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Egyptian Armed Forces

Honestly, Sadat wasn't wrong in this situation because Abdel Hakim Amer ordered a fast retreat without plan so it distubed the Army structure in Sinai. So if Sadat ordered a retreat then the Third Army will have the same trauma of 67 and they will retreat like animals without organization.

I've been debating this for over 30 years, now lol. Hey, what's one more time, right?

In reality, there was no retreat involved because on the 17th when it was first reported that the enemy had crossed over with 5 or 6 tanks, Shazly wanted to pull back elements of the 4th armored division from the 3rd army and the 21st armored division from the 2nd army, both of whom were reserves for their respective armies and were originally positioned on the west bank.

So the 21st was the 2nd army's reserve stationed on the west bank of the canal and the 4th armored division was the 3rd army's reserve stationed on the west bank of the canal. Both were ordered to cross to the east to launch the attack (yet another huge blunder by Sadat) to the passes.

So Shazly was basically calling for the 2 armored divisions that had crossed on the 13th from the west to the east to join the 2nd & 3rd army to cross back to their original positions. There was no such thing as "a retreat".

That would've destroyed all hopes for the enemies on the west bank and consolidated the troops and bridgehead on the west bank to prevent any further penetration by the enemy and none of that encirclement would've happened.

To think that Sadat was concerned that the rest of the 95,000 troops -- after all the success of the crossing -- would see the two divisions that had come over as reservist to plan the attack to the passed simply return to the west bank as demoralizing is the epitome of ridiculous.

There's more to it that makes it even more ridiculous such as the 25th division would've remained there and the reserve divisions were equipped with T-62s to boot, making them very suitable in destroying the few enemy tanks and infantry that crossed first.

But in meantime Shazly was right. Today if the Army ordered to retreat we will not the same trauma or anything like the Army of 73. One of the most factor to win a war is the high moral. If they retreated then it will blow the moral of the Third Army. They will say this battalion is retreating

Silly, absolutely silly on Sadat's behalf and clearly he was no military genius who thought he had the pulse of the men. If anyone knew the morale of the men, it was most certainly Shazly and a big reason why he was "chief of staff" and planned the entire crossing and look how that turned out? Look at how things fell apart completely once Sadat took control? That right there should easily tell you who's MUCH more qualified to make those critical decisions which would've altered the result of the war completely in Egypt's favor.

Not even just that, Shazly had planned the reserves of the 4th and 21st to be there exactly for that scenario. He knew the 3 places likely for the enemy to make their crossing since it's a classic pincer maneuver and the narrowest sections of the canal would be the most suitable along with the least defended areas. So he already had 3 spots picked out and ready to defend should anything like what happened take place and what did Sadat do? Ruin it completely!

Then add insult to injury, Shazly even had 2 more plans which were to be used just in case the 4th and 21st failed in their original defenses and that was then to pull back a few squads of Sagger units to cripple the tanks on the bridgehead. The man was a military genius and shame on Sadat for letting his ego ruing the complete victory.

To think that these men, after all the initial success would panic when they saw the 1 division in the north and the other in the south simply go back to their original positions on the west bank is as ridiculous as the order to sacrifice the 25th division and 500 tanks by sending them to the passes without any protection under the ridiculous pretext that it would relieve pressure on the Syrians! By the 14th when that ill-fated disaster took place, the Syrian front had already been stable for 2 days!!! And not only that, but the Jordanian brigade was arriving to reinforce the Syrian positions and Sadat must've known that since Shazly and Gamassy and Ismail all knew it. The only one who dared to speak up was Shazly, Anyway...
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I've been debating this for over 30 years, now lol. Hey, what's one more time, right?

In reality, there was no retreat involved because on the 17th when it was first reported that the enemy had crossed over with 5 or 6 tanks, Shazly wanted to pull back elements of the 4th armored division from the 3rd army and the 21st armored division from the 2nd army, both of whom were reserves for their respective armies and were originally positioned on the west bank.

