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Egyptian Armed Forces

Do you want to know what Israel also objected to the South Korean deal, knowing that the radar system and electronic warfare are being changed for customers in Arab countries?View attachment 784788

Yes, I told @Indos that none of the Arab countries (especially Egypt) would buy that aircraft with Israeli crap in it like the radar and avionics and he told me that crap is no more in that aircraft and they've built a new indigenous AESA and changed the avionics also, making it more appealing to Arab nations, but it still has no internal weapons bays. As nice as it is, I much prefer the Su-57 for Egypt. That's why the Su-35 is so important, as it builds the bridge to the Su-57.
Do you want to know what Israel also objected to the South Korean deal, knowing that the radar system and electronic warfare are being changed for customers in Arab countries?View attachment 784788
Usrael helped only in testing the South Korean AESA rada and components of EW.. But they are opposing like if the systems were theirs or they had participated in their design and conception..Very silly.. and it seems it is getting on the nerves of South Korea..that has upped the ante.. and is escalating the matter..
Usrael helped only in testing the South Korean AESA rada and components of EW.. But they are opposing like if the systems were theirs or they had participated in their design and conception..Very silly.. and it seems it is getting on the nerves of South Korea..that has upped the ante.. and is escalating the matter..

Good for SK. Someone needs to put that little bitch in its place! Who the frig does it think it is!?! Going around like it owns the world and can dictate what it opposes like excuse me? Someone please bitchslap that arrogant, cancerous POS of a filthy entity. Ooof. Bad enough we have to deal with the US and its arrogant crap, which fuels that cancer's nerves. Mal30un abuhom wlad el a7ba.
Good for SK. Someone needs to put that little bitch in its place! Who the frig does it think it is!?! Going around like it owns the world and can dictate what it opposes like excuse me? Someone please bitchslap that arrogant, cancerous POS of a filthy entity. Ooof. Bad enough we have to deal with the US and its arrogant crap, which fuels that cancer's nerves. Mal30un abuhom wlad el a7ba.
They can go milk a moose..Egypt is burning their blood..

There was great cooperation and movement in the past period between Egypt and South Korea, and there were very many meetings, the settlement of differences, frankness, and asking Egypt for public support in North Korea for the file to end the war between the two Koreas, because South Korea chose Egypt to be the only strategic partner in Africa and the Middle East. for their development plans..
There is no Typhoon in the Air Force in the coming period and the replacement of all the old fighters Mirage 5, MiG, Chinese copies, Alpha Jet and all the old fighters. And the Rafale, and it is possible for an additional deal from the Su-35, so Egypt needs at least 200 more fighters, after the armies left the Arab equation, and it really needs another fighter in the ranks of the Air Force.

Interesting! After the Mirage-2000, Egyptian Air Force F-16 Block-52 fighter jets appear for the first time armed with the Emirati-based Al-Tariq precision-guided munitions. Taken in consideration that this would be a sign of US approval on the integration of such munitions.

Courtesy: Mahmud gamal @Twitter
precision-guided munitions (PGM) suppliers

Range up to 40 km

The ability to attack a moving targets or off-track.

Satellite Navigation System / Inertial Navigation System / Infrared Imaging.

Satellite Navigation System / Inertial Navigation System / Semi-active Laser Finder.

Satellite/Inertial Navigation System only.

Bimodal researchers.

Wireless integration or using the MIL-STD-1760 system.

It can be carried by different combat aircraft.

Pre-launch positioning (LOBL) and post-launch positioning (LOAL)

Fire and forget feature, and with high accuracy..


The same features of Al-Tareq S ..However, the LR system includes a suite of wings that increases the range to 120 km
View attachment 784823
Interesting! After the Mirage-2000, Egyptian Air Force F-16 Block-52 fighter jets appear for the first time armed with the Emirati-based Al-Tariq precision-guided munitions. Taken in consideration that this would be a sign of US approval on the integration of such munitions.

Courtesy: Mahmud gamal @Twitter

Two pages back post #8,156 already posted and good following discussions from several members about this new and very interesting development as well as possible future ones that have been missing for a long time now.
This might be a block 2 Al Tariq

The system integration onto a new generation Penetration Warhead is a milestone achievement for the company, making it possible to field such a purpose-built warhead on the guidance kit. This new feature enhances the capability to neutralise strategic infrastructure such as bridges, reinforced shelters, control centres and fortified installations utilising the warhead’s superb penetrating performance.

AL TARIQ is also briefing stakeholders on the enhancements implemented to its family of PGMs, which have recently been updated to the Block 2 specifications. The upgrade boasts a host of latest technology improvements, including an enhanced navigation solution, a new Height-Of-Burst-Sensor (HOBS) capability for airburst applications and a weapon system that is capable of being digitally integrated on aircraft requiring either MIL-STD-1760 or DIGIBUS interfacing.

The upgrade further boosts the integration of AL TARIQ’s PGMs with a new “PowerPack” that equips the weapons with a pre-flight power source, as well as greater mission flexibility through leveraging cockpit fuze programmability. Rendering it highly effective in neutralising its target, the weapons system incorporates the latest Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Receiver technology as well as a highly sophisticated GPS anti-jamming solution.
This might be a block 2 Al Tariq

The system integration onto a new generation Penetration Warhead is a milestone achievement for the company, making it possible to field such a purpose-built warhead on the guidance kit. This new feature enhances the capability to neutralise strategic infrastructure such as bridges, reinforced shelters, control centres and fortified installations utilising the warhead’s superb penetrating performance.

AL TARIQ is also briefing stakeholders on the enhancements implemented to its family of PGMs, which have recently been updated to the Block 2 specifications. The upgrade boasts a host of latest technology improvements, including an enhanced navigation solution, a new Height-Of-Burst-Sensor (HOBS) capability for airburst applications and a weapon system that is capable of being digitally integrated on aircraft requiring either MIL-STD-1760 or DIGIBUS interfacing.

The upgrade further boosts the integration of AL TARIQ’s PGMs with a new “PowerPack” that equips the weapons with a pre-flight power source, as well as greater mission flexibility through leveraging cockpit fuze programmability. Rendering it highly effective in neutralising its target, the weapons system incorporates the latest Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Receiver technology as well as a highly sophisticated GPS anti-jamming solution.

Do you think Egypt will consider it is well armed for it's size
Do you think Egypt will consider it is well armed for it's size
We saw a pic with the Al Tariq on EAF F-16s already so it may already be in use.

The stealth glide weapon or cruise missile from Halcon will be very useful if integrated on EAF F-16s and give them a capability than they never had.
This might be a block 2 Al Tariq

The main question would be if they mount them upside down onto the pylon? That's what it looks like in the pic. The bulge cover for the winglets appears to be on the bottom of the missile as it sits on the pylon in the pic. It makes sense since there doesn't seem to be any mounting holes or brackets on the top of the missile where the winglets cover is. So when it detaches, it probably spins upright then open its winglets as its rocket motor fires up. I think you're right about the block 2, just need to verify it is indeed mounted upside down on the EAF F-16s.
The main question would be if they mount them upside down onto the pylon? That's what it looks like in the pic. The bulge cover for the winglets appears to be on the bottom of the missile as it sits on the pylon in the pic. It makes sense since there doesn't seem to be any mounting holes or brackets on the top of the missile where the winglets cover is. So when it detaches, it probably spins upright then open its winglets as its rocket motor fires up. I think you're right about the block 2, just need to verify it is indeed mounted upside down on the EAF F-16s.
Lol you know how arabs have long names? Those 3 pharoah names are bunched up together to replicate a "kemetic" version 😂
Ya shabab! Ptisi had this article today:


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