by laser or optical guided with optional Javelin guidance fire and forget capability and top attack or direct.

Anyways is the TOWs the Egyptians buying the wireless version?
SERDAR Anti-Tank Missile Launching System

Imagine combining Ukrainian Stugna P with remote control screen with a tripod that can carry 2-4 missiles and has 10km range guided by laser or optical guided with optional Javelin guidance fire and forget capability and top attack or direct.

Anyways is the TOWs the Egyptians buying the wireless version?

RF links replace the legacy wire-guided system with it becoming a command data link missile with the following improvements:

  • Greater reliability
  • Enhanced overwater performance
  • No power line restriction
  • Enhanced combined arms applications in urban environments
  • Performance to longer range
Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar, Algeria and Morocco..all operate the Stugna-P also called Skif..
I am not sure that Egypt operates Skif ATGM. We didn't see in any exercises. I think the Arab operator, who ordered the Skif but Ukrainian army didn't give because of the war, was Iraq and not Egypt
Awesome. I tried enlarging that to read the details but it wouldn't let me.

$671 million LMAO! Honestly, what a ripoff! US is trying to stick it to Egypt for all the years of freebees and then going off and buying billions of $ worth of Russian stuff from the SAMs to MiG-29s to Ka-52. This is good ol' American revenge loool, bastards. :D Not to mention Egypt already has TOWs in huge amounts (and they assemble them in Egypt) as well as huge amounts of other types of ATGMs. This is almost a worthless deal where the money could've been spent on much more urgent needs.

Although this could be the wheelin' & dealin' before the big F-15 and AMRAAM deal, never know.

But this deal is almost as horrible as the Apache refurbishing for $2.4 billion!!! We bought 2 squadrons of Rafales for that amount of money and what does that get you with the US? A refurbishing of your 46 Apache helicopters and not even including the Long Bow radar LMFAO!!!! That's probably the WORST deal ever.
Egypt.. 2,000 TOW 2A anti-armor guided missiles with an estimated cost is $99 million.



A good information:
Egypt in cooperation with Russia will make 100 T-90MS by 2025 and will reach 500 by 2030

I am not sure that Egypt operates Skif ATGM. We didn't see in any exercises. I think the Arab operator, who ordered the Skif but Ukrainian army didn't give because of the war, was Iraq and not Egypt
Egypt is considering the purchase of advanced anti-tank guided missile system “Skif”


State Kyiv Design Bureau Luch has also completed the first round of negotiations with Egypt for Vilkha M multiple launch missile system.

VilkhaM MLRS


As of 2022.. Egypt is operating the Skif ATGM.. according to:

The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) (2022), The Military Balance 2022 (in German) (1st ed.), London: Routledge, ISBN 978-1-032-27900-8
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Egypt is considering the purchase of advanced anti-tank guided missile system “Skif”

View attachment 845681

State Kyiv Design Bureau Luch is also completed the first round of negotiations with Egypt for Vilkha M multiple launch missile system.

VilkhaM MLRS
View attachment 845680


As of 2022.. Egypt is operating the Skif ATGM.. according to:

The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) (2022), The Military Balance 2022 (in German) (1st ed.), London: Routledge, ISBN 978-1-032-27900-8
I read this report but still they are speculation. I hope that is true so we can have modern MLRS and new ATGM (maybe to replace our AT-3 Sagger)

Is AT-3 Sagger our main ATGM for our infantry or what?
I read this report but still they are speculation. I hope that is true so we can have modern MLRS and new ATGM (maybe to replace our AT-3 Sagger)

Is AT-3 Sagger our main ATGM for our infantry or what?
TOW, Milan and Sagger3..I bet Skif is there too now.. Apart from the Chinese ones and the Kornet..

The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) (2022), The Military Balance 2022 (in German) (1st ed.), London: Routledge, ISBN 978-1-032-27900-8

If it really is an IED Jammer, it didn't seem to do its job very well in this instance. Not sure it if should be at the head of the column to be effective instead of 2nd in line. Although another inexplainable is why didn't the front MRAP trigger the IED.

View attachment 845566

View attachment 845567

Leading the column in this case.

