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Egyptian Armed Forces

Those are two of the current EAF's 23 or so Block 52s. But I will reply in more detail a bit later as I want to see what the other fellas have to say as well. This is a pretty big development.

And as far as the tayarat, I'm assuming you're referring to the Su-35s? I'm leaning much more towards the strong possibility that the contract for those has not been cancelled and they will indeed eventually show face at some point in the near future, not the distant one, either. Most of the people commenting on that status whom are in the know are saying the same thing which makes me lean along those same lines as well.

BUT, that photo does alter the confidence of that outlook a little bit, complicating the whole damn thing! lol.
No I meant where are these airplanes in the photo
No I meant where are these airplanes in the photo

Oh ok, sorry. Somewhere in Egypt, or possibly in the UAE. I haven't read any literature pertaining to them except the photo description, which didn't mention their location. But the other country mentioned besides Egypt is a big hint.
Those are two of the current EAF's 23 or so Block 52s. But I will reply in more detail a bit later as I want to see what the other fellas have to say as well. This is a pretty big development.

And as far as the tayarat, I'm assuming you're referring to the Su-35s? I'm leaning much more towards the strong possibility that the contract for those has not been cancelled and they will indeed eventually show face at some point in the near future, not the distant one, either. Most of the people commenting on that status whom are in the know are saying the same thing which makes me lean along those same lines as well.

BUT, that photo does alter the confidence of that outlook a little bit, complicating the whole damn thing! lol.
UAE Al-Tariq precision bombs on Egyptian F-16 planes .. Excellent precision bombs ..It is said that Egypt obtained a local manufacturing license for them..this means Egypt got the source code from the US..
These are the roles that the Egyptian F-16 will play in the coming period..
If what I said is true, the F16 entered the development stages of the standard 52 because more than one picture appeared, not more than a fighter with shoulder fuel tanks and with the integration of Al-Tariq and soon other weapons will be combined with the knowledge that it can be combined with the Rafale
Al-Tariq is manufactured in Egypt with German and Emirati technology and also the development has been approved It has to block 52 for the number of 100 fighters, and the order is inevitably coming
Indeed, it was agreed to transfer the K9 cannon technology in a $2 billion deal, and Israel is disturbed by another deal that is being negotiated, including cruises and fighters
The French deal for the Navy is already being negotiated and may enter into force in the first quarter of 2022


  • Egypt-Indra-and-ELINT-FD-radars.pdf
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The Italian frame with 2 also entered into force
The Egyptian exhibition has many surprises. I am going there. Also, the French deal and deals with America are being negotiated
Click and enlarge full screen if you need to and notice the interesting item and tell me, could this be a sign of things to come for the EAF's F-16 fleet? Bhilip, were you aware of this fascinating new development?
I was not aware of this amazing development, it's the 120km range Tariq-LR on EAF F-16s. It seems to be the INS/GPS variant because of the lack of seeker.

It could be that Egypt got the source codes or they were integrated wirelessley and are being dropped as dumb bombs. The pilot has a tablet in his lap and controls the missile through it and there is a preflight power source so aircraft power isnt need.

Amazing development, I hope Halcon missiles can be integrated on EAF aircraft in the future.

UAE Al-Tariq precision bombs on Egyptian F-16 planes .. Excellent precision bombs ..It is said that Egypt obtained a local manufacturing license for them..this means Egypt got the source code from the US..
These are the roles that the Egyptian F-16 will play in the coming period..

That's the super interesting part. Did the US give Egypt the source codes? Since there is no way to integrate any munition on the F-16 without the source codes, the question becomes whether the US gave them to Egypt or did they prop up a tent over the cockpit and position 18 special forces with their M-4s and night vision & infrared goggles to guard the tent while some US military techies plugged in their laptops and inserted the source codes into the system while Egyptian and UAE weapons technicians mounted the missiles and made the necessary connections?

Or they're installed as @Philip the Arab said, wirelessly so no source codes would be required. But that would still require the US' approval.

I'm not sure the US would give them out, just because we're talking about the untrusting American view of Egypt. I could be wrong, it just seems most likely this was the way they handled it, either with the tent lol or allowed the wireless integration.

If what I said is true, the F16 entered the development stages of the standard 52 because more than one picture appeared, not more than a fighter with shoulder fuel tanks and with the integration of Al-Tariq and soon other weapons will be combined with the knowledge that it can be combined with the Rafale

Which poses the question, obviously the MICAs can be integrated to the F-16s as well as possibly the MICA NG when it does become available, but the biggest question will be the Meteor?!?!? What about the AIM-120C-7? Why wouldn't the US at this point furnish the dam missile and gain the profit instead of giving it to the French?!?! This is getting more and more complicated because it raises more questions than it anwsers.

Al-Tariq is manufactured in Egypt with German and Emirati technology and also the development has been approved It has to block 52 for the number of 100 fighters, and the order is inevitably coming.