So the 21st was the 2nd army's reserve stationed on the west bank of the canal and the 4th armored division was the 3rd army's reserve stationed on the west bank of the canal. Both were ordered to cross to the east to launch the attack (yet another huge blunder by Sadat) to the passes.

So Shazly was basically calling for the 2 armored divisions that had crossed on the 13th from the west to the east to join the 2nd & 3rd army to cross back to their original positions. There was no such thing as "a retreat".

That would've destroyed all hopes for the enemies on the west bank and consolidated the troops and bridgehead on the west bank to prevent any further penetration by the enemy and none of that encirclement would've happened.

To think that Sadat was concerned that the rest of the 95,000 troops -- after all the success of the crossing -- would see the two divisions that had come over as reservist to plan the attack to the passed simply return to the west bank as demoralizing is the epitome of ridiculous.

There's more to it that makes it even more ridiculous such as the 25th division would've remained there and the reserve divisions were equipped with T-62s to boot, making them very suitable in destroying the few enemy tanks and infantry that crossed first.

Silly, absolutely silly on Sadat's behalf and clearly he was no military genius who thought he had the pulse of the men. If anyone knew the morale of the men, it was most certainly Shazly and a big reason why he was "chief of staff" and planned the entire crossing and look how that turned out? Look at how things fell apart completely once Sadat took control? That right there should easily tell you who's MUCH more qualified to make those critical decisions which would've altered the result of the war completely in Egypt's favor.

Not even just that, Shazly had planned the reserves of the 4th and 21st to be there exactly for that scenario. He knew the 3 places likely for the enemy to make their crossing since it's a classic pincer maneuver and the narrowest sections of the canal would be the most suitable along with the least defended areas. So he already had 3 spots picked out and ready to defend should anything like what happened take place and what did Sadat do? Ruin it completely!

Then add insult to injury, Shazly even had 2 more plans which were to be used just in case the 4th and 21st failed in their original defenses and that was then to pull back a few squads of Sagger units to cripple the tanks on the bridgehead. The man was a military genius and shame on Sadat for letting his ego ruing the complete victory.

To think that these men, after all the initial success would panic when they saw the 1 division in the north and the other in the south simply go back to their original positions on the west bank is as ridiculous as the order to sacrifice the 25th divison and 500 tanks by sending them to the passes without any protection under the ridiculous pretext that it would relieve pressure on the Syrians! By the 14th when that ill-fated disaster took place, the Syrian front had already been stable for 2 days!!! And not only that, but the Jordanian brigade was arriving to reinforce the Syrian positions and Sadat must've known that since Shazly and Gamassy and Ismail all knew it. The only one who dared to speak up was Shazly, Anyway...:)
Honestly, I respect Sadat Shazly Gamasi Ahmad Ismail. Everyone made all their efforts and their minds so we win and restore our honor after the Naksa. I love Sadat for his brilliant mind games to deceive Israel that we don't have capabilities to fight them and to make the One Eye General more arrogant (he took a big slap because of his arrogance) Shazly for planning the war and Gamasi for preparing every soldiers to fight etc... Everyone played their role perfectly.
Here is a very good documentary explaining how we were preparing for the victory (
What's the mood like in France with Macron winning the elections? I'm glad he won. He was the first French president to ease military sales to Egypt and allow the Rafale (amongst many other incredible weapons systems) to be sold to Egypt including its first BVR missiles and cruise missiles and specifically came out and challenged those who objected Sisi and publicly denounced him with their usual BS reasoning for not wanting to sell weapons to Egypt. The usual baloney. Not sure Le Pen was going to be as friendly even though she welcomed Sisi's well-wishes.
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What's the mood like in France with Macron winning the elections?
The mood here is very disputed. The rate of abstention was very high it was record for them. Even after the announcement of the votes, there was smalls protest against Macron. I think everybody chose the best of the worst. They label Macron as the president of the rich. Plus Sisi pocketed him already hahaha. There is a big probabilty that the PM will be far left named Jean Luc Melanchon because he was third candidate after Macron and Le Pen. The difference between Jean Luc Melanchon and Marine Le Pen was 500 00 voters. If Melanchon's Party (La France Insoumise=) wins the parliamentary election next June, he will be the PM and France will return to a period when the President was Right and his PM was Left and vice versa exactly during Mitterand (Left) Jacque Chirac (RIght) era.
I don't know, guys, these men were super brave to go to war in these death traps!
Imagine 4 burly MEN fitting in that tight, heap of cheaply made thin metal!?

