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Egyptian Armed Forces

Reports from Cairo suggest that talks are underway between Egypt and French company CILAS, a subsidiary
of ArianeGroup, for the procurement of HELMA-P counter-drone laser systems.
The same reports suggest that such a deal would be worth approximately 200 million US dollars.
The HELMA-P is a high-energy laser system designed to counter asymmetric threats and to detect, track,
identify and neutralize fixed and mobile targets such as drones, rockets, artillery and mortar.
The system can be fixed or integrated into military vehicles, military vessels, and robots, and can be linked
to command and control (C2) systems as well as battle management systems (BMS).
Sources close to the situation say that negotiations between Egypt and CILAS were launched at the
beginning of the year.
The same sources add that the conclusion of the deal for the procurement of this system has been delayed
due to Israeli and US reservations.
However, ever since Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi’s meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali
Bennett last month, Israel is said to have softened its stance towards Egypt’s procurement of HELMA-P
systems, on the condition that CILAS removes advanced tracking software from the systems that will be
provided to Egypt.
Reports from Cairo suggest that talks are underway between Egypt and French company CILAS, a subsidiary
of ArianeGroup, for the procurement of HELMA-P counter-drone laser systems.
The same reports suggest that such a deal would be worth approximately 200 million US dollars.
The HELMA-P is a high-energy laser system designed to counter asymmetric threats and to detect, track,
identify and neutralize fixed and mobile targets such as drones, rockets, artillery and mortar.
The system can be fixed or integrated into military vehicles, military vessels, and robots, and can be linked
to command and control (C2) systems as well as battle management systems (BMS).
Sources close to the situation say that negotiations between Egypt and CILAS were launched at the
beginning of the year.
The same sources add that the conclusion of the deal for the procurement of this system has been delayed
due to Israeli and US reservations.
However, ever since Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi’s meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali
Bennett last month, Israel is said to have softened its stance towards Egypt’s procurement of HELMA-P
systems, on the condition that CILAS removes advanced tracking software from the systems that will be
provided to Egypt.
I disagree with the removal of the advanced tracking system. We can't be second to none anymore. Call me crazy but thats my stance, hopefuly they make their own system that they can integrate.
You got any old examples?
I’m sure Egypt’s sole Hawker Fury had a skull on its engine, I have a photo of that from a Newspaper/magazine. And should you check Ismail Yassin’s movie “Ismail Yassin in the Air Force” you’d see some footages of Egyptian MiG-15/17 with a black snake/dragon on the nose.
Well I do have some 4-5 Amr Diab albums 😋 Oh and one of Dania
No albums for Esseily or Mohammed Mounir?
@Gomig-21 At least one Egyptian MiG-21M had a red lions profile
I disagree with the removal of the advanced tracking system. We can't be second to none anymore. Call me crazy but thats my stance, hopefuly they make their own system that they can integrate.
”Call me crazy” no, you are perfectly right.
I really doubt Israel has a binding agreement to veto such stuff, perhaps they make certain components or have mutual interests somewhere else?
I’m sure Egypt’s sole Hawker Fury had a skull on its engine, I have a photo of that from a Newspaper/magazine. And should you check Ismail Yassin’s movie “Ismail Yassin in the Air Force” you’d see some footages of Egyptian MiG-15/17 with a black snake/dragon on the nose.

No albums for Esseily or Mohammed Mounir?
@Gomig-21 At least one Egyptian MiG-21M had a red lions profile