Wait, what? Please explain because I am confused here. Are you saying the US is going to supply the EAF with 100 new F-16s or they will allow the missiles integration of 100 EAF F-16 that are already part of the EAF? Please explain ya basha.

Also, what does this do to the Su-35S? This seems like reward for canceling the Su-35 because why would the US ever do all this without something in return?! It is a bit disturbing and as I said, this raises more questions than it answers.
I was not aware of this amazing development, it's the 120km range Tariq-LR on EAF F-16s. It seems to be the INS/GPS variant because of the lack of seeker.

It could be that Egypt got the source codes or they were integrated wirelessley and are being dropped as dumb bombs. The pilot has a tablet in his lap and controls the missile through it and there is a preflight power source so aircraft power isnt need.

Amazing development, I hope Halcon missiles can be integrated on EAF aircraft in the future.

View attachment 784757

So the two F-16s are also equipped with the SNIPER-XR pod, meaning that they're most likely integrated through the aircraft's system rather than the use of the tablet, right? Would you think that's more plausible being that they're using the SNIPER-XR to target designate for the Tariqs?
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BTW, it's really hard to tell, but if you enlarge the pic, you can also see something else on the belly of both aircraft, right behind the SNIPER-XR pod. Anyone see that or notice it, and can you tell what it is? Or am I seeing things?
Negotiations with America from 2018 are underway to develop 100 fighters from the Egyptian F16 fleet for Block 52, and more than one fighter appeared with shoulder fuel tanks, knowing that Block 52 there are only 18 fighters after losing two of them. Al-Aramam will appear soon, as previously published by pictures of scavengers and fugitives, at the Arab Defense Forum
BTW, it's really hard to tell, but if you enlarge the pic, you can also see something else on the belly of both aircraft, right behind the SNIPER-XR pod. Anyone see that or notice it, and can you tell what it is? Or am I seeing things?
I do see a Sniper-XR as well, you are correct.

I'm not sure it would be needed to give GPS/INS guidance to the missile or if that's done on the ground based on preplanned targets.
That's the super interesting part. Did the US give Egypt the source codes? Since there is no way to integrate any munition on the F-16 without the source codes, the question becomes whether the US gave them to Egypt or did they prop up a tent over the cockpit and position 18 special forces with their M-4s and night vision & infrared goggles to guard the tent while some US military techies plugged in their laptops and inserted the source codes into the system while Egyptian and UAE weapons technicians mounted the missiles and made the necessary connections?

Or they're installed as @Philip the Arab said, wirelessly so no source codes would be required. But that would still require the US' approval.

I'm not sure the US would give them out, just because we're talking about the untrusting American view of Egypt. I could be wrong, it just seems most likely this was the way they handled it, either with the tent lol or allowed the wireless integration.

Which poses the question, obviously the MICAs can be integrated to the F-16s as well as possibly the MICA NG when it does become available, but the biggest question will be the Meteor?!?!? What about the AIM-120C-7? Why wouldn't the US at this point furnish the dam missile and gain the profit instead of giving it to the French?!?! This is getting more and more complicated because it raises more questions than it anwsers.

Wait, what? Please explain because I am confused here. Are you saying the US is going to supply the EAF with 100 new F-16s or they will allow the missiles integration of 100 EAF F-16 that are already part of the EAF? Please explain ya basha.

Also, what does this do to the Su-35S? This seems like reward for canceling the Su-35 because why would the US ever do all this without something in return?! It is a bit disturbing and as I said, this raises more questions than it answers.

So the two F-16s are also equipped with the SNIPER-XR pod, meaning that they're most likely integrated through the aircraft's system rather than the use of the tablet, right? Would you think that's more plausible being that they're using the SNIPER-XR to target designate for the Tariqs?
Egypt signed the CISMOA agreement with the US in 2018.. It is about time to see some fruits..
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Egypt signed the CISMOA agreement with the US...

Sure, a while ago. Would the source codes fall within the treaty's conditions, or was it only reserved for actual hardware and not software? Not sure, but you make a good point that I forgot about. Probably because it never mattered since they signed it, until maybe now.
I do see a Sniper-XR as well, you are correct.

I'm not sure it would be needed to give GPS/INS guidance to the missile or if that's done on the ground based on preplanned targets.

I suppose we'll find out more as IDEX happens and even EDEX and more information on these missiles and the tablet comes out. Or not, lol. But it's fascinating for sure.
Sure, a while ago. Would the source codes fall within the treaty's conditions, or was it only reserved for actual hardware and not software? Not sure, but you make a good point that I forgot about. Probably because it never mattered since they signed it, until maybe now.

I suppose we'll find out more as IDEX happens and even EDEX and more information on these missiles and the tablet comes out. Or not, lol. But it's fascinating for sure.
The code has been opened for integration and is already under development
Didn't I remind you that development is coming soon
Indeed! Said the same thing it's about effing time! lol But like I said, there's more questions now.

You did. You da man. :-)
Do you want to know what Israel also objected to the South Korean deal, knowing that the radar system and electronic warfare are being changed for customers in Arab countries?

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