The description for this pic says it's Egyptian but I think it might be Iraqi?

View attachment 837235

Hard to find more recent pics of Egyptian T-62s. If anyone has any, please post them.
It is Egyptian T-62. It has BMP-3 fire control system and thermal sleeve on it's 115mm gun. I think this is RO-115 Mk.I, but I also believe this vehicle was never adopted in service, as I haven't seen more pictures of it in service. So it probably only served as testbed/prototype before T-62E MkII were adopted.

Anyway, here's some quite recent pictures of Egyptian T-62E. In the past they were used by units near Suez canal, not sure about current situation, but some time ago they appeared near the border with Libya. They are still in service as you can see.
T-62E (3).png
T-62 (7).jpg
T-62E (4).png
T-62E (7).jpg
Tell me more about the conversions that were related to the chamber of the Maadi, I’m listening...
I’ve didn’t state that Egypt should go for 5.56 though I highly believe it should. Either way the Bren 2 can fire both calibers (AFAIK depending on the buyers request).

APCs would easily be destroyed by tanks and ATGMs, you must understand that in land warfare, especially in Egypt’s case, it’s a first shoot first kill, simply translated into gunnery with better range and accuracy. Such is applied to tanks and infantry is no exception to this “rule”. AK designs, with their stock fusion to the rest of the rifles body, are obviously horrible when it comes to recoil, hence are terribly inaccurate when it comes to automatic firing. Perhaps you’d like to declare automatic firing as something useless for infantry too?

Either way, attached below is a brochure for the Mark II;
View attachment 837471
The Mark II with two locally produced optics:View attachment 837474
View attachment 837473
And side to side with the early gen Maadi Misr in Factory 300
View attachment 837475
I did not know that tanks can be neutralized by 100m of extra firing range from a bren. Automatic fring in long ranges is a death sentemce trigger discipline is a thing even in close quarters. A combined arms warfare will be centered around a mechanized force and what determines the battles are tanks in an open ground and anti tank marksmen and CAS in an open field like northern sinai. Apcs will always be behind tanks a very small difference in range between combat rifiles will not determine the winner and isnt nessacry at all to replace 5 decades worth of experince and loads of ammo and facilities built upon the ak for a less reliable with a lighter round because of "recoil" you act like the aks recoil is like a truck snatching your shoulder

Honestly, I respect Sadat Shazly Gamasi Ahmad Ismail. Everyone made all their efforts and their minds so we win and restore our honor after the Naksa. I love Sadat for his brilliant mind games to deceive Israel that we don't have capabilities to fight them and to make the One Eye General more arrogant (he took a big slap because of his arrogance) Shazly for planning the war and Gamasi for preparing every soldiers to fight etc... Everyone played their role perfectly.
Here is a very good documentary explaining how we were preparing for the victory (
Abd el menaem ryad for being the wide thinking and the morale expert
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The ones who almost never show up on military videos like that squadron that has no insignias or flags who bombed al watiya airbase. The rafale ones are among the best. And a ton of veterans with over 3000 hours on the f16s
We don't know who really bombed Watiya airbase. There is a big chance France with the cooperation of Egypt and UAE.


Maybe more are hidden..
That is the Special Forces hahaha not the elite squadron of our Air Force
It is Egyptian T-62. It has BMP-3 fire control system and thermal sleeve on it's 115mm gun. I think this is RO-115 Mk.I, but I also believe this vehicle was never adopted in service, as I haven't seen more pictures of it in service. So it probably only served as testbed/prototype before T-62E MkII were adopted.