”Call me crazy” no, you are perfectly right.
I really doubt Israel has a binding agreement to veto such stuff, perhaps they make certain components or have mutual interests somewhere else?
I hope your right, the French are really ticked at the anglosphere alliance, so that would definitely have some sort of affect on egypts behalf. Notice how messy nato is now, turkey is trying to wrestle between 2 powers to get her way with s400 (no one plays superpowers better than misr!) And now they're in the thick of it. France is like I said, not happy. There were even french officials that mentioned to get back at the USA because of this, and Germany wants to do some trade with Russia, but America won't allow this, that caused a bit of fricten between the 2, and lets not forget ukraine...though not in nato, this brings the big bad Kodiak bear next door right on the doorsteps of the eastern European plains. These are indeed interesting, and pretty unsettling times.
Reports from Cairo suggest that talks are underway between Egypt and French company CILAS, a subsidiary
of ArianeGroup, for the procurement of HELMA-P counter-drone laser systems.
The same reports suggest that such a deal would be worth approximately 200 million US dollars.
The HELMA-P is a high-energy laser system designed to counter asymmetric threats and to detect, track,
identify and neutralize fixed and mobile targets such as drones, rockets, artillery and mortar.
The system can be fixed or integrated into military vehicles, military vessels, and robots, and can be linked
to command and control (C2) systems as well as battle management systems (BMS).
Sources close to the situation say that negotiations between Egypt and CILAS were launched at the
beginning of the year.
The same sources add that the conclusion of the deal for the procurement of this system has been delayed
due to Israeli and US reservations.
However, ever since Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi’s meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali
Bennett last month, Israel is said to have softened its stance towards Egypt’s procurement of HELMA-P
systems, on the condition that CILAS removes advanced tracking software from the systems that will be
provided to Egypt.
There is TOT involved.. as it is the Egyptian policy for procurement of new systems..The software purpose and specs can be transferred and Egypt will make its own version based on the tracking specs..That is.. if France acquiesce to the Usraeli demands.. which is doubtful..
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I disagree with the removal of the advanced tracking system. We can't be second to none anymore. Call me crazy but thats my stance, hopefuly they make their own system that they can integrate.

Crazy? No way, you're 150% on the money ya Basha. We're all sick and tired of this crap and had enough of it a long time ago. If we feel this way can you imagine the fellas closer to these deals that have to personally hear these things and deal with them time after time? All these decades of having to settle for less? They must be ready to blow a gasket and it sounds like they've had enough. But even so, Sisi still deals with it diplomatically like a pro. The man is amazingly composed and a true professional. He was always like that, even when he was a simple soldier all the way up the ladder to the head of intelligence and then to the presidency. Always cool, calm and collected and gets things done that way with that cool demeanor.

I really doubt Israel has a binding agreement to veto such stuff, perhaps they make certain components or have mutual interests somewhere else?

Yeah it's like who the frig do these a-holes think they are?! They shouldn't have any clout whatsoever with the French selling Egypt whatever they and we want. I hope the French tell them "sacr leblue couilon va tu fournier"! I think that's the right insult. Wlad el kalb el m3araseen el khawalaat el yahood dol oooof!

that caused a bit of fricten

I see what you did there! :lol:👍
Reports from Cairo suggest that talks are underway between Egypt and French company CILAS, a subsidiary
of ArianeGroup, for the procurement of HELMA-P counter-drone laser systems.
The same reports suggest that such a deal would be worth approximately 200 million US dollars.
The HELMA-P is a high-energy laser system designed to counter asymmetric threats and to detect, track,
identify and neutralize fixed and mobile targets such as drones, rockets, artillery and mortar.
The system can be fixed or integrated into military vehicles, military vessels, and robots, and can be linked
to command and control (C2) systems as well as battle management systems (BMS).
Sources close to the situation say that negotiations between Egypt and CILAS were launched at the
beginning of the year.
The same sources add that the conclusion of the deal for the procurement of this system has been delayed
due to Israeli and US reservations.
However, ever since Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi’s meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali
Bennett last month, Israel is said to have softened its stance towards Egypt’s procurement of HELMA-P
systems, on the condition that CILAS removes advanced tracking software from the systems that will be
provided to Egypt.

It can also bring down ballistic missiles and crusie missiles
I hope your right, the French are really ticked at the anglosphere alliance, so that would definitely have some sort of affect on egypts behalf. Notice how messy nato is now, turkey is trying to wrestle between 2 powers to get her way with s400 (no one plays superpowers better than misr!) And now they're in the thick of it. France is like I said, not happy. There were even french officials that mentioned to get back at the USA because of this, and Germany wants to do some trade with Russia, but America won't allow this, that caused a bit of fricten between the 2, and lets not forget ukraine...though not in nato, this brings the big bad Kodiak bear next door right on the doorsteps of the eastern European plains. These are indeed interesting, and pretty unsettling times.
Personally,the way I see it is that France is the chance to get away from the other pole of the EU,Germany. Germans have displeased a lot of Europeans with their policies shut the immigration issue and also their pro-Ukraine stance that goes against Russia.
Both Egypt and Greece have had good relations with France and I think we can both benefit from them. They want an alliance and closer relations? Good.
And the French make quality equipment.
I think these will be kept in Russia to avoid CAATSA. Expat Egyptian pilots and service crew should be there to operate them.