View attachment 845565

It was also present in the one column where the M60A3 tank driver saw the suicide car approaching and then ran over it. Although after the car was crushed and most people were able to get to a safe distance, the car bomb did go off. Makes one wonder a little as to the efficacy of this thing. Although we don't really know how many times it has been successful, either.

EAF Rafale pilot with the 34th Wild Wolves Flock squadron.

View attachment 845571

@The SC @Philip the Arab , that flying object almost looks exactly like one of these surface to sea rockets.

View attachment 845576

I just happen to stumble on it looking for something else I forget. But just try googling "Egyptian Mirage 5D" or similar and you might get it. Belongs on a 1 page forum of model collectors, I believe.

Speaking of models, they always seem to have rare pics on their boxes, just like this one! What a beauty.

View attachment 845581

Hard to tell since the tweet doesn't specify it and at least I can't enlarge the attached detailed sheet. Knowing the TOW 2A comes in both, wireless and wire-guided, the former being a bit more advanced would be ultimately preferred over the latter. Let's hope that's the one the ordered.

But the other main question is that it seems like misguided funds, no pun intended. Since the Egyptian armed forces have a plethora of ATGMs of all types, they could use an infantry/soldier kit all around upgrade that seems much more important than upgrading their current and huge inventory of almost 1.400 TOW BGM-71D, that are even locally made. Almost $700 million!? So this purchase is a bit weird IMO. But then again, I'm always the pessimist which gets me in trouble with the fellas lol.
Normally with this missile it is important to get M41 Improved Target Acquisition System (ITAS).. Possibly included under the phrase (related equipment)..
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Egypt.. 2,000 TOW 2A anti-armor guided missiles with an estimated cost is $99 million.

I guess there's quite the inflation from 2007 to 2022. I wrote $671 million when the tweet and the attached official statement actually said $691 million for 5000 units & technical support etc. 5000 units in 2007 would've cost $250 million. It's crazy expensive and only an indication that if Egypt has to pay for the F-15s, I can only cringe at what the cost will be for just 24 aircraft.
I guess there's quite the inflation from 2007 to 2022. I wrote $671 million when the tweet and the attached official statement actually said $691 million for 5000 units & technical support etc. 5000 units in 2007 would've cost $250 million. It's crazy expensive and only an indication that if Egypt has to pay for the F-15s, I can only cringe at what the cost will be for just 24 aircraft.
I think Egypt will get 24 F-15 advanced version (if we decided to go with it) and then maybe we will have increase our number to another 25 aircrafts (maybe in 2035 or more).
For me, if EAF decided to go with the F-15 deal, it would far more interesting than SU-35. I am sure the EAF will ask to uograde spme of our F-16 fleet with new armaments (AIM-120 missiles etc...). So logically F-15+F-16 deal is better than SU-35.
Egypt should ideally replace older ATGMs with two missile types.

Long range missile such as the Skif and a man portable ATGM with medium range.

These two would replace everything else in service which are reaching obsolescence.

Wonder if EDGE will get into producing ATGMs, wouldn’t be that hard theoretically.
TOW missile in Egypt


It is related to Egypt owning 1,500 launchers on various armored vehicles, jeeps and Hummers

The missile is produced and developed locally, and it is a kind of financing Egyptian factories by assigning local implementation work. It has entered the production line in Egypt as an alternative to the Swingfire missile since 1993.

Egypt has more than 20,000 TOW missiles, sold 5,000 since the eighties. The new deal is believed to replace the first copies of it

The TOW missile, as a result of the development of technology, has a range that rises to 7.25 km instead of 4.5 km in the latest American versions
The Ukrainian and Chinese missiles that carry out the top ceiling attack operations are currently the main one

In the nineties, Egypt obtained 250 Kornet missiles for the Egyptian special forces from one of the European countries, not Russia

In 2013, Egypt purchased large stocks of the AT-5 missile, followed by 2014 a batch of Kornet missiles with local production licenses. The reasons for local production in general are the development of the missiles in terms of destructive power.