Anyway, here's some quite recent pictures of Egyptian T-62E. In the past they were used by units near Suez canal, not sure about current situation, but some time ago they appeared near the border with Libya. They are still in service as you can see.View attachment 837767View attachment 837768View attachment 837769View attachment 837770View attachment 837771

Very nice, thank you! I did actually have a couple of those, mainly the ones where they're lined up for inspection with the rest of the armored corp.

They definitely need to get rid of them now. There's no use for those death traps in this day and age. Especially with the new types of ATGMs out there as well as the new defensive technology in new tanks like APS and explosive armor etc. These things are beyond obsolete lol.

As for the places of the fortress, there is a fortress of Tebah Al-Shajara in Ismailia and another fortress in Oyoun Musa in Suez, and it is allowed to visit them

Helwa awi ya Basha. The other one is also very well preserved. They put mesh on all the cobble stones so they don't move or collapse and they also preserved a lot of the interior items such as the cots (beds), there is a torah on the desk as well as Jewish notebooks and toothpaste with Hebrew righting on it lol. Good stuff.

@The SC @Gomig-21 what is our most elite Air Force squadron if you have any infos

I would say that @Hydration pretty much nailed it with the F-16 Aggressor squadron, but there is also the 272nd Tactical Fighter Wing which is comprised of veteran F-16C/D that participate in conversion training for the pilots who graduate from the Alpha jets to the Vipers.


The ones who almost never show up on military videos like that squadron that has no insignias or flags who bombed al watiya airbase. The rafale ones are among the best. And a ton of veterans with over 3000 hours on the f16s

I used to have a pic of the patch for that aggressor squadron, but lost it in my old laptop that crashed. I lost A LOT of really great pics ugh so bummed out about that. But I would say you're probably right.

The MiG-29M/M2s squadrons as well as the 2 Rafale squadrons are mostly new and young pilots to tell you the truth. I doubt they come near the hours and experience of the 272nd for example.




Rafale pilot with 500 hours, is most likely an instructor as well.



Look at these killers in this killer pic!



Bush sniper lol. Nice M110 riflle.

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Very nice, thank you! I did actually have a couple of those, mainly the ones where they're lined up for inspection with the rest of the armored corp.

They definitely need to get rid of them now. There's no use for those death traps in this day and age. Especially with the new types of ATGMs out there as well as the new defensive technology in new tanks like APS and explosive armor etc. These things are beyond obsolete lol.

Helwa awi ya Basha. The other one is also very well preserved. They put mesh on all the cobble stones so they don't move or collapse and they also preserved a lot of the interior items such as the cots (beds), there is a torah on the desk as well as Jewish notebooks and toothpaste with Hebrew righting on it lol. Good stuff.

I would say that @Hydration pretty much nailed it with the F-16 Aggressor squadron, but there is also the 272nd Tactical Fighter Wing which is comprised of veteran F-16C/D that participate in conversion training for the pilots who graduate from the Alpha jets to the Vipers.

View attachment 838036

I used to have a pic of the patch for that aggressor squadron, but lost it in my old laptop that crashed. I lost A LOT of really great pics ugh so bummed out about that. But I would say you're probably right.

The MiG-29M/M2s squadrons as well as the 12 Rafale squadrons are mostly new and young pilots to tell you the truth. I doubt they come near the hours and experience of the 272nd for example.

View attachment 838046

View attachment 838047

View attachment 838045

Rafale pilot with 500 hours, is most likely an instructor as well.

View attachment 838043

View attachment 838044

Look at these killers in this killer pic!

View attachment 838040

Bush sniper lol. Nice M110 riflle.

View attachment 838048
Looks like the F-16 without the thing is a special squadron. Inshalla 3obal el AMRAAMs
We don't know who really bombed Watiya airbase. There is a big chance France with the cooperation of Egypt and UAE.

That is the Special Forces hahaha not the elite squadron of our Air Force
That's true..
For the air force it is the Rafale and the F-16 Blk 52..

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