Nah, that's about as silly as can be, sorry dude. I know there were even Egyptian YouTubers posting videos and saying similar things like that, but it doesn't make any sense whatsoever. One was even claiming they would operate out of Al Jufra airbase but that's about as stupid as can be, since what the heck would be the difference?! They would still belong to Egypt and ownership would be Egyptian and location wouldn't change a thing. And operating them out of Russia is even sillier! Why on earth would the Russians ever allow that? Think about that for a minute.

This is the problem with the Egyptian Armed Forces when they keep things secret and don't announce anything and try to keep things in the shadows etc. This is the result of that crap. They need to end that silliness and either confront the US or not. All this secrecy and in the shadows causes all this other silliness and actually makes them look bad IMO.

We praise them when they do great things, but they also deserve criticism when they act silly like this and screw things up like they've done with this Su-35. If they don't tell the US to go to hell and induct these aircraft and take the hit whatever it is (and it won't be severe I can almost guarantee that because the US sees Egypt as a VERY valuable regional partner, and not just the US, but many of US' allies in Europe such as France, the UK, Italy, Greece of course and many others) they'll look pretty bad in many of our eyes. That's the honest truth because they need to change the status quo. Egypt is not alone anymore and thanks to that idiot Trump, the US has lost a considerable amount of clout around the world and in Europe specifically. So they need to make a statement to show the US they don't have the authority to dictate what Egypt can purchase or not purchase anymore. We need to see this from Egypt because it's now or never. I really hope they don't try dancing around this. Screw the US and their CAATSA ten times over.
Nah, that's about as silly as can be, sorry dude. I know there were even Egyptian YouTubers posting videos and saying similar things like that, but it doesn't make any sense whatsoever. One was even claiming they would operate out of Al Jufra airbase but that's about as stupid as can be, since what the heck would be the difference?! They would still belong to Egypt and ownership would be Egyptian and location wouldn't change a thing. And operating them out of Russia is even sillier! Why on earth would the Russians ever allow that? Think about that for a minute.

This is the problem with the Egyptian Armed Forces when they keep things secret and don't announce anything and try to keep things in the shadows etc. This is the result of that crap. They need to end that silliness and either confront the US or not. All this secrecy and in the shadows causes all this other silliness and actually makes them look bad IMO.

We praise them when they do great things, but they also deserve criticism when they act silly like this and screw things up like they've done with this Su-35. If they don't tell the US to go to hell and induct these aircraft and take the hit whatever it is (and it won't be severe I can almost guarantee that because the US sees Egypt as a VERY valuable regional partner, and not just the US, but many of US' allies in Europe such as France, the UK, Italy, Greece of course and many others) they'll look pretty bad in many of our eyes. That's the honest truth because they need to change the status quo. Egypt is not alone anymore and thanks to that idiot Trump, the US has lost a considerable amount of clout around the world and in Europe specifically. So they need to make a statement to show the US they don't have the authority to dictate what Egypt can purchase or not purchase anymore. We need to see this from Egypt because it's now or never. I really hope they don't try dancing around this. Screw the US and their CAATSA ten times over.
All european countries are US puppets. They take their orders from Washington DC. So dont put your trust in them. They can stab you in the back anytime. Look what happened to Libya? My friend, the day Egypt’s military actually becomes a major threat for the Israeli’s will be the day Egypt will come under sactions. Also most likely a UN arms embargo. You should only buy weapons from Russia and China. They wont limit your military capabilities unlike USA and their puppets in Europe.
All european countries are US puppets.