The reasons for local production in general are the development of missiles in terms of destructive power. The HJ-8 missile has a penetration capacity of 1400 mm, and the latest version, HJ-11, has a range of 5.3 km, with the same penetrating ability, with laser guidance, and against low-altitude air strikes. Helicopter

The French MMP missile The Egyptian contracts are low, as they may not exceed 250 missiles, and they are not large purchases yet
Mostly for the Thunderbolt Forces and Navy Special Forces


The TOW missile is not a good option to buy, but the launchers and launcher have a range of 10 km for use in reconnaissance missions
Others as well. Currently, America launches a Loitering Munition plane from the TOW missile launcher Loitering ammunition
I think Egypt will get 24 F-15 advanced version (if we decided to go with it) and then maybe we will have increase our number to another 25 aircrafts (maybe in 2035 or more).
For me, if EAF decided to go with the F-15 deal, it would far more interesting than SU-35. I am sure the EAF will ask to uograde spme of our F-16 fleet with new armaments (AIM-120 missiles etc...). So logically F-15+F-16 deal is better than SU-35.

Completely agree. That's exactly what I said in one of my previous posts when I listed the pics of all the fighters that would be in the EAF and the last one was the Su-57. Simply because they need to get a 5th gen as soon as possible so they are in the stealth technology game as well as have access to potent Russian missiles/weapons (now that the Su-35 deal would be out the window) AND to keep the different "sources" available. Of course the F-15 would only be accepted under 2 conditions - 1) they're newly built platforms in the EX sample with the AESA radar and 2) the AIM-120 is included along with equipping 100 F-16s with them as well as JDAM kits. They can try to include the AIM-9X but I think that might be pushing it lol.

In order for the EAF to give up the Su-35SE deal where they're probably all built already and just finalizing testing and when they would come with a huge list of powerful weapons (especially air to air), then the EAF deserves a BETTER option than the Su-35 and that would be at least what I listed.

But yeah, if you think about the big picture; they'll have the F-16, Rafales and F-15s. That's a very potent and deadly combination and with huge numbers of MiG-29M/M2 and MiG-35s, the only thing that's missing is the Su-57.
Completely agree. That's exactly what I said in one of my previous posts when I listed the pics of all the fighters that would be in the EAF and the last one was the Su-57. Simply because they need to get a 5th gen as soon as possible so they are in the stealth technology game as well as have access to potent Russian missiles/weapons (now that the Su-35 deal would be out the window) AND to keep the different "sources" available. Of course the F-15 would only be accepted under 2 conditions - 1) they're newly built platforms in the EX sample with the AESA radar and 2) the AIM-120 is included along with equipping 100 F-16s with them as well as JDAM kits. They can try to include the AIM-9X but I think that might be pushing it lol.

In order for the EAF to give up the Su-35SE deal where they're probably all built already and just finalizing testing and when they would come with a huge list of powerful weapons (especially air to air), then the EAF deserves a BETTER option than the Su-35 and that would be at least what I listed.

But yeah, if you think about the big picture; they'll have the F-16, Rafales and F-15s. That's a very potent and deadly combination and with huge numbers of MiG-29M/M2 and MiG-35s, the only thing that's missing is the Su-57.
Sadly I have a big doubt about SU-57 like I said in previous posts. Russia can't mass produce it so how they will produce it for other foreign countries.
Sadly I have a big doubt about SU-57 like I said in previous posts. Russia can't mass produce it so how they will produce it for other foreign countries.

Plus this war isn't helping that cause, either. The way I look at it is they currently have 4 completed production models, aside from the 10 prototypes. The VVS I think has ordered 78, or something like that? So if the war wraps up in the next couple of months and they get back on track, they can have half that number of aircraft built for the VVS by 2025. By then the EAF should have their F-15s arriving around the same time, then they can negotiate a contract for the Su-75 to commence as soon as they finish the VVS' order which should be around 2027 or so. Then the EAF starts receiving them around 2030 give or take.

Otherwise, what is the other option? J-20 is not for export. China has already claimed that if I'm not mistaken. Besides, that aircraft is really designed for a massive territory just like China because it carries A LOT of fuel. It might not be the practical choice for the EAF anyway. Not sure where the J-31 is at. That might be right along the same process as the Checkmate.

The Checkmate won't go into production until 2027.


Now if this aircraft is not being built for the VVS and is strictly for export contracts like they claimed it would be at the unveiling, then this might be the better option as far as timing is concerned. However, that might not be so smooth with all the required testing time that would be needed before they can produce contracted platforms. So realistically, that's also the soonest would be 2030 for that platform. The Su-57 is already tested and just needs to be produced with the finalized items taken care of.
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