Up to a certain extent. Times are changing. If that was the case, France would never have agreed to sell us 54 Rafales and also commit verbally to a possible count of 100 aircraft. They wouldn't have sold Egypt 2 helicopter LHDs which were intended for Russia, 3 FREMM frigates (two of which are Italian) 4 Gowind Corvettes, 4 Type 209s even if they're not as capable as the Type 214, they still posses quite the potency as attack submarines and quite notably, 2 A330 MRTTs which buys the EAF tremendous long endurance and increases its range ten-fold. Not to mention France honoring its contract to provide 50 SCALP cruise missiles for the first 24 Rafales AFTER the US stopped the order because of US parts in the missiles. The French went ahead and exchanged those parts with their own and delivered the entire batch with half of them for free because of the delay. That says a lot.

Cruise missiles of that potency were definitely on the list of anti Israeli weapons.

And BTW, don't kid yourself - the Russians and Chinese will do the same exact thing you mentioned should Israel be threatened in anyway. No one wants to be the reason Egypt was able to defeat that cancerous entity.

BUT, you need to realize that is not Egypt's goal. Egypt is not interested in defeating Israel. It's interested in being able to defend itself and strengthen its position and economy to prevent exactly what happened in Libya and Syria, while at the same time go on the offensive should it need to. There is a huge distinction between the two.
@Titanium100 , thank you for the kind words on the other thread. I just wanted to show appreciation for that. But you're too kind, my friend; I merely exist within the veritable shadows of the other brothers you mentioned in that post. :-)

@Philip the Arab , my friend, habib Alby, ya sa3at el basha you in particular, but of course @The SC , @joker87 , @Ramses Akhenaten Ahmose (yalahweteeee that's 3 pharos in one name mesh ma3oul keda ya ragel loool just kidding) @ARCH٤R @joker87 @Titanium100 and of course, our Greek Brother @Foinikas and everyone else, take a close look at this super, super, super fascinating development and what do you fine folks think about THIS!

Click and enlarge full screen if you need to and notice the interesting item and tell me, could this be a sign of things to come for the EAF's F-16 fleet? Bhilip, were you aware of this fascinating new development?


@Beast , the unofficial count of Wing Loongs as well as CH-5s and possibly other Chinese UAVs/UCAVs in the Egyptian Armed Forces is well over 100 units. Do you have any other info from Chinese sources as to that or any other interesting information? Let us know, please, xièxie!




I mentioned this on the Egyptian National and Strategic Development Projects thread opened by the main man SC and how interesting this is that Egypt is in talks with South Korea for providing additional supportive technology for the Dabaa Nuclear Reactors beyond that of Russia -- which is building the the actual reactors -- and they've decided to include the K-9 howitzer in the package with the nuclear technology! In all my years on this earth and following military developments, I've never seen any country make such a fascinating request that is substantially different in inclusive items! lol. Has anyone seen such an interesting mix in a single contract ever? A great sign of Egypt's ability to package items that most likely benefits itself in negotiated price as well as facilitate the option for the supplier in this case, SK. It's just so brilliant IMO.

Click and enlarge full screen if you need to and notice the interesting item and tell me, could this be a sign of things to come for the EAF's F-16 fleet? Bhilip, were you aware of this fascinating new development?
Ya abu Habibulah al Yabani,this looks like an F-16 Viper. Is it true? Weyn at-tayarat??
Ya abu Habibulah al Yabani,this looks like an F-16 Viper. Is it true? Weyn at-tayarat??

Those are two of the current EAF's 23 or so Block 52s. But I will reply in more detail a bit later as I want to see what the other fellas have to say as well. This is a pretty big development.

And as far as the tayarat, I'm assuming you're referring to the Su-35s? I'm leaning much more towards the strong possibility that the contract for those has not been cancelled and they will indeed eventually show face at some point in the near future, not the distant one, either. Most of the people commenting on that status whom are in the know are saying the same thing which makes me lean along those same lines as well.

BUT, that photo does alter the confidence of that outlook a little bit, complicating the whole damn thing! lol.
South Korea offers to transfer military and nuclear technology and shipbuilding to Egypt

There is a high possibility that Samsung will win a contract to build a new naval arsenal worth $1.5 billion in the Suez Canal... and a memorandum of understanding will be signed next November to determine the related agreements before concluding the final contract... and discuss the howitzer deal worth up to $2 billion..

The negotiations around the K9, include the transfer of technology, cannon production lines, ammunition and all artillery equipments..

It is also expected that the final contracts will be signed during the EDEX exhibition at the end of next